1,686 research outputs found

    It's all in the name, or is it? The impact of labelling on health state values

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    Many descriptions of health used in vignettes and condition-specific measures refer to the medical condition. This paper assesses the impact of referring to the medical condition in the descriptions of health states valued by members of the general population. A sample of 241 members of the UK general population each valued 8 health states using time trade-off. All respondents valued essentially the same health states, but for each respondent the descriptions featured either an irritable bowel syndrome label, a cancer label or no label. Regression techniques were used to estimate the impact of each label and experience of the condition on health state values. We find that the inclusion of a cancer label in health state descriptions affects health state values and that the impact is dependent upon the severity of the state. A condition label can affect health state values, but this is dependent upon the specific condition and severity. It is recommended to avoid condition labels in health state descriptions (where possible) to ensure that values are not affected by prior knowledge or preconception of the condition that may distort the health state being valued

    It's all in the name, or is it? The impact of labelling on health state values

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    Many descriptions of health used in vignettes and condition-specific measures refer to the medical condition. This paper assesses the impact of referring to the medical condition in the descriptions of health states valued by members of the general population. A sample of 241 members of the UK general population each valued 8 health states using time trade-off. All respondents valued essentially the same health states, but for each respondent the descriptions featured either an irritable bowel syndrome label, a cancer label or no label. Regression techniques were used to estimate the impact of each label and experience of the condition on health state values. We find that the inclusion of a cancer label in health state descriptions affects health state values and that the impact is dependent upon the severity of the state. A condition label can affect health state values, but this is dependent upon the specific condition and severity. It is recommended to avoid condition labels in health state descriptions (where possible) to ensure that values are not affected by prior knowledge or preconception of the condition that may distort the health state being valued

    Locations of marine animals revealed by carbon isotopes

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    Knowing the distribution of marine animals is central to understanding climatic and other environmental influences on population ecology. This information has proven difficult to gain through capture-based methods biased by capture location. Here we show that marine location can be inferred from animal tissues. As the carbon isotope composition of animal tissues varies with sea surface temperature, marine location can be identified by matching time series of carbon isotopes measured in tissues to sea surface temperature records. Applying this technique to populations of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) produces isotopically-derived maps of oceanic feeding grounds, consistent with the current understanding of salmon migrations, that additionally reveal geographic segregation in feeding grounds between individual philopatric populations and age-classes. Carbon isotope ratios can be used to identify the location of open ocean feeding grounds for any pelagic animals for which tissue archives and matching records of sea surface temperature are available

    Does relatedness influence migratory timing and behaviour in Atlantic salmon smolts?

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    Aggregating and moving with relatives may enable animals to increase opportunities for kin selection to occur. To gain group-living benefits, animals must coordinate their behaviour. Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, demonstrate both territoriality and schooling: the two key social behaviours performed by fish. In this investigation we compared the migratory timing and behaviour of six distinct full-sibling groups of tagged S. salar smolts with a large control sample from the same wild population. The results clearly demonstrate that the incidence of schooling and diel migratory timing is not significantly influenced by relatedness, and this adds further support to the hypothesis that S. salar smolt migration is primarily an adaptive response to environmental conditions, rather than a behaviour based solely on genetics or kin-biased behaviour. Used in conjunction with the results of two previous investigations, this is the first study to illustrate that kin discrimination among full-sibling groups of parr does not lead to kin-biased schooling in smolts. Thus, even within the same full-sibling groups, the extent of kin-biased behaviour in fish can both differ within a life history stage under varying ecological conditions and shift from one life history stage to the next

    A robot trace maker: modeling the fossil evidence of early invertebrate behavior.

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    The study of trace fossils, the fossilized remains of animal behavior, reveals interesting parallels with recent research in behavior-based robotics. This article reports robot simulations of the meandering foraging trails left by early invertebrates that demonstrate that such trails can be generated by mechanisms similar to those used for robot wall-following. We conclude with the suggestion that the capacity for intelligent behavior shown by many behavior-based robots is similar to that of animals of the late Precambrian and early Cambrian periods approximately 530 to 565 million years ago

    Effect of nucleon exchange on projectile multifragmentation in the reactions of 28Si + 112Sn and 124Sn at 30 and 50 MeV/nucleon

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    Multifragmentation of quasiprojectiles was studied in reactions of 28Si beam with 112Sn and 124Sn targets at projectile energies 30 and 50 MeV/nucleon. The quasiprojectile observables were reconstructed using isotopically identified charged particles with Z_f <= 5 detected at forward angles. The nucleon exchange between projectile and target was investigated using isospin and excitation energy of reconstructed quasiprojectile. For events with total reconstructed charge equal to the charge of the beam (Z_tot = 14) the influence of beam energy and target isospin on neutron transfer was studied in detail. Simulations employing subsequently model of deep inelastic transfer, statistical model of multifragmentation and software replica of FAUST detector array were carried out. A concept of deep inelastic transfer provides good description of production of highly excited quasiprojectiles. The isospin and excitation energy of quasiprojectile were described with good overall agreement. The fragment multiplicity, charge and isospin were reproduced satisfactorily. The range of contributing impact parameters was determined using backtracing procedure.Comment: 11 pages, 8 Postscript figures, LaTeX, to appear in Phys. Rev. C ( Dec 2000

    Pollution control can help mitigate future climate change impact on European grayling in the UK

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    Aim: We compare the performance of habitat suitability models using climate data only or climate data together with water chemistry, land cover and predation pressure data to model the distribution of European grayling (Thymallus thymallus). From these models, we (a) investigate the relationship between habitat suitability and genetic diversity; (b) project the distribution of grayling under future climate change; and (c) model the effects of habitat mitigation on future distributions. Location: United Kingdom. Methods: Maxent species distribution modelling was implemented using a Simple model (only climate parameters) or a Full model (climate, water chemistry, land use and predation pressure parameters). Areas of high and low habitat suitability were designated. Associations between habitat suitability and genetic diversity for both neutral and adaptive markers were examined. Distribution under minimal and maximal future climate change scenarios was modelled for 2050, incorporating projections of future flow scenarios obtained from the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. To examine potential mitigation effects within habitats, models were run with manipulation of orthophosphate, nitrite and copper concentrations. Results: We mapped suitable habitat for grayling in the present and the future. The Full model achieved substantially higher discriminative power than the Simple model. For low suitability habitat, higher levels of inbreeding were observed for adaptive, but not neutral, loci. Future projections predict a significant contraction of highly suitable areas. Under habitat mitigation, modelling suggests that recovery of suitable habitat of up to 10% is possible. Main conclusions: Extending the climate-only model improves estimates of habitat suitability. Significantly higher inbreeding coefficients were found at immune genes, but not neutral markers in low suitability habitat, indicating a possible impact of environmental stress on evolutionary potential. The potential for habitat mitigation to alleviate distributional changes under future climate change is demonstrated, and specific recommendations are made for habitat recovery on a regional basis

    Cluster Interpretation of Properties of Alternating Parity Bands in Heavy Nuclei

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    The properties of the states of the alternating parity bands in actinides, Ba, Ce and Nd isotopes are analyzed within a cluster model. The model is based on the assumption that cluster type shapes are produced by the collective motion of the nuclear system in the mass asymmetry coordinate. The calculated spin dependences of the parity splitting and of the electric multipole transition moments are in agreement with the experimental data.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figure

    Is the involvement of opinion leaders in the implementation of research findings a feasible strategy?

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    BACKGROUND: There is only limited empirical evidence about the effectiveness of opinion leaders as health care change agents. AIM: To test the feasibility of identifying, and the characteristics of, opinion leaders using a sociometric instrument and a self-designating instrument in different professional groups within the UK National Health Service. DESIGN: Postal questionnaire survey. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: All general practitioners, practice nurses and practice managers in two regions of Scotland. All physicians and surgeons (junior hospital doctors and consultants) and medical and surgical nursing staff in two district general hospitals and one teaching hospital in Scotland, as well as all Scottish obstetric and gynaecology, and oncology consultants. RESULTS: Using the sociometric instrument, the extent of social networks and potential coverage of the study population in primary and secondary care was highly idiosyncratic. In contrast, relatively complex networks with good coverage rates were observed in both national specialty groups. Identified opinion leaders were more likely to have the expected characteristics of opinion leaders identified from diffusion and social influence theories. Moreover, opinion leaders appeared to be condition-specific. The self-designating instrument identified more opinion leaders, but it was not possible to estimate the extent and structure of social networks or likely coverage by opinion leaders. There was poor agreement in the responses to the sociometric and self-designating instruments. CONCLUSION: The feasibility of identifying opinion leaders using an off-the-shelf sociometric instrument is variable across different professional groups and settings within the NHS. Whilst it is possible to identify opinion leaders using a self-designating instrument, the effectiveness of such opinion leaders has not been rigorously tested in health care settings. Opinion leaders appear to be monomorphic (different leaders for different issues). Recruitment of opinion leaders is unlikely to be an effective general strategy across all settings and professional groups; the more specialised the group, the more opinion leaders may be a useful strategy


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    Contains reports on six research projects.U. S. Public Health Service (B-3055-4, B-3090-4, MH-06175-02)U. S. Air Force (AF49(638)-1313)U.S. Navy. Office of Naval Research (Nonr-1841(70)