14 research outputs found

    Polymorphism in cyclohexanol

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    The crystal structures and phase behaviour of phase II and the metastable phases III0 and III of cyclohexanol, C6H11OH, have been determined using high-resolution neutron powder, synchrotron X-ray powder and single-crystal X-ray diffraction techniques. Cyclohexanol-II is formed by a transition from the plastic phase I cubic structure at 265 K and crystallizes in a tetragonal structure, space group P�4421c (Z0 = 1), in which the molecules are arranged in a hydrogen-bonded tetrameric ring motif. The structures of phases III0 and III are monoclinic, space groups P21/c (Z0 = 3) and Pc (Z0 = 2), respectively, and are characterized by the formation of hydrogen-bonded molecular chains with a threefold-helical and wave-like nature, respectively. Phase III crystallizes at 195 K from a sample of phase I that is supercooled to ca 100 K. Alternatively, phase III may be grown via phase III0, the latter transforming from supercooled phase I at ca 200 K. Phase III0 is particularly unstable and is metastable with respect to both I and II. Its growth is realised only under very restricted conditions, thus making its characterization especially challenging. The cyclohexanol molecules adopt a chair conformation in all three phases with the hydroxyl groups in an equatorial orientation. No evidence was found indicating hydroxyl groups adopting an axial orientation, contrary to the majority of spectroscopic literature on solid-state cyclohexanol; however, the H atom of the equatorial OH groups is found to adopt both in-plane and out-of-plane orientations

    An in vitro approach to understand contribution of kidney cells to human urinary extracellular vesicles

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    Extracellular vesicles (EV) are membranous particles secreted by all cells and found in body fluids. Established EV contents include a variety of RNA species, proteins, lipids and metabolites that are considered to reflect the physiological status of their parental cells. However, to date, little is known about cell-type enriched EV cargo in complex EV mixtures, especially in urine. To test whether EV secretion from distinct human kidney cells in culture differ and can recapitulate findings in normal urine, we comprehensively analysed EV components, (particularly miRNAs, long RNAs and protein) from conditionally immortalised human kidney cell lines (podocyte, glomerular endothelial, mesangial and proximal tubular cells) and compared to EV secreted in human urine. EV from cell culture media derived from immortalised kidney cells were isolated by hydrostatic filtration dialysis (HFD) and characterised by electron microscopy (EM), nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA) and Western blotting (WB). RNA was isolated from EV and subjected to miRNA and RNA sequencing and proteins were profiled by tandem mass tag proteomics. Representative sets of EV miRNAs, RNAs and proteins were detected in each cell type and compared to human urinary EV isolates (uEV), EV cargo database, kidney biopsy bulk RNA sequencing and proteomics, and single-cell transcriptomics. This revealed that a high proportion of the in vitro EV signatures were also found in in vivo datasets. Thus, highlighting the robustness of our in vitro model and showing that this approach enables the dissection of cell type specific EV cargo in biofluids and the potential identification of cell-type specific EV biomarkers of kidney disease.Peer reviewe

    Omics and multi-omics analysis for the early identification and improved outcome of patients with psoriatic arthritis

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    The definitive diagnosis and early treatment of many immune-mediated inflammatory diseases (IMIDs) is hindered by variable and overlapping clinical manifestations. Psoriatic arthritis (PsA), which develops in ~30% of people with psoriasis, is a key example. This mixed-pattern IMID is apparent in entheseal and synovial musculoskeletal structures, but a definitive diagnosis often can only be made by clinical experts or when an extensive progressive disease state is apparent. As with other IMIDs, the detection of multimodal molecular biomarkers offers some hope for the early diagnosis of PsA and the initiation of effective management and treatment strategies. However, specific biomarkers are not yet available for PsA. The assessment of new markers by genomic and epigenomic profiling, or the analysis of blood and synovial fluid/tissue samples using proteomics, metabolomics and lipidomics, provides hope that complex molecular biomarker profiles could be developed to diagnose PsA. Importantly, the integration of these markers with high-throughput histology, imaging and standardized clinical assessment data provides an important opportunity to develop molecular profiles that could improve the diagnosis of PsA, predict its occurrence in cohorts of individuals with psoriasis, differentiate PsA from other IMIDs, and improve therapeutic responses. In this review, we consider the technologies that are currently deployed in the EU IMI2 project HIPPOCRATES to define biomarker profiles specific for PsA and discuss the advantages of combining multi-omics data to improve the outcome of PsA patients

    Structural origins of the differing grain conductivity values in BaZr0.9Y0.1O2.95 and indication of novel approach to counter defect association

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    Proton conducting oxides such as BaCe0.9Y0.1O3-delta have considerable promise for intermediate temperature fuel cells. Unfortunately these tend to be unstable, e. g. to attack by carbonation. Previous work has highlighted the possibility of utilising barium zirconate to provide a chemically stable electrolyte; however such materials are difficult to sinter yielding very high overall resistances. Whilst this sintering problem is soluble, there are still very significant questions about the intrinsic grain conductivity, which varies by orders of magnitude for different reports. Here we demonstrate that there are two variants of BaZr0.9Y0.1O2.95, both with the cubic perovskite structure. The a-form exhibits a slightly smaller unit cell and much lower protonic conductivity than the beta-form. The alpha-form is observed in better equilibrated samples and neutron diffraction demonstrates that this difference originates in a small degree of cross substitution of the Y atom onto the A-sites for the beta-form, suggesting a novel approach to enhance ionic conductivity by reducing defect association through A-site substitution

    Formation of isomorphic Ir3+ and Ir4+ octamers and spin dimerization in the spinel CuIr2S4.

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    Inorganic compounds with the AB2X4 spinel structure have been studied for many years, because of their unusual physical properties. The spinel crystallographic structure, first solved by Bragg in 1915, has cations occupying both tetrahedral (A) and octahedral (B) sites. Interesting physics arises when the B-site cations become mixed in valence. Magnetite (Fe3O4) is a classic and still unresolved example, where the tendency to form ordered arrays of Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions competes with the topological frustration of the B-site network. The CuIr2S4 thiospinel is another example, well known for the presence of a metal-insulator transition at 230 K with an abrupt decrease of the electrical conductivity on cooling accompanied by the loss of localized magnetic moments. Here, we report the determination of the crystallographic structure of CuIr2S4 below the metal-insulator transition. Our results indicate that CuIr2S4 undergoes a simultaneous charge-ordering and spin-dimerization transition-a rare phenomenon in three-dimensional compounds. Remarkably, the charge-ordering pattern consists of isomorphic octamers of Ir83+S24 and Ir84+S24 (as isovalent bi-capped hexagonal rings). This extraordinary arrangement leads to an elegant description of the spinel structure, but represents an increase in complexity with respect to all the known charge-ordered structures, which are typically based on stripes, slabs or chequerboard patterns