39 research outputs found

    Management of Subclinical Hypothyroidism

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    Treatment of subclinical hypothyroidism with levothyroxine may be of most benefit to patients with symptoms suggestive of hypothyroidism and those patients with thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels higher than 10 μIU per mL (10 mIU per L) or positive anti-thyroid peroxidase (TPO) antibodies. Levothyroxine is recommended for pregnant patients. For asymptomatic patients with TSH levels between 4.5 and 10 μIU per mL (4.5 and 10 mIU per L), treatment may not be beneficial, but their thyroid function should be monitored at six- to 12-month intervals. [Strength of recommendation: C, based on expert opinion and systematic reviews with troublesome heterogeneity of disease-oriented evidence

    Does increasing methylphenidate dose aid symptom control in ADHD?

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    Most children with attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) who are started on methylphenidate will respond favorably to a dose increase if the initial dose does not sufficiently reduce symptoms. Once titrated to an effective maintenance dose, frequent follow-up is necessary to monitor for side effects and recurring symptoms. The dose of methylphenidate can then be increased further for better symptom control, which may be warranted in most cases. In some children, methylphenidate may not achieve response even at high doses or may cause intolerable side effects. For these children, start a different stimulant medication (strength of recommendation: B, based on extrapolation of 1 randomized controlled trial)

    Tolerance Potential and Defense Mechanisms of Honey Bees (Apis Mellifera L.) to Varroa Jacobsoni Oud. (Acari: Varroidae) and Acarapis Species (Acari: Tarsonemidae).

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    Comparative resistance or tolerance of four stocks of Apis mellifera L. to Varroa jacobsoni Oudemans, Acarapis dorsalis Morgenthaler, Acarapis externus Morgenthaler and Acarapis woodi (Rennie), was investigated using choice (bioassay) and field experiments. A. m. carnica from Yugoslavia (ARS-Y-C-1), A. m. carnica from Canada (Hastings), F\sb1 hybrid between ARS-Y-C-1 and Hastings and a general Louisiana stock were evaluated. A tolerance index showed that Hastings, ARS-Y-C-1 and F\sb1 hybrid exhibited some degree of tolerance to V. jacobsoni. These stocks lived longer with higher levels of Varroa infestation in worker pupae and on adult honey bees. Louisiana stock was more susceptible to Varroa infestation showing an earlier death with lower levels of infestation. Regardless of the stock, Varroa had similar reproductive success based on the number of mites per infested pupa (1 to 10 mites), number of foundress Varroa per infested pupa (1 to 3 females), number of progeny per female (0 to 5 progeny), number of progeny per infested pupa (0 to 7 progeny), and proportion of infested pupa containing infertile foundresses (0 to 47%). Apparently, differences in the duration of the capped stage of the four stocks did not influence the ability of Varroa to reproduce. ARS-Y-C-1 stock had the longest capped period and the shortest was observed in the F\sb1 hybrid. Louisiana stock seemed to have a better grooming behavior than the three other stocks as shown by the higher number of recovered dead Varroa mites. However, this characteristic did not influence the stock\u27s ability to tolerate mite infestations. ARS-Y-C-1 and the F\sb1 hybrid also showed considerable resistance to A. woodi. Colonies of these stocks consistently maintained about 10% tracheal mite infestations in two field trials. This level is well below the level (25%) reported to cause economic damage in honey bees. Using a bioassay, resistance to A. woodi displayed by ARS-Y-C-1 stock was comparable to that of Buckfast and their reciprocal hybrids. Louisiana and Hastings stocks had the highest levels of tracheal mite infestation. A. dorsalis was most prevalent in the Hastings stock and levels of A. externus were higher on ARS-Y-C-1, F\sb1 hybrid, and Louisiana stocks

    GeneLink: a database to facilitate genetic studies of complex traits

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    BACKGROUND: In contrast to gene-mapping studies of simple Mendelian disorders, genetic analyses of complex traits are far more challenging, and high quality data management systems are often critical to the success of these projects. To minimize the difficulties inherent in complex trait studies, we have developed GeneLink, a Web-accessible, password-protected Sybase database. RESULTS: GeneLink is a powerful tool for complex trait mapping, enabling genotypic data to be easily merged with pedigree and extensive phenotypic data. Specifically designed to facilitate large-scale (multi-center) genetic linkage or association studies, GeneLink securely and efficiently handles large amounts of data and provides additional features to facilitate data analysis by existing software packages and quality control. These include the ability to download chromosome-specific data files containing marker data in map order in various formats appropriate for downstream analyses (e.g., GAS and LINKAGE). Furthermore, an unlimited number of phenotypes (either qualitative or quantitative) can be stored and analyzed. Finally, GeneLink generates several quality assurance reports, including genotyping success rates of specified DNA samples or success and heterozygosity rates for specified markers. CONCLUSIONS: GeneLink has already proven an invaluable tool for complex trait mapping studies and is discussed primarily in the context of our large, multi-center study of hereditary prostate cancer (HPC). GeneLink is freely available at

    Identification of tag single-nucleotide polymorphisms in regions with varying linkage disequilibrium

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    We compared seven different tagging single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) programs in 10 regions with varied amounts of linkage disequilibrium (LD) and physical distance. We used the Collaborative Studies on the Genetics of Alcoholism dataset, part of the Genetic Analysis Workshop 14. We show that in regions with moderate to strong LD these programs are relatively consistent, despite different parameters and methods. In addition, we compared the selected SNPs in a multipoint linkage analysis for one region with strong LD. As the number of selected SNPs increased, the LOD score, mean information content, and type I error also increased

    Importance sampling method of correction for multiple testing in affected sib-pair linkage analysis

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    Using the Genetic Analysis Workshop 13 simulated data set, we compared the technique of importance sampling to several other methods designed to adjust p-values for multiple testing: the Bonferroni correction, the method proposed by Feingold et al., and naïve Monte Carlo simulation. We performed affected sib-pair linkage analysis for each of the 100 replicates for each of five binary traits and adjusted the derived p-values using each of the correction methods. The type I error rates for each correction method and the ability of each of the methods to detect loci known to influence trait values were compared. All of the methods considered were conservative with respect to type I error, especially the Bonferroni method. The ability of these methods to detect trait loci was also low. However, this may be partially due to a limitation inherent in our binary trait definitions

    Asistente estratégico de Catán con CLIPS

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    Durante los últimos años la industria de los videojuegos ha experimentado un enorme crecimiento. También se ha popularizado la digitalización de juegos de mesa tradicionales o nuevos, principalmente por permitir jugar sin necesidad de otras personas. En su lugar, se pueden enfrentar contra jugadores controlados por el ordenador. Este es uno de los principales lazos entre los videojuegos y la Inteligencia Artificial. La técnica de Inteligencia Artificial tratada en este documento es el sistema experto. Consiste en un programa que trata de imitar el comportamiento de un experto para solucionar un problema en un ámbito concreto. Lo hace almacenando la información relevante para el experto y copiando su razonamiento. Se aplica sobre la versión del juego de mesa Colonos de Catán conocida como JSettlers, desarrollada por Jeremy D. Monin. Se centra en la fase de negociación entre jugadores, tratando de encontrar la decisión óptima ante un intercambio durante una partida.During the last years the video game industry has experienced a huge growth. The digitalization of traditional or new board games has also become popular, mainly because it allows to play without the need of other people. Instead, they can be played against computer-controlled players. This is one of the main links between video games and artificial intelligence. The artificial intelligence technique discussed in this document is the expert system. It consists of a program that tries to imitate the behavior of an expert to solve a problem in a specific area. It does it storing the relevant information for the expert and copying his reasoning. It is applied on the version of the board game Settlers of Catan known as JSettlers, developed by Jeremy D. Monin. It focuses on the negotiation phase between players, trying to find the optimal decision before an exchange during a game.Grado en Ingeniería Informátic

    Philippine tamarind seed kernel flour: A study of its qualitative, quantitative properties and its suitability as sizing material

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    This study aims to analyze the constituents of the Philippine tamarind kernel flour, to determine its typical physical and chemical properties, and to compare on a scientific basis the tamarind kernel flour paste with that of cornstarch paste as sizing material. The study also presents a modification of an existing method of preparing the tamarind kernel flour and demonstrates the proper qualitative and quantitative techniques in conducting the tests needed to characterize the paste from the tamarind powder. The experimental method of research was employed in the study. The qualitative analyses of the tamarind flour paste performed were : the iodine reaction to detect the presence of starch, the reaction with alcohol to determine the presence of pectin and albumoid or scleroproteins, and the Fehling\u27s test for reducing sugars. Physical examination was conducted to determine viscosity, sedimentation tendency and stability. Quantitative analyses were carried out to determine the percentage and contents of moisture, total ash, insoluble ash, reducing sugars, fats, pectin, total protein and crude fiber. Gravimetric and volumetric methods were employed in these determinations. All the seeds used were obtained from ripe tamarind after the pulp had been consumed. The seeds were gathered from trees grown from different places in the Philippines. Based on experimental results obtained, it was concluded that no marked difference existed between the tamarind seeds of the Philippines and those of India. The physical and chemical properties of these seeds were similar. It was also found that more flour was produced in the modified preparation than in the mechanized method. The major constituent of tamarind kernel flour from both the Philippines and India was pectin. While cornstarch was readily available and widely used as sizing material, tamarind flour paste performed better. It was also found that tamarind kernel paste started to decompose after 24 hours and completely decomposed with a putrid smell after 48 hours