108 research outputs found

    Analysis of Gene Expression and Physiological Responses in Three Mexican Maize Landraces under Drought Stress and Recovery Irrigation

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    Drought is one of the major constraints for plant productivity worldwide. Different mechanisms of drought-tolerance have been reported for several plant species including maize. However, the differences in global gene expression between drought-tolerant and susceptible genotypes and their relationship to physiological adaptations to drought are largely unknown. The study of the differences in global gene expression between tolerant and susceptible genotypes could provide important information to design more efficient breeding programs to produce maize varieties better adapted to water limiting conditions.Changes in physiological responses and gene expression patterns were studied under drought stress and recovery in three Mexican maize landraces which included two drought tolerant (Cajete criollo and MichoacĂĄn 21) and one susceptible (85-2) genotypes. Photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, soil and leaf water potentials were monitored throughout the experiment and microarray analysis was carried out on transcripts obtained at 10 and 17 days following application of stress and after recovery irrigation. The two tolerant genotypes show more drastic changes in global gene expression which correlate with different physiological mechanisms of adaptation to drought. Differences in the kinetics and number of up- and down-regulated genes were observed between the tolerant and susceptible maize genotypes, as well as differences between the two tolerant genotypes. Interestingly, the most dramatic differences between the tolerant and susceptible genotypes were observed during recovery irrigation, suggesting that the tolerant genotypes activate mechanisms that allow more efficient recovery after a severe drought.A correlation between levels of photosynthesis and transcription under stress was observed and differences in the number, type and expression levels of transcription factor families were also identified under drought and recovery between the three maize landraces. Gene expression analysis suggests that the drought tolerant landraces have a greater capacity to rapidly modulate more genes under drought and recovery in comparison to the susceptible landrace. Modulation of a greater number of differentially expressed genes of different TF gene families is an important characteristic of the tolerant genotypes. Finally, important differences were also noted between the tolerant landraces that underlie different mechanisms of achieving tolerance

    Insights into the differences related to the resistance mechanisms to the highly toxic fruit Hippomane mancinella (Malpighiales: Euphorbiaceae) between the larvae of the sister species Anastrepha acris and Anastrepha ludens (Diptera: Tephritidae) through comparative transcriptomics

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    The Manchineel, Hippomane mancinella (“Death Apple Tree”) is one of the most toxic fruits worldwide and nevertheless is the host plant of the monophagous fruit fly species Anastrepha acris (Diptera: Tephritidae). Here we aimed at elucidating the detoxification mechanisms in larvae of A. acris reared on a diet enriched with the toxic fruit (6% lyophilizate) through comparative transcriptomics. We compared the performance of A. acris larvae with that of the sister species A. ludens, a highly polyphagous pest species that is unable to infest H. mancinella in nature. The transcriptional alterations in A. ludens were significantly greater than in A. acris. We mainly found two resistance mechanisms in both species: structural, activating cuticle protein biosynthesis (chitin-binding proteins likely reducing permeability to toxic compounds in the intestine), and metabolic, triggering biosynthesis of serine proteases and xenobiotic metabolism activation by glutathione-S-transferases and cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase. Some cuticle proteins and serine proteases were not orthologous between both species, suggesting that in A. acris, a structural resistance mechanism has been selected allowing specialization to the highly toxic host plant. Our results represent a nice example of how two phylogenetically close species diverged over recent evolutionary time related to resistance mechanisms to plant secondary metabolites

    Deep sampling of the Palomero maize transcriptome by a high throughput strategy of pyrosequencing

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In-depth sequencing analysis has not been able to determine the overall complexity of transcriptional activity of a plant organ or tissue sample. In some cases, deep parallel sequencing of Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs), although not yet optimized for the sequencing of cDNAs, has represented an efficient procedure for validating gene prediction and estimating overall gene coverage. This approach could be very valuable for complex plant genomes. In addition, little emphasis has been given to efforts aiming at an estimation of the overall transcriptional universe found in a multicellular organism at a specific developmental stage.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To explore, in depth, the transcriptional diversity in an ancient maize landrace, we developed a protocol to optimize the sequencing of cDNAs and performed 4 consecutive GS20–454 pyrosequencing runs of a cDNA library obtained from 2 week-old <it>Palomero Toluqueño </it>maize plants. The protocol reported here allowed obtaining over 90% of informative sequences. These GS20–454 runs generated over 1.5 Million reads, representing the largest amount of sequences reported from a single plant cDNA library. A collection of 367,391 quality-filtered reads (30.09 Mb) from a single run was sufficient to identify transcripts corresponding to 34% of public maize ESTs databases; total sequences generated after 4 filtered runs increased this coverage to 50%. Comparisons of all 1.5 Million reads to the Maize Assembled Genomic Islands (MAGIs) provided evidence for the transcriptional activity of 11% of MAGIs. We estimate that 5.67% (86,069 sequences) do not align with public ESTs or annotated genes, potentially representing new maize transcripts. Following the assembly of 74.4% of the reads in 65,493 contigs, real-time PCR of selected genes confirmed a predicted correlation between the abundance of GS20–454 sequences and corresponding levels of gene expression.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A protocol was developed that significantly increases the number, length and quality of cDNA reads using massive 454 parallel sequencing. We show that recurrent 454 pyrosequencing of a single cDNA sample is necessary to attain a thorough representation of the transcriptional universe present in maize, that can also be used to estimate transcript abundance of specific genes. This data suggests that the molecular and functional diversity contained in the vast native landraces remains to be explored, and that large-scale transcriptional sequencing of a presumed ancestor of the modern maize varieties represents a valuable approach to characterize the functional diversity of maize for future agricultural and evolutionary studies.</p

    Phylogenetic and expression analysis of the NPR1-like gene family from Persea americana (Mill.)

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    The NONEXPRESSOR OF PATHOGENESIS-RELATED GENES1 (NPR1) forms an integral part of the salicylic acid (SA) pathway in plants and is involved in cross-talk between the SA and jasmonic acid/ethylene (JA/ET) pathways. Therefore, NPR1 is essential to the effective response of plants to pathogens. Avocado (Persea americana) is a commercially important crop worldwide. Significant losses in production result from Phytophthora root rot, caused by the hemibiotroph, Phytophthora cinnamomi. This oomycete infects the feeder roots of avocado trees leading to an overall decline in health and eventual death. The interaction between avocado and P. cinnamomi is poorly understood and as such limited control strategies exist. Thus uncovering the role of NPR1 in avocado could provide novel insights into the avocado – P. cinnamomi interaction. A total of five NPR1-like sequences were identified. These sequences were annotated using FGENESH and a maximum-likelihood tree was constructed using 34 NPR1-like protein sequences from other plant species. The conserved protein domains and functional motifs of these sequences were predicted. Reverse transcription quantitative PCR was used to analyze the expression of the five NPR1-like sequences in the roots of avocado after treatment with salicylic and jasmonic acid, P. cinnamomi infection, across different tissues and in P. cinnamomi infected tolerant and susceptible rootstocks. Of the five NPR1-like sequences three have strong support for a defensive role while two are most likely involved in development. Significant differences in the expression profiles of these five NPR1-like genes were observed, assisting in functional classification. Understanding the interaction of avocado and P. cinnamomi is essential to developing new control strategies. This work enables further classification of these genes by means of functional annotation and is a crucial step in understanding the role of NPR1 during P. cinnamomi infection.Student funding was provided by the National Research Foundation and project funding was provided by the Hans Merensky Foundation.http://www.frontiersin.orgam201

    Estudios etnofarmacolĂłgicos de Cecropia obtusifolia (Urticaceae) y su importancia en el tratamiento de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM-2): una mini-revisiĂłn

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    Background and Aims: Diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM-2) is one of the most recurrent chronic diseases worldwide, it is usually treated with synthetic medications, many of which have important repercussions on the patient's body. For this reason, ethnopharmacology has become more important in recent years, because a large number of plant resources origin are used in medicine and are shown as positive effect in the treatment of different diseases, including DM-2. Therefore, the aim of this review is to highlight how previous studies are adding to the understanding and knowledge of the biological effects reported in Cecropia obtusifolia, a tropical plant included in the Herbal Pharmacopoeia of the United Mexican States (FHEUM), which is commonly used to treat DM-2.Methods: A profound literature review was carried out on C. obtusifolia, focusing on diverse phytochemical, pharmacological, clinical and toxicological studies, as well as on some other relevant research findings.Key results: It is recognized that this species is able to decrease serum glucose, cholesterol and triglyceride levels due to its hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic properties, which has been demonstrated both in animal and human experimental models, attributing these effects to chlorogenic acid and isoorientin. These previous reports suggest that C. obtusifolia is a promising candidate for the development of a phytopharmaceutical which could be used in the treatment of DM-2.Conclusions: We provide an updated and complete overview of the phytochemistry, traditional uses, and pharmacological activities of C. obtusifolia. Regarding its pharmacological activities, we focus mainly on the hypoglycemic effect of this plant which supports its traditional use in DM-2 control. Moreover, the present knowledge was critically assessed to provide some evidence and justifications and propose future research prospects.Antecedentes y Objetivos: La diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM-2) es una de las enfermedades crĂłnicas recurrentes mĂĄs comunes, generalmente se trata con medicamentos sintĂŠticos, muchos de los cuales tienen importantes repercusiones en el cuerpo del paciente. Por esta razĂłn, la etnofarmacologĂ­a se ha vuelto mĂĄs importante en los Ăşltimos aĂąos, porque una gran cantidad de recursos de origen vegetal son utilizados en medicina y muestran un efecto positivo en el tratamiento de diferentes enfermedades, incluyendo DM-2. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de esta revisiĂłn es destacar cĂłmo los estudios previos se suman a la comprensiĂłn y el conocimiento de los efectos biolĂłgicos informados en Cecropia obtusifolia, una planta tropical incluida en la Farmacopea Herbolaria de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos (FHEUM), comĂşnmente usada para tratar DM-2.MĂŠtodos: Se realizĂł una revisiĂłn profunda de la literatura sobre C. obtusifolia, centrĂĄndose en diversos estudios fitoquĂ­micos, farmacolĂłgicos, clĂ­nicos y toxicolĂłgicos, asĂ­ como en otros hallazgos relevantes de investigaciĂłn.Resultados clave: Se reconoce que esta especie es capaz de disminuir los niveles sĂŠricos de glucosa, colesterol y triglicĂŠridos, debido a sus propiedades hipoglucĂŠmicas e hipolipidĂŠmicas reductoras de lĂ­pidos, que se han demostrado tanto en modelos experimentales animales como en humanos, atribuyendo estos efectos al ĂĄcido clorogĂŠnico y la isoorienina. Estos informes previos sugieren que C. obtusifolia es un candidato prometedor para el desarrollo de un fitofarmacĂŠutico que podrĂ­a usarse en el tratamiento de DM-2.Conclusiones: Brindamos una visiĂłn general actualizada y completa de la fitoquĂ­mica, los usos tradicionales y las actividades farmacolĂłgicas de C. obtusifolia. En cuanto a sus actividades farmacolĂłgicas, nos centramos principalmente en el efecto hipoglucĂŠmico de esta planta que apoya su uso tradicional en el control de DM-2. AdemĂĄs, el conocimiento actual se evaluĂł crĂ­ticamente para proporcionar algunas pruebas y justificaciones y proponer futuras perspectivas de investigaciĂłn

    Transcriptomics and molecular evolutionary rate analysis of the bladderwort (Utricularia), a carnivorous plant with a minimal genome

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The carnivorous plant <it>Utricularia gibba </it>(bladderwort) is remarkable in having a minute genome, which at ca. 80 megabases is approximately half that of <it>Arabidopsis</it>. Bladderworts show an incredible diversity of forms surrounding a defined theme: tiny, bladder-like suction traps on terrestrial, epiphytic, or aquatic plants with a diversity of unusual vegetative forms. <it>Utricularia </it>plants, which are rootless, are also anomalous in physiological features (respiration and carbon distribution), and highly enhanced molecular evolutionary rates in chloroplast, mitochondrial and nuclear ribosomal sequences. Despite great interest in the genus, no genomic resources exist for <it>Utricularia</it>, and the substitution rate increase has received limited study.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we describe the sequencing and analysis of the <it>Utricularia gibba </it>transcriptome. Three different organs were surveyed, the traps, the vegetative shoot bodies, and the inflorescence stems. We also examined the bladderwort transcriptome under diverse stress conditions. We detail aspects of functional classification, tissue similarity, nitrogen and phosphorus metabolism, respiration, DNA repair, and detoxification of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Long contigs of plastid and mitochondrial genomes, as well as sequences for 100 individual nuclear genes, were compared with those of other plants to better establish information on molecular evolutionary rates.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The <it>Utricularia </it>transcriptome provides a detailed genomic window into processes occurring in a carnivorous plant. It contains a deep representation of the complex metabolic pathways that characterize a putative minimal plant genome, permitting its use as a source of genomic information to explore the structural, functional, and evolutionary diversity of the genus. Vegetative shoots and traps are the most similar organs by functional classification of their transcriptome, the traps expressing hydrolytic enzymes for prey digestion that were previously thought to be encoded by bacteria. Supporting physiological data, global gene expression analysis shows that traps significantly over-express genes involved in respiration and that phosphate uptake might occur mainly in traps, whereas nitrogen uptake could in part take place in vegetative parts. Expression of DNA repair and ROS detoxification enzymes may be indicative of a response to increased respiration. Finally, evidence from the bladderwort transcriptome, direct measurement of ROS <it>in situ</it>, and cross-species comparisons of organellar genomes and multiple nuclear genes supports the hypothesis that increased nucleotide substitution rates throughout the plant may be due to the mutagenic action of amplified ROS production.</p

    Alkamides Activate Jasmonic Acid Biosynthesis and Signaling Pathways and Confer Resistance to Botrytis cinerea in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Alkamides are fatty acid amides of wide distribution in plants, structurally related to N-acyl-L-homoserine lactones (AHLs) from Gram-negative bacteria and to N- acylethanolamines (NAEs) from plants and mammals. Global analysis of gene expression changes in Arabidopsis thaliana in response to N-isobutyl decanamide, the most highly active alkamide identified to date, revealed an overrepresentation of defense-responsive transcriptional networks. In particular, genes encoding enzymes for jasmonic acid (JA) biosynthesis increased their expression, which occurred in parallel with JA, nitric oxide (NO) and H2O2 accumulation. The activity of the alkamide to confer resistance against the necrotizing fungus Botrytis cinerea was tested by inoculating Arabidopsis detached leaves with conidiospores and evaluating disease symptoms and fungal proliferation. N-isobutyl decanamide application significantly reduced necrosis caused by the pathogen and inhibited fungal proliferation. Arabidopsis mutants jar1 and coi1 altered in JA signaling and a MAP kinase mutant (mpk6), unlike salicylic acid- (SA) related mutant eds16/sid2-1, were unable to defend from fungal attack even when N-isobutyl decanamide was supplied, indicating that alkamides could modulate some necrotrophic-associated defense responses through JA-dependent and MPK6-regulated signaling pathways. Our results suggest a role of alkamides in plant immunity induction

    Genome-wide analysis of adaptive molecular evolution in the carnivorous plant Utricularia gibba

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    The genome of the bladderwort Utricularia gibba provides an unparalleled opportunity to uncover the adaptive landscape of an aquatic carnivorous plant with unique phenotypic features such as absence of roots, development of water-filled suction bladders, and a highly ramified branching pattern. Despite its tiny size, the U. gibba genome accommodates approximately as many genes as other plant genomes. To examine the relationship between the compactness of its genome and gene turnover, we compared the U. gibba genome with that of four other eudicot species, defining a total of 17,324 gene families (orthogroups). These families were further classified as either 1) lineage-specific expanded/contracted or 2) stable in size. The U. gibba-expanded families are generically related to three main phenotypic features: 1) trap physiology, 2) key plant morphogenetic/developmental pathways, and 3) response to environmental stimuli, including adaptations to life in aquatic environments. Further scans for signatures of protein functional specialization permitted identification of seven candidate genes with amino acid changes putatively fixed by positive Darwinian selection in the U. gibba lineage. The Arabidopsis orthologs of these genes (AXR, UMAMIT41, IGS, TAR2, SOL1, DEG9, and DEG10) are involved in diverse plant biological functions potentially relevant for U. gibba phenotypic diversification, including 1) auxin metabolism and signal transduction, 2) flowering induction and floral meristem transition, 3) root development, and 4) peptidases. Taken together, our results suggest numerous candidate genes and gene families as interesting targets for further experimental confirmation of their functional and adaptive roles in the U. gibba's unique lifestyle and highly specialized body plan

    Transcriptional profile of Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola NPS3121 in response to tissue extracts from a susceptible Phaseolus vulgaris L. cultivar

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Pseudomonas syringae </it>pv. phaseolicola is a Gram-negative plant-pathogenic bacterium that causes "halo blight" disease of beans (<it>Phaseolus vulgaris </it>L.). This disease affects both foliage and pods, and is a major problem in temperate areas of the world. Although several bacterial genes have been determined as participants in pathogenesis, the overall process still remains poorly understood, mainly because the identity and function of many of the genes are largely unknown. In this work, a genomic library of <it>P. syringae </it>pv. phaseolicola NPS3121 was constructed and PCR amplification of individual fragments was carried out in order to print a DNA microarray. This microarray was used to identify genes that are differentially expressed when bean leaf extracts, pod extracts or apoplastic fluid were added to the growth medium.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Transcription profiles show that 224 genes were differentially expressed, the majority under the effect of bean leaf extract and apoplastic fluid. Some of the induced genes were previously known to be involved in the first stages of the bacterial-plant interaction and virulence. These include genes encoding type III secretion system proteins and genes involved in cell-wall degradation, phaseolotoxin synthesis and aerobic metabolism. On the other hand, most repressed genes were found to be involved in the uptake and metabolism of iron.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study furthers the understanding of the mechanisms involved, responses and the metabolic adaptation that occurs during the interaction of <it>P. syringae </it>pv. phaseolicola with a susceptible host plant.</p

    Deep Sequencing of the Mexican Avocado Transcriptome, an Ancient Angiosperm with a High Content of Fatty Acids

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    Background: Avocado (Persea americana) is an economically important tropical fruit considered to be a good source of fatty acids. Despite its importance, the molecular and cellular characterization of biochemical and developmental processes in avocado is limited due to the lack of transcriptome and genomic information. Results: The transcriptomes of seeds, roots, stems, leaves, aerial buds and flowers were determined using different sequencing platforms. Additionally, the transcriptomes of three different stages of fruit ripening (pre-climacteric, climacteric and post-climacteric) were also analyzed. The analysis of the RNAseqatlas presented here reveals strong differences in gene expression patterns between different organs, especially between root and flower, but also reveals similarities among the gene expression patterns in other organs, such as stem, leaves and aerial buds (vegetative organs) or seed and fruit (storage organs). Important regulators, functional categories, and differentially expressed genes involved in avocado fruit ripening were identified. Additionally, to demonstrate the utility of the avocado gene expression atlas, we investigated the expression patterns of genes implicated in fatty acid metabolism and fruit ripening. Conclusions: A description of transcriptomic changes occurring during fruit ripening was obtained in Mexican avocado, contributing to a dynamic view of the expression patterns of genes involved in fatty acid biosynthesis and the fruit ripening process
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