2 research outputs found
The software package for satellite angular and orbital motion simulation
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Pleiades Publishing Ltd'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Rabies in Terrestrial Animals
- Author
- Almeida
- Anderson
- Anonymous
- Aranda
- Artois
- Aubert
- Badilla
- Baer
- Baer
- Bahmanyar
- Ballard
- Ballard
- Barnard
- Barnes
- Batista-Morais
- Beamer
- Behymer
- Bell
- Bergeron
- Bernardi
- Berry
- Bigler
- Bingham
- Bingham
- Black
- Black
- Blancou
- Blancou
- Brass
- Butzeck
- Bögel
- Cappucci
- Carnieli
- Centers for Disease Control
- Centers for Disease Control
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Chaparro
- Chapman
- Charlton
- Charlton
- Charlton
- Charlton
- Charlton
- Charlton
- Charlton
- Charlton
- Cherkasskiy
- Childs
- Childs
- Childs
- Clark
- Coleman
- Constantine
- Constantine
- Constantine
- Constantine
- Crandell
- Crawford-Miksza
- Creel
- David
- de Mattos
- Dean
- Delpietro
- Denduangboripant
- Dieterich
- Dietzschold
- Dowda
- Dragoo
- East
- Eidson
- Eigen
- Engeman
- Everard
- Fearneyhough
- Fekadu
- Fekadu
- Fekadu
- Fekadu
- Fekadu
- Fekadu
- Fevre
- Flamand
- Foley
- Follmann
- Frye
- Gascoyne
- George
- Gordon
- Greenwood
- Gremillion-Smith
- Guerra
- Hamir
- Hanlon
- Hanlon
- Hanlon
- Hanlon
- Hatch
- Hellenbrand
- Hemachudha
- Hill
- Hill
- Hill
- Howard
- Howard
- Howard
- Hubschle
- Hudson
- Hudson
- Hughes
- Humphrey
- Ianshin
- Jackson
- Jackson
- Jay
- Jay
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Johnston
- Jorgenson
- Karp
- Kasempimolporn
- Kasempimolporn
- King
- Knobel
- Krebs
- Krebs
- Krebs
- Krebs
- Krebs
- Kulonen
- Kuzmin
- Kuzmin
- Lafon
- Lafon
- Leffingwell
- Lembo
- Leslie
- Lewis
- Lodmell
- Lodmell
- Lord
- Mallory
- Mansfield
- Mansfield
- Martinez-Burnes
- McLean
- McQuiston
- Mork
- Moro
- Muirhead
- Murphy
- Nadin-Davis
- Nadin-Davis
- Nair
- Nanayakkara
- Nathanson
- Nel
- Nettles
- Nichol
- Niezgoda
- Niezgoda
- Niezgoda
- Niezgoda
- Noah
- Nowak
- Odegaard
- Orr
- Overall
- Parker
- Parkinson
- Patabendige
- Perl
- Páez
- Randall
- Rausch
- Records
- Rhode
- Rhodes
- Rosatte
- Rottcher
- Rupprecht
- Rupprecht
- Rupprecht
- Sabeta
- Sawchuk
- Schneider
- Seganti
- Selimov
- Shah
- Shannon
- Shope
- Sidwa
- Sikes
- Sikes
- Sikes
- Sillero-Zubiri
- Smart
- Smith
- Smith
- Smith
- Somayajulu
- Srinivasan
- Steck
- Steck
- Steele
- Stoltenow
- Stoltenow
- Swanepoel
- Tabel
- Tang
- Taylor
- Tepsumethanon
- Tepsumethanon
- Theberge
- Thedford
- Tinline
- Toma
- Tordo
- Totton
- Trimarchi
- Trimarchi
- Vaughn
- Vaughn
- Velasco-Villa
- Vila
- von Teichman
- Walroth
- Wandeler
- Wandeler
- Wandeler
- Weiler
- Whitby
- WHO Expert Consultation on rabies
- Wiktor
- Wilbur
- Wilkinson
- Wimalaratne
- Wimalaratne
- Windiyaningsih
- Winkler
- Winkler
- Winkler
- Winkler
- Xiang
- Yamaoka
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2007
- Field of study