123 research outputs found

    Spatial patterns of economy and migration in post-socialist Romania

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    Die regionalen Disparitäten in Rumänien sind zum großen Teil bedingt durch die überkommenen sozio-ökonomischen Strukturen, aktuelle Investitionen und Deinvestitionen wirtschaftlicher Unternehmen und die politischen Entscheidungen zur Regionalentwicklung. Zu- und Abwanderungsprozesse sind Ausdruck der Disparitäten und verstärken sie zugleich. Der Artikel stellt die Frage, welche theoretischen Perspektiven beim Studium dieser Vorgänge eingenommen werden können und geht dann auf konkrete räumliche Entwicklungen der Wirtschaft ein, wobei statistische Indikatoren verwendet werden. Es kann gezeigt werden, dass einige traditionelle Raummuster fortgesetzt und verstärkt werden und dass neue hinzukommen. Die Richtungsänderung der Binnenmigration von einer dominanten Land-Stadt-Wanderung zu einer vorherrschenden Stadt-Land-Wanderung könnte zunächst als ein Hinweis für den Ausgleich von regionalen Disparitäten gedeutet werden. Tatsächlich kann der ländliche Raum als Folge der Reprivatisierung der Landwirtschaft und anderer Sachverhalte zwar soziale Probleme (Arbeitslosigkeit wegen massiver De-Industrialiserung) bis zu einem gewissen Grade auffangen, aber er kann wegen seiner grundsätzlichen Strukturprobleme keine langfristigen Perspektiven für die Mehrheit der ländlichen Bevölkerung bieten. Deshalb sind effektive und aufeinander abgestimmte Konzepte, Maßnahmen und Vorschläge für die Regionalentwicklung im Allgemeinen und für die ländliche Entwicklung im Besonderen erforderlich, die der Beitrag abschließend anspricht. (Autorenreferat

    E-learning, essential component of the new economy

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    In the Information Society, Lifelong Learning (Lifelong Learning) is becoming a necessity and information and communications technology is most appropriate support for learning in general and in particular the continuous learning. In recent years both the U.S. and the EU have developed important activities to promote ICT in the learning process, the term e-learning becoming global. This is evidenced by the large number of projects initiated by the EU, but also by increasing the number of universities that use the platforms and e-learning systems. Electronic learning or e-learning involves using new media technologies and the Internet to improve the quality of learning by facilitating access to resources and services, remote information exchange and collaboration. The most common Elearning systems are the learning management systems (LMS, Learning Management Systems) and learning content management (LCMS, Learning Content Management Systems) in different variants. According to analysis conducted by experts "blended learning", which uses a combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning modes (with and without teacher) seems to be the most desired and most widespread form of e-learning.e-learning, lifelong learning, LMS, LCMS, blended learning

    Особенности дыхательной симптоматики и вариабельность внепищеводных проявлений у детей, страдающих гастроэзофагеальной рефлюксной болезнью, ассоциированной с бронхиальной астмой

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    USMF “Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Departamentul Pediatrie, IMSP Institutul Mamei şi CopiluluiBackground. The association of pediatric asthma with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is reported to have the incidence of 7-65% of asthma cases. There have been published more then 300 studies aiming to reveal the role of the gastroesophageal reflux on asthma phenotypes, but the pathogenesis of this comorbidity remains controversial. Aim. To reveal peculiarities and variability of respiratory symptoms and extradigestive manifestations of GERD in asthmatic children in order to identify clinical and evolutionary aspects specific to this association. Materials and methods. The study included a group of 206 children with mild, moderate and severe persistent asthma: 103 children with asthma associated with GERD constituted the study group and 103 children with solitary asthma as controls. Average age of the children was 11.45±0.22 years (p>0.05 for groups difference). Asthma was diagnosed according to GINA-2009 criteria and GERD according to ESPGHAN criteria (2009). Results. The study results showed a higher incidence of wheezing and persistent cough mainly nocturnal. Incidence of wheezing in children aged 7-11 years was 20%, in children of 12-15 years-32.5%, in children of 15-17 years - 47.5%. In the studied group was established a moderate positive correlation between the presence of nocturnal wheezing and age of children (r=0.34; p<0.001). Similar trend was revealed for the presence of nocturnal dry cough (r=0.31; p<0.001). Children with asthma associated to GERD more frequently were diagnosed with ENT disorders such as chronic pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sinus recurrent adenoids, with an average of 3.85±0.17 symptom associations as compared with controls (2.7±0.11; p<0.001). In the same time every 3rd child from the basic group manifested on average 5.41±0.31 symptom associations. Conclusions. The study results demonstrated that patients with asthma associated to GERD have predominantly nocturnal wheezing and dry cough that correlate with children’s age. Children with GERD and persistent asthma are more frequently diagnosed with extradigestive (ENT) symptoms, comparing with children with solitary asthma.Введение. Сочетание гастроэзофагеальной рефлюксной болезни (ГЭРБ) и бронхиальной астмы у детей встречается в 7-65% случаев. До настоящего времени было опубликовано более 300 исследований относительно сочетания гастроэзофагеального рефлюкса с бронхиальной астмой, в которых доказана роль гастроэзофагеального рефлюкса в патогенезе некоторых фенотипических вариантов бронхиальной астмы, однако вопросы причинно-следственной связи данного взаимодействия остаются спорными. Цель. Исследование особенностей респираторной симптоматики и вариабельность внепищеводных проявлений ГЭРБ у детей с бронхиальной астмойс целью определения клинических и эволюционных аспектов, характерных для данного взаимодействия. Материалы и методы. В исследовании были включены 206 детей, страдающих легкой, среднетяжелой и тяжелой формой бронхиальной астмы (основная группа – 103 ребенка с ГЭРБ, ассоциированной с бронхиальной астмой, и контрольная группа – 103 ребенка с бронхиальной астмой безрефлюкса). Средний возраст детей составил 11, 45±0,22 лет (p>0,05 между группами). Диагноз бронхиальной астмы был установлен согласно критериям GINA-2009, а ГЭРБ – согласно критеряим ESPGHAN (2009). Результаты. В ходе исследования был выявлен частный аспект респираторной симптоматики у детей с бронхиальной астмой ассоциированной с ГЭРБ, который проявлялся выраженной ночной одышкойи мучительным сухим кашлем. Частота ночной одышки у этой группы детей составляла 20% у детей в возрасте 7-11 лет, 32,5% – у детей 12-15 лет 47,5% – у детей 15-17 лет. В основной группе была установлена положительная корреляционная связь средней интенсивности между наличием ночной одышкии возрастом детей rxy=0,34 (p<0,001). Та же возрастная закономерность наблюдалась и в случае сухого ночного кашля у детей основной группы, где была обнаружена положительная корреляция средней интенсивности rxy =0, 31 (p<0, 001). У детей, страдающих ГЭРБ, сопутствующей бронхиальной астме, чаще встречаются заболевания ЛОР органов: хронический фарингит, ангины, рецидивирующие синуситы, аденоидные разрастания со средним уровнем сочетаний 3, 85±0,17, в то время как в контрольной группе мы наблюдали 2,7±0,11 (p<0, 001) случаев сочетания, в то же время, у каждого третьего ребенка основной группы данное значение достигало 5,41±0,31 сочетаний. Выводы. Было установлено, что в группе детей с бронхиальной астмой, сочетающейся с ГЭРБ, ночная одышкаи сухой ночной кашель более выраженны, данный феномен имеет прямую корреляцию с возрастом детей. Дети, страдающие ГЭРБ сопутствующей бронхиальной астме, чаще болеют ЛОР-заболеваниями по сравнению с детьми, страдающими только бронхиальной астмой

    The endoscopic characteristic of the inflammatory-destructiv lesions in the esophagealgastroduodenal mucosa in children with pathological gastroesophageal reflux

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    Catedra Pediatrie Rezidenţiat şi Secundariat Clinic USMF “N. Testemiţanu”The results of the study of 37 children whith esophagitis showed an riser frequency of the inflammatory lesions of the esophageal mucosa in age of 5 years old, when possible, the secretors functions of the gastric mucosa are established. Intensification of the inflammatory modifications of the gastro-duodenal mucosa in children of 10 years old is explained by the longer evolution of the disease and by neuro-hormonal particularities in this age. Rezultatele studiului a 37 copii cu reflux gastroesofagian patologic (RGEP) ne relatează o frecvenţă mai mare a leziunilor inflamatorii ale esofagului de la vârsta de 5 ani datorată posibil stabilirii funcţiei secretorii complete ale mucoasei gastrice către această vârstă, agravarea modificărilor inflamatorii ale mucoasei gastroduodenale la copii de la vârsta de 10 ani, ce se explică prin durata mai mare a bolii şi prin particularităţile neuro-hormonale în această perioadă de vârstă

    Aspecte de diagnostic al refluxului gastroesofagian patologic la copiii cu astm bronşic

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    În studiul dat au fost incluşi 39 de copii cu vârsta de 2-16 ani, diagnosticaţi cu astm bronşic asociat refl uxului gastroesofagian patologic. Diagnosticul de bază a prezentat următorul raport: astm bronşic sever persistent – 4 copii (10,3%), astm bronşic moderat persistent – 26 copii (66,7%), astm bronşic uşor persistent – 9 copii (23,1%), respectiv la 24 copii (61,5%) s-a diagnosticat esofagita de refl ux şi la 15 (38,5%) a fost confi rmată varianta nonerozivă a BRGE. Pentru confi rmarea BRGE s-a efectuat examenul endoscopic al tractului digestiv superior şi examenul pH-metric al esofagului 24 ore. În rezultatul explorării pH-metrice s-a demonstrat creşterea statistic semnifi cativă a indicatorilor de frecvenţă (numărul de refl uxuri) şi temporali (timpul de expoziţie) ai pH-metriei în perioada de exacerbare a astmului bronşic şi o frecvenţă crescută a leziunilor erozive ale mucoasei esofagiene induse de refl uatul gastroesofagian cu conţinut agresiv acid

    Management elements of the emergent metropolitan areas in a transition country: Romania, as case study

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    Complex processes, specific to the countries in transition, have had major impacts on restructuring the territorial management systems. The removal of restrictions of limiting urban expansion, imposed by the totalitarian regime, has allowed the rapid expansion of cities, beyond administrative boundaries, since 1989. The concept of emerging metropolitan area is explained by the multitude of problems posed by the sketching of these areas and especially by their functioning. Synthesizing, there are presented some managerial experiences considered inchoate, of some emerging Romanian metropolitan areas, with an emphasis on Bucharest’s metropolitan area. The conclusions of these descriptive analysis show the complexity of the problems that can occur during the process of building of the metropolitan areas under the circumstances of lack of an inter-municipal cooperation culture. Integrated management takes into account two realities: firstly, that the management of emerging metropolitan areas is trans-scalar, achieving the partial mergence of the management types (including the collegiate one), and secondly, that insuring a multi-level governance without implementing a polycentric intra-metropolitan development policy, is not sufficient

    Влияние профетура на основные параметры системной гемодинамики

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    Catedra Farmacologie şi Farmacologie Clinică, USMF Nicolae TestemiţanuResearch aims to evaluate the action of the new derivative of the alkylisothiourea – profetur in the dose of 5 mg/kg on indices of systemic hemodynamics in normal conditions, and on the background of ganglion blockade with hexamethonium in the dose of 10 mg/kg in anesthetized cats. In normotensive conditions single dose administration of the profetur showed pronounced and long-term (more than 60 min.) hypertensive action, driven by increased peripheral vascular resistance, minute-volume, stroke volume, and circulating blood volume. Single dose intravenous administration of the profetur on the background of ganglion blockade induced with hexamethonium is followed by stabilization of the blood pressure’s values and removing of hemodynamic disturbances caused by ganglioblocker.Цель исследования состоит в изучение влияния нового производного алкилизотиомочевины – профетура – в дозе 5 мг/кг на показатели системной гемодинамики в нормальных условиях и на фоне ганглионарной блокады, вызванной введением гексаметония в дозе 10 мг/кг у наркотизированных кошек. При однократном введение в обычных условиях профетур обладает выраженным и длительным (более 60 мин.) гипертензивным действием, за счет повышения периферического сосудистого сопротивления, минутного объема кровообращения, ударного объема и объема циркулирующей крови. Гексаметоний понижает артериальное давление в результате снижения минутного объема кровообращения, ударного объема, объема циркулирующей крови и периферического сосудистого сопротивления. Однократное введение профетура на фоне ганглионарной блокады, вызванной гексаметонием, сопровождается стабилизацией уровня артериального давления и коррекцией гемодинамических нарушений, вызванных ганглиоблокатором

    A comparative analysis of the effects of isothiourea derivates profetur and metiferon on the adrenergic vascular reactivity

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    Facultatea Medicină Generală, Catedra Farmacologie şi farmacologie clinicăA comparative analysis of the effects of isothiourea derivates profetur and metiferon on the adrenergic vascular reactivity The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of S-isothiourea derivates metiferon and profetur on the noradrenalin and phenylephrine induced vasoconstriction. Using organ bath technique, were examined contractility of isolated thoracic aorta rings from the rat. We establish that pretreatment with metiferon and profetur significantly increased vasopressor effects of neselective adrenergic receptor agonist noradrenaline and α1 selective receptor agonist phenylephrine. Further investigation is required to ensure the effects of new S-isothiourea derivates on systemic arterial pressure hypotension. Au fost investigate efectele derivaţilor izotioureici metiferon şi profetur în vasoconstricţia indusă de noradrenalină şi fenilefrină. Contractilitatea inelelor preparate din aorta de şobolan a fost examinată cu ajutorul băii de perfuzie a organului izolat. S-a constatat că pretratarea cu metiferon şi profetur au crescut semnificativ acţiunea vasoconstrictoare a noradrenalinei, agonist neselectiv al receptorilor adrenergici şi a fenilefrinei, agonist selectiv al adrenoreceptorilor α1. În perspectivă este utila investigarea acţiunii noilor derivaţi izotioureici în cadrul stărilor patologice însoţite de hipotensiune arterială sistemică

    The territorial configurations of employment and lifelong learning

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    The ‘Europe 2020 Strategy’ was issued in 2010 by the European Commission. This document constitutes a growth scheme for the decade 2010-2020 that aims to help the European Union to emerge from the current crisis through the so-called smart, sustainable and inclusive dimensions of growth. In this context, the basic aim of the SIESTA (“Spatial Indicators for a ‘Europe 2020 Strategy’ Territorial Analysis”) Project has been to illustrate the territorial dimension of the ‘Europe 2020 Strategy’. In other words, to show how this document acts territorially, particularly at the regional scale, but, when possible, also at the urban level. The SIESTA Project has been funded by ESPON (“European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion”), a European Commission Programme whose mission is to support policy development in relation to the aim of territorial cohesion and a harmonious development of the European territory. This book includes most of the main findings and conclusions obtained through research of the SIESTA Project. The contents were presented and discussed as keynote addresses or communications at the SIESTA Final Conference held in Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, on 4-5 April 2013

    Оценка рациональности проведения периоперационной антибактериальной профилактики

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    Evaluation of the rationality of perioperative antibiotic prophylaxisProfilaxia antibacteriană perioperatorie (PAP) irațională favorizează selectarea tulpinilor bacteriene rezistente, mărește costul tratamentului şi durata spitalizării. Raționalitatea PAP a fost estimată &icirc;n 5 secții chirurgicale la 100 pacienți prin evaluarea timpului de administrare a medicamentelor antibacteriene raportat la momentul inciziei și duratei utilizării lor. &Icirc;n 36% cazuri medicamentul antibacterian a fost administrat după incizia pielii. &Icirc;n 84% din cazuri durata administrării a depășit 24 ore. Cele observate demonstrează, că PAP este &icirc;n mare parte deficientă.Оценка рациональности проведения периоперационной антибактериальной профилактик