8 research outputs found

    Myelotoxicity by 7,12-Dimetilbenzantraceno and its impact on immune response in AIRmax and AIRmin mice.

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    Estudamos nos camundongos geneticamente selecionados para alta (AIRmax) ou baixa (AIRmin) resposta inflamatória aguda os efeitos tóxicos do DMBA na medula óssea e sua repercussão na resposta imunológica após 24 horas. O tratamento diminuiu a produção de IgG anti-HGG e a migração celular para o tecido subcutâneo após injeção sc com Biogel nos AIRmin, como também causou hipocelularidade, principalmente de neutrófilos maduros. Contudo, houve um aumento de blastos e neutrófilos imaturos. A análise do ciclo celular em células Lin- revelou bloqueio da fase S nos AIRmin tratados com DMBA. A cinética de dano no DNA mostrou que o reparo no DNA é mais rápido em AIRmax. Os níveis de expressão do gene parp-1 triplicou em AIRmax, enquanto que nos AIRmin aumentou p53 e caspase-3. Os AIRmin tratados com DMBA apresentam perda da capacidade proliferativa e de diferenciação quando estimuladas in vitro com fatores hematopoéticos. O DMBA causou mielotoxicidade nos AIRmin, podendo afetar o desenvolvimento da resposta imune, enquanto AIRmax foram resistentes a esses efeitos.We investigated in mice genetically selected for high (AIRmax) or low (AIRmin) acute inflammatory response the toxic effects of DMBA treatment on the BM and its impact on the immune response. DMBA treatment diminished specific IgG anti-HGG production and the cellular migration to the inflammatory site after sc injection of biogel in AIRmin, and hypocellularity in BM, mostly in the neutrophil. However we observed an increase of immature cells. Cell cycle analysis of Lin cells showed a decrease of cells in S stage from DMBA-treated AIRmin mice. The kinetics of cell repair demonstrated the early removal of DNA lesion from DMBA-treated AIRmax mice. The parp-1 gene showed 3 fold increased mRNA expression in AIRmax cells, however in AIRmin mice there was an increase in p53 and caspase-3 mRNA mRNA expression. Myeloid cells from DMBA treated AIRmin mice showed low differentiation and proliferation capacities after in vitro hematopoietic factors. DMBA treatment produced myelotoxicity in AIRmin mice, affecting immune response development, but AIRmax mice were resistant

    Hematotoxicity for xenobiotics of the type polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon in mice AIRmax and AIRmin.

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    Camundongos tratados com DMBA, hidrocarboneto policíclico aromático (HPA), diminuem células da medula óssea (MO) e baço. Este processo envolvido na metabolização dos HPA depende da ativação do receptor aryl hidrocarboneto (Ahr). Duas linhagens de camundongos selecionados geneticamente para máxima (AIRmax) ou mínima (AIRmin) resposta inflamatória aguda (AIR) à uma substância não imunogênica difere quanto a susceptibilidade a indução por DMBA. Examinamos os efeitos do DMBA na MO. Somente camundongos AIRmin tratados com uma dose de 50mg/kg ip de DMBA depleta o total de células na MO. Células Mielóides e células B de camundongos AIRmin tratados com DMBA perdem a capacidade proliferativa depois do tratamento in vitro com GM-CSF e LPS, respectivamente. Por outro lado camundongos AIRmax e AIRmin são igualmente susceptíveis aos efeitos tóxicos dos metabólitos do benzeno (75mg/Kg fenol/hidroquinona durante 3 dias/2x dia). Observamos um aumento na expressão de CYP1A1 e Ahr nas células da MO as 12hs nos AIRmin e supressão as 24hs nos AIRmax após tratamento com DMBA. Ahr e principalmente CYP1A1 podem mediar a toxicidade das células da MO nos AIRmin.In mice treated with DMBA, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH), decreases the bone marrow (BM) and spleen cellularity. This process involves the metabolism of the PAHs that depends on the activation of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (Ahr).Two lines of mice genetically selected for maximal (AIRmax) or Minimal (AIRmin) local Acute Inflammatory Response (AIR) to a non immunogenic substance differs in susceptibility induced by DMBA. Examined the effects of DMBA on BM. Only AIRmin mice treated with one dose of 50mg/kg ip DMBA depletion of total BM cells. Myeloid cells and B cells from DMBA treated AIRmin mice showed impaired proliferation after in vitro GM-CSF and LPS, respectived. On the other hand, AIRmax and AIRmin mice are equally susceptible to the toxic effects of the Benzene (75mg/Kg phenol and hydroquinone during 3 days/2x day). An increase in CYP1A1 and Ahr expression in AIRmin at 12h and a suppression in AIRmax BM cells were observed after 24h of DMBA treatment. Ahr and mostly CYP1A1 mediate the toxicity of DMBA for AIRmin BM cells

    Hematotoxicity for xenobiotics of the type polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon in mice AIRmax and AIRmin.

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    Camundongos tratados com DMBA, hidrocarboneto policíclico aromático (HPA), diminuem células da medula óssea (MO) e baço. Este processo envolvido na metabolização dos HPA depende da ativação do receptor aryl hidrocarboneto (Ahr). Duas linhagens de camundongos selecionados geneticamente para máxima (AIRmax) ou mínima (AIRmin) resposta inflamatória aguda (AIR) à uma substância não imunogênica difere quanto a susceptibilidade a indução por DMBA. Examinamos os efeitos do DMBA na MO. Somente camundongos AIRmin tratados com uma dose de 50mg/kg ip de DMBA depleta o total de células na MO. Células Mielóides e células B de camundongos AIRmin tratados com DMBA perdem a capacidade proliferativa depois do tratamento in vitro com GM-CSF e LPS, respectivamente. Por outro lado camundongos AIRmax e AIRmin são igualmente susceptíveis aos efeitos tóxicos dos metabólitos do benzeno (75mg/Kg fenol/hidroquinona durante 3 dias/2x dia). Observamos um aumento na expressão de CYP1A1 e Ahr nas células da MO as 12hs nos AIRmin e supressão as 24hs nos AIRmax após tratamento com DMBA. Ahr e principalmente CYP1A1 podem mediar a toxicidade das células da MO nos AIRmin.In mice treated with DMBA, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH), decreases the bone marrow (BM) and spleen cellularity. This process involves the metabolism of the PAHs that depends on the activation of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (Ahr).Two lines of mice genetically selected for maximal (AIRmax) or Minimal (AIRmin) local Acute Inflammatory Response (AIR) to a non immunogenic substance differs in susceptibility induced by DMBA. Examined the effects of DMBA on BM. Only AIRmin mice treated with one dose of 50mg/kg ip DMBA depletion of total BM cells. Myeloid cells and B cells from DMBA treated AIRmin mice showed impaired proliferation after in vitro GM-CSF and LPS, respectived. On the other hand, AIRmax and AIRmin mice are equally susceptible to the toxic effects of the Benzene (75mg/Kg phenol and hydroquinone during 3 days/2x day). An increase in CYP1A1 and Ahr expression in AIRmin at 12h and a suppression in AIRmax BM cells were observed after 24h of DMBA treatment. Ahr and mostly CYP1A1 mediate the toxicity of DMBA for AIRmin BM cells

    Early Peritoneal CC Chemokine Production Correlates with Divergent Inflammatory Phenotypes and Susceptibility to Experimental Arthritis in Mice

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    The inflammatory and autoimmune events preceding clinical symptoms in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and other autoimmune diseases are difficult to study in human patients. Therefore, animal models that share immunologic and clinical features with human RA, such as pristane-induced arthritis (PIA), are valuable tools for assessing the primordial events related to arthritis susceptibility. PIA-resistant HIII and susceptible LIII mice were injected i.p. with pristane, and peritoneal lavage fluid was harvested in the early (7 days) and late (35 days) preclinical phases of PIA. Chemokine and cytokine levels were measured in lavage supernatant with ELISA, peritoneal inflammatory leukocytes were immunophenotyped by flow cytometry, and gene expression was determined by qRT-PCR. Leukocyte recruitment was quantitatively and qualitatively divergent in the peritoneum of HIII and LIII mice, with an early increase of CC chemokines (CCL2/CCL3/CCL5/CCL12/CCL22) in the susceptible LIII strain. Also, cytokines such as IL-12p40, IL-23, and IL-18 were elevated in LIII mice while IL-6 was increased in HIII animals. The results show that an early peritoneal CC chemokine response is an important feature of arthritis susceptibility and defines potential biomarkers in this model

    Seroepidemiological survey to cell culture rabies vaccines (CCRV) in Brazil

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    Rabies is a contagious viral disease that can be easily transmitted by the saliva and brain/nervous system tissues of the infected animals, causing severe and fatal encephalitis in both animals and humans. Vaccination campaigns are crucial to combat and prevent rabies's spread in dogs and humans. The Modified Fuenzalida &amp; Palicios vaccines have been widely used since the 70s and have proven effective in producing a solid serological response. Since 2008, the Brazilian Ministry of Health has introduced a Cell Culture Rabies Vaccine (CCRV) for all dog mass vaccination campaigns in Brazil. However, to date, there is limited evidence on the immunologic response of dogs to this type of vaccine in field conditions. The present study evaluated the serological response in dogs vaccinated with CCRV from blood samples of 724 dogs using the Simplified Fluorescence Inhibition Microtest – SFIMT. Dogs with a titer equal to 0.5 IU/mL or above were considered seropositive. The results revealed that 59.12% (428/724) of all dogs tested and 48.49% (32/66) of primo-vaccinated animals were seropositive. The percentage of seronegative animals was higher than seropositive for animals that received a single dose during their life (p < 0.05). The opposite was observed in animals with five or more doses. The results of this study demonstrated that the CCRV vaccines elicit a satisfactory immunological response in field conditions and can constitute an essential population-level preventive strategy as part of annual canine rabies vaccination campaigns. Although its effectiveness has been studied, there is limited evidence of its immunological response in dogs under field conditions. This paper evaluates the serological response to CCRV in dogs vaccinated during mass vaccination campaigns from 2012 to 2017