424 research outputs found

    Revealing the electroweak properties of a new scalar resonance

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    One or more new heavy resonances may be discovered in experiments at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. In order to determine if such a resonance is the long-awaited Higgs boson, it is essential to pin down its spin, CP, and electroweak quantum numbers. Here we describe how to determine what role a newly-discovered neutral CP-even scalar plays in electroweak symmetry breaking, by measuring its relative decay rates into pairs of electroweak vector bosons: WW, ZZ, \gamma\gamma, and Z\gamma. With the data-driven assumption that electroweak symmetry breaking respects a remnant custodial symmetry, we perform a general analysis with operators up to dimension five. Remarkably, only three pure cases and one nontrivial mixed case need to be disambiguated, which can always be done if all four decay modes to electroweak vector bosons can be observed or constrained. We exhibit interesting special cases of Higgs look-alikes with nonstandard decay patterns, including a very suppressed branching to WW or very enhanced branchings to \gamma\gamma and Z\gamma. Even if two vector boson branching fractions conform to Standard Model expectations for a Higgs doublet, measurements of the other two decay modes could unmask a Higgs imposter.Comment: 23 pages, two figures; v2: minor revision and version to appear in JHE

    BLM and RMI1 alleviate RPA inhibition of topoIIIΞ± decatenase activity

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    RPA is a single-stranded DNA binding protein that physically associates with the BLM complex. RPA stimulates BLM helicase activity as well as the double Holliday junction dissolution activity of the BLM-topoisomerase IIIΞ± complex. We investigated the effect of RPA on the ssDNA decatenase activity of topoisomerase IIIΞ±. We found that RPA and other ssDNA binding proteins inhibit decatenation by topoisomerase IIIΞ±. Complex formation between BLM, TopoIIIΞ±, and RMI1 ablates inhibition of decatenation by ssDNA binding proteins. Together, these data indicate that inhibition by RPA does not involve species-specific interactions between RPA and BLM-TopoIIIΞ±-RMI1, which contrasts with RPA modulation of double Holliday junction dissolution. We propose that topoisomerase IIIΞ± and RPA compete to bind to single-stranded regions of catenanes. Interactions with BLM and RMI1 enhance toposiomerase IIIΞ± activity, promoting decatenation in the presence of RPA

    Calpain-1 expression is associated with relapse-free survival in breast cancer patients treated with trastuzumab following adjuvant chemotherapy

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    The calpain family, and their endogenous inhibitor calpastatin, has been implicated in cancer progression, and recent in vitro data have indicated a role in trastuzumab resistance. The aims of our study were to examine expression levels of calpastatin, calpain‐1 and calpain‐2 in breast tumours from patients treated with trastuzumab following adjuvant chemotherapy to determine their potential as biomarkers to predict therapeutic response. The expression of calpastatin, calpain‐1 and calpain‐2 was determined, using immunohistochemistry (IHC), in tumours from a series of 93 patients with primary breast cancer treated with surgery and adjuvant chemotherapy with or without trastuzumab followed by trastuzumab to complete 1 year of therapy. IHC was performed using tissue microarrays constructed from cores taken from intratumour and peripheral tumour areas. Expression was correlated with clinicopathologic variables and patient outcome. Calpastatin expression was correlated with Nottingham prognostic index (p = 0.003) and lymph node status (p = 0.007). Trastuzumab resistance was defined as disease relapse during therapy. Calpain‐1 expression is associated with relapse‐free survival (p = 0.001) and remained significant in multivariate analysis accounting for confounding pathological and treatment variables (hazard ratio 4.60, 95% confidence interval 1.05–20.25; p = 0.043). Calpain‐1 may be a useful biomarker to predict relapse‐free survival in breast cancer patients treated with adjuvant trastuzumab and chemotherapy. A larger verification study is warranted

    You Look Familiar: How Malaysian Chinese Recognize Faces

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    East Asian and white Western observers employ different eye movement strategies for a variety of visual processing tasks, including face processing. Recent eye tracking studies on face recognition found that East Asians tend to integrate information holistically by focusing on the nose while white Westerners perceive faces featurally by moving between the eyes and mouth. The current study examines the eye movement strategy that Malaysian Chinese participants employ when recognizing East Asian, white Western, and African faces. Rather than adopting the Eastern or Western fixation pattern, Malaysian Chinese participants use a mixed strategy by focusing on the eyes and nose more than the mouth. The combination of Eastern and Western strategies proved advantageous in participants' ability to recognize East Asian and white Western faces, suggesting that individuals learn to use fixation patterns that are optimized for recognizing the faces with which they are more familiar

    High nuclear MSK1 is associated with longer survival in breast cancer patients

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    Purpose: Mitogen- and stress- activated kinases (MSKs) are important substrates of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)-activated protein kinase family. MSK1 and MSK2 are both nuclear serine/threonine protein kinases, with MSK1 being suggested to potentially play a role in breast cancer cell proliferation, cell cycle progression, cell migration, invasion and tumour growth. The aim of the current study was to assess MSK1 protein expression in breast cancer tumour specimens, evaluating its prognostic significance. Methods: A large cohort of 1902 early stage invasive breast cancer patients was used to explore the expression of MSK1. Protein expression was examined using standard immunohistochemistry on tissue microarrays. Results: Low MSK1 protein expression was associated with younger age (P=0.004), higher tumour grade (P<0.001), higher Nottingham Prognostic Index scores (P=0.007), negative ER (P<0.001) and PR (P<0.001) status, and with triple-negative (P<0.001) and basal-like (P<0.001) phenotypes. Low MSK1 protein expression was significantly associated with shorter time to distant metastasis (P<0.001), and recurrence (P=0.013) and early death due to breast cancer (P=0.01). This association between high MSK1 expression and improved breast cancer-specific survival was observed in the whole cohort (P=0.009) and in the HER2 negative and non-basal like tumours (P=0.006 and P=0.024, respectively). Multivariate analysis including other prognostic variables indicated that MSK1 is not an independent marker of outcome. Conclusions: High MSK1 is associated with improved breast cancer-specific survival in early stage invasive breast cancer patients, and has additional prognostic value in HER2 negative and non-basal like disease. Although not an independent marker of outcome we believe such findings, and significant associations with well-established negative prognostic factors (age, grade, Nottingham Prognostic Index, hormone receptor status, time to distant metastasi

    Complex exon-intron marking by histone modifications is not determined solely by nucleosome distribution

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    It has recently been shown that nucleosome distribution, histone modifications and RNA polymerase II (Pol II) occupancy show preferential association with exons (β€œexon-intron marking”), linking chromatin structure and function to co-transcriptional splicing in a variety of eukaryotes. Previous ChIP-sequencing studies suggested that these marking patterns reflect the nucleosomal landscape. By analyzing ChIP-chip datasets across the human genome in three cell types, we have found that this marking system is far more complex than previously observed. We show here that a range of histone modifications and Pol II are preferentially associated with exons. However, there is noticeable cell-type specificity in the degree of exon marking by histone modifications and, surprisingly, this is also reflected in some histone modifications patterns showing biases towards introns. Exon-intron marking is laid down in the absence of transcription on silent genes, with some marking biases changing or becoming reversed for genes expressed at different levels. Furthermore, the relationship of this marking system with splicing is not simple, with only some histone modifications reflecting exon usage/inclusion, while others mirror patterns of exon exclusion. By examining nucleosomal distributions in all three cell types, we demonstrate that these histone modification patterns cannot solely be accounted for by differences in nucleosome levels between exons and introns. In addition, because of inherent differences between ChIP-chip array and ChIP-sequencing approaches, these platforms report different nucleosome distribution patterns across the human genome. Our findings confound existing views and point to active cellular mechanisms which dynamically regulate histone modification levels and account for exon-intron marking. We believe that these histone modification patterns provide links between chromatin accessibility, Pol II movement and co-transcriptional splicing

    Eukaryotic Cells Producing Ribosomes Deficient in Rpl1 Are Hypersensitive to Defects in the Ubiquitin-Proteasome System

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    It has recently become clear that the misassembly of ribosomes in eukaryotic cells can have deleterious effects that go far beyond a simple shortage of ribosomes. In this work we find that cells deficient in ribosomal protein L1 (Rpl1; Rpl10a in mammals) produce ribosomes lacking Rpl1 that are exported to the cytoplasm and that can be incorporated into polyribosomes. The presence of such defective ribosomes leads to slow growth and appears to render the cells hypersensitive to lesions in the ubiquitin-proteasome system. Several genes that were reasonable candidates for degradation of 60S subunits lacking Rpl1 fail to do so, suggesting that key players in the surveillance of ribosomal subunits remain to be found. Interestingly, in spite of rendering the cells hypersensitive to the proteasome inhibitor MG132, shortage of Rpl1 partially suppresses the stress-invoked temporary repression of ribosome synthesis caused by MG132.United States. National Institutes of Health (GM25532)United States. National Institutes of Health (ARRAGM25532-S1)United States. National Institutes of Health (GM085177)United States. National Institutes of Health (CAI-3330)Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC

    The prognostic and predictive power of redox rotein expression for anthracycline-based chemotherapy response in locally advanced breast cancer

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    Neoadjuvant chemotherapy has become the standard of care for locally advanced primary breast cancer. Anthracycline-based regimens have proven to be one of the most effective treatments in this setting. As certain cytotoxic antineoplastic agents, such as anthracyclines, generate reactive oxygen species as a by-product of their mechanism of action, we examined whether redox protein expression was involved in the response to anthracycline-based chemotherapy and with clinical outcome. Pre treatment needle core biopsy and postanthracycline treatment tumour sections were analysed from 98 cases. In all, 32 individuals had a complete clinical response and 17 had a complete pathological response. Immunohistochemical staining was performed for eight redox proteins: thioredoxin, thioredoxin reductase thioredoxin interacting protein (TxNIP), glutathione S-transferase (GST) p, h and a, catalase and manganese superoxide dismutase. GST p (PΒΌ0.05) and catalase (PΒΌ0.045) were associated with pathological complete response in pre-chemotherapy samples. TxNIP (PΒΌ0.017) and thioredoxin reductase (PΒΌ0.022) were independent prognostic factors for distant metastasis free survival and TxNIP for overall survival (PΒΌ0.014). In oestrogen receptor negative patients that are known to have a poor overall survival, a considerably worse prognosis was seen in cases that exhibited low expression of TxNIP (PΒΌ0.000003), stratifying patients into more defined groups. This study indicates the importance of redox regulation in determining breast cancer response to anthracycline-based chemotherapy and provides ways of further stratifying pre-chemotherapy patients to potentially allow more tailored treatments

    Phenotypic characterization of breast cancer: the role of CDC42

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    Purpose: The molecular landscape of breast cancer (BC), especially of the Luminal A subtype, remains to be fully delineated. Transcriptomic data shows that Luminal A tumours are enriched for aberrant expression of genes in the cell division control 42 homolog (CDC42) pathway. This study aims to investigate protein expression of CDC42 in BC and assess its clinicopathological significance. Methods: Expression of CDC42 protein was examined by immunohistochemistry on tissue microarrays in a well characterised cohort of 895 early stage (I-IIIa) primary invasive BCs. Results: CDC42 expression was observed in both the cytoplasm and nucleus of BC cells. High nuclear CDC42 expression demonstrated a significant correlation with ER positive, low-grade tumours and was more common in the lobular histological subtype (all p<0.001). In contrast, cytoplasmic CDC42 showed increased expression in the ductal subtype (p<0.001) and correlated with negative prognostic features such as larger size, higher grade (p<0.05), and higher Ki67 labelling index (p=0.001). Nuclear CDC42 expression was associated with a longer BC specific survival in all cases (p=0.025) and in luminal ER positive tumours (p=0.011). In multivariate analyses including size, grade, lymph node stage and intrinsic subtype, CDC42 was an independent prognostic factor (p=0.032). Conclusion: The results indicate that CDC42 is important molecule in luminal BC, with prognostic significance
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