158 research outputs found

    From sign to symbol : re-integrating communion into the common life of Baptists in South Africa

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    Christian Spirituality, Church History and MissiologyM. Th. (Practical Theology

    The implementation of chlamydia screening: a cross-sectional study in the south east of England

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    Background England's National Chlamydia Screening Programme (NCSP) provides opportunistic testing for under 25 year-olds in healthcare and non-healthcare settings. The authors aimed to explore relationships between coverage and positivity in relation to demographic characteristics or setting, in order to inform efficient and sustainable implementation of the NCSP. Methods The authors analysed mapped NCSP testing data from the South East region of England between April 2006 and March 2007 inclusive to population characteristics. Coverage was estimated by sex, demographic characteristics and service characteristics, and variation in positivity by setting and population group. Results Coverage in females was lower in the least deprived areas compared with the most deprived areas (OR 0.48; 95% CI 0.45 to 0.50). Testing rates were lower in 20 1324-year-olds compared with 15 1319-year-olds (OR 0.69; 95% CI 0.67 to 0.72 for females and OR 0.67; 95% CI 0.64 to 0.71 for males), but positivity was higher in older males. Females were tested most often in healthcare services, which also identified the most positives. The greatest proportions of male tests were in university (27%) and military (19%) settings which only identified a total of 11% and 13% of total male positives respectively. More chlamydia-positive males were identified through healthcare services despite fewer numbers of tests. Conclusions Testing of males focused on institutional settings where there is a low yield of positives, and limited capacity for expansion. By contrast, the testing of females, especially in urban environments, was mainly through established healthcare services. Future strategies should prioritise increasing male testing in healthcare settings

    Prophylactic onlay mesh placement techniques for optimal abdominal wall closure:randomized controlled trial in an ex vivo biomechanical model

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    BACKGROUND: Incisional hernias occur after up to 40 per cent of laparotomies. Recent RCTs have demonstrated the role of prophylactic mesh placement in reducing the risk of developing an incisional hernia. An onlay approach is relatively straightforward; however, a variety of techniques have been described for mesh fixation. The biomechanical properties have not been interrogated extensively to date.METHODS: This ex vivo randomized controlled trial using porcine abdominal wall investigated the biomechanical properties of three techniques for prophylactic onlay mesh placement at laparotomy closure. A classical onlay, anchoring onlay, and novel bifid onlay approach were compared with small-bite primary closure. A biomechanical abdominal wall model and ball burst test were used to assess transverse stretch, bursting force, and loading characteristics.RESULTS: Mesh placement took an additional 7-15 min compared with standard primary closure. All techniques performed similarly, with no clearly superior approach. The minimum burst force was 493 N, and the maximum 1053 N. The classical approach had the highest mean burst force (mean(s.d.) 853(152) N). Failure patterns fell into either suture-line or tissue failures. Classical and anchoring techniques provided a second line of defence in the event of primary suture failure, whereas the bifid method demonstrated a more compliant loading curve. All mesh approaches held up at extreme quasistatic loads.CONCLUSION: Subtle differences in biomechanical properties highlight the strengths of each closure type and suggest possible uses. The failure mechanisms seen here support the known hypotheses for early fascial dehiscence. The influence of dynamic loading needs to be investigated further in future studies.</p

    Proportion of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease caused by Chlamydia trachomatis: consistent picture from different methods

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    Background. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is a leading cause of both tubal factor infertility and ectopic pregnancy. Chlamydia trachomatis is an important risk factor for PID, but the proportion of PID cases caused by C. trachomatis is unclear. Estimates of this are required to evaluate control measures. Methods. We consider 5 separate methods of estimating age-group-specific population excess fractions (PEFs) of PID due to C. trachomatis, using routine data, surveys, case-control studies, and randomized controlled trials, and apply these to data from the United Kingdom before introduction of the National Chlamydia Screening Programme. Results. As they are informed by randomized comparisons and national exposure and outcome estimates, our preferred estimates of the proportion of PID cases caused by C. trachomatis are 35% (95% credible interval [CrI], 11%–69%) in women aged 16–24 years and 20% (95% CrI, 6%–38%) in women aged 16–44 years in the United Kingdom. There is a fair degree of consistency between adjusted estimates of PEF, but all have wide 95% CrIs. The PEF decreases from 53.5% (95% CrI, 15.6%–100%) in women aged 16–19 years to 11.5% (95% CrI, 3.0%–25.7%) in women aged 35–44 years. Conclusions. The PEFs of PID due to C. trachomatis decline steeply with age by a factor of around 5-fold between younger and older women. Further studies of the etiology of PID in different age groups are required

    The English National Chlamydia Screening Programme: variations in positivity in 2007/2008.

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    BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to examine variation in positivity within the English National Chlamydia Screening Programme during 2007/2008. METHODS: Data were analyzed using multivariable logistic regression. The outcome measure was positivity. Funnel plots were used to explore variation in positivity according to screening volume. RESULTS: Three hundred and thirty-four thousand nine hundred and two screening tests were done, 29% of which were in men. Overall positivity was 7.6% in men and 9.3% in women. For men, positivity increased rapidly to plateau from ages 19 to 24. For women, rates peaked at 18 years-those aged 21 being at the same risk of chlamydial infection as 16-year-olds. For men and women, positivity was generally higher for those of black or mixed ethnicity compared with whites, whereas Asians were at lower risk. Similarly, risk of infection for men and women varied by screening venue. Multivariable analysis showed that, for men and women positivity varied significantly with age, ethnicity, screening venue attended, whether the young people had had a new sexual partner in the past 3 months, and whether the patient had had 2 or more sexual partners in the past year. Positivity did not vary significantly with implementation phase. CONCLUSIONS: This is the largest description of testing for Chlamydia trachomatis in healthcare and nonhealthcare settings outside Genitourinary Medicine clinics in England and allowed a detailed analysis of positivity by age and ethnic group. Considerable heterogeneity exists and local health service commissioners need to ensure that the implementation of chlamydial screening reflects these differences

    Identifying and interpreting spatiotemporal variation in diagnoses of infectious syphilis among men, England: 2009 to 2013.

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    OBJECTIVES: Spatial clusters and variations in the trajectory of local epidemics were explored in relation to sexual orientation, demographic factors, stage of syphilis infection and HIV serostatus. METHODS: Kulldorff's scan statistics (SaTScan) was used to distinguish endemic and temporary clusters using a two-stage analysis. RESULTS: Endemic areas were found in London, Manchester, Brighton and Blackpool. Up to 40% of diagnoses were found within an 11 km radius of central London. Of men diagnosed with syphilis in London, 80% were men who have sex with men (MSM). Annual incidence in London increased from 24 cases (95% CI 23 to 26) per 100 000 male population in 2009 to 36 cases (95% CI 34 to38) in 2013. In comparison with clusters, endemic areas were characterised by a significantly higher (p<0.05) proportion of MSM (83% compared with 73%), increased HIV positivity (41% vs 15%), age 35 to 44 years (34% vs 23%), a lower proportion of patients born in the UK (50% vs 79%) and a lower proportion of primary stage infection (40% vs 47%). Space-time clusters outside endemic areas occurred in urban and rural areas and diagnoses fluctuated below 10 per month. Exponential increases in diagnoses resembling point source outbreaks were seen at two locations. CONCLUSION: Control of syphilis in endemic areas has proved elusive and clusters present unique intervention opportunities. Investigating the diversity of local epidemics provides information that can be used to predict outbreak structure, plan and evaluate sexual health services and guide public health investigation, hypothesis generation and research

    Uppermost Triassic to Lower Jurassic sediments of the island of Ireland and its surrounding basins

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    The uppermost Triassic to Lower Jurassic interval has not been extensively studied across the island of Ireland. This paper seeks to redress that situation and presents a synthesis of records of the uppermost Triassic and Lower Jurassic from both onshore and offshore basins as well as describing the sedimentological characteristics of the main lithostratigraphical units encountered. Existing data have been supplemented with a re-examination and logging of some outcrops and the integration of data from recent hydrocarbon exploration wells and boreholes. The Late Triassic Penarth Group and Early Jurassic Lias Group can be recognised across the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. In some onshore basins, almost 600 m of strata are recorded, however in offshore basins thicknesses in excess of two kilometres for the Lower Jurassic have now been recognised, although little detailed information is currently available. The transition from the Triassic to the Jurassic was a period of marked global sea-level rise and climatic change (warming) and this is reflected in the lithostratigraphical record of these sediments in the basins of Northern Ireland and offshore basins of the Republic of Ireland. In general, the sediments of this interval are thicker than those in Great Britain and have potential for detailed study of climatic and sea-level fluctuation

    Interactions between RAMP2 and CRF receptors: The effect of receptor subtypes, splice variants and cell context.

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    Corticotrophin releasing factor (CRF) acts via two family B G-protein-coupled receptors, CRFR1 and CRFR2. Additional subtypes exist due to alternative splicing. CRFR1α is the most widely expressed subtype and lacks a 29-residue insert in the first intracellular loop that is present in CRFR1β. It has been shown previously that co-expression of CRFR1β with receptor activity modifying protein 2 (RAMP2) in HEK 293S cells increased the cell-surface expression of both proteins suggesting a physical interaction as seen with RAMPs and calcitonin receptor-like receptor (CLR). This study investigated the ability of CRFR1α, CRFR1β and CRFR2β to promote cell-surface expression of FLAG-tagged RAMP2. Four different cell-lines were utilised to investigate the effect of varying cellular context; COS-7, HEK 293T, HEK 293S and [ΔCTR]HEK 293 (which lacks endogenous calcitonin receptor). In all cell-lines, CRFR1α and CRFR1β enhanced RAMP2 cell-surface expression. The magnitude of the effect on RAMP2 was dependent on the cell-line ([ΔCTR]HEK 293 > COS-7 > HEK 293T > HEK 293S). RT-PCR indicated this variation may relate to differences in endogenous RAMP expression between cell types. Furthermore, pre-treatment with CRF resulted in a loss of cell-surface FLAG-RAMP2 when it was co-expressed with CRFR1 subtypes. CRFR2β co-expression had no effect on RAMP2 in any cell-line. Molecular modelling suggests that the potential contact interface between the extracellular domains of RAMP2 and CRF receptor subtypes is smaller than that of RAMP2 and CRL, the canonical receptor:RAMP pairing, assuming a physical interaction. Furthermore, a specific residue difference between CRFR1 subtypes (glutamate) and CRFR2β (histidine) in this interface region may impair CRFR2β:RAMP2 interaction by electrostatic repulsion

    Recruitment of young women to a trial of chlamydia screening – as easy as it sounds?

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    BACKGROUND: Recruiting to trials is complex and difficult. The Prevention of Pelvic Infection (POPI) trial aims to see if screening women for chlamydia and treating those found to be infected reduces the incidence of pelvic inflammatory disease in the following twelve months. It focuses on young, sexually active, multiethnic, mainly inner city, female students. The main aim of this paper is to describe our recruitment methods. Secondary aims in two small subgroups, are to compare characteristics of women recruited with those not recruited, and to explore participants' understanding of when their samples would be tested for chlamydia. METHODS: Women students attending lectures or in common rooms at 22 universities and further education colleges were recruited by female research assistants working in pairs. Participants were asked to complete a questionnaire on sexual health and to provide self-taken vaginal swabs. In addition, during 3 recruitment sessions, a female medical student asked non-participants to complete a brief anonymous questionnaire on reasons for not taking part. Finally another female medical student contacted 40 consecutive participants within a month of recruitment and asked if they understood that their samples might not be tested for a year. RESULTS: With enormous effort over 2 years we recruited 2526 women. A survey of 61 non-responders showed only 18 (30%) were eligible to take part (age <28, been sexually active and not been tested for chlamydia in the past 3 months). Eligible non-responders were of similar age to the 35 responders in the same recruitment sessions, but more likely to be from ethnic minority groups (67% 12/18 versus 29% 10/35 p < 0.01). Email and telephone contact with 35/40 (88%) of consecutive participants showed only two (6%) did not understand that their specimen might not be tested for chlamydia for a year. Thirty participants (85%) could name one or more possible consequences of untreated chlamydia infection. CONCLUSION: As in other studies, a key to attaining recruitment targets was the enthusiasm of the research team. Minority ethnic groups were probably under-represented, but understanding of participants was good
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