124 research outputs found

    Nitric Oxide Signaling in the Auditory Pathway

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    Nitric oxide (NO) is of fundamental importance in regulating immune, cardiovascular, reproductive, neuromuscular, and nervous system function. It is rapidly synthesized and cannot be confined, it is highly reactive, so its lifetime is measured in seconds. These distinctive properties (contrasting with classical neurotransmitters and neuromodulators) give rise to the concept of NO as a “volume transmitter,” where it is generated from an active source, diffuses to interact with proteins and receptors within a sphere of influence or volume, but limited in distance and time by its short half-life. In the auditory system, the neuronal NO-synthetizing enzyme, nNOS, is highly expressed and tightly coupled to postsynaptic calcium influx at excitatory synapses. This provides a powerful activity-dependent control of postsynaptic intrinsic excitability via cGMP generation, protein kinase G activation and modulation of voltage-gated conductances. NO may also regulate vesicle mobility via retrograde signaling. This Mini Review focuses on the auditory system, but highlights general mechanisms by which NO mediates neuronal intrinsic plasticity and synaptic transmission. The dependence of NO generation on synaptic and sound-evoked activity has important local modulatory actions and NO serves as a “volume transmitter” in the auditory brainstem. It also has potentially destructive consequences during intense activity or on spill-over from other NO sources during pathological conditions, when aberrant signaling may interfere with the precisely timed and tonotopically organized auditory system

    Wide-band information transmission at the calyx of Held

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    We use a mathematical model of the calyx of Held to explore information transmission at this giant glutamatergic synapse. The significant depression of the postsynaptic response to repeated stimulation in vitro is a result of various activity-dependent processes in multiple time scales, which can be reproduced by multiexponential functions in this model. When stimulated by Poisson-distributed spike trains the amplitude of the postsynaptic current varies considerably with the preceding interspike intervals. Here we quantify the information contained in the postsynaptic current amplitude about preceding interspike intervals and determine the impact of different pre- and postsynaptic factors on information transmission. The mutual information between presynaptic spike times and the amplitude of the postsynaptic response in general decreases as the mean stimulation rate increases, but remains high even at frequencies greater than 100 Hz, unlike at many neocortical synapses. The maintenance of information transmission is attributable largely to vesicle recycling rates at low frequencies of stimulation, shifting to vesicle release probability at high frequencies. Also at higher frequencies the synapse operates largely in a release ready mode in which most release sites contain a release-ready vesicle and release probabilities are low

    Rab11 rescues synaptic dysfunction and behavioural deficits in a Drosophila model of Huntington's disease

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    Synapse abnormalities in Huntington's disease (HD) patients can precede clinical diagnosis and neuron loss by decades. The polyglutamine expansion in the huntingtin (htt) protein that underlies this disorder leads to perturbations in many cellular pathways, including the disruption of Rab11-dependent endosomal recycling. Impairment of the small GTPase Rab11 leads to the defective formation of vesicles in HD models and may thus contribute to the early stages of the synaptic dysfunction in this disorder. Here, we employ transgenic Drosophila melanogaster models of HD to investigate anomalies at the synapse and the role of Rab11 in this pathology. We find that the expression of mutant htt in the larval neuromuscular junction decreases the presynaptic vesicle size, reduces quantal amplitudes and evoked synaptic transmission and alters larval crawling behaviour. Furthermore, these indicators of early synaptic dysfunction are reversed by the overexpression of Rab11. This work highlights a potential novel HD therapeutic strategy for early intervention, prior to neuronal loss and clinical manifestation of disease

    Glucose and lactate as metabolic constraints on presynaptic transmission at an excitatory synapse

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    The synapse has high energy demands, which increase during intense activity. Presynaptic ATP production depends on substrate availability and usage will increase during activity, which in turn could influence transmitter release and information transmission. We investigated transmitter release at the mouse calyx of Held synapse using glucose or lactate (10, 1 or 0 mm) as the extracellular substrates while inducing metabolic stress. High‐frequency stimulation (HFS) and recovery paradigms evoked trains of EPSCs monitored under voltage‐clamp. Whilst postsynaptic intracellular ATP was stabilised by diffusion from the patch pipette, depletion of glucose increased EPSC depression during HFS and impaired subsequent recovery. Computational modelling of these data demonstrated a reduction in the number of functional release sites and slowed vesicle pool replenishment during metabolic stress, with little change in release probability. Directly depleting presynaptic terminal ATP impaired transmitter release in an analogous manner to glucose depletion. In the absence of glucose, presynaptic terminal metabolism could utilise lactate from the aCSF and this was blocked by inhibition of monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs). MCT inhibitors significantly suppressed transmission in low glucose, implying that lactate is a presynaptic substrate. Additionally, block of glycogenolysis accelerated synaptic transmission failure in the absence of extracellular glucose, consistent with supplemental supply of lactate by local astrocytes. We conclude that both glucose and lactate support presynaptic metabolism and that limited availability, exacerbated by high‐intensity firing, constrains presynaptic ATP, impeding transmission through a reduction in functional presynaptic release sites as vesicle recycling slows when ATP levels are low

    A biophysical model of short-term plasticity at the calyx of Held

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    The calyx of Held is a giant glutamatergic synapse in the auditory system and displays multiple forms of short-term facilitation and depression. This study presents a detailed model of short-term plasticity at this synapse. The main components of the model are the presynaptic vesicle dynamics, which include passive and activity-dependent recycling, calcium-dependent exocytosis and the postsynaptic AMPA receptor kinetics. The behaviour of the model is compared to experimental data and reproduces the time course and amplitude of synaptic depression during repetitive stimulation at different frequencies. A comparison of different manipulations of the model shows that accurate fits require the inclusion of fast activity-dependent vesicle recycling and a limited number of vesicle docking sites at each active zone


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    With this paper research results are presented on a successful e-learning implementation in banking. Previous experience with e-learning, general satisfaction with e-learning, satisfaction with particular elements of e-learning, on-line support, e-learning acceptance by office employees, as well as demanding way of assuring regular office business, indicate the possibility of implementing e-learning not only as a training process, but as a regular business process as well.U ovom radu je opisano istraživanje uspješnosti primjene e-learninga u bankarstvu. Dosadašnje iskustvo s e-learningom, općenito zadovoljstvo e-learningom, zadovoljstvo elementima e-learninga, on-line podrškom, prihvatljivost prakticiranja e-learninga za zaposlenike poslovnica, kao i zahtjevnost osiguranja redovnog rada poslovnica, ukazuju na mogućnost implementiranja e-learninga ne samo kao obrazovnog već i svakodnevnog poslovnog proces

    Kv3.3 subunits control presynaptic action potential waveform and neurotransmitter release at a central excitatory synapse

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    Kv3 potassium currents mediate rapid repolarisation of action potentials (APs), supporting fast spikes and high repetition rates. Of the four Kv3 gene family members, Kv3.1 and Kv3.3 are highly expressed in the auditory brainstem and we exploited this to test for subunit-specific roles at the calyx of Held presynaptic terminal in the mouse. Deletion of Kv3.3 (but not Kv3.1) reduced presynaptic Kv3 channel immunolabelling, increased presynaptic AP duration and facilitated excitatory transmitter release; which in turn enhanced short-term depression during high-frequency transmission. The response to sound was delayed in the Kv3.3KO, with higher spontaneous and lower evoked firing, thereby reducing signal-to-noise ratio. Computational modelling showed that the enhanced EPSC and short-term depression in the Kv3.3KO reflected increased vesicle release probability and accelerated activity-dependent vesicle replenishment. We conclude that Kv3.3 mediates fast repolarisation for short precise APs, conserving transmission during sustained high-frequency activity at this glutamatergic excitatory synapse

    Greater aortic inflammation and calcification in abdominal aortic aneurysmal disease than atherosclerosis: a prospective matched cohort study

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    Funder: British Heart Foundation; FundRef: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100000274Objective: Using combined positron emission tomography and CT (PET-CT), we measured aortic inflammation and calcification in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA), and compared them with matched controls with atherosclerosis. Methods: We prospectively recruited 63 patients (mean age 76.1±6.8 years) with asymptomatic aneurysm disease (mean size 4.33±0.73 cm) and 19 age-and-sex-matched patients with confirmed atherosclerosis but no aneurysm. Inflammation and calcification were assessed using combined 18F-FDG PET-CT and quantified using tissue-to-background ratios (TBRs) and Agatston scores. Results: In patients with AAA, 18F-FDG uptake was higher within the aneurysm than in other regions of the aorta (mean TBRmax2.23±0.46 vs 2.12±0.46, p=0.02). Compared with atherosclerotic control subjects, both aneurysmal and non-aneurysmal aortae showed higher 18F-FDG accumulation (total aorta mean TBRmax2.16±0.51 vs 1.70±0.22, p=0.001; AAA mean TBRmax2.23±0.45 vs 1.68±0.21, p<0.0001). Aneurysms containing intraluminal thrombus demonstrated lower 18F-FDG uptake within their walls than those without (mean TBRmax2.14±0.43 vs 2.43±0.45, p=0.018), with thrombus itself showing low tracer uptake (mean TBRmax thrombus 1.30±0.48 vs aneurysm wall 2.23±0.46, p<0.0001). Calcification in the aneurysmal segment was higher than both non-aneurysmal segments in patients with aneurysm (Agatston 4918 (2901–8008) vs 1017 (139–2226), p<0.0001) and equivalent regions in control patients (442 (304-920) vs 166 (80-374) Agatston units per cm, p=0.0042). Conclusions: The entire aorta is more inflamed in patients with aneurysm than in those with atherosclerosis, perhaps suggesting a generalised inflammatory aortopathy in patients with aneurysm. Calcification was prominent within the aneurysmal sac, with the remainder of the aorta being relatively spared. The presence of intraluminal thrombus, itself metabolically relatively inert, was associated with lower levels of inflammation in the adjacent aneurysmal wall

    HMDB: the Human Metabolome Database

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    The Human Metabolome Database (HMDB) is currently the most complete and comprehensive curated collection of human metabolite and human metabolism data in the world. It contains records for more than 2180 endogenous metabolites with information gathered from thousands of books, journal articles and electronic databases. In addition to its comprehensive literature-derived data, the HMDB also contains an extensive collection of experimental metabolite concentration data compiled from hundreds of mass spectra (MS) and Nuclear Magnetic resonance (NMR) metabolomic analyses performed on urine, blood and cerebrospinal fluid samples. This is further supplemented with thousands of NMR and MS spectra collected on purified, reference metabolites. Each metabolite entry in the HMDB contains an average of 90 separate data fields including a comprehensive compound description, names and synonyms, structural information, physico-chemical data, reference NMR and MS spectra, biofluid concentrations, disease associations, pathway information, enzyme data, gene sequence data, SNP and mutation data as well as extensive links to images, references and other public databases. Extensive searching, relational querying and data browsing tools are also provided. The HMDB is designed to address the broad needs of biochemists, clinical chemists, physicians, medical geneticists, nutritionists and members of the metabolomics community. The HMDB is available at

    Nitric Oxide Signalling Augments Neuronal Voltage-Gated L-Type (CaV1) and P/Q-Type (CaV2.1) Channels in the Mouse Medial Nucleus of the Trapezoid Body

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    Nitric Oxide (NO) is a diffusible second messenger that modulates ion channels, intrinsic excitability and mediates synaptic plasticity. In light of its activity-dependent generation in the principal neurons of the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB), we have investigated its potential modulatory effects on native voltage-gated calcium channels (CaV) within this nucleus. Whole-cell patch recordings were made from brain slices from P13–15 CBA mice. Slices were incubated with the inhibitor of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) 7-nitroindazole (10 µM) and pharmacological blockers used to isolate Ca2+ current subtypes. Unpaired observations in the presence and absence of the NO-donors sodium nitroprusside (SNP, 100 µM) or Diethyl-ammonium-nonoate (DEA, 100 µM) were made to elucidate NO-dependent modulation of the expressed CaV subtypes. A differential effect of NO on the calcium channel subtypes was observed: CaV1 and CaV2.1 (L+R- and P/Q+R-type) conductances were potentiated, whereas N+R-type (CaV2.2) and R-type (CaV2.3) current amplitudes were unaffected. L+R-type currents increased from 0.36±0.04 nA to 0.64±0.11 nA and P/Q+R-type from 0.55±0.09 nA to 0.94±0.05 nA, thereby changing the balance and relative contribution of each subtype to the whole cell calcium current. In addition, N+R-type half-activation voltage was left shifted following NO exposure. NO-dependent modulation of P/Q+R and N+R-type, but not L+R-type, channels was removed by inhibition of soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC) activity. This data demonstrates a differential effect of NO signalling on voltage-gated calcium entry, by distinct NO-dependent pathways