2,645 research outputs found

    Fish abundance in the Wilderness and Swartvlei lake systems: changes relative to environmental factors

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    Fish communities throughout the Wilderness and Swartvlei lake systems were sampled in the winters of 1991 and 1993 using gill and seine nets. Gill net catches indicated substantial increases in the abundance of large juveniles and adults of the majority of marine fish species in both systems. Seine net catches indicated increases in the abundance of juvenile Liza richardsonii, but a decline in the abundance of other fish species. The recruitment of most fish is unlikely to have been negatively affected by the recorded fluctuations in salinity or turbidity. The senescence of macrophytes, however, may have increased exposure of recruiting Monodactylus falciformis and Rhabdosargus holubi to piscivorous birds and fish, The artificial breaching of estuaries during optimum fish recruitment periods in 1991 and 1992 may have contributed to the recorded increases in the abundance offish in 1993. A longer duration tidal phase in the Swartvlei system during 1992 and 1993, compared to the Wilderness lake system, did not result in greater abundance of fish sampled. There appears to be no justification for the artificial maintenance of permanently tidal conditions in the Swartvlei and Touw River estuaries on the grounds of benefit for the maintenance of viable fish communities

    Far Term Noise Reduction Roadmap for the NASA D8 and Single-Aisle Tube-And-Wing Aircraft Concepts

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    A portfolio of noise reduction technologies is applied to two advanced single-aisle class vehicle concepts in order to evaluate the prospects for these aircraft to meet the NASA Far Term noise goals, beyond 2035. TheNASAD8 (ND8) aircraft is an unconventional configuration with boundary-layer ingesting engines mounted in the aft dorsal location. The 160-passenger tube-and-wing (TW160) aircraft is a conventional configuration with podded engines located under the wing, which represents an incremental evolution of current design philosophies. The noise reduction technologies were chosen to be compatible with each aircrafts specific configuration requirements. The acoustic effects were predicted based on experimental and numerical studies, andwere incorporated into the prediction of total system noise usingNASAs research-level Aircraft NOise Prediction Program (ANOPP-Research). Results suggest that the unfavorable Propulsion Airframe Aeroacoustic (PAA) effects of the two aircraft considered here significantly limit their prospects of meeting NASAs Far Term noise goal, and that further development of the technology portfolio is key to ensuring future success in addressing the noise challenges for single-aisle class vehicles

    Far Term Noise Reduction Technology Roadmap for a Large Twin-Aisle Tube-And-Wing Subsonic Transport

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    Interest in unconventional aircraft architectures has steadily increased over the past several decades. However, each of these concepts has several technical challenges to overcome before maturing to the point of commercial acceptance. In the interim, it is important to identify any technologies that will enhance the noise reduction of conventional tube-and-wing aircraft. A technology roadmap with an assumed acoustic technology level of a 2035 entry into service is established for a large twin-aisle, tube-and-wing architecture to identify which technologies provide the most noise reduction. The noise reduction potential of the architecture relative to NASA noise goals is also assessed. The current roadmap estimates only a 30 EPNdB cumulative margin to Stage 4 for this configuration of a tube-and-wing aircraft with engines under the wing. This falls short of reaching even the 2025 Mid Term NASA goal (32 EPNdB) in the Far Term time frame. Specifically, the lack of additional technologies to reduce the aft fan noise and the corresponding installation effects is the key limitation of the noise reduction potential of the aircraft. Under the same acoustic technology assumptions, unconventional architectures are shown to offer an 810 EPNdB benefit from favorable relative placement of the engine when integrated to the airframe

    Assessment of the learning curve in health technologies: a systematic review

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    Objective: We reviewed and appraised the methods by which the issue of the learning curve has been addressed during health technology assessment in the past. Method: We performed a systematic review of papers in clinical databases (BIOSIS, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, EMBASE, HealthSTAR, MEDLINE, Science Citation Index, and Social Science Citation Index) using the search term "learning curve:" Results: The clinical search retrieved 4,571 abstracts for assessment, of which 559 (12%) published articles were eligible for review. Of these, 272 were judged to have formally assessed a learning curve. The procedures assessed were minimal access (51%), other surgical (41%), and diagnostic (8%). The majority of the studies were case series (95%). Some 47% of studies addressed only individual operator performance and 52% addressed institutional performance. The data were collected prospectively in 40%, retrospectively in 26%, and the method was unclear for 31%. The statistical methods used were simple graphs (44%), splitting the data chronologically and performing a t test or chi-squared test (60%), curve fitting (12%), and other model fitting (5%). Conclusions: Learning curves are rarely considered formally in health technology assessment. Where they are, the reporting of the studies and the statistical methods used are weak. As a minimum, reporting of learning should include the number and experience of the operators and a detailed description of data collection. Improved statistical methods would enhance the assessment of health technologies that require learning

    Aircraft System Noise Assessment of the NASA D8 Subsonic Transport Concept

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    Avehicle-level noise assessment has been performed for theNASAD8 concept aircraft (ND8) in the NASA Advanced Air Transport Technology Project portfolio. The NASA research-level Aircraft NOise Prediction Program (ANOPP-Research) was used to predict the noise from each source component on the ND8 to build up a noise estimate for the full aircraft. The propulsion airframe aeroacoustic (PAA) effects of the ND8, namely boundary layer ingestion (BLI) with its influence on fan noise, and the noise shielding, reflection, and diffraction mechanisms of the unconventional airframe, were empirically modeled using experimental data. Noise reduction technologies appropriate to the 2025-2035 time frame were included in this study. Including all technologies and PAA effects, the ND8 is predicted to have a cumulative margin to the Stage 4 certification metric of only 7.4 EPNdB. Boundary layer ingestion is predicted to have a detrimental impact on cumulative noise levels on the order of 15 EPNdB. Fan noise is seen to be the primary noise source at all three certification points, even if the BLI noise impact could be entirely suppressed. The impact of engine noise shielding by the airframe is limited by a lack of aft shielding and the presence of horizontal tail reflections in the aft direction. The physical constraint on engine size by the pi-tail is seen as a potential barrier to engine noise reduction through the corresponding limitation on fan bypass ratio. Mildly reduced climb performance (compared to similar reference aircraft) does not provide any benefit through increased noise propagation distance. If the boundary layer ingestion noise penalty could be suppressed such that BLI would have no effect on noise, the cumulative margin to Stage 4 would increase to 22.4 EPNdB, still below the NASA Mid Term goal of 32-42 EPNdB

    Pultenaea williamsii (Fabaceae: Mirbelieae), a new species endemic to the New England Tableland Bioregion of New South Wales

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    Pultenaea williamsii I.Telford, Clugston & R.L.Barrett (Fabaceae, Faboideae, Mirbelieae), endemic to the New England Bioregion, New South Wales, Australia, is described as new, segregated from the P. flexilis–P. juniperina–P. blakelyi species assemblage. Its distribution is mapped, and habitat and conservation status discussed

    Far Term Noise Reduction Roadmap for the Mid-Fuselage Nacelle Subsonic Transport

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    A noise reduction technology roadmap study is presented to determine the feasibility for the Mid-Fuselage Nacelle (MFN) aircraft concept to achieve the noise goal set by NASA for the Far Term time frame, beyond 2035. The study starts with updating the noise prediction of the existing MFN configuration that had been modeled for the time frame between 2025 and 2035. The updated prediction for the Mid Term time frame is 34.3 dB cumulative effective perceived noise level (EPNL) below the Stage 4 regulation. A suite of technologies that are deemed feasible to mature for practical implementation in the Far Term and whose potentials for noise reduction have been illustrated is selected for analysis. For each technology, component noise reduction is modeled either by available experimental data or by physics-based modeling with aircraft system level methods. The noise reduction is then applied to the corresponding noise component predicted by advanced aircraft system noise prediction tools, and the total aircraft noise is predicted as the incoherent summation of the components. It is shown that the Far Term MFN aircraft has the potential to achieve a cumulative noise level of 40.2 EPNL dB below Stage 4. The key technologies to achieve this low aircraft noise level are assessed by the impact of each technology on the aircraft system noise. This roadmap shows the potential of this revolutionary, yet still tube-and-wing, MFN concept to reach the NASA Far Term noise goal

    Challenges and Opportunities for Subsonic Transport X-Plane Acoustic Flight Research

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    Aircraft system noise aspects of experimental aircraft acoustic flight research are analyzed. Experimental aircraft are seen as a key development step toward the introduction of a full scale low noise subsonic transport in the future, especially when considering an unconventional aircraft configuration integrating a range of advanced noise reduction technologies. Possible design scenarios for an experimental aircraft are considered where the scale of the experimental aircraft relative to the future, full scale aircraft is likely a major cost driver. Aircraft system noise predictions are presented for a NASA modeled Mid- Fuselage Nacelle subsonic transport concept. The predictions are made for the total airframe system noise at 100, 50, 25, and 12.5% scale of the full scale, future version of the concept, both without and then with a set of noise reduction technologies. The noise reduction technologies include the dual use fairing of the Krueger flap, the continuous mold line for the trailing edge high lift flap, and the pod gear concept for the main gear. The predictions are treated as simulations of flight test measurements of an experimental aircraft that are then processed to full scale as flight data would be. The analysis shows that the combined impact of frequency shift, atmospheric absorption, and background noise cutoff is to establish a realistic upper limit on useful frequency from the experimental aircraft noise. The implications for instrumentation requirements are also noted for high frequency, as well as for the challenge of identifying sources that are reduced significantly by the proposed noise reduction technologies. For the experimental acoustic flight research to be most useful for the objectives of improving the prediction of the future full scale aircraft, it is indicated that the scale should be above 75%. As the demonstrator scale approaches 50%, the limitations become more severe for direct impact to the prediction of the full scale future concept