7 research outputs found

    How to communicate with families living in complete isolation

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    The global emergency caused by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has suddenly changed how we communicate with families in all the CoViD19 care settings, on account of the need to maintain complete social isolation. Far-reaching mental suffering manifests itself in widespread anxiety. Health workers are isolated from their families, and must manage the consequences of this isolation just like the patients under their care. Patients and their families perceive not only the clinical results but also the personal attitudes, closeness and psychological support from the care teams. This perception of genuine participation by the health worker in the course of the treatment is especially important when a patient dies, and may influence the whole process of grief

    Noninvasive mechanical ventilation as a palliative treatment of acute respiratory failure in patients with end-stage solid cancer

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    Noninvasive ventilation (NIV) is widely used in the treatment of acute respiratory failure (ARF), but not in patients with end-stage solid cancer in whom any form of mechanical ventilation tends to be avoided. In a prospective study, we investigated the use of NIV in 23 patients with solid malignancies receiving palliative care and who were affected by severe hypoxic or hypercapnic ARF. The most frequent causes of ARF were exacerbations of pre-existing pulmonary diseases and pneumonia. After one hour, NIV significantly improved PaO2/FiO2 (from 154+/-48 to 187+/-55) and the Borg dyspnoea score (from 5.5+/-1.2 to 2.3+/-0.3). NIV also improved pH, but only in the subset of hypercapnic patients. Thirteen of 23 (57%) patients were successfully ventilated and discharged alive, while 10/23 patients (43%) met the criteria for intubation or died after an initial trial of NIV. Only two of these patients accepted invasive ventilation. The mortality rate in this subgroup was 9/10 (90%). A higher Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS II) and a lower PaO2/FiO2 on admission were associated with a lower probability of survival. Patients with ARF and end-stage solid malignancies have an overall ICU and 1-year mortality rate of 39% and 87%, respectively, but despite this, a consistent subset of patients may still be successfully treated with NIV, if the cause of ARF is reversible

    Neo-ECHOTIP: A structured protocol for ultrasound-based tip navigation and tip location during placement of central venous access devices in neonates

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    Central venous access devices are often needed in neonates admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. The location of the tip of the central catheter is usually assessed by post-procedural X-ray. However, this strategy is inaccurate and time consuming. Recent guidelines strongly recommend intra-procedural methods of tip location, to increase the cost-effectiveness of the maneuver and to shorten the time between device placement and utilization. In this regard, real-time ultrasound represents the most promising tool for tip navigation and location in neonates. The aim of this paper is (a) to review all the evidence available about ultrasound-based tip navigation and tip location of central catheters in the neonatal population (b) to propose a novel protocol for tip navigation and location (Neo-ECHOTIP) based on such evidence

    ECHOTIP: A structured protocol for ultrasound-based tip navigation and tip location during placement of central venous access devices in adult patients

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    Central venous access devices are routinely used in clinical practice for administration of fluids and medications, for drawing blood samples and for hemodynamic monitoring. The adoption of ultrasound guided venipuncture has significantly reduced procedure-related complications, as documented by the recommendations of most recent guidelines. Ultrasound has also an important role also in other aspects of central venous catheterization, such as in the pre-procedural evaluation of the venous patrimony and in the detection of early and late non-infective complications. Recently, bedside ultrasound has been regarded as a promising tool also for ensuring an accurate and intraprocedural method of tip navigation and tip location. The aim of this paper is to review all the evidence about the accuracy of ultrasound methods for tip navigation and tip location in adult patients, and to suggest a structured standardized protocol for clinical practice

    ECHOTIP-Ped: A structured protocol for ultrasound-based tip navigation and tip location during placement of central venous access devices in pediatric patients

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    : Central venous access devices are routinely used in pediatric care for administration of fluids and medications and for drawing blood samples. The adoption of ultrasound guided venipuncture, the availability of bedside ultrasound devices and the use of intraprocedural methods for tip location have been shown to reduce procedure-related complications, as documented by the recommendations of most recent guidelines. In pediatric patients, bedside ultrasound is a promising tool not only for optimizing the choice of the vein and guiding the venipuncture, but also for ensuring an accurate and intraprocedural method of tip navigation and tip location. The aim of this paper is to review all the evidence about the accuracy of ultrasound methods for tip navigation and tip location in pediatric patients, and to suggest a structured protocol for clinical practice

    Le città di Dante. Trasformazioni urbane e territoriali tra XIII e XIV secolo

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    Il volume raccoglie una serie di contributi riferiti sia alle città in cui Dante Alighieri ha vissuto o che ha visitato nel corso della sua vita, sia ai luoghi menzionati nella Divina Commedia, al fine di delineare – con un approccio interdisciplinare – le trasformazioni urbane e territoriali, in particolar modo in Italia, tra la seconda metà del XIII e la prima metà del XIV secolo. Le celebrazioni per i settecento anni della morte del poeta sono state un momento importante per una riflessione su questa fase cruciale della storia urbana, a cui hanno contribuito studiosi afferenti a diversi settori disciplinari, specialisti per gli ambiti territoriali presi in esame