183 research outputs found

    Bridging aortic valve surgery to 21st century. what can a surgeon do

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    Aortic valve stenosis is the most clinically relevant valvular heart disease in the elderlies. Surgical aortic valve replacement (SAVR) represented, for decades, the standard of care for the treatment of severe aortic stenosis. Although SAVR still represents a valid option in this clinical scenario, transcatheter aortic valve implantation proved to be superior to medical therapy and comparable to SAVR in several randomized trials in patients at high or intermediate operative risk. At the same time, the growing aging population carrying on greater morbidities and high risk profiles has led to the development of minimally invasive technologies, as rapid deployment aortic valve replacement or Sutureless, to minimize surgical impact on patients. The Heart Team is nowadays tasked to determine the best option tailored for each patient considering patient-related factors and mastering all the surgical options in terms of both different techniques and types of available valves. Nevertheless, some open issues need to be already answered as: which has the longest durability, which the lower complication rate and the lower overall mortality. The aim of this review is to briefly resume the main features of these different options and explore what kind of open questions these newer-generation prosthetic valves and delivery devices carry

    GRK2 Levels in Umbilical Arteries of Pregnancies Complicated by Gestational Hypertension and Preeclampsia

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    BACKGROUND G-Protein coupled receptor kinase 2 (GRK2) represents a regulator of cell function in different cardiovascular conditions, including high blood pressure. The relationship between elevated GRK2 levels and impaired vasorelaxant responses is causative of hypertension through the increase in vascular resistances. The aim of this study is to ascertain if this feature is present in the fetal placental vasculature of pregnancies complicated by hypertensive disorders. METHODS We have assessed GRK2 levels in the umbilical arteries (UA) of 21 preeclamptic or gestational hypertensive and 23 normotensive women at time of delivery. RESULTS GRK2 levels were increased in the hypertensive group (0.83 +/- 0.14 vs. 0.48 +/- 0.06 densitometry units; P < 0.05). GRK2 levels were in correlation and in linear regression with systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial pressure (P < 0.05, r(2) = 0.12, r(2) = 0.11, r(2) = 0.12). Correlations did not reach a significant value for other clinical parameters such as gestational age at birth, umbilical artery pulsatility index, maternal proteinuria, and neonatal birth weight. Out of the 21 hypertensive women, 7 who developed a preeclampsia associated with early preterm delivery (before 34 weeks) had a significantly lower GRK2 levels compared to the remaining 14 (0.51 +/- 0.12 vs. 1.08 +/- 0.20 densitometry units, P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS We conclude that elevated GRK2 levels in the umbilical vasculature is correlated to elevated blood pressure levels, with a likely compensatory rather than causative role since the lack of protective effect of elevated GRK2 levels may negatively affect the outcome of the hypertensive state

    Epigenetic fingerprint in endometrial carcinogenesis: the hypothesis of a uterine field cancerization.

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    "Abstract. Transcriptional silencing by CpG island hypermethylation plays a critical role in endometrial carcinogenesis. In a collection of benign, premalignant and malignant endometrial lesions, a methylation profile of a complete gene panel, such steroid receptors (ERα, PR), DNA mismatch repair (hMLH1), tumor-suppressor genes (CDKN2A\/P16 and CDH1\/E-CADHERIN) and WNT pathway inhibitors (SFRP1, SFRP2, SFRP4, SFRP5) was investigated in order to demonstrate their pathogenetic role in endometrial lesions. Our results indicate that gene hypermethylation may be an early event in endometrial endometrioid tumorigenesis. Particularly, ERα, PR, hMLH1, CDKN2A\/P16, SFRP1, SFRP2 and SFRP5 revealed a promoter methylation status in endometrioid carcinoma, whereas SFRP4 showed demethylation in cancer. P53 immunostaining showed weak-focal protein expression level both in hyperplasic lesions and in endometrioid cancer. Non-endometrioid cancers showed very low levels of epigenetic methylations, but strong P53 protein positivity. Fisher exact test revealed a statistically significant association between hMLH1, CDKN2A\/P16 and SFRP1 genes methylation and endometrioid carcinomas and between hMLH1 gene methylation and peritumoral endometrium (p < 0.05). Our data confirm that the methylation profile of the peritumoral endometrium is different from the altered molecular background of benign endometrial polyps and hyperplasias. Therefore, our findings suggest that the methylation of hMLH1, CDKN2A\/P16 and SFRP1 may clearly distinguish between benign and malignant lesions. Finally, this study assessed that the use of an epigenetic fingerprint may improve the current diagnostic tools for a better clinical management of endometrial lesions.

    Efficacy and Tolerability of Perampanel in Brain Tumor-Related Epilepsy: A Systematic Review

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    (1) Background: Epilepsy is a frequent comorbidity in patients with brain tumors, in whom seizures are often drug-resistant. Current evidence suggests that excess of glutamatergic activity in the tumor microenvironment may favor epileptogenesis, but also tumor growth and invasiveness. The selective non-competitive -amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptor antagonist perampanel (PER) was demonstrated to be efficacious and well-tolerated in patients with focal seizures. Moreover, preclinical in vitro studies suggested a potential anti-tumor activity of this drug. In this systematic review, the clinical evidence on the efficacy and tolerability of PER in brain tumor-related epilepsy (BTRE) is summarized. (2) Methods: Five databases and two clinical trial registries were searched from inception to December 2022. (3) Results: Seven studies and six clinical trials were included. Sample size ranged from 8 to 36 patients, who received add-on PER (mean dosage from 4 to 7 mg/day) for BTRE. After a 6–12 month follow-up, the responder rate (% of patients achieving seizure freedom or reduction 50% of seizure frequency) ranged from 75% to 95%, with a seizure freedom rate of up to 94%. Regarding tolerability, 11–52% of patients experienced non-severe adverse effects (most frequent: dizziness, vertigo, anxiety, irritability). The retention rate ranged from 56% to 83%. However, only up to 12.5% of patients discontinued the drug because of the adverse events. (4) Conclusions: PER seems to be efficacious, safe, and well-tolerated in patients with BTRE. Further randomized studies should be conducted in more homogeneous and larger populations, also evaluating the effect of PER on tumor progression, overall survival, and progression-free survival

    Characterization of snowfall estimated by in situ and ground-based remote-sensing observations at Terra Nova Bay, Victoria Land, Antarctica

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    AbstractKnowledge of the precipitation contribution to the Antarctic surface mass balance is essential for defining the ice-sheet contribution to sea-level rise. Observations of precipitation are sparse over Antarctica, due to harsh environmental conditions. Precipitation during the summer months (November–December–January) on four expeditions, 2015–16, 2016–17, 2017–18 and 2018–19, in the Terra Nova Bay area, were monitored using a vertically pointing radar, disdrometer, snow gauge, radiosounding and an automatic weather station installed at the Italian Mario Zucchelli Station. The relationship between radar reflectivity and precipitation rate at the site can be estimated using these instruments jointly. The error in calculated precipitation is up to 40%, mostly dependent on reflectivity variability and disdrometer inability to define the real particle fall velocity. Mean derived summer precipitation is ~55 mm water equivalent but with a large variability. During collocated measurements in 2018–19, corrected snow gauge amounts agree with those derived from the relationship, within the estimated errors. European Centre for the Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and the Antarctic Mesoscale Prediction System (AMPS) analysis and operational outputs are able to forecast the precipitation timing but do not adequately reproduce quantities during the most intense events, with overestimation for ECMWF and underestimation for AMPS

    Phantom validation of quantitative Y-90 PET/CT based dosimetry in liver radioembolisation

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    Background PET/CT has recently been shown to be a viable alternative to traditional post-infusion imaging methods providing good quality images of 90Y-laden microspheres after selective internal radiation therapy (SIRT). In the present paper, first we assessed the quantitative accuracy of 90Y-PET using an anthropomorphic phantom provided with lungs, liver, spine, and a cylindrical homemade lesion located into the hepatic compartment. Then, we explored the accuracy of different computational approaches on dose calculation, including (I) direct Monte Carlo radiation transport using Raydose, (II) Kernel convolution using Philips Stratos, (III) local deposition algorithm, (IV) Monte Carlo technique (MCNP) considering a uniform activity distribution, and (V) MIRD (Medical Internal Radiation Dose) analytical approach. Finally, calculated absorbed doses were compared with those obtained performing measurements with LiF:Mg,Cu,P TLD chips in a liquid environment. Results Our results indicate that despite 90Y-PET being likely to provide high-resolution images, the 90Y low branch ratio, along with other image-degrading factors, may produce non-uniform activity maps, even in the presence of uniform activity. A systematic underestimation of the recovered activity, both for the tumor insert and for the liver background, was found. This is particularly true if no partial volume correction is applied through recovery coefficients. All dose algorithms performed well, the worst case scenario providing an agreement between absorbed dose evaluations within 20%. Average absorbed doses determined with the local deposition method are in excellent agreement with those obtained using the MIRD and the kernel-convolution dose calculation approach. Finally, absorbed dose assessed with MC codes are in good agreement with those obtained using TLD in liquid solution, thus confirming the soundness of both calculation approaches. This is especially true for Raydose, which provided an absorbed dose value within 3% of the measured dose, well within the stated uncertainties. Conclusions Patient-specific dosimetry is possible even in a scenario with low true coincidences and high random fraction, as in 90Y–PET imaging, granted that accurate absolute PET calibration is performed and acquisition times are sufficiently long. Despite Monte Carlo calculations seeming to outperform all dose estimation algorithms, our data provide a strong argument for encouraging the use of the local deposition algorithm for routine 90Y dosimetry based on PET/CT imaging, due to its simplicity of implementation

    Cellular subtype expression and activation of CaMKII regulate the fate of atherosclerotic plaque

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    Abstract Background and aims Atherosclerosis is a degenerative process of the arterial wall implicating activation of macrophages and proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells. Calcium-calmodulin dependent kinase type II (CaMKII) in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) regulates proliferation, while in macrophages, this kinase governs diapedesis, infiltration and release of extracellular matrix enzymes. We aimed at understanding the possible role of CaMKII in atherosclerosis plaques to regulate plaque evolution towards stability or instability. Methods Clinically defined stable and unstable plaques obtained from patients undergoing carotid end arteriectomy were processed for evaluation of CaMKs protein expression, activity and localization. Results The larger content of CaMKII was found in CD14 + myeloid cells that were more abundant in unstable rather than stable plaques. To test the biological effect of activated CD14 + myeloid cells, VSMCs were exposed to the conditioned medium (CM) of macrophages extracted from carotid plaques. CM induced attenuation of CaMKs expression and activity in VSMCs, leading to the reduction of VSMCs proliferation. This appears to be due to the CaMKII dependent release of cytokines. Conclusions These results indicate a pivotal role of CaMKs in atherosclerosis by regulating activated myeloid cells on VSMCs activity. CaMKII could represent a possible target for therapeutic strategies based on macrophages specific inhibition for the stabilization of arteriosclerotic lesions

    Assessment Tools of Biopsychosocial Frailty Dimensions in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Narrative Review

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    : Frailty is a complex interplay between several factors, including physiological changes in ageing, multimorbidities, malnutrition, living environment, genetics, and lifestyle. Early screening for frailty risk factors in community-dwelling older people allows for preventive interventions on the clinical and social determinants of frailty, which allows adverse events to be avoided. By conducting a narrative review of the literature employing the International Narrative Systematic Assessment tool, the authors aimed to develop an updated framework for the main measurement tools to assess frailty risks in older adults, paying attention to use in the community and primary care settings. This search focused on the biopsychosocial domains of frailty that are covered in the SUNFRAIL tool. The study selected 178 reviews (polypharmacy: 20; nutrition: 13; physical activity: 74; medical visits: 0; falls: 39; cognitive decline: 12; loneliness: 15; social support: 5; economic constraints: 0) published between January 2010 and December 2021. Within the selected reviews, 123 assessment tools were identified (polypharmacy: 15; nutrition: 15; physical activity: 25; medical visits: 0; falls: 26; cognitive decline: 18; loneliness: 9; social support: 15; economic constraints: 0). The narrative review allowed us to evaluate assessment tools of frailty domains to be adopted for multidimensional health promotion and prevention interventions in community and primary care
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