28 research outputs found

    COLLADA + MPEG-4 or X3D + MPEG-4

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    The paper is an overview of 3D graphics assets and applications standards.The authors analyzed the three main open standards dealing with three-dimensional (3-D) graphics content and applications, X3D, COLLADA, and MPEG4, to clarify the role of each with respect to the following criteria: ability to describe only the graphics assets in a synthetic 3-D scene or also its behavior as an application, compression capacities, and appropriateness for authoring, transmission, and publishing. COLLADA could become the interchange format for authoring tools; MPEG4 on top of it (as specified in MPEG-4 Part 25), the publishing format for graphics assets; and X3D, the standard for interactive applications, enriched by MPEG-4 compression in the case of online ones. The authors also mentioned that in order to build a mobile application, a developer has to consider different hardware configurations and performances, different operating systems, different screen sizes, and input controls

    Un cadre unificateur pour des applications graphiques 3D, basé sur la compression et la diffusion

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    With the development of the computer networks, mainly the Internet, it became easier to develop applications where the execution is shared between a local computer, the Client, and one located on the other side of the network communication channel, the Server. The hardware advancements in the recent years made it possible to display 3D graphics (games, map navigation, virtual worlds) on mobile devices. However, executing these complex applications on the client terminal is not possible without reducing the quality of the displayed graphics or lowering its processing requirements. Different solutions have already been proposed in academic publications; however none of them satisfies all requirements. The objective of this thesis is to propose an alternative solution for a new client-server architecture where the connectedness of the mobile devices is fully exploited. Several main requirements are addressed: - Minimize the network traffic, - Reduce the required computational power on the terminal, and - Preserve the user experience compared with local execution. First a formal framework is designed that can effectively define and model distributed applications for 3D graphics. Then a model of new architecture is presented, that overcomes the disadvantages of the architectures presented in the state of the art. The core of the architecture is the MPEG-4 standard, which is used to transfer the data between the server and the client in a compressed manner. The last part of explores the design of architectures optimized for running on mobile devices. The design of the new client-server architecture is validated by implementing a game and running simulations.Avec le développement des réseaux informatiques, principalement d'Internet, il devient de plus en plus facile de développer des applications dont l'exécution est répartie entre un ordinateur local, le client, et un ordinateur à distance (à une autre extrémité du canal de transmission), le serveur. Les progrès techniques de ces dernières années au niveau matériel ont rendu possible l'affichage en 3D (jeux, navigation cartographique, mondes virtuels) sur les mobiles. Cependant, l'exécution de ces applications complexes sur le terminal client est impossible, à moins de réduire la qualité des images affichées ou les besoins en calcul de l'application. Différentes solutions ont déjà été proposées dans la littérature mais aucune d'entre elles ne satisfait l'ensemble des besoins. L'objectif de cette thèse est de proposer une solution alternative, c'est à dire une nouvelle architecture client-serveur dans laquelle l'interconnexion des dispositifs mobiles est complètement exploitée. Les principales conditions de mise en œuvre seront traitées: - Minimiser le trafic réseau - Réduire les besoins en puissance de calcul du terminal, et - Préserver l'expérience utilisateur par rapport à une exécution locale. Tout d'abord, un cadre formel est développé afin de définir et modéliser des applications graphiques 3D distribuées. Ensuite, une nouvelle architecture, permettant de dépasser certains inconvénients que l'on trouve dans des architectures de l'état de l'art, est présentée. La conception de la nouvelle architecture client-serveur est validée par l'implémentation d'un jeu et la mise œuvre de simulations

    Map nodes for Augmented Reality

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    Currently map can be integrated in a scene by using a complex integration of different types of nodes and scripts. However this implementation is not easily extensible, has high performance requirements and requires external software for caching purposes

    Additional use cases for ARAF

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    Augmented Reality and, in general, Mixed Reality combines the real world with a virtual scene and creates an immersive and interactive real-time environment. The possible applications are almost limitless and encompass areas like learning, architecture or industrial production. In the gaming area, AR/MR offers unique opportunities. Unlike with traditional video games, these games are not imprisoned onto the screen but interact with the real world. They incorporate real locations and objects into the game, therefore tapping into already existing thoughts and emotions of the player, which in turn creates a potentially much richer gaming world and experience. Mobile AR/MR Gaming even goes a step further as the playing area becomes borderless and games can be played literally anywhere and anytime. With the current advancement of modern cell phone technology, we are identifying the potential of Mobile AR/MR Games being played by anyone

    Integrated MXM API for 3D graphics

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    Report of 88th MPEG Meeting, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 11, coding of moving pictures and audio - Maui(HI

    Update of the ReferenceDescription and ReferenceDescriptionLocation PROTOs for ARAF

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    ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 MPEG2011/m3028

    Augmented reality in MPEG scenes

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    The goal of this contribution is to present how the MPEG-4 standard can be used to create mobile Augmented Reality (AR) applications. It specifies the needed components for AR applications and proposes updates to the MPEG standard in order to support them

    Un cadre unificateur pour des applications graphiques 3D, basé sur la compression et la diffusion

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    Avec le développement des réseaux informatiques, principalement d'Internet, il devient de plus en plus facile de développer des applications dont l'exécution est répartie entre un ordinateur local, le client, et un ordinateur à distance (à une autre extrémité du canal de transmission), le serveur. Les progrès techniques de ces dernières années au niveau matériel ont rendu possible l'affichage en 3D (jeux, navigation cartographique, mondes virtuels) sur les mobiles. Cependant, l'exécution de ces applications complexes sur le terminal client est impossible, à moins de réduire la qualité des images affichées ou les besoins en calcul de l'application. Différentes solutions ont déjà été proposées dans la littérature mais aucune d'entre elles ne satisfait l'ensemble des besoins. L'objectif de cette thèse est de proposer une solution alternative, c'est à dire une nouvelle architecture client-serveur dans laquelle l'interconnexion des dispositifs mobiles est complètement exploitée. Les principales conditions de mise en œuvre seront traitées: - Minimiser le trafic réseau - Réduire les besoins en puissance de calcul du terminal, et - Préserver l'expérience utilisateur par rapport à une exécution locale. Tout d'abord, un cadre formel est développé afin de définir et modéliser des applications graphiques 3D distribuées. Ensuite, une nouvelle architecture, permettant de dépasser certains inconvénients que l'on trouve dans des architectures de l'état de l'art, est présentée. La conception de la nouvelle architecture client-serveur est validée par l'implémentation d'un jeu et la mise œuvre de simulations.With the development of the computer networks, mainly the Internet, it became easier to develop applications where the execution is shared between a local computer, the Client, and one located on the other side of the network communication channel, the Server. The hardware advancements in the recent years made it possible to display 3D graphics (games, map navigation, virtual worlds) on mobile devices. However, executing these complex applications on the client terminal is not possible without reducing the quality of the displayed graphics or lowering its processing requirements. Different solutions have already been proposed in academic publications; however none of them satisfies all requirements. The objective of this thesis is to propose an alternative solution for a new client-server architecture where the connectedness of the mobile devices is fully exploited. Several main requirements are addressed: - Minimize the network traffic, - Reduce the required computational power on the terminal, and - Preserve the user experience compared with local execution. First a formal framework is designed that can effectively define and model distributed applications for 3D graphics. Then a model of new architecture is presented, that overcomes the disadvantages of the architectures presented in the state of the art. The core of the architecture is the MPEG-4 standard, which is used to transfer the data between the server and the client in a compressed manner. The last part of explores the design of architectures optimized for running on mobile devices. The design of the new client-server architecture is validated by implementing a game and running simulations.EVRY-INT (912282302) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Errors in V7 and V8 nodes for BIFS

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    MPEG 84 : 84th Meeting Moving Picture Experts Group, April 26 - May 2, Archamps, France. Report ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 11 N974