70,987 research outputs found

    Safety Culture ≈ Multi - Dimensional Phenomenon

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    Článok poukazuje na rozdielnosť vnímania pojmu kultúra bezpečnosti v odbornej sfére ako aj na nejednotu defi nícií pojmu. Prezentuje možné modely fungovania kultúry bezpečnosti a základné otázky, ktoré je nutné zodpovedať. Ďalej poukazuje na nevyhnutnosť zapojenia managementu fi rmy pre dobré fungovanie systému, ako aj na ďalšie faktory, ktoré fi remnú kultúru bezpečnosti ovplyvňujú.The paper refers to the difference of perception of the concept of safety culture in the professional sphere as well as the defi nitions of disunity. It presents possible models of functioning safety culture and the fundamental questions that must be answered. Furthermore, it highlights the need for the involvement of the company management for the proper functioning of the system as well as other factors that infl uence the corporate culture of safety

    Transport and traffic analytics in smart cities

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    Vast generation of high resolution spatial and temporal data, particularly in urban settings, started revolution in mobility and human behavior related research. However, after initial wave of first data oriented insights their integration into ongoing, and traditionally used, planning and decision making processes seems to be hindered by still opened challenges. These challenges suggest need for stronger integration between data analytics and dedicated domain knowledge. Special session on Transport and Traffic Analytics in Smart Cities tackles these challenges from transport planners’ point of view. Collection of papers aims at identifying the existing gaps and bridging between related disciplines with aspiration to foster faster integration of data driven insights into smart cities’ dedicated planning

    Economic profit of ecologically managing farmers in the Czech Republic

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    This paper is focused on defining the basic factors (economic and non-economic) influencing economic efficiency of organic farmers with the accent being placed on economic factors alone. The aim of this article is to carry out the analysis of these factors (with the introduction on the differences from conventional agriculture), primarily at the general level and then, taking into consideration the data available from the undertaken statistical investigations, in the dimension of all organic farmers in the Czech Republic

    European Union and Globalisation

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    Globalizace se odehrává v prostoru, ve kterém je nyní nové řízení moci a kde jsou nové struktury, které zaručují občanům jejích práva. Základní jev demokratické vlády není specificky evropský; je to všeobecný jev vztahující se ke globalizaci. Prohlubování ekonomické integrace omezilo jak obsahově tak formálně autonomii svrchovaných států v záležitostech ekonomické politiky. Nadstátní instituce, které nahrazují národní vlády, suverénním státům ve vzestupné míře odebírají základní nástroje ekonomické regulace v zájmu celého společenství. Globalizace se uskutečňuje v prostoru, ve kterém je nyní nová forma vlády a přicházejí nové struktury, které zajišťují občanská práva.Globalisation takes place in a space where there is now new control of power and there are new structures which guarantee the rights of citizens. The essential phenomenon of democratic governance is not specifically European; it is a general phenomenon relating to globalisation. Deepening economic integration has restricted, both substantively and formally, the autonomy of sovereign states in matters of economic policy. The supranational institutions which are replacing national governments increasingly take away the basis of economic regulation from sovereign states in name of interest of the Communities. Globalisation takes place in a space where there is now new control of power and there are new structures which guarantee the rights of citizens

    Evaluation of quality public transport criteria in terms of passenger satisfaction

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    This article presents a detailed description and explanation of the methodology for evaluation of quality public transport criteria in terms of passenger satisfaction. In 2011-2014 this method was applied in an assessment of passenger satisfaction with the urban public transport system in Ostrava. In order to assess passengers' satisfaction, traffic survey has been chosen utilizing questionnaire and student inquirers. The results achieved by application of the method have been processed to evaluate time accessibility criteria of a public transport system. Time accessibility criteria group (accessibility of stops, waiting for a connection and transferability in the public transport network) evaluates physical and psychological aspects of the passenger during his arrival at the station, while leaving the station, in the course of waiting for a connection and during the transfer. The time accessibility criteria are considered the most significant criteria that impact a passenger's decision to utilise public transport options.Web of Science171271

    European Union attempt of regional integration

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    The future for European Union and its citizens - what might happen? The quality of life for the Europeans is influenced by different areas. This paper concentrates on the possible human and political consequences of the enlargement. It deals with the future of the euro zone and its economic management, and it describes other policy issues and areas

    The economic performance analysis of organic farms in the Czech Republic

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    The research presented in the paper was aimed at analyzing the economic performance of organic farms in the Czech Republic and at evaluating their operation in variants (i.e. including or excluding subsidies). The research was targeted solely at legal entities due to a limited data base. The performance of organic farms (individual kinds of legal entities)was compared by regions with the agricultural enterprises farming conventionally. The organic farms economic profit was as well assessed in relation to their field of activity. Based on the analysis made, the economic situation is more favourable for the organically farming enterprises. Their economic results are actively influenced by subsidies without which an absolute majority of enterprises would be operating at a loss. (When including subsidies in the yields, 84.9% farms of the sample were profitable. On the other hand, while excluding subsidies, 95.7% of the enterprises were loss-making.) Economic success of the farms is influenced – together with subsidies – by the natural and climatic conditions as well as and by their field of activities. The enterprises farming permanent grassland (solely or in combination with a different culture) prevail. A lower intensity of this farming is reflected in the more favourable economic results