38 research outputs found


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    Bunga melati putih memiliki potensi ekonomi dan social yang besar bagi masyarakat Indonesia khususnya dan dunia umumnya. Kebutuhan melati putih terus meningkat, namun produksi bunga melati putih di Indonesia baru mampu memenuhi sekitar 20% dari kebutuhan melati di pasaran dunia. Untuk itu diperlukan upaya untuk meningkat kuantitas dan kualitas produksi bunga. Pemanfaatan Zat Penghambat Tumbuh merupakan salah satu solusi untuk meningkatkan produksi bunga melati putih. Salah satu Zat Penghambat Tumbuh yang biasa digunakan adalah paclobutrazol. Sehubungan dengan itu maka dilakukan penelitian dengan judul “ Induksi Pemekaran Bunga (Anthesis) Tanaman melati putih (Jasminum sambac L. W. Ait) dengan pemberian paclobutrazol pada beberapa konsentrasi. “ Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Maret sampai Juni di greenhouse STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat. Rancangan  percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri dari 6 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan.  Terdiri dari perlakuanA= control, B=200 ppm, C=400 ppm, D= 600 ppm, E= 800 ppm, E= 1000 ppm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian paclobutrazol pada beberapa konsentrasi tidak memberikan pengaruh terhadap waktu muncul kuncup bunga, waktu mekar bunga (anthesis), dan jumlah bunga melati puti


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    Saat ini makin banyak masyarakat di Indonesia yang menggunakan aplikasi audio dan video streaming dalam kehidupan sehari-harinya. Dengan adanya videostreaming bisa digunakan untuk berbagai kegiatan seperti pendidikan jarak jauh ataupun sebagai sarana monitoring. Pada jaringan publik mempunyai kelemahan yaitu kurangnya keamanan komunikasinya, untuk mengatasi hal itu maka digunakanlah teknologi VPN (Virtual Private Network) pada jaringan tersebut. VPN memungkinkan terbentuknya sebuah jaringan data privat pada jaringan publik dengan menerapkan autentikasi dan enkripsi sehingga akses terhadap jaringan tersebut hanya dapat dilakukan oleh pihak-pihak tertentu. Pada paper ini menganalisa Qos dari jaringan MPLS VPN, meliputi parameter Qos yaitu delay, jitter, packet loss dan troughput. Dengan analisa ini diharapkan para pengguna teknologi audio dan video streaming mengetahui sejauh mana performansi dari aplikasi tersebut melalui jaringan MPLS VPN


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    Today and more people in Indonesia to use audio and video streaming applications in daily life. With the streaming video we can use it for various activities such as distance education or as a means of monitoring. In the public network has security weaknesses are lack of communication, to overcome this, the technology is used VPN (Virtual Private Network) on the network. VPN allows the formation of a network of private data on public networks by applying authentication and encryption so that access to these networks can only be done by certain parties. Layers of additional security such as IPSec can be applied to data security, if necessary. Such methods, however, without any IPSec, VPN with MPLS can be used well. In this thesis analyzes the QoS of MPLS VPN network, the QoS parameters include delay, jitter, packet loss and throughput. Quality of Service (QoS) of video streaming is absolutely taken to ensure that users feel satisfied when using it. With this analysis are expected video streaming technology users through a VPN MPLS network is to know the extent to which the performance of videostreaming via MPLS VPN networ

    Pertumbuhan, Produksi Biomassa, dan Kandungan Glikosida Steviol pada Lima Klon Stevia Introduksi di Bogor, Indonesia

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    Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni, a sweetener plant, has been cultivated in Indonesia since the early 1980s, but the yield is lower than in other countries. Five selected introduced stevia clones were planted at Megamendung, Bogor, Indonesia (6°39’ S, 106°56’ E, 800 m above sea level) on December 2014 until November 2015 to evaluate their growth and biomass yield. The growth and yield were observed from 6 to 12 months after planting. In addition, stevioside, rebaudioside A (reb A), and total steviol glycoside (TSG) contents of leaves were measured using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). At six months after planting, stem diameter was 8-11 mm, plant canopy diameter was 23-30 cm, plant height was 24-35 cm, and plant mortality was less than 5% except for clone BU at 30.7% due to Sclerotium attack. The plants flowered at different times, therefore had different harvest durations, from 4 weeks (clone BM) to 8 weeks (clone BP). The highest leaf yield was clone BM (6.04 ton ha-1 per year), followed by BX (4.91 ton ha-1 per year), and BP (4.38 ton ha-1 per year). From the five clones tested, clone BM was the best for leaf, TSG, and stevioside yields; whereas clone BS and BP were the best for reb A yield. Keywords: rebaudioside A, Stevia rebaudiana, stevioside, total steviol glycosid


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    Etnobotani dan uji aktivitas antioksidan pada tumbuhan Hanjeli (Coix lacryma-jobi L.) terutama yang berasal dari Jawa Barat belum diteliti. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mengungkap sistem pengolahan, pemanfataan tumbuhan Hanjeli oleh masyarakat di Kampung Cekdam dan mengungkap aktivitas antioksidan pada biji dan tangkai buah Hanjeli liar maupun budidaya. Hanjeli liar diambil dari Dusun Ciawi, Kabupaten Sumedang dan Hanjeli budidaya diambil dari Kampung Cekdam, Kabupaten Sukabumi. Penelitian Etnobotani dilakukan dengan teknik pengambilan sampel purposive sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara semi terstuktur. Data kuantitatif diperoleh dengan menggunakan metode pendekatan nilai penting atau Use Value (UVs). Biji dan tangkai buah Hanjeli diekstrak menggunakan pelarut etanol 96% dengan metode maserasi. Pengujian aktivitas antioksidan dari masing-masing ekstrak dilakukan dengan metode pengukuran penangkapan radikal oleh 1,1-difenil-2-pikrihidrazil (DPPH). Hanjeli ditanam secara monokultur atau tumpang sari. Pengolahan dimulai dari pemilihan bibit, penanaman dan pemeliharaan. Tanaman tersebut dipanen pada usia 5-7 bulan dan dikeringkan dengan bantuan cahaya matahari. Hanjeli yang dibudidayakan di Kampung Cekdam dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan makanan, obat, kayu bakar, pakan ternak dan aksesoris. Nilai UVs tertinggi yaitu Hanjeli ketan (1,70) hal ini berkaitan dengan banyaknya pemanfaatannya oleh masyarakat. Ekstrak biji Hanjeli liar maupun budidaya memiliki aktivitas antioksidan yang sangat lemah karena memiliki nilai IC50 lebih dari 200 ppm. Ekstrak tangkai buah Hanjeli memiliki aktivitas antioksidan yang kuat dengan nilai IC50 berada di antara 50-100 ppm. Aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak tangkai buah jauh lebih tinggi dibanding biji. Hanjeli budidaya memiliki aktivitas lebih tinggi dibanding Hanjeli liar. Ethnobotany and antioxidant activities tests of job’s tears (Coix lacryma-jobi L.) especially from West Java have not been researched. The purpose of the research is to reveal the processing system, utilization of job’s tears by the community in Cekdam Village and to reveal the antioxidant activities of wild and cultivation seeds and fruit stalks of job’s tears. Wild job’s tears is taken from Ciawi, Sumedang and cultivation job’s tears is taken from Cekdam, Sukabumi. Ethnobotany research was conducted by using purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques were carried out with semi-structured interviews. Quantitative data were obtained using the Use Value (UVs) approach. Seeds and stalks of job’s tears were extracted using 96% ethanol solvent by maceration method. The antioxidant activities test of each extract was carried out by measuring the radical scavenging method by 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrihydrazyl (DPPH). Job’s tears is planted monoculture or intercropping. Processing start from seed selection, planting and maintenance. These plants are harvested at the age of 5-7 months and dried with the help of sunlight. Job’s tears cultivated in Cekdam is used as food, medicine, firewood, animal feed and accessories. The highest UVs value is sticky rice of job’s tears (1.70) this is related to the many uses by the community. Both wild and cultivated job’s tears of seed extracts have very weak antioxidant activities because they have an IC50 value of more than 200 ppm. Fruit stalk extract of job’s tears has strong antioxidant activities with an IC50 value between 50-100 ppm. The antioxidant activities of the fruit stalk extract was higher than the seeds. Cultivated job’s tears has higher activities than wild job’s tears

    Respons Pertumbuhan Bibit Kelapa Sawit dengan Pemberian Kompos Pelepah, Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit, dan Air Cucian Beras

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    In oil palm plantations, compost application for plants aims to support a sustainable cropping system. The study aimed to determine the effect of oil palm midrib compost, oil palm empty fruit bunches and rice washing water on the growth of oil palm seedlings in the main nursery. The experiment was conducted at the Ciparanje Experimental Garden, Faculty of Agriculture, Padjadjaran University, from February 2020 to August 2020. The experiment was conducted using an experimental method using a randomised block design consisting of twelve treatments with three replications. The treatments included the application of inorganic fertilisers, oil palm midrib compost, oil palm empty fruit bunch compost and rice washing water either singly or in a combination of the three. Observations were made on the variables of increase in plant height, increase in stem girth, increase in the number of palm midribs, and leaf chlorophyll content. The F (Fisher) test analysed observational data at a 95% confidence level, followed by Duncan's multiple range test at a 95% confidence level. Data analysis using the SASM-Agri application. A mixture of 1.600 g of oil palm midrib compost, 100 g of oil palm empty fruit bunch compost with 500 ml of rice washing water can be used as a reference for the composition of organic fertiliser for oil palm seedlings, especially its effect on the increase of stem girth and leaf chlorophyll content.In oil palm plantations, compost application for plants aims to support a sustainable cropping system. The study aimed to determine the effect of oil palm midrib compost, oil palm empty fruit bunches and rice washing water on the growth of oil palm seedlings in the main nursery. The experiment was conducted at the Ciparanje Experimental Garden, Faculty of Agriculture, Padjadjaran University, from February 2020 to August 2020. The experiment was conducted using an experimental method using a randomised block design consisting of twelve treatments with three replications. The treatments included the application of inorganic fertilisers, oil palm midrib compost, oil palm empty fruit bunch compost and rice washing water either singly or in a combination of the three. Observations were made on the variables of increase in plant height, increase in stem girth, increase in the number of palm midribs, and leaf chlorophyll content. The F (Fisher) test analysed observational data at a 95% confidence level, followed by Duncan's multiple range test at a 95% confidence level. Data analysis using the SASM-Agri application. A mixture of 1.600 g of oil palm midrib compost, 100 g of oil palm empty fruit bunch compost with 500 ml of rice washing water can be used as a reference for the composition of organic fertiliser for oil palm seedlings, especially its effect on the increase of stem girth and leaf chlorophyll content

    Laporan KKN Reguler 88 Unit IV.C.2

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    Dusun Trowono B, Karangsem, Paliyan, Gunungkidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta secara adminisrasi Kelurahan karangasem terdiri atas 11 padukuhan yang secara geografis terbagi menjadi 2 wilayah yaitu utara dan selatan. Bagian utara meliputi Padukuhan Karangasem A, Karangasem B, Cangkring, Lemahbang, Manggul, Mengger dan Trukan. Sedangkan bagian selatan meliputib Trowono A, Trowono B, Banjaran dan Namberan. Bagian selatan berdada di wilayang pegunungan termasuk dalam Kawasan karst pegunungan Sewu

    Calidad del servicio QoS en redes inalámbricas WIFI para la transmisión IPTV y tráfico multimedia

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    El presente documento corresponde a un artículo monográfico, que expone donde radican los problemas al momento de transmitir tráfico multimedia IP (como IPTV y VoIP) en redes inalámbricas WIFI para garantizar Calidad del Servicio QoS. El enfoque del trabajo es la capa MAC en el estándar IEEE 802.11. La técnica utilizada es la revisión de literatura y al final se presentan conclusiones generales donde se proponen posibles alternativas para proporcionar calidad de servicio en redes WIFI