166 research outputs found

    Adversarial scheduling analysis of Game-Theoretic Models of Norm Diffusion.

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    In (Istrate et al. SODA 2001) we advocated the investigation of robustness of results in the theory of learning in games under adversarial scheduling models. We provide evidence that such an analysis is feasible and can lead to nontrivial results by investigating, in an adversarial scheduling setting, Peyton Young's model of diffusion of norms . In particular, our main result incorporates contagion into Peyton Young's model.evolutionary games, stochastic stability, adversarial scheduling

    Роль эндоскопии в опухолевых поражениях сосочка Фатера

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    Catedra Chirurgie nr. 1 „Nicolae Anestiade”, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Conferinţa Ştiinţifico-Practică „Medicina modernă, actualităţi şi perspective”, consacrată aniversării de 40 de ani ai Spitalului Clinic al Ministerului Sănătăţii, 27-28 mai, 2010, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaEndoscopical papillectomy (EPE) is a safe alternative to surgical mini invasive treatment of intraepithelial neoplasms of papilla of Vater. Resection of benign tumors is the main indication for EPE. Endoscopic ultrasonography, including intraductal endoscopic ultrasonography, offers significant possibilities for preoperatively determining the stage of papilla neoplastic lesions. Vaterian adenocarcinoma treatment is discussed and is not reserved only for AC noninfiltrating muscularis mucosa. En bloc resection is a “gold standard” in EPE. The risk of complications is between 10 and 20% with PA in the foreground. The placement of pancreatic duct stents in the prophylaxis is recommended for acute pancreatitis. Эндоскопическая папиллэктомия (ЭПЭ) является безопасным мини-инвазивным альтернативным методом лечения интраэпителиальных новообразований сосочка Фатера. Основным показанием к ЭПЭ являются доброкачественные опухоли. Эндоскопическая ультрасонография, в том числе интрадуктальная, позволяет определить стадию опухолевого поражения до операции. Эндоскопическая резекция аденокарциномы рекомендуется только для опухолей не инфильтрирующих мышечную оболочку. Блоковая резекции является “золотым стандартом” ЭПЭ. Риск осложнений колеблется от 10 до 20%. Для профилактики острого панкреатита показано введение стентов в проток поджелудочной железы

    Adversarial Scheduling Analysis of Game Theoretic Models of Norm Diffusion

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    In (Istrate, Marathe, Ravi SODA 2001) we advocated the investigation of robustness of results in the theory of learning in games under adversarial scheduling models. We provide evidence that such an analysis is feasible and can lead to nontrivial results by investigating, in an adversarial scheduling setting, Peyton Young's model of diffusion of norms. In particular, our main result incorporates into Peyton Young's model

    Modeling for use of water in agriculture

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    The present paper examines and evaluates the results of a survey carried out to define the criteria for restoring the surface water of the karstic stream "Gravina" (Southern-Italy). The stream runs through a watershed including several agricultural areas. The stream shows an environmental heterogeneity which is of great value to the conservation of biodiversity. The analysis supports a more general water pollution control strategy aimed at safeguarding natural water quality in the urbanized watershed with the aim, also, to reuse partially the water in agriculture. The methodology was based on the surface water sampling, quality parameter analysis and simulation by modelling. The variation and compatibility of wastewater discharge and water stream quality were verified by using a model available in literature in function of biodegradable pollutant load and dissolved oxygen. Several scenarios based on the fixed yield of treatment plants were examined

    Palisade vessels as a reliable endoscopic marker of esophago – gastric junction

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    Catedra de chirurgie nr.1 „Nicolae Anestiadi”, Laboratorul de chirurgie Hepato-Pancreato-Biliară, Catedra Boli interne nr.6, disciplina de Boli Ocupaţionale, USMF „Nicolae Testemițanu”, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Conferința stiințifică „Nicolae Anestiadi – nume etern al chirurgiei basarabene” consacrată centenarului de la nașterea profesorului Nicolae Anestiadi 26 august 2016Introducere. Joncţiunea esofago – gastrică (JEG) nu coincide întotdeauna cu joncţiunea scuamo – columnară (JSC). Evaluarea corectă in vivo a acestora este importantă pentru aprecierea esofagului columnar metaplaziat (ECM), inclusiv a esofagului Barrett (EB). Videoendoscopia face posibila vizualizarea pe lângă reperele clasice a unui reper nou şi foarte precis, nivelul inferior al Vaselor Palisade (VP) care coincide cu JEG. Scopul studiului a fost evaluarea vizibilităţii endoscopice a VP şi depistarea factorilor care o pot influenţa la pacienţii cu ECM. Material şi metode. Lotul de studiu - 85 pacienţi cu vârste cuprinse între 39 – 68 ani (vârsta medie 53,5 ani), 44 femei, 41 bărbaţi. Explorarea endoscopică a fost performată cu trusa de endoscopie Olympus Exera 150. Rezultate. Structura pacienţilor în funcţie de modificările patologice endoscopice a fost: 20 cazuri patologie absentă, 23 cazuri cu esofagita de reflux endoscopic pozitivă, 16 cazuri cu esofagită de reflux endoscopic negativă, 26 cazuri cu ECM din care 12 cu EB. Din cazurile de ECM, 21 pacienți – segment circular absent (C0 M≥1) şi 5 pacienți – segment circular evident prezent (C≥1M). Evaluarea VP a fost posibilă în 89,41% cazuri, însă creşte semnificativ după tratament antiacid în 28,24% cazuri. VP au fost decelabile în 81,9% cazuri cu ECM/EB segment circular absent şi respectiv in toate cazurile de segment circular prezent. Procentul vizibilităţii endoscopice clare a VP la pacienţii cu metaplazie gastrică în esofag a fost de 92,8% şi de 83,3% la cei cu metaplazie intestinală (EB). Concluzii. Vasele Palisade esofagiene reprezintă un reper endoscopic cert al JEG, iar procentul lor de vizualizare este satisfăcător. Inflamaţia diminuează rata de vizibilitate endoscopică a VP, însă repetarea evaluării endoscopice la pacienţii care au primit tratament antiacid ameliorează notabil această rată. ECM nu afectează procentul de vizibilitate endoscopica a VP esofagiene.Introduction. Gastro-esophageal junction (JEG) does not coincide with the squamous-columnar junction (JSC), but their proper evaluation in vivo is especially important for assessing esophageal columnar metaplasia (ECM), including Barrett's esophagus (BO). Video endoscopy enables the visualization in addition to the classical marks a new and very accurate milestone, respectively the lower level of the Palisade Vessels (VP) which coincides with JEG. The purpose of the study was the assessment of the VP endoscopic visibility and detection of the factors that can it influence at patients with ECM and EB. Material and Methods. The study group included 85 patients aged between 39-68 years (mean age 53,5 years), 44 females, 41 males. Endoscopic exploration was being performed with Olympus endoscopy kit Exera 150. Results. The structure of the patients by endoscopic pathological changes was absent in 20 cases, 23 cases with positive endoscopic reflux esophagitis, 16 cases with negative endoscopic reflux esophagitis, 26 cases of ECM of which 12 with EB. In cases of ECM, 21 patients were with absent circular segment (C0 M≥1) and 5 patients - evident circular segment present (C≥1M). VP evaluation was possible in 89.41% cases, but it increases significantly after antacid treatment in 28.24% cases. VP were detectable in 81.9% cases with ECM / EB absent circular segment and in all cases with the circular segment present. The percentage of endoscopic clear visibility of VP in patients with gastric metaplasia in the esophagus was 92.8% and 83.3% in patients with intestinal metaplasia (EB). Conclusions. Palisade esophageal vessels represent a certain endoscopic marker of the JEG, and their visualization percentage is satisfactory. Inflammation reduces the rate of endoscopic visibility of VP, but repetition of the endoscopic evaluation in patients who received antacid improves this rate notably. ECM does not affect the endoscopic visibility percentage of the esophageal VP

    Новые подходы в лечении паховых грыж

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    Universitatea „Lucian Blaga” Sibiu, România, Spitalul clinic al Ministerului Sănătăţii, Chişinău, Conferinţa Ştiinţifico-Practică „Medicina modernă, actualităţi şi perspective”, consacrată aniversării de 40 de ani ai Spitalului Clinic al Ministerului Sănătăţii, 27-28 mai, 2010, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaToday, the surgical treatment of an inguinal hernia can not be considered just a simple suture of the edges of the parietal defect. Considering the data presented in the literature, we emphasize the main features of the most frequently used interventions of treating inguinal hernias. An academic classification of the surgical techniques would be: open surgical procedures with tension suture (open “tension” repair); “no tension” open surgical procedures (open “tension-free” repair); mini-invasive surgical procedures; and laparoscopic interventions. Each of these procedures can be further classified as prosthetic or non-prosthetic depending on whether synthetic or biological prostheses are used. В настоящее время хирургическое лечение паховой грыжи не может заключаться в простом ушивании краев дефекта. Учитывая данные, представленные в литературе, мы уделяем внимание основным особенностям вмешательств, наиболее часто используемых, для лечения паховых грыж. Академическая классификация хирургических методов включает: открытые хирургические вмешательства, миниинвазивные и лапароскопические оперативные приемы. Каждая из этих процедур может быть выполнена с использованием синтетических или биологических протезов