66 research outputs found

    Comparison in the views of life and death between nurses and docters of a University Hospital

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    医師と看護師の死生観とその影響要因の相違をふまえ,質の高い緩和ケアチームについて検討することを目的とした.A 大学病院に勤務する医師と看護師に死生観について質問紙調査を行った.平井らが開発した死生観尺度(▯=0.88,7因子27項目)を用いた.有効回答は医師120名(医師群)と看護師347名(看護師群)であった。統計処理については危険率5%未満を有意差とした.分析にはSPSS11.0J for Windows(SPSS社製)を用いた.倫理的配慮は倫理審査会の承認を得た後,対象者へは参加の自由とプライバシーの保護を保証した.①「死への恐怖・不安」と「人生の目的意識」の因子には群間で有意差は認められなかった.②「死後の世界観」,「解放としての死」,「死からの回避」,「死への関心」や「寿命観」の5因子において両群間で有意に看護師群の方が高かった.③年齢などの各要因と死生観尺度との関係は両群者ともに年齢と「寿命観」で有意差が認められた.④死を迎える時に,希望する場所と死生観尺度得点に有意差が認められた.医師と看護師の死生観は「死後の世界観」などの因子得点で有意差が認められ,緩和ケアチームを効果的に展開していくためには双方の死生観の理解と,ケアへの活用の必要性が示唆された.A high quality palliative care team has been examined considering the differences between doctors and nurses in their views of life and death and its influential factors. A survey has been conducted on doctors and nurses employed at A University Hospital in their views of life and death. “Rinroshiki Syakudo”, a scale developed by Hirai et al(▯=0.88,7 factors,27 items), has been used as a scale of their views. The results of 120 doctors and 347 nurses were analyzed by t-test, and significant difference was defined as a risk below 5%. SPSS 11.0J for Windows(by SPSS)was used for the analysis. After an approval of an audit for an ethical consideration, participants were ensured their freedom to participate and privacy protection. 1) No significant differences have been found in factors “death anxiety” and “life purpose” in scales of views of life and death 2) However 5 factors, “after life belief”, “death relief”,“death avoidance”, “death concern” and “supernatural belief” were significantly high in nurses. 3) There was also a significant difference between the age and their “supernatural belief” in both doctors and nurses. 4) There were also significant differences in “where they want to die” and the total score of the scale, when facing own death. There being differences in factors such as “afterlife belief” between doctors’ views and those of nurses, the result suggested the need to understand both of the views and reflect them to palliative care

    Simulation-based medical education in clinical skills laboratory

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    Clinical skills laboratories have been established in medical institutions as facilities for simulation-based medical education (SBME). SBME is believed to be superior to the traditional style of medical education from the viewpoint of the active and adult learning theories. SBME can provide a learning cycle of debriefing and feedback for learners as well as evaluation of procedures and competency. SBME offers both learners and patients a safe environment for practice and error. In a full-environment simulation, learners can obtain not only technical skills but also non-technical skills, such as leadership, team work, communication, situation awareness, decision-making, and awareness of personal limitations. SBME is also effective for integration of clinical medicine and basic medicine. In addition, technology-enhanced simulation training is associated with beneficial effects for outcomes of knowledge, skills, behaviors, and patient-related outcomes. To perform SBME, effectively, not only simulators including high-fidelity mannequin-type simulators or virtual-reality simulators but also full-time faculties and instructors as professionals of SBME are essential in a clinical skills laboratory for SBME. Clinical skills laboratory is expected to become an integrated medical education center to achieve continuing professional development, integrated learning of basic and clinical medicine, and citizens’ participation and cooperation in medical education

    Inhibition of growth by L-serine in Escherichia coli

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    We studied inhibition of the growth of Escherichia coli by amino acids. L-Serine inhibited of the growth of E. coli, but recovery was possible by addition of L-phenylalanine, L-tyrosine and L-tryptophan to the medium. In the biosynthetic pathway of these amino acids, recovery from the inhibition was possible with addition of phenylpyruvate but not prephenate. These findings indicated that L-serine inhibits the activity of prephenate dehydratase

    Essential role of Mannose-binding lectin-associated serine protease-1 in activation of the complement factor D

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    The complement system is an essential component of innate immunity, participating in the pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases and in host defense. In the lectin complement pathway, mannose-binding lectin (MBL) and ficolins act as recognition molecules, and MBL-associated serine protease (MASP) is a key enzyme; MASP-2 is responsible for the lectin pathway activation. The function of other serine proteases (MASP-1 and MASP-3) is still obscure. In this study, we generated a MASP-1– and MASP-3–deficient mouse model (Masp1/3−/−) and found that no activation of the alternative pathway was observed in Masp1/3−/− serum. Mass spectrometric analysis revealed that circulating complement factor D (Df) in Masp1/3−/− mice is a zymogen (pro-Df) with the activation peptide QPRGR at its N terminus. These results suggested that Masp1/3−/− mice failed to convert pro-Df to its active form, whereas it was generally accepted that the activation peptide of pro-Df is removed during its secretion and factor D constitutively exists in an active form in the circulation. Furthermore, recombinant MASP-1 converted pro-Df to the active form in vitro, although the activation mechanism of pro-Df by MASP-1 is still unclear. Thus, it is clear that MASP-1 is an essential protease of both the lectin and alternative complement pathways