65 research outputs found

    Local reinforcing of footing supported in the destroyed rock massif

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    Purpose. Justification of feasibility of non-explosive destruction of hard rock during in-seam workings based on the obtained dependences related to changes of physical and mechanical properties of non-explosive destructive mixtures (NDM) in the process of hydration in borehole charges causing crack growth in the near-hole area. Methods. Mine in-situ observations at gauge stations were used to determine dynamics of footing bulging. Photofixation method allowed to record discrete state of rocks in the footing during the repair works. The optimal layout for reinforcing the footing was developed in laboratory conditions on structural models by the analysis of longitudinal and transverse system deformations, and by studying the volume of rocks squeezed into the cavity simulating the working. Findings. It has been experimentally proved that the footing rocks have a block discrete structure at a distance of at least half the width of inelastic deformations zone. The empirical dependences are obtained, describing footing bulging and horizontal compaction of rocks under the influence of loading, as a result of the disturbance of the rocks equilibrium state by mining operations for consolidated and non-consolidated rocks. Originality. Formation of a consolidated zone in the form of a straight prism with the vertex of its base triangle facing footing allows to reduce compaction of rocks under the mine by 20%, the footing bulging by 41.8%, and to decrease the volumes of rocks deformed in the working cavity by 41.5%. Practical implications. The obtained results, with accuracy sufficient for practical application, can be used to develop new ways of ensuring stability of footing in cases when rocks have a high degree of destruction. The proposed scheme of local reinforcing, provided its parameters are theoretically justified, can be realized in mine workings with bulging to more than 500 mm. This will help slow the rate of footing deformations and improve the state of workings in difficult mining and geological conditions.Мета. Обґрунтування доцільності локального зміцнення порід підошви виробок, що підтримуються в зоні розрушених порід, виходячи із залежностей зміни горизонтального ущільнення порід підошви та їх підняття в порожнину виробок для різних схем локального зміцнення. Методика. Шахтними натурними спостереженнями на замірних станціях встановлено динаміку здимання підошви. Методом фотофіксації зафіксовано дискретний стан порід в підошві виробки під час ремонтних робіт. В лабораторних умовах на структурних моделях в результаті аналізу повздовжніх і поперечних деформацій системи та об’ємів порід, що були видавлені в порожнину, що імітує виробку, встановлено найкращу схему зміцнення порід підошви за наведених умов. Результати. Експериментально доведено, що породи підошви виробки на відстані не менше половини ширини зони непружних деформацій мають блочно-дискретну будову. Отримано емпіричні залежності підняття підошви й горизонтального ущільнення порід під впливом навантаження в результаті порушення рівноважного стану порід гірськими роботами для укріплених і неукріплених порід. Наукова новизна. Формування в підошві виробки, що підтримується у зруйнованому масиві, укріпленої зони в формі прямої призми з вершиною трикутника її основи, зверненою до підошви виробки, дозволяє на 20% знизити ущільнення порід під виробкою, знизити підняття порід підошви на 41.8%, скоротити об’єми порід, що деформуються в порожнину виробки, на 41.5%. Практична значимість. Отримані результати, з достатньою для практичного застосування точністю, можуть використовуватися для розробки нових способів забезпечення стійкості підошви виробок у випадках, коли породи мають великий ступінь руйнування. Запропонована схема локального зміцнення, за умови теоретичного обґрунтування її параметрів, може бути реалізована в гірничих виробках з підняттям підошви вище 500 мм. Це сприяє уповільненню швидкостей деформацій підошви і покращенню стану виробок в складних гірничо-геологічних умовах.Цель. Обоснование целесообразности локального укрепления пород почвы выработок, поддерживаемых в зоне разрушенных пород, исходя из зависимостей изменения горизонтального уплотнения пород почвы и их поднятия в полость выработок для различных схем локального укрепления. Методика. Шахтными натурными наблюдениями на замерных станциях установлена динамика пучения почвы. Методом фотофиксации отмечено дискретное состояние пород в почве выработки во время ремонтных работ. В лабораторных условиях на структурных моделях в результате анализа продольных и поперечных деформаций системы и объемов пород, которые были выдавлены в полость, имитирующую выработку, установлено лучшую схему укрепления пород почвы при описанных условиях. Результаты. Экспериментально доказано, что породы почвы выработки на расстоянии не менее половины ширины зоны неупругих деформаций имеют блочно-дискретную структуру. Получены эмпирические зависимости поднятия подошвы и горизонтального уплотнения пород под воздействием нагрузки в результате нарушения равновесного состояния пород горными работами для укрепленных и неукрепленных пород. Научная новизна. Формирование в почве выработки, поддерживаемой в разрушенном массиве, укрепленной зоны в форме прямой призмы с вершиной треугольника ее основания, обращенной к подошве выработки, позволяет на 20% снизить уплотнение пород под выработкой, уменьшить пучение пород почвы на 41.8%, сократить объемы, деформируемых в полость выработки пород, на 41.5%. Практическая значимость. Полученные результаты, с достаточной для практического применения точностью, могут использоваться для разработки новых способов обеспечения устойчивости почвы выработок в случаях, когда породы имеют большую степень разрушения. Предложенная схема локального укрепления, при условии теоретического обоснования ее параметров, может быть реализована в горных выработках с пучением более 500 мм. Это будет способствовать замедлению скоростей деформаций почвы и улучшению состояния выработок в сложных горно-геологических условиях.Автори роботи висловлюють вдячність співробітникам лабораторії дослідження анкерів AGH w Krakowie Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. St. Staszica за підтримку у проведенні досліджень на території академії

    Heterologous expression of the yeast arsenite efflux system ACR3 improves Arabidopsis thaliana tolerance to arsenic stress

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    Arsenic contamination has a negative impact on crop cultivation and on human health. As yet, no proteins have been identified in plants that mediate the extrusion of arsenic. Here, we heterologously expressed the yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) arsenite efflux transporter ACR3 into Arabidopsis to evaluate how this affects plant tolerance and tissue arsenic contents. ACR3 was cloned from yeast and transformed into wild-type and nip7;1 Arabidopsis. Arsenic tolerance was determined at the cellular level using vitality stains in protoplasts, in intact seedlings grown on agar plates and in mature plants grown hydroponically. Arsenic efflux was measured from protoplasts and from intact plants, and arsenic levels were measured in roots and shoots of plants exposed to arsenate. At the cellular level, all transgenic lines showed increased tolerance to arsenite and arsenate and a greater capacity for arsenate efflux. With intact plants, three of four stably transformed lines showed improved growth, whereas only transgenic lines in the wild-type background showed increased efflux of arsenite into the external medium. The presence of ACR3 hardly affected tissue arsenic levels, but increased arsenic translocation to the shoot. Heterologous expression of yeast ACR3 endows plants with greater arsenic resistance, but does not lower significantly arsenic tissue levels

    Arsenite efflux is not enhanced in the arsenate-tolerant phenotype of Holcus lanatus

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    P>Arsenate tolerance in Holcus lanatus is achieved mainly through suppressed arsenate uptake. We recently showed that plant roots can rapidly efflux arsenite to the external medium. Here, we tested whether arsenite efflux is a component of the adaptive arsenate tolerance in H. lanatus. Tolerant and nontolerant phenotypes were exposed to different arsenate concentrations with or without phosphate for 24 h, and arsenic (As) speciation was determined in nutrient solutions, roots and xylem sap. At the same arsenate exposure concentration, the nontolerant phenotype took up more arsenate and effluxed more arsenite than the tolerant phenotype. However, arsenite efflux was proportional to arsenate uptake and was not enhanced in the tolerant phenotype. Within 2-24 h, most (80-100%) of the arsenate taken up was effluxed to the medium as arsenite. About 86-95% of the As in the roots and majority of the As in xylem sap (c. 66%) was present as arsenite, and there were no significant differences between phenotypes. Arsenite efflux is not adaptively enhanced in the tolerant phenotype H. lanatus, but it could be a basal tolerance mechanism to greatly decrease cellular As burden in both phenotypes. Tolerant and nontolerant phenotypes had a similar capacity to reduce arsenate in roots. New Phytologist (2009) 183: 340-348doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2009.02841.x

    Overlapping expression patterns and differential transcript levels of phosphate transporter genes in arbuscular mycorrhizal, Pi-fertilised and phytohormone-treated Medicago truncatula roots

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    A microarray carrying 5,648 probes of Medicago truncatula root-expressed genes was screened in order to identify those that are specifically regulated by the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus Gigaspora rosea, by Pi fertilisation or by the phytohormones abscisic acid and jasmonic acid. Amongst the identified genes, 21% showed a common induction and 31% a common repression between roots fertilised with Pi or inoculated with the AM fungus G. rosea, while there was no obvious overlap in the expression patterns between mycorrhizal and phytohormone-treated roots. Expression patterns were further studied by comparing the results with published data obtained from roots colonised by the AM fungi Glomus mosseae and Glomus intraradices, but only very few genes were identified as being commonly regulated by all three AM fungi. Analysis of Pi concentrations in plants colonised by either of the three AM fungi revealed that this could be due to the higher Pi levels in plants inoculated by G. rosea compared with the other two fungi, explaining that numerous genes are commonly regulated by the interaction with G. rosea and by phosphate. Differential gene expression in roots inoculated with the three AM fungi was further studied by expression analyses of six genes from the phosphate transporter gene family in M. truncatula. While MtPT4 was induced by all three fungi, the other five genes showed different degrees of repression mirroring the functional differences in phosphate nutrition by G. rosea, G. mosseae and G. intraradices

    Salinity stress and improving salt tolerance in crops via regulation of Na + and K + transport

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    Клеточная биология. Мембранные траспортеры и клеточная сигнализаци

    Salinity stress and improving salt tolerance in crops via regulation of Na + and K + transport

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    Клеточная биология. Мембранные траспортеры и клеточная сигнализаци

    Laser microdissection of arbuscular mycorrhiza

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    Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi establish one of the most successful endosymbioses with the vast majority of land plants, offering a range of benefits to their plant hosts. To gain insight in the molecular basis of this key interaction, numerous transcriptome studies have been performed on mycorrhized roots, especially in the model legume Medicago truncatula. However, because of the highly asynchronous nature of the mycorrhizal colonization process, more cell/stage‐specific insight is needed. Therefore, laser microdissection has been applied, which allows the contamination free dissection and collection of individual cells from any tissue. Subsequent expression profiling using GeneChip hybridization and more recently RNAseq approaches has started to give great detail in the transcriptome profiles of both host and fungus during different stages of the interaction. Here, I summarize the current application of laser microdissection (LMD) in arbuscular mycorrhiza research and highlight the role of several genes expressed at specific stages as revealed from genetic studies.<br/

    Arsenite transport in plants

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    The two pore channel TPK1 gene encodes the vacuolar K+ conductance and plays a role in K+ homeostasis

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    The Arabidopsis thaliana genome contains five genes that encode two pore K+ (TPK) channels. The most abundantly expressed isoform of this family, TPK1, is expressed at the tonoplast where it mediates K+-selective currents between cytoplasmic and vacuolar compartments. TPK1 open probability depends on both cytoplasmic Ca2+ and cytoplasmic pH but not on the tonoplast membrane voltage. The channel shows intrinsic rectification and can be blocked by Ba2+, tetraethylammonium, and quinine. TPK1 current was found in all shoot cell types and shows all of the hallmarks of the previously described vacuolar K (VK) tonoplast channel characterized in guard cells. Characterization of TPK1 loss-of-function mutants and TPK1-overexpressing plants shows that TPK1 has a role in intracellular K+ homeostasis affecting seedling growth at high and low ambient K+ levels. In stomata, TPK1 function is consistent with vacuolar K+ release, and removal of this channel leads to slower stomatal closure kinetics. During germination, TPK1 contributes to the radicle development through vacuolar K+ deposition to provide expansion growth or in the redistribution of essential minerals