10 research outputs found

    Moth biomass increases and decreases over 50 years in Britain

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    Steep insect biomass declines ('insectageddon') have been widely reported, despite a lack of continuously collected biomass data from replicated long-term monitoring sites. Such severe declines are not supported by the world’s longest running insect population database: annual moth biomass estimates from British fixed monitoring sites revealed increasing biomass between 1967 and 1982, followed by gradual decline from 1982 to 2017, with a 2.2-fold net gain in mean biomass between the first (1967–1976) and last decades (2008–2017) of monitoring. High between-year variability and multi-year periodicity in biomass emphasize the need for long-term data to detect trends and identify their causes robustly

    Variable coloration is associated with dampened population fluctuations in noctuid moths

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    Theory and recent reviews state that greater genetic and phenotypic variation should be beneficial for population abundance and stability. Experimental evaluations of this prediction are rare, of short duration and conducted under controlled environmental settings. The question whether greater diversity in functionally important traits stabilizes populations under more complex ecological conditions in the wild has not been systematically evaluated. Moths are mainly nocturnal, with a large variation in colour patterns among species, and constitute an important food source for many types of organisms. Here, we report the results of a long-term (2003–2013) monitoring study of 115 100 noctuid moths from 246 species. Analysis of time-series data provide rare evidence that species with higher levels of inter-individual variation in colour pattern have higher average abundances and undergo smaller between-year fluctuations compared with species having less variable colour patterns. The signature of interspecific temporal synchronization of abundance fluctuations was weak, suggesting that the dynamics were driven by species-specific biotic interactions rather than by some common, density-independent factor(s). We conclude that individual variation in colour patterns dampens population abundance fluctuations, and suggest that this may partly reflect that colour pattern polymorphism provides protection from visually oriented predators and parasitoids

    A density-dependent model of Cirsium vulgare population dynamics using field-estimated parameter values

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    Two versions of a stage-structured model of Cirsium vulgare population dynamics were developed. Both incorporated density dependence at one stage in the life cycle of the plant. In version 1 density dependence was assumed to operate during germination whilst in version 2 it was included at the seedling stage. Density-dependent parameter values for the model were estimated from annual census data in a factorial grazing experiment. Version 1 of the model produced significant estimates of density dependence under field conditions. The estimated values, when included in a simulation of the dynamics, produced two-point limit cycles under conditions of hard grazing. The limit cycles were most pronounced at the early rosette stage. Comparison of the effects of density dependence at the two different stages in the life cycle revealed a strong difference in predicted dynamics. This emphasizes the importance of determining where density dependence operates under field conditions and the potential problems of arbitrarily assigning it to particular life-history stages. Version 1 of the model produced a good prediction of observed mean plant density across the different grazing treatments (r2=0.81, P < 0.001). © 1993 Springer-Verlag

    Effects of temperature on aphid phenology

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    Daily samples between 1964 and 1991 from suction traps throughout Great Britain were used to study the migration phenologies of five aphid species: Brachycaudus helichrysi, Elatobium abietinum, Metopolophium dirhodum, Myzus persicae and Sitobion avenae, and their relationship with temperature. Regression relationships have been established between characteristics of aphid phenology and temperature, latitude and longitude for each species. There were differences between species in the period for which temperature was most strongly associated with aphid phenology. The study indicates that temperature, especially winter temperature, is the dominant factor affecting aphid phenology, for all five species. A 1 degrees C increase in average winter temperature advanced the migration phenology by 4-19 days depending on species. Effects of temperature on the aphid phenology are similar between holocyclic and anholocyclic species, unlike the effects of temperature on date of first flight record which have been previously shown to be important only in anholocyclic species