84 research outputs found

    Tecnologia Webmapping per la diffusione della cartografia: alcune riflessioni

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    Nell\u2019articolo si presentano alcuni aspetti tecnico/cartografici legati ad applicazioni di cartografia interattiva molto diffuse oggi sul Web (Web Map Mashup - WMM). I punti di forza di queste applicazioni sono molti. Sono intuitive, in continua evoluzione tecnica, visualizzabili da una pletora di dispositivi diversi collegati alla rete. Sono uno strumento molto efficace per la diffusione delle mappe. Viene introdotta la tecnologia che permette il funzionamento delle WMM. Viene poi approfondito il sistema di coordinate utilizzato da questo tipo di applicazioni (conosciuto come: \u201cWeb Mercator\u201d), evidenziandone alcuni limiti

    Site Characterization Data Model and GIS-based Tools for Offshore Engineering Projects

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    Offshore engineering projects require the management of a huge amount of heterogeneous georeferenced data - among others metocean, geophysical, geotechnical, and environmental, which need a Data Model, data visualization and data analytics features on a common geographic basis. A Digital Data Platform (DDP) has been developed on a GIS ambient with the aim to speed up the engineering design process (i.e. minimization of routine operations), and also prevent misalignment of the data originating from different sources from Owner to Suppliers and any potential loss of information. The proposed GIS architecture is composed by two main components: i) the Data Model geodatabase, and ii) the GIS-Model Toolbar add-in. The proposed development represents a step forward on the definition of a common specification and dictionary for offshore project execution overcoming the current bottlenecking and inefficiency on the design phases between the project owner and the engineering contractor. The paper illustrates “what” and “how”, and in particular: i) the geodatabase and Data Model framework, ii) the required parameters to be organized and stored for offshore engineering design, and iii) the widgets implementation (i.e. GIS-based tools). Its application on a case study project with practical examples is presented.

    Perspectives on Cyber Security for Offshore Oil and Gas Assets

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    In an ever-evolving technological industry, the oil and gas sector is already moving forward through the adaptation of Industry 4.0 and the adaptation of advanced cyber technologies through Oil and Gas 4.0. As IT/OT (information technology/operational technology) systems are evolving technologically, so are the cyber security threats faced by the offshore oil and gas assets. This paper aims to raise the awareness of cyber security threats and the organizational and technical measures that need to be adopted by the oil and gas industry for remote and complex assets in the upstream sector. A comprehensive literature review covering the areas of new IT/OT systems integration and cyber security risk analysis and management is presented. The results of a survey on the subject of cyber security for offshore oil and gas assets are also presented, and they provide valuable insight into the current industry culture and the perception of cyber security concepts. The importance of organizational culture, personnel training and involvement, as well as corporate engagement and support in the subject of cyber security is highlighte

    Relationship between Standardization Critical Success Factors (CSFs) and Project Performance

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    Facility standardization strategy is defined as the development and use of consistent designs to align project stakeholders, objectives, and scope to capture and optimize schedule, cost, and value. The implementation and proper execution of this strategy can lead to considerable benefits, such as design once and reuse multiple times, along with learning curve benefits in fabrication, operations, and construction, as well as accelerated responds to schedule needs. Although standardization strategy is not a new idea; capital projects have failed to achieve high levels of facility standardization. The primary reason for this is the industry’s struggle to execute standardized projects successfully. To address this issue, the Construction Industry Institute (CII) identified 15 standardization Critical Success Factors (CSFs) to help practitioners achieve higher levels of facility standardization in capital projects. However, there is a need to better understand the standardization CSFs comprehensively, as well as their relationship with project performance by analyzing data from actual standardized projects. This study attempts to fill the gap in the body of knowledge by examining the relationships between standardization CSFs and project performance as well as investigating the current status of CSFs accomplishments in standardized projects. The results show that if more CSFs are accomplished, project performance is improved for the capital projects. In addition, this research identifies which CSFs are commonly accomplished and which CSFs are challenging to accomplish. The research findings will help the industry to better understand standardization CSFs, so as to help standardized projects accomplish more CSFs appropriately, and therefore, improve project performance. Furthermore, this study contributes to the body of knowledge by building on the conceptually underlying principle of associations between standardization CSFs accomplishment and project performance

    Paths of globalization in the first half of the 20th century: the case of West End Watch Company

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    La globalizzazione non ha seguito un percorso evolutivo uniforme. In particolare, il periodo fra il 1914 ed il 1945 segnò un deciso rallentamento, se non una vera e propria battuta d’arresto delle dinamiche commerciali a livello internazionale. Il presente lavoro intende proporre un interessante caso studio, relativo all’attività economica di una “maison” svizzera produttrice di orologi, nella prima metà del XX secolo. La maison in oggetto, West End Watch (WEW), nacque alla fine del XIX secolo in Svizzera ma fin dall’inizio della sua storia si distinse per una dimensione fortemente globalizzata della propria attività. Il nome stesso dell’azienda, ispirato da un quartiere alla moda di Londra, suggeriva un forte legame con la Gran Bretagna ed i suoi interessi nel vicino e lontano oriente. WEW godeva (e gode tutt’ora) di una particolare reputazione, legata ai suoi principali mercati ed alle caratteristiche funzionali dei suoi prodotti: orologi solidi ed affidabili, adatti ad ambienti sfavorevoli (se non estremi), perciò ideali per un uso militare e venduti principalmente in India, nel Medio Oriente, in Cina e nel Sud-Est asiatico. Bombay, in particolare, era un importante nodo per il successivo smistamento degli orologi, che qui erano sottoposti ad un controllo funzionale. Il viaggio della merce, infatti, non era sempre tranquillo e scevro da pericoli. Nel presente contributo viene descritto l’itinerario seguito dagli orologi nel loro viaggio dalla Svizzera a Bombay. Tale percorso è stato ricostruito sulla base del diario di M. De Siebenthal, un giovane impiegato di WEW nel 1922. Costui fu incaricato di portare una partita di orologi a Bombay, prima del temuto raddoppio delle tasse d’importazione in India.Through time globalization has not followed a uniform trend. For example, between 1914 and 1945 there was a strong slowdown in the international trade dynamics. This paper investigates an interesting case study concerning a Swiss watchmaker and its economic activity in the first half of the 20th century. West End Watch (WEW) was established in the end of the 19th century in Switzerland. Right from the beginning, its business appeared to be deeply involved in the globalization process. Even its name took inspiration from a London fashionable district, revealing a deep relationship with Britain and its political and economic interests in the Near and Far East. WEW has always enjoyed a special reputation, based on the specific technical features of its products and their remarkable presence in some strategical international markets (India, Middle East, China and South-East Asia). WEW watches were (and actually are) solid and reliable, suitable for every kind of use even in very bad or extreme conditions and therefor commonly adopted by the military forces as a part of their equipment. With regard to the international distribution network of the Company, Bombay represented a very important hub. The watches, here arrived after a long and often difficult journey from Switzerland to Asia, had to pass a quality control before proceeding further to their final destinations. Transports at that time and in that area specifically could be complicated and dangerous. In this paper the Authors describe the route followed by WEW watches on their journey from Switzerland to Bombay in 1922. We could rebuilt this route from the storytelling derived by the diary of M. De Siebenthal, a young WEW employee in charge of bringing a consignment of watches to Bombay before the dreaded doubling of import taxes in India

    Perspectives on Cyber Security for Offshore Oil and Gas Assets

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    In an ever-evolving technological industry, the oil and gas sector is already moving forward through the adaptation of Industry 4.0 and the adaptation of advanced cyber technologies through Oil and Gas 4.0. As IT/OT (information technology/operational technology) systems are evolving technologically, so are the cyber security threats faced by the offshore oil and gas assets. This paper aims to raise the awareness of cyber security threats and the organizational and technical measures that need to be adopted by the oil and gas industry for remote and complex assets in the upstream sector. A comprehensive literature review covering the areas of new IT/OT systems integration and cyber security risk analysis and management is presented. The results of a survey on the subject of cyber security for offshore oil and gas assets are also presented, and they provide valuable insight into the current industry culture and the perception of cyber security concepts. The importance of organizational culture, personnel training and involvement, as well as corporate engagement and support in the subject of cyber security is highlighted

    Designing a virtual cockpit for helicopter offshore operations

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    In recent years the number of offshore wind farms is rapidly increasing. Especially coastal European countries are building numerous offshore wind turbines in the Baltic, the North, and the Irish Sea. During both construction and operation of these wind farms, many specially-equipped helicopters are on duty. Due to their flexibility, their hover capability, and their higher speed compared to ships, these aircraft perform important tasks like helicopter emergency medical services (HEMS) as well as passenger and freight transfer flights. The missions often include specific challenges like ship landings or hoist operations to drop off workers onto wind turbines. However, adverse weather conditions frequently limit offshore helicopter operations. In such scenarios, the adoption of aircraft-mounted sensors and obstacle databases together with helmet-mounted displays (HMD) seems to offer great potential to improve the operational capabilities of the helicopters used. By displaying environmental information in a visual conformal manner, these systems mitigate the loss of visual reference to the environment. This helps the pilots to maintain proper situational awareness (SA). This paper presents how our previously introduced concept of an HMD-based virtual flight deck can enhance offshore helicopter missions. The advantages of this system – for instance its “see-through the airframe”-capability and its highly-flexible cockpit instrument setup – enable us to design entirely novel pilot assistance systems. The work analyzes the specific requirements on our virtual cockpit so as to assist the helicopter crew in offshore-specific tasks. The gained knowledge is used to propose and evaluate concepts for a virtual cockpit that is tailor-made for helicopter offshore maneuvers

    Diseño de metodología para la divulgación y aplicación de las lecciones aprendidas de los incidentes registrables de alto potencial en una empresa petrolera

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    Diseñar una metodología que permita asegurar la implementación de acciones derivadas de los incidentes ocurridos anteriormente en las áreas de la empresa, asegurando la divulgación y aplicación de las lecciones aprendidas de los incidentes registrables y de alto potencial en una empresa del sector petrolero ColombianoEn este trabajo para acceder al título de especialista en Gerencia de Riesgos Laborales, Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo se examina la problemática relacionada la accidentalidad de casos registrables y de alto potencial y las falencias en su divulgación para que no vuelva a ocurrir en una empresa del sector petrolero de Colombia, por medio de fuentes primarias y secundarias, analizando la incidentalidad semanal, por medio de los informes detallados del 2016 y algunas buenas practicas implementadas por la operación en cuanto a divulgación y seguimiento de lecciones aprendidas, se revisó el procedimiento de gestión de Incidentes de la empresa identificando las falencias del mismo en cuanto a la divulgación de las lecciones aprendidas de los eventos con fatalidad, pérdida de tiempo, con trabajo restringido, tratamiento médico y de alto potencial y teniendo en cuenta que los accidentes en la empresa siguen sucediendo con causas que se repiten por la falta de conocimiento sobre otros eventos en otras áreas se diseñó una metodología para la divulgación y aplicación de las lecciones aprendidas de los incidentes registrables y de alto potencial buscando contribuir con el mejoramiento de la accidentalidad en la empresa, fortaleciendo la comunicación entre áreas para que a través del empoderamiento de los temas de Seguridad y Salud en el trabajo por parte de los gerentes y la línea de mando, se dé a conocer los eventos, lecciones aprendidas y recomendaciones derivados de los mismos para generar planes de acción para cierre de brecha

    Utilising Bayesian networks to demonstrate the potential consequences of a fuel gas release from an offshore gas-driven turbine

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    This research proposes the application of Bayesian networks in conducting quantitative risk assessment of the integrity of an offshore gas driven turbine, used for electrical power generation. The focus of the research is centred on the potential release of fuel gas from a turbine and the potential consequences that follow the said release, such as fire, explosion and damage to equipment within the electrical generation module. The Bayesian network demonstrates the interactions of potential initial events and failures, hazards, barriers and consequences involved in a fuel gas release. This model allows for quantitative analysis to demonstrate partial verification of the model. The verification of the model is demonstrated in a series of test cases and through sensitivity analysis. Test case 1 demonstrates the effects of individual and combined control system failures within the fuel gas release model; 2 demonstrates the effects of the 100% probability of a gas release on the Bayesian network model, along with the effect of the gas detection system not functioning; and 3 demonstrates the effects of inserting evidence as a consequence and observing the effects on prior nodes.© IMechE 2018