81 research outputs found

    Specialized Pro-Resolving Mediators Do Not Inhibit the Synthesis of Inflammatory Mediators Induced by Tumor Necrosis Factor-α in Synovial Fibroblasts

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    Background : Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, a proinflammatory cytokine, is involved in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The omega-3 unsaturated fatty acid-derived metabolites resolvin (Rv) D1, RvE1, and maresin-1 (MaR1) have been reported as anti-inflammatory lipid mediators and are known as specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPMs). In this study, we aimed to investigate the anti-inflammatory effects of SPMs on TNF-α-induced responses in synovial fibroblasts. Methods: We investigated the effects of SPMs on gene expression and/or production of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), microsomal prostaglandin E synthase-1 (mPGES-1), interleukin (IL)-6, and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-3, which are involved in TNF-α-induced synovitis in RA or OA synovial fibroblasts, by quantitative real-time PCR. We also investigated the effects of SPMs on the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway by western blotting. Anti-inflammatory effects of SPMs were evaluated by applying SPMs to cultured synovial fibroblasts, followed by TNF-α stimulation. Results: The induction of COX-2, mPGES-1, IL-6, and MMP-3 by TNF-α in synovial fibroblasts was not suppressed by omega 3-derived SPMs regardless of their origin such as RA or OA. SPMs had no effect on lipid mediator receptor gene expression induce by TNF-α and did not inhibit the TNF-α-activated MAPK signaling pathway. The production of COX-2 and IL-6 protein was significantly decreased by p38 inhibitor. Conclusion: Despite reports on the anti-inflammatory effect of omega 3-derived SPMs, its anti-inflammatory effect on TNF-α-induced responses was not observed in synovial fibroblasts. The reason may be that SPMs have no suppressive effect on p38 activation, which plays an important role in the production of inflammatory cytokines in synovial fibroblasts

    Adenosine receptors in the isolated rabbit afferent and efferent arterioles

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    Adenosine has been noted as one of the endogenous modulators of renal hemodynamics. Renal hemodynamic was mainly regulated by two resistance vessels, the afferent arteriole and efferent arteriole. However, there is still no consensus as to the intrarenal vascular action site of adenosine. In this study, we examined the direct effect of adenosine on the isolated microperfused rabbit afferent and efferent arterioles. Adenosine decreased the lumen diameter of microperfused afferent arterioles dose-dependently (Control : 14.35±0.97μm, adenosine 10-7M : 12.73±1.40μm, 10-6M : 8.18±1.21μm, 10-5M : 4.33±1.16μm, n=6). Adenosine increased the lumen diameter of adenosine A1 antagonist, 8-(normantan-3-yl)-1,3-dipropylxanthin (KW-3902), pretreated-microperfused afferent arterioles preconstricted by norepinephrine. Pretreatment with adenosine A2 antagonist, (E)-1,3,-dipropyl-8-(3,4-dimethoxystyryl)-7-methylxanthin (KF-7837), enhanced adenosine induced-afferent arteriolar vasoconstrictor effect. Adenosine did not change the lumen diameter of microperfused efferent arterioles, but adenosine increased the lumen diameter of norepinephrine preconstricted-microperfused efferent arterioles. The present data suggest that the afferent arterioles possesses both adenosine A1 and A2 receptors and the efferent arterioles possesses predominantly adenosine A2 receptors at least in the rabbit kidney

    カフアツ ニヨル ジョウシ キョケツジ ノ ヒジ ト テクビ ノ シセイ ノ チカク ヘンカ

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    Our previous study showed dynamic changes in the perceived posture of the hand when inputs from large−diameter sensory nerve fibres of the hand were declined and lost. The present study further exhibited that the perceived position at the elbow changed systematically even when the sensory inputs from the arm were partially blocked. Ten healthy participants showed perceived postures of their right elbows and wrists with an ischemic block of the right upper arm using the left arms and hands. When the right arm and hand were fully extended before and during the block, the final perceived joints at the wrist and elbow were flexed in all participants, and vice versa. While there was no significant difference between joints for the magnitude of the perceived changes in full extension, the magnitude of the perceived changes at the elbow reached about 60°. In full flexion, however, the magnitude at the elbow was less than that at the wrist, indicating that the peripheral nerves at the elbow was less blocked than those at the wrist at the end of the block. Because the start of these changes occurred as the sensory inputs were declining, the changes depended on fading somatosensory signals from strongly stretching muscle and skin during the anesthesia

    Effect of slip flow on pressure drop of nanofiber filters

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    金沢大学理工研究域自然システム学系The slip flow effect is often brought out to explain the reduction in pressure drop for nanofiber filters. Kirsch, Stechkina, and Fuchs (1973) studied the slip flow effect on the pressure drop of fibrous filters consisting of micron fibers, and proposed an empirical equation to predict the dependence of the dimensionless drag, F, on the Knudsen number, Kn, with considering non-uniformity of fiber packing. However, their empirical equation was derived based on the experiments with filters consisting of micron fibers so that the empirical equation is not yet verified for nanofiber filters. In the present work, we used various commercially available nanofiber filters with various physical properties, and the pressure drop was measured at low pressures in order to examine the validity of the empirical equation. As a result, we found that the empirical equation is valid even for nanofiber filters with a large inhomogeneity factor at a large Kn up to 20. © 2017 Elsevier LtdEmbargo Period 24 month


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    報告Reports 本学看護学部における急性期看護学実習は、2021 年8月から9月の新型コロナウイルス感染症(Corona Virus Disease;COVID-19)の感染拡大により学内実習となった。本学内実習は、模擬電子カルテMedi-EYE(Medi-LX)上の患者の看護過程を展開しながら、立案した看護計画を演習において実践し評価することで、周術期看護を学修するものである。学生は、模擬電子カルテに日々追加される情報を基に、患者の回復過程や予測される合併症、必要な看護を具体的に考え、模擬電子カルテの操作や演習などの体験を通し、周術期にある患者に必要な看護を学修できていた。今後は、学生のレディネスや臨床状況を反映した模擬電子カルテの情報整理・演習内容の検討、学修効果の評価が課題である


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    報告Reports 近年の医療の高度化・専門化に伴い、看護基礎教育における高度な看護実践能力育成のための効果的教育方法としてシミュレーション教育が注目されている。急性期看護学実習では、学生は不安や緊張の強い中で、手術を受け刻一刻と変化する患者と患者を取り巻く状況を踏まえた看護実践が求められるため、主体的に学修することが困難となる側面が多い。そのため、患者の安全を守りつつ、学生が安心して学ぶことができるシミュレーション教育への期待は大きい。本学の急性期看護学実習では、2019 年度より高機能シミュレーターを用い、臨床現場における手術直後の患者の状況を可能な限り忠実に再現したシミュレーション教育を導入し、その手ごたえを得た。今後は、教員のファシリテーション能力の向上、教育効果の検証、大学のカリキュラムにおける体系的な展開などが課題である


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    報告Reports A 大学看護学部における臨地看護学実習は3 年次10 月秋セメスターから4 年次春セメスターで実施している。2020 年4 月新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)の拡大により臨地看護学実習は各施設から実習受け入れ中止の連絡があり、急性期看護学実習は遠隔実習を実施することが迫られた。短期間で遠隔実習の内容の検討を行い、事例患者を用いた看護過程の展開、周術期看護関連の文献レポートやがんによる手術体験者の講話を実施した。グループワーク、個別指導等はWeb 会議システムZoom(Zoom Video Communications,Inc.)を、課題の提出等は学習管理システム(Learning Management System)を活用し、3 週間の遠隔実習において概ね実習目標の達成ができた。 今後は遠隔実習用シミュレーション教育の導入、事例の検討、実習施設との更なる協力体制の整備など、遠隔実習における効果的な実習内容の検討が課題である