5 research outputs found
De que forma os gestores escolares e os coordenadores pedagógicos enfrentaram o desafio das aulas remotas com todas as dificuldades que se apresentaram? É a questão principal que buscamos responder neste artigo, que tem como objetivo apontar reflexões sobre a gestão escolar, tendo como foco o trabalho dos gestores e coordenadores pedagógicos das escolas públicas em tempo de aulas remotas. Os caminhos metodológicos se enquadram na pesquisa qualitativa, fazendo uso de um estudo descritivo analítico do tipo relato de experiência de atividades online realizadas por coordenadores(as) e gestores(as) das escolas públicas municipais e estaduais de São Luís (MA) e da disciplina Estágio em Gestão Escolar do Curso de Pedagogia da Universidade Federal do Oeste Pará (UFOPA). Este artigo divide-se em dois tópicos, no primeiro: a pandemia do Covid-19 e a educação brasileira; no segundo: gestão escolar – desafios em tempos de pandemia. Chegamos à conclusão do quão importante foi a atuação dos coordenadores pedagógicos para manterem a escola funcionando, mesmo que remotamente, pois coube a eles a articulação entre a escola com os docentes, com os alunos e com as famílias.¿Cómo enfrentaron los directivos escolares y coordinadores pedagógicos el desafío de las clases a distancia con todas las dificultades que presentaban? Es la pregunta principal que buscamos responder en este artículo, que tiene como objetivo señalar reflexiones sobre la gestión escolar, centrándose en el trabajo de los directores y coordinadores pedagógicos de las escuelas públicas durante las clases a distancia. Los caminos metodológicos encajan en la investigación cualitativa, haciendo uso de un estudio analítico descriptivo del tipo de informe de experiencia de las actividades en línea realizadas por coordinadores y administradores de escuelas públicas municipales y estaduales en São Luís (MA) y la disciplina Pasantía en Gestión Escolar de la Curso de Pedagogía en la Universidad Federal del Oeste de Pará (UFOPA). Este artículo se divide en dos temas, el primero: la pandemia de Covid-19 y la educación brasileña; en el segundo: gestión escolar – desafíos en tiempos de pandemia. Llegamos a la conclusión de cuán importante era el trabajo de los coordinadores pedagógicos para que la escuela siguiera funcionando, aunque fuera a distancia, ya que les correspondía articular la escuela con los docentes, con los alumnos y con las familias.How did school managers and pedagogical coordinators face the challenge of remote classes with all the difficulties they presented? It is the main question that we seek to answer in this article, which aims to point out reflections on school management, focusing on the work of managers and pedagogical coordinators of public schools during remote classes. The methodological paths fit into qualitative research, making use of a descriptive analytical study of the experience report type of online activities carried out by coordinators and managers of municipal and state public schools in São Luís (MA) and the discipline Internship in School Management of the Pedagogy Course at the Federal University of West Pará (UFOPA). This article is divided into two topics, the first: the Covid-19 pandemic and Brazilian education; in the second: school management – challenges in times of pandemic. We came to the conclusion of how important the work of the pedagogical coordinators was to keep the school functioning, even if remotely, since it was up to them to articulate the school with the teachers, with the students and with the families
De que forma os gestores escolares e os coordenadores pedagógicos enfrentaram o desafio das aulas remotas com todas as dificuldades que se apresentaram? É a questão principal que buscamos responder neste artigo, que tem como objetivo apontar reflexões sobre a gestão escolar, tendo como foco o trabalho dos gestores e coordenadores pedagógicos das escolas públicas em tempo de aulas remotas. Os caminhos metodológicos se enquadram na pesquisa qualitativa, fazendo uso de um estudo descritivo analítico do tipo relato de experiência de atividades online realizadas por coordenadores(as) e gestores(as) das escolas públicas municipais e estaduais de São Luís (MA) e da disciplina Estágio em Gestão Escolar do Curso de Pedagogia da Universidade Federal do Oeste Pará (UFOPA). Este artigo divide-se em dois tópicos, no primeiro: a pandemia do Covid-19 e a educação brasileira; no segundo: gestão escolar – desafios em tempos de pandemia. Chegamos à conclusão do quão importante foi a atuação dos coordenadores pedagógicos para manterem a escola funcionando, mesmo que remotamente, pois coube a eles a articulação entre a escola com os docentes, com os alunos e com as famílias.¿Cómo enfrentaron los directivos escolares y coordinadores pedagógicos el desafío de las clases a distancia con todas las dificultades que presentaban? Es la pregunta principal que buscamos responder en este artículo, que tiene como objetivo señalar reflexiones sobre la gestión escolar, centrándose en el trabajo de los directores y coordinadores pedagógicos de las escuelas públicas durante las clases a distancia. Los caminos metodológicos encajan en la investigación cualitativa, haciendo uso de un estudio analítico descriptivo del tipo de informe de experiencia de las actividades en línea realizadas por coordinadores y administradores de escuelas públicas municipales y estaduales en São Luís (MA) y la disciplina Pasantía en Gestión Escolar de la Curso de Pedagogía en la Universidad Federal del Oeste de Pará (UFOPA). Este artículo se divide en dos temas, el primero: la pandemia de Covid-19 y la educación brasileña; en el segundo: gestión escolar – desafíos en tiempos de pandemia. Llegamos a la conclusión de cuán importante era el trabajo de los coordinadores pedagógicos para que la escuela siguiera funcionando, aunque fuera a distancia, ya que les correspondía articular la escuela con los docentes, con los alumnos y con las familias.How did school managers and pedagogical coordinators face the challenge of remote classes with all the difficulties they presented? It is the main question that we seek to answer in this article, which aims to point out reflections on school management, focusing on the work of managers and pedagogical coordinators of public schools during remote classes. The methodological paths fit into qualitative research, making use of a descriptive analytical study of the experience report type of online activities carried out by coordinators and managers of municipal and state public schools in São Luís (MA) and the discipline Internship in School Management of the Pedagogy Course at the Federal University of West Pará (UFOPA). This article is divided into two topics, the first: the Covid-19 pandemic and Brazilian education; in the second: school management – challenges in times of pandemic. We came to the conclusion of how important the work of the pedagogical coordinators was to keep the school functioning, even if remotely, since it was up to them to articulate the school with the teachers, with the students and with the families
Contributing to Understand the Crosstalk between Brain and Periphery in Methylmercury Intoxication: Neurotoxicity and Extracellular Vesicles
Human exposure to methylmercury (MeHg) is currently high in regions such as the Amazon. Understanding the molecular changes associated with MeHg-induced neurotoxicity and the crosstalk with the periphery is essential to support early diagnoses. This work aimed to evaluate cellular and molecular changes associated with behavioral alterations in MeHg acute exposure and the possible changes in extracellular vesicles (EVs) number and S100β content. Adults male Wistar rats were orally treated with 5 mg/kg for four days. Behavioral performance, molecular and histological changes in the cerebellum, and plasma EVs were assessed. MeHg-intoxicated animals performed significantly worse in behavioral tests. MeHg increased the number of GFAP+ cells and GFAP and S100β mRNA expression in the cerebellum but no change in NeuN+ or IBA-1+ cells number was detected. The number of exosomes isolated from plasma were decreased by the metal. S100B mRNA was detected in circulating plasma EVs cargo in MeHg exposure. Though preliminary, our results suggest astrocytic reactivity is displaying a protective role once there was no neuronal death. Interestingly, the reduction in exosomes number could be a new mechanism associated with MeHg-induced neurotoxicity and plasma EVs could represent a source of future biomarkers in MeHg intoxication
Lack of evidence for human infection with Xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus in the Brazilian Amazon basin
Introduction: This study confirmed the absence of natural infection with Xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) or XMRV-related disease in human populations of the Brazilian Amazon basin. We demonstrated that 803 individuals of both sexes, who were residents of Belem in the Brazilian State of Pará, were not infected with XMRV. Methods: Individuals were divided into 4 subgroups: healthy individuals, individuals infected with human immunodeficiency virus, type 1 (HIV-1), individuals infected with human T-lymphotrophic virus, types 1 or 2 (HTLV-1/2), and individuals with prostate cancer. XMRV infection was investigated by nested PCR to detect the viral gag gene and by quantitative PCR to detect pol. Results: There was no amplification of either gag or pol segments from XRMV in any of the samples examined. Conclusions: This study supports the conclusions of the studies that eventually led to the retraction of the original study reporting the association between XMRV and human diseases
ACE2 polymorphisms as potential players in COVID-19 outcome.
The clinical condition COVID-19, caused by SARS-CoV-2, was declared a pandemic by the WHO in March 2020. Currently, there are more than 5 million cases worldwide, and the pandemic has increased exponentially in many countries, with different incidences and death rates among regions/ethnicities and, intriguingly, between sexes. In addition to the many factors that can influence these discrepancies, we suggest a biological aspect, the genetic variation at the viral S protein receptor in human cells, ACE2 (angiotensin I-converting enzyme 2), which may contribute to the worse clinical outcome in males and in some regions worldwide. We performed exomics analysis in native and admixed South American populations, and we also conducted in silico genomics databank investigations in populations from other continents. Interestingly, at least ten polymorphisms in coding, noncoding and regulatory sites were found that can shed light on this issue and offer a plausible biological explanation for these epidemiological differences. In conclusion, there are ACE2 polymorphisms that could influence epidemiological discrepancies observed among ancestry and, moreover, between sexes