38 research outputs found

    Elastic scattering spectroscopy for early detection of breast cancer: partially supervised Bayesian image classification of scanned sentinel lymph nodes

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    Sentinel lymph node biopsy is a standard diagnosis procedure to determine whether breast cancer has spread to the lymph glands in the armpit (the axillary nodes). The metastatic status of the sentinel node (the first node in the axillary chain that drains the affected breast) is the determining factor in surgery between conservative lumpectomy and more radical mastectomy including axillary node excision. The traditional assessment of the node requires sample preparation and pathologist interpretation. An automated elastic scattering spectroscopy (ESS) scanning device was constructed to take measurements from the entire cut surface of the excised sentinel node and to produce ESS images for cancer diagnosis. Here, we report on a partially supervised image classification scheme employing a Bayesian multivariate, finite mixture model with a Markov random field (MRF) spatial prior. A reduced dimensional space was applied to represent the scanning data of the node by a statistical image, in which normal, metastatic, and nonnodal-tissue pixels are identified. Our results show that our model enables rapid imaging of lymph nodes. It can be used to recognize nonnodal areas automatically at the same time as diagnosing sentinel node metastases with sensitivity and specificity of 85% and 94%, respectively. ESS images can help surgeons by providing a reliable and rapid intraoperative determination of sentinel nodal metastases in breast cancer

    Elastic scattering spectroscopy for early detection of breast cancer: partially supervised Bayesian image classification of scanned sentinel lymph nodes

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    Sentinel lymph node biopsy is a standard diagnosis procedure to determine whether breast cancer has spread to the lymph glands in the armpit (the axillary nodes). The metastatic status of the sentinel node (the first node in the axillary chain that drains the affected breast) is the determining factor in surgery between conservative lumpectomy and more radical mastectomy including axillary node excision. The traditional assessment of the node requires sample preparation and pathologist interpretation. An automated elastic scattering spectroscopy (ESS) scanning device was constructed to take measurements from the entire cut surface of the excised sentinel node and to produce ESS images for cancer diagnosis. Here, we report on a partially supervised image classification scheme employing a Bayesian multivariate, finite mixture model with a Markov random field (MRF) spatial prior. A reduced dimensional space was applied to represent the scanning data of the node by a statistical image, in which normal, metastatic, and nonnodal-tissue pixels are identified. Our results show that our model enables rapid imaging of lymph nodes. It can be used to recognize nonnodal areas automatically at the same time as diagnosing sentinel node metastases with sensitivity and specificity of 85% and 94%, respectively. ESS images can help surgeons by providing a reliable and rapid intraoperative determination of sentinel nodal metastases in breast cancer

    Temporal Variations of Skin Pigmentation in C57Bl/6 Mice Affect Optical Bioluminescence Quantitation

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    ABSTRACT PURPOSE: Depilation-induced skin pigmentation in C57Bl/6 mice is a known occurrence, and presents a unique problem for quantitative optical imaging of small animals, especially for bioluminescence. The work reported here quantitatively investigated the optical attenuation of bioluminescent light due to melanin pigmentation in the skin of transgenic C57B1/6 mice, modified such that luciferase expression is under the transcription control of a physiologically and pharmacologically inducible gene. PROCEDURE: Both in vivo and ex vivo experiments were performed to track bioluminescence signal attenuation through different stages of the mouse hair growth cycle. Simultaneous reflectance measurements were collected in vivo to estimate melanin levels. RESULTS: Biological variability of skin pigmentation was found to dramatically affect collected bioluminescent signal emerging through the skin of the mice. When compared to signal through skin with no pigmentation, the signal through highly-pigmented skin was attenuated an average of 90%. Correlation of reflectance signals to bioluminescence signal loss forms the basis of the proposed correction method. We observed, however, that variability in tissue composition, which results in inconsistent reflectance spectra, limits the accuracy of the correction method but can be improved by incorporating more complex analysis. CONCLUSION: Skin pigmentation is a significant variable in bioluminescent imaging, and should be considered in experimental design and implementation for longitudinal studies, and especially when sensitivity to small signal changes, or differences among animals, is required

    Intra-operative spectroscopic assessment of surgical margins during breast conserving surgery

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    Background: In over 20% of breast conserving operations, postoperative pathological assessment of the excised tissue reveals positive margins, requiring additional surgery. Current techniques for intra-operative assessment of tumor margins are insufficient in accuracy or resolution to reliably detect small tumors. There is a distinct need for a fast technique to accurately identify tumors smaller than 1 mm2 in large tissue surfaces within 30 min. Methods: Multi-modal spectral histopathology (MSH), a multimodal imaging technique combining tissue auto-fluorescence and Raman spectroscopy was used to detect microscopic residual tumor at the surface of the excised breast tissue. New algorithms were developed to optimally utilize auto-fluorescence images to guide Raman measurements and achieve the required detection accuracy over large tissue surfaces (up to 4 × 6.5 cm2). Algorithms were trained on 91 breast tissue samples from 65 patients. Results: Independent tests on 121 samples from 107 patients - including 51 fresh, whole excision specimens - detected breast carcinoma on the tissue surface with 95% sensitivity and 82% specificity. One surface of each uncut excision specimen was measured in 12–24 min. The combination of high spatial-resolution auto-fluorescence with specific diagnosis by Raman spectroscopy allows reliable detection even for invasive carcinoma or ductal carcinoma in situ smaller than 1 mm2. Conclusions: This study provides evidence that this multimodal approach could provide an objective tool for intra-operative assessment of breast conserving surgery margins, reducing the risk for unnecessary second operations

    Current concepts and future of noninvasive procedures for diagnosing oral squamous cell carcinoma - a systematic review

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    Position paper: The potential role of optical biopsy in the study and diagnosis of environmental enteric dysfunction

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    Environmental enteric dysfunction (EED) is a disease of the small intestine affecting children and adults in low and middle income countries. Arising as a consequence of repeated infections, gut inflammation results in impaired intestinal absorptive and barrier function, leading to poor nutrient uptake and ultimately to stunting and other developmental limitations. Progress towards new biomarkers and interventions for EED is hampered by the practical and ethical difficulties of cross-validation with the gold standard of biopsy and histology. Optical biopsy techniques — which can provide minimally invasive or noninvasive alternatives to biopsy — could offer other routes to validation and could potentially be used as point-of-care tests among the general population. This Consensus Statement identifies and reviews the most promising candidate optical biopsy technologies for applications in EED, critically assesses them against criteria identified for successful deployment in developing world settings, and proposes further lines of enquiry. Importantly, many of the techniques discussed could also be adapted to monitor the impaired intestinal barrier in other settings such as IBD, autoimmune enteropathies, coeliac disease, graft-versus-host disease, small intestinal transplantation or critical care