148 research outputs found

    A common polymorphism of the MCT1 gene and athletic performance

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    Purpose: In red skeletal muscle, monocarboxylate transporter 1 (MCT1) is required for lactate to enter the myocytes for oxidation. The A1470T polymorphism (rs1049434) in the MCT1 gene was shown to be associated with lactate transport rates in human skeletal muscles. The aim of the study was to compare genotype and allele frequencies of the MCT1 gene polymorphism in 323 Russian athletes and 467 nonathletic controls and to investigate the association of the MCT1 gene A1470T polymorphism with maximal oxygen consumption and maximal lactate concentration in rowers (n = 79). Methods: Genotyping for the A1470T MCT1 polymorphism was performed by PCR-RFLP method. Physiological measurements of 79 Russian rowers of national competitive standard were determined during an incremental test to exhaustion on a rowing ergometer. Results: Frequencies of the A allele (71.8% vs 62.5%, P < .0001) and AA genotype (59.8% vs 39.4%, P < .0001) were significantly higher in endurance-oriented athletes (n = 142) than in the control group. Mean blood lactate concentration was higher in male rowers with the T allele (AT+TT 10.26 ± 1.89 mmol/L, AA 8.75 ± 1.69 mmol/L, P = .005). Conclusions: MCT1 gene A1470T polymorphism is associated with endurance athlete status and blood lactate level after intensive exercise

    The ACTN3 R577X polymorphism in Russian endurance athletes

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    Objective: The functional 577R allele of the α-actinin-3 (ACTN3) gene has been reported to be associated with elite power athlete status, while the nonfunctional 577XX genotype (predicts an α-actinin-3 deficient phenotype) has been hypothesised as providing some sort of advantage for endurance athletes. In the present study, the distribution of ACTN3 genotypes and alleles in Russian endurance-oriented athletes were examined and association between ACTN3 genotypes and the competition results of rowers were sought. Methods: 456 Russian endurance-oriented athletes of regional or national competitive standard were involved in the study. ACTN3 genotype and allele frequencies were compared with 1211 controls. The data from the Russian Cup Rowing Tournament were used to search for possible association between the ACTN3 genotype and the longdistance (∌6 km) rowing results of 54 athletes. DNA was extracted from mouthwash samples. Genotyping for the R577X variant was performed by PCR and restriction enzyme digestion. Results: The frequencies of the ACTN3 577XX genotype (5.7% vs 14.5%; p<0.0001) and 577X allele (33.2% vs 39.0%; p = 0.0025) were significantly lower in endurance-oriented athletes compared with the controls, and none of the highly elite athletes had the 577XX genotype. Furthermore, male rowers with ACTN3 577RR genotype showed better results (1339 (11) s) in long-distance rowing than carriers of 577RX (1386 (12) s) or 577XX (1402 (10) s) genotypes (p = 0.016). Conclusion: Our data show that the ACTN3 577X allele is under-represented in Russian endurance athletes and is associated with the rowers' competition results

    The dependence of preferred competitive racing distance on muscle fibre type composition and ACTN3 genotype in speed skaters

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    It is generally accepted that muscle fibre composition may influence physical performance. The α-actinin-3 (ACTN3) gene R577X polymorphism is suspected to be one of the contributing gene variations in the determination of muscle fibre type composition and athletic status. In the present study, we examined the dependence of average preferred racing distance (PRD) on muscle fibre type composition of the vastus lateralis muscle in 34 subelite Russian speed skaters (20 men and 14 women) who competed in races of different length (500-10,000 m). We also investigated the association between theACTN3polymorphism and muscle fibre characteristics in 94 subjects (60 physically active healthy men and 34 speed skaters), as well as the relationship between PRD andACTN3genotype in 115 subelite and elite speed skaters. In addition,ACTN3genotype and allele frequencies of the 115 speed skaters were compared with 1301 control subjects. TheACTN3XX genotype frequency was significantly lower in sprinters (n= 39) compared with control subjects (2.6versus14.5%;P= 0.034). We observed a positive relationship between PRD and the proportion of slow-twitch muscle fibres that was close to linear, but better fitted a logarithmic curve (r= 0.593,P< 0.0005). TheACTN3R577X polymorphism was associated with muscle fibre composition (slow-twitch fibres: RR genotype, 51.7 (12.8)%; RX, 57.4 (13.2)%; XX 61.5 (16.3)%; ρ= 0.215;P= 0.049) in the overall muscle biopsy group, and with PRD of all athletes (ρ= 0.24,P= 0.010), indicating thatACTN3XX genotype carriers exhibit a higher proportion of slow-twitch fibres and prefer to skate long-distance races. However, the majority of the association between muscle fibre type and PRD was independent ofACTN3genotype. In conclusion, theACTN3R577X polymorphism is associated with preferred racing distance in speed skaters and muscle fibre type composition. Thus, it is probably partly via associations with fibre type that the R577X polymorphism contributes to a small but perhaps important component of the ability to perform at a high level in speed skating

    UBR5 is a Novel E3 Ubiquitin Ligase involved in Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy and Recovery from Atrophy

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    We have recently identified that a HECT domain E3 ubiquitin ligase, named UBR5, was epigenetically altered (via DNA methylation) after human skeletal muscle hypertrophy, where its gene expression was positively correlated with increased lean leg mass in humans [1]. This was counterintuitive given the well-defined role of other E3 ligase family members, MuRF1 and MAFbx in muscle atrophy. Therefore, in the present study we aimed to investigate this relatively uncharacterised E3 ubiquitin ligase using multiple in-vivo and in-vitro models of skeletal muscle atrophy, injury, recovery from atrophy as well as anabolism and hypertrophy. We report for the first time, that during atrophy evoked by tetrodotoxin (TTX) nerve silencing in rats, the UBR5 promoter was significantly hypomethylated with a concomitant increase in gene expression early (3 & 7 days) after the induction of atrophy. However, at these timepoints larger increases in MuRF1/MAFbx were observed, and UBR5 expression had returned to baseline levels during later atrophy (14 days) where muscle mass loss was greatest. We confirmed an alternate gene expression profile for UBR5 versus MuRF1/MAFbx in a secondary model of atrophy induced by 7 days continuous low frequency electrical stimulation, where UBR5 demonstrated no significant increase, whereas MuRF1/MAFbx were elevated. Further, after partial (52%) recovery of muscle mass following 7 days TTX-cessation, UBR5 was hypomethylated and increased at the gene expression level, while alternately, reductions in gene expression of MuRF1 and MAFbx were observed. To substantiate these gene expression findings, we observed a significant increase in UBR5 protein abundance after full recovery (14 days) of muscle mass from hindlimb unloading (HU) in rats. Aged rats also demonstrated a similar temporal increase in UBR5 protein abundance after recovery from HU. Further, we confirmed significant increases in UBR5 protein during recovery from nerve crush injury in mice at 28 and 45 days, that related to a full recovery of muscle mass between 45-60 days. During anabolism and hypertrophy, UBR5 gene expression increased following an acute bout of mechanical loading in three-dimensional bioengineered mouse muscle in-vitro, and after chronic electrical stimulation-induced hypertrophy in rats in-vivo, without increases in MuRF1/MAFbx. Additionally, increased UBR5 protein abundance was identified following synergist ablation/functional overload (FO)-induced hypertrophy of the plantaris muscle in mice in-vivo, and finally over a 7-day time-course of regeneration in primary human muscle cells in-vitro. Finally, genetic association studies (> 700,000 SNPs) in human cohorts identified that the A alleles of rs10505025 and rs4734621 SNPs were strongly associated with larger cross-sectional area of fast-twitch muscle fibres and favoured strength/power versus endurance/untrained phenotypes. Overall, we suggest that UBR5 is a novel E3 ubiquitin ligase that is alternatively regulated compared to MuRF1/MAFbx, and is elevated during early atrophy (but not later atrophy), recovery, anabolism and hypertrophy in animals in-vivo as well as during human muscle cell regeneration in-vitro. In humans, genetic variations of the UBR5 gene are strongly associated with larger fast-twitch muscle fibres and strength/power performance

    DNA methylation across the genome in aged human skeletal muscle tissue and muscle-derived cells: the role of HOX genes and physical activity.

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    Skeletal muscle tissue demonstrates global hypermethylation with age. However, methylome changes across the time-course of differentiation in aged human muscle derived cells, and larger coverage arrays in aged muscle tissue have not been undertaken. Using 850K DNA methylation arrays we compared the methylomes of young (27 ± 4.4 years) and aged (83 ± 4 years) human skeletal muscle and that of young/aged heterogenous muscle-derived human primary cells (HDMCs) over several time points of differentiation (0, 72 h, 7, 10 days). Aged muscle tissue was hypermethylated compared with young tissue, enriched for; pathways-in-cancer (including; focal adhesion, MAPK signaling, PI3K-Akt-mTOR signaling, p53 signaling, Jak-STAT signaling, TGF-beta and notch signaling), rap1-signaling, axon-guidance and hippo-signalling. Aged cells also demonstrated a hypermethylated profile in pathways; axon-guidance, adherens-junction and calcium-signaling, particularly at later timepoints of myotube formation, corresponding with reduced morphological differentiation and reductions in MyoD/Myogenin gene expression compared with young cells. While young cells showed little alterations in DNA methylation during differentiation, aged cells demonstrated extensive and significantly altered DNA methylation, particularly at 7 days of differentiation and most notably in focal adhesion and PI3K-AKT signalling pathways. While the methylomes were vastly different between muscle tissue and HDMCs, we identified a small number of CpG sites showing a hypermethylated state with age, in both muscle tissue and cells on genes KIF15, DYRK2, FHL2, MRPS33, ABCA17P. Most notably, differential methylation analysis of chromosomal regions identified three locations containing enrichment of 6-8 CpGs in the HOX family of genes altered with age. With HOXD10, HOXD9, HOXD8, HOXA3, HOXC9, HOXB1, HOXB3, HOXC-AS2 and HOXC10 all hypermethylated in aged tissue. In aged cells the same HOX genes (and additionally HOXC-AS3) displayed the most variable methylation at 7 days of differentiation versus young cells, with HOXD8, HOXC9, HOXB1 and HOXC-AS3 hypermethylated and HOXC10 and HOXC-AS2 hypomethylated. We also determined that there was an inverse relationship between DNA methylation and gene expression for HOXB1, HOXA3 and HOXC-AS3. Finally, increased physical activity in young adults was associated with oppositely regulating HOXB1 and HOXA3 methylation compared with age. Overall, we demonstrate that a considerable number of HOX genes are differentially epigenetically regulated in aged human skeletal muscle and HDMCs and increased physical activity may help prevent age-related epigenetic changes in these HOX genes

    Treatment of gram-positive deep sternal wound infections in cardiac surgery -experiences with daptomycin-

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    The reported incidence of deep sternal wound infection (DSWI) after cardiac surgery is 0.4-5% with Staphylococcus aureus being the most common pathogen isolated from infected wound sternotomies and bacteraemic blood cultures. This infection is associated with a higher morbidity and mortality than other known aetiologies. Little is reported about the optimal antibiotic management. The aim of the study is to quantify the application of daptomycin treatment of DSWI due to gram-positive organisms post cardiac surgery

    The combined impact of metabolic gene polymorphisms on elite endurance athlete status and related phenotypes

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    Endurance performance is a complex phenotype subject to the influence of both environmental and genetic factors. Although the last decade has seen a variety of specific genetic factors proposed, many in metabolic pathways, each is likely to make a limited contribution to an 'elite' phenotype: it seems more likely that such status depends on the simultaneous presence of multiple such variants. The aim of the study was to investigate individually and in combination the association of common metabolic gene polymorphisms with endurance athlete status, the proportion of slow-twitch muscle fibers and maximal oxygen consumption. A total of 1,423 Russian athletes and 1,132 controls were genotyped for 15 gene polymorphisms, of which most were previously reported to be associated with athlete status or related intermediate phenotypes. Muscle fiber composition of m. vastus lateralis in 45 healthy men was determined by immunohistochemistry. Maximal oxygen consumption of 50 male rowers of national competitive standard was determined during an incremental test to exhaustion on a rowing ergometer. Ten 'endurance alleles' (NFATC4 Gly160, PPARA rs4253778 G, PPARD rs2016520 C, PPARGC1A Gly482, PPARGC1B 203Pro, PPP3R1 promoter 5I, TFAM 12Thr, UCP2 55Val, UCP3 rs1800849 T and VEGFA rs2010963 C) were first identified showing discrete associations with elite endurance athlete status. Next, to assess the combined impact of all 10 gene polymorphisms, all athletes were classified according to the number of 'endurance' alleles they possessed. The proportion of subjects with a high (≄9) number of 'endurance' alleles was greater in the best endurance athletes compared with controls (85.7 vs. 37.8%, P = 7.6 × 10-6). The number of 'endurance' alleles was shown to be positively correlated (r = 0.50; P = 4.0 × 10-4) with the proportion of fatigue-resistant slow-twitch fibers, and with maximal oxygen consumption (r = 0.46; P = 7.0 × 10-4). These data suggest that the likelihood of becoming an elite endurance athlete depends on the carriage of a high number of endurance-related alleles

    The association of HFE gene H63D polymorphism with endurance athlete status and aerobic capacity: novel findings and a meta-analysis.

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    PURPOSE: Iron is an important component of the oxygen-binding proteins and may be critical to optimal athletic performance. Previous studies have suggested that the G allele of C/G rare variant (rs1799945), which causes H63D amino acid replacement, in the HFE is associated with elevated iron indexes and may give some advantage in endurance-oriented sports. The aim of the present study was to investigate the association between the HFE H63D polymorphism and elite endurance athlete status in Japanese and Russian populations, aerobic capacity and to perform a meta-analysis using current findings and three previous studies. METHODS: The study involved 315 international-level endurance athletes (255 Russian and 60 Japanese) and 809 healthy controls (405 Russian and 404 Japanese). Genotyping was performed using micro-array analysis or by PCR. VO2max in 46 male Russian endurance athletes was determined using gas analysis system. RESULTS: The frequency of the iron-increasing CG/GG genotypes was significantly higher in Russian (38.0 vs 24.9%; OR 1.85, P = 0.0003) and Japanese (13.3 vs 5.0%; OR 2.95, P = 0.011) endurance athletes compared to ethnically matched controls. The meta-analysis using five cohorts (two French, Japanese, Spanish, and Russian; 586 athletes and 1416 controls) showed significant prevalence of the CG/GG genotypes in endurance athletes compared to controls (OR 1.96, 95% CI 1.58-2.45; P = 1.7 × 10-9). Furthermore, the HFE G allele was associated with high V̇O2max in male athletes [CC: 61.8 (6.1), CG/GG: 66.3 (7.8) ml/min/kg; P = 0.036]. CONCLUSIONS: We have shown that the HFE H63D polymorphism is strongly associated with elite endurance athlete status, regardless ethnicities and aerobic capacity in Russian athletes

    PPARα gene variation and physical performance in Russian athletes

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    Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α (PPARα) regulates genes responsible for skeletal and heart muscle fatty acid oxidation. Previous studies have shown that the PPARα intron 7 G/C polymorphism was associated with left ventricular growth in response to exercise. We speculated that GG homozygotes should be more prevalent within a group of endurance-oriented athletes, have normal fatty acid metabolism, and increased percentages of slow-twitch fibers. We have tested this hypothesis in the study of a mixed cohort of 786 Russian athletes in 13 different sporting disciplines prospectively stratified by performance (endurance-oriented athletes, power-oriented athletes and athletes with mixed endurance/power activity). PPARα intron 7 genotype and allele frequencies were compared to 1,242 controls. We found an increasing linear trend of C allele with increasing anaerobic component of physical performance (P=0.029). GG genotype frequencies in endurance-oriented and power-oriented athletes were 80.3 and 50.6%, respectively, and were significantly (P<0.0001) different compared to controls (70.0%). To examine the association between PPARα gene variant and fiber type composition, muscle biopsies from m. vastus lateralis were obtained and analyzed in 40 young men. GG homozygotes (n=25) had significantly (P=0.003) higher percentages of slow-twitch fibers (55.5±2.0 vs 38.5±2.3%) than CC homozygotes (n=4). In conclusion, PPARα intron 7 G/C polymorphism was associated with physical performance in Russian athletes, and this may be explained, in part, by the association between PPARα genotype and muscle fiber type composition. © Springer-Verlag 2006
