138 research outputs found

    Fano Lineshapes Revisited: Symmetric Photoionization Peaks from Pure Continuum Excitation

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    In a photoionization spectrum in which there is no excitation of the discrete states, but only the underlying continuum, we have observed resonances which appear as symmetric peaks, not the commonly expected window resonances. Furthermore, since the excitation to the unperturbed continuum vanishes, the cross section expected from Fano's configuration interaction theory is identically zero. This shortcoming is removed by the explicit introduction of the phase shifted continuum, which demonstrates that the shape of a resonance, by itself, provides no information about the relative excitation amplitudes to the discrete state and the continuum.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Adiabatic quantization of Andreev levels

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    We identify the time TT between Andreev reflections as a classical adiabatic invariant in a ballistic chaotic cavity (Lyapunov exponent λ\lambda), coupled to a superconductor by an NN-mode point contact. Quantization of the adiabatically invariant torus in phase space gives a discrete set of periods TnT_{n}, which in turn generate a ladder of excited states ϵnm=(m+1/2)π/Tn\epsilon_{nm}=(m+1/2)\pi\hbar/T_{n}. The largest quantized period is the Ehrenfest time T0=λ1lnNT_{0}=\lambda^{-1}\ln N. Projection of the invariant torus onto the coordinate plane shows that the wave functions inside the cavity are squeezed to a transverse dimension W/NW/\sqrt{N}, much below the width WW of the point contact.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    The decay of photoexcited quantum systems: a description within the statistical scattering model

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    The decay of photoexcited quantum systems (examples are photodissociation of molecules and autoionization of atoms) can be viewed as a half-collision process (an incoming photon excites the system which subsequently decays by dissociation or autoionization). For this reason, the standard statistical approach to quantum scattering, originally developed to describe nuclear compound reactions, is not directly applicable. Using an alternative approach, correlations and fluctuations of observables characterizing this process were first derived in [Fyodorov YV and Alhassid Y 1998 Phys. Rev. A 58, R3375]. Here we show how the results cited above, and more recent results incorporating direct decay processes, can be obtained from the standard statistical scattering approach by introducing one additional channel.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Fano interference and cross-section fluctuations in molecular photodissociation

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    We derive an expression for the total photodissociation cross section of a molecule incorporating both indirect processes that proceed through excited resonances, and direct processes. We show that this cross section exhibits generalized Beutler-Fano line shapes in the limit of isolated resonances. Assuming that the closed system can be modeled by random matrix theory, we derive the statistical properties of the photodissociation cross section and find that they are significantly affected by the direct processes. We identify a unique signature of the direct processes in the cross-section distribution in the limit of isolated resonances.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Commensurability effects in Andreev antidot billiards

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    An Andreev billiard was realized in an array of niobium filled antidots in a high-mobility InAs/AlGaSb heterostructure. Below the critical temperature T_C of the Nb dots we observe a strong reduction of the resistance around B=0 and a suppression of the commensurability peaks, which are usually found in antidot lattices. Both effects can be explained in a classical Kubo approach by considering the trajectories of charge carriers in the semiconductor, when Andreev reflection at the semiconductor-superconductor interface is included. For perfect Andreev reflection, we expect a complete suppression of the commensurability features, even though motion at finite B is chaotic.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Semiclassical threshold law when the Wannier exponent diverges

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    Using semiclassical methods we investigate the threshold behavior for three-particle breakup of a system with one particle of charge Z and two other particles of charge -q. For the particular case where the ratio of the charges of the third particle to the wing particles is Z/g = 1/4, the Wannier exponent for breakup diverges and the threshold law changes from a power law to an exponential law of the form exp(-lambda/root E). The threshold behavior is tested above the region of divergence and it is found that for Z/q < 0.3 a power law does not hold. Ionizing trajectories show that the dynamics within the near zone can become crucial to the energy dependence of the cross section. Cases are found to arise where more than one trajectory contributes to the same final state giving rise to semiclassical interference effects