230 research outputs found

    Activity of citizens and public associations, as indicator of the status and development of civil society (on the example of Chelyabinsk region)

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    В статье рассматриваются ситуация с состоянием и основными тенденциями развития гражданского общества, на примере Челябинской области, а также традиционные и новые механизмы формирования гражданской активности и институтов гражданского общества. Для иллюстрации ряда положений используются данные авторских социологических исследований, проведѐнных в Челябинской области. Авторами отмечается, что в общественном мнении сформировалась тенденция, характеризующаяся снижением готовности граждан к проявлению социальной активности, а также негативным вектором оценки условий для проявления гражданской активности. В настоящее время данная тенденция является слабовыраженной и зафиксированные изменения исследуемых показателей лишь немного превышают величину статистической погрешности данных. Оценка населением различных моментов, затрагивающих особенности становления, функционирования и развития гражданского общества на территории Челябинской области, в значительной мере опосредована степенью информированности граждан о механизмах и способах проявления своей гражданской позиции, а также информированностью об аспектах деятельности общественных организаций и институтов гражданского общества на территории региона. Отсюда следует вывод, что к числу ключевых способов повышения гражданской активности населения и формирования у него лояльного отношения к деятельности организаций и институтов гражданского общества, должны стать усилия заинтересованных субъектов по информированию граждан по всем вышеприведенным аспектам, наряду с мерами, направленными на устранение патерналистских установок и правового нигилизма, которые и посей день характерны для достаточно большого числа наших сограждан.The article examines the main trends in the development of civil society in modern Russia and the mechanisms of its institutions, the example of the Chelyabinsk region. As well as traditional and new mechanisms of civic engagement and civil society institutions. To illustrate the use of several provisions of the copyright data of sociological research conducted in the Chelyabinsk region. The author notes that in the public opinion a trend characterized by a decrease in citizens' willingness to exercise a social activity as well as a negative assessment of conditions for vector manifestations of civil activity. Currently, this trend is mild and recorded changes in the studied parameters is only slightly higher than the value of statistical error. Estimation of the population of the various aspects that affect the features of formation, functioning and development of civil society in the Chelyabinsk region, largely mediated by the degree of awareness of citizens about the mechanisms and ways of their citizenship, as well as the awareness of aspects of public organizations and institutions of civil society in the region . The conclusion that one of the key ways to increase civil activity of the population and the formation of his loyalty to the activities of organizations and institutions of civil society, should be stakeholders in efforts to informing citizens on all the above aspects, in addition to measures aimed at the elimination of paternalistic attitudes and legal nihilism, which to this day are typical for a sufficiently large number of our fellow citizens

    Clinical and post-mortem signs in European wild boars and domestic pigs infected with African swine fever virus

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    The paper covers comparative assessment of clinical and postmortem signs in wild boars and domestic pigs infected with one and the same epizootic isolate of African swine fever virus. In addition, a model has been developed to demonstrate the disease spread under conditions comparable to those on a pig farm. Based on the obtained results two infectious doses 50 and 5000 H AU/head were chosen for infecting the animals with «Shikhobalovo 10/13» isolate of African swine fever virus. When infecting the animals with the abovementioned isolates both wild boars and domestic pigs demonstrated similar clinical and postmortem signs typical for acute form of African swine fever


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    The paper explains the trends of modern development of international economy by means of transformation of institutional processes dominated by educational and scientific components. Herewith, sustainable postcrisis development of national and regional academic systems performs as a paradigm building innovative economy regardless unstable environment. The system updating of education becomes an essential background for rapid economic growth and social development, national security and well-being due to the fact that receiving higher education remains one of the most important human value, key factor of social justice and political stability. At the same time the institutional transformations in national economy, their efficiency and substantive content require practically further major changes in all the branches and local entities. These reforms should focus on making favourable conditions for building efficient innovative institutions and outlooks for national education system at all the levels. The authors consider institutional environment for transformation of the practice-oriented scientific areas, business and education areas to be the important step in protecting the internal infrastructure. Building the institutional models of regional education integration assumes applying the system approach where newly built integrated structure is rendered as a social institution and characterized by the composition, structure, objectives, functions, internal and external limiting bounds, definite inputs and outputs. The authors review the regional educational clusters as an obligatory prerequisite for successful functioning of the regional education system and the regional educational market allowing not only to strengthen co-operative-integrative ties but also coordinating the work of developing branches of the regional economy as a whole.Тенденции современного развития мировой экономики обусловливаются объективной трансформацией институциональных процессов, доминантом которых априорно выступают образовательная и научная компоненты. При этом устойчивое посткризисное развитие национальных и региональных научно-образовательных систем становится той парадигмой, которая обеспечит формирование инновационной экономики в условиях нестабильности внешней среды.Системное обновление в сфере образования становится важнейшей предпосылкой динамичного экономического роста и социального развития общества, условием благополучия и безопасности страны в связи с тем, что возможность получения качественного образования продолжает оставаться одной из наиболее важных жизненных ценностей граждан, решающим фактором социальной справедливости и политической стабильности. Вместе с тем институциональные преобразования в отечественной экономике, их эффективность и содержательное наполнение нуждаются в дальнейших серьезных изменениях практически во всех отраслях и локальных образованиях. Акцент данных преобразований должен быть априорно смещен в сторону создания благоприятных условий для формирования оптимальных институционально-инновационных структур и перспектив развития национальной образовательной системы на всех ее уровнях. При этом важным этапом становления внутренней инфраструктурной среды должно стать создание институциональных условий для трансформации существующих практико-ориентированных площадок науки, бизнеса и образования и обеспечение их устойчивого развития. Формирование институциональных моделей интеграции регионального рынка образовательных услуг рассматривается нами с позиций системного подхода, где вновь созданная интегрированная структура определяется как социальный институт, характеризующийся составом, структурой, целями, функциями, внешними и внутренними ограничивающими рамками, определенными входами и выходами. На взгляд авторов, обязательным условием успешного функционирования региональной системы образования и регионального рынка образовательных услуг выступает формирование региональных образовательных кластеров, которые потенциально позволят не только укрепить кооперационно-интеграционные связи, но скоординировать работу развивающихся отраслей региональной экономики в целом

    Conductive Cooling of SDD and SSD Front-End Chips for ALICE

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    We present analysis, technology developments and test results of the heat drain system of the SDD and SSD front-end electronics for the ALICE Inner Tracker System (ITS). Application of super thermoconductive carbon fibre thin plates provides a practical solution for the development of miniature motherboards for the FEE chips situated inside the sensitive ITS volume. Unidirectional carbon fibre motherboards of 160 -300 micron thickness ensure the mounting of the FEE chips and an efficient heat sink to the cooling arteries. Thermal conductivity up to 1.3 times better than copper is achieved while preserving a negligible multiple scattering contribution by the material (less than 0.15 percent of X/Xo)

    Алгоритм вибора параметров электрической силовой установки безпилотного летального аппаратп с учетом маршрута полёту

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    Метою даної статті є створення алгоритму вибору параметрів електричної силової установки БпЛА для маршруту, що складається з різних режимів польоту. Для розробки алгоритму розглянутий безпілотний літальний апарат малого класу, який виконує політ по маршруту з ділянками набору висоти, горизонтального польоту, віражу. Наукова новизна полягає у врахуванні при виборі параметрів електричної силової установки різних режимів польоту БпЛА, шляхом чисельного розрахунку. У даній статті для створення алгоритму описано придатні для чисельного розрахунку математичні моделі: аеродинамічних характеристик БпЛА, елементів електричної силової установки БпЛА, динаміки польоту у різних режимах. Далі ці математичні моделі було пов’язано у одному алгоритмі. За алгоритмом створено програмне забезпечення для розрахунку. Для різних маршрутів розраховано конфігурації електричної силової установки, які мають найвищий ККД на маршруті. Досліджено вплив робочого струму та напруги на ККД силової установки. Результати розрахунків за даним алгоритмом показали, що врахування маршруту польоту дозволяє обрати параметри електричної силової установки БпЛА, більш оптимальні з точки зору затрачуваної енергії, порівняно з вибором лише для одного основного режиму польоту.In recent years, unmanned aerial vehicles with electric propulsion have taken a substantial UAV market share. Electric driving power provides a clean and simple operation, reliability and ease of maintenance. Electric power plants also have low levels of noise and vibration. The purpose of this article is to provide an algorithm for selection of UAV’s electric propulsion parameters for the route, consisting of different flight modes. Small class UAV which performs the flight on the route with areas of climb, level flight and turn has been analyzed. This article describes mathematical models suitable for numerical calculation: the aerodynamic characteristics of UAV, the elements of UAV’s electric propulsion system, flight dynamics in different flight modes. Further, these mathematical models were linked in one algorithm. According to the algorithm the software for the calculation has been created. For different flight routes the configuration of the electrical power plant with high efficiency on the route has been calculated. The effects of the battery current and voltage settings on the propulsion efficiency have been investigated. Calculations results according to the algorithm showed that accounting for the flight route allows selecting the parameters of the electrical propulsion system of the UAV, more rational in terms of energy use compared to selection based on one main flight mode.Целью данной статьи является создание алгоритма выбора параметров электрической силовой установки БпЛА для маршрута, состоящего из различных режимов полета. Для разработки алгоритма рассмотрен беспилотный летательный аппарат малого класса, который выполняет полет по маршруту с участками набора высоты, горизонтального полета, виража. Научная новизна заключается в учете различных режимов полета БпЛА при выборе параметров электрической силовой установки, путем численного расчета. Для создания алгоритма описаны подходящие для численного расчета математические модели: аэродинамических характеристик БпЛА, элементов электрической силовой установки БпЛА, динамики полета в различных режимах полета. Математические модели связали в одном алгоритме, согласно которому создано программное обеспечение для расчета. Для различных маршрутов рассчитаны конфигурации электрической силовой установки, имеющие высокий КПД на маршруте. Исследовано влияние рабочего тока и напряжения на КПД силовой установки. Результаты расчетов по данным алгоритмом показали, что учет маршрута полета позволяет выбрать параметры электрической силовой установки БПЛА, более рациональные с точки зрения затрачиваемой энергии по сравнению с выбором только для одного основного режима полета

    Determination of reproductive properties of virulent and vaccine classical swine fever virus strains in primary and continuous cell cultures

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    Classical swine  fever  (CSF) is a highly dangerous porcine disease. CSF outbreaks are annually notified in several countries. Despite the availability of specific prevention tools, the disease spread risk still persists both at country level and at world level. Hence, the disease surveillance and eradication require highly sensitive methods for early diagnosis of the infection and for tests for the virus circulation in the environment.  Development of up-to-date  diagnostic methods is based on well-established  virus cultivation system; therefore, CSF virus reproduction enhancement,  tests of new cell lines without  endogenous  contamination  for their possible use are still of current importance. The said study was aimed at testing of primary and continuous cell cultures for their susceptibility to classical swine fever virus (vaccine virus strains and some field virus isolates recovered in the Russian Federation) and detection of the virus reproduction dynamics with real-time polymerase chain reaction with fluorescent hybridization probes used for detection. Virus replication intensity in primary and continuous cell cultures was also analyzed. The CSF virus was found incapable of replicating in some cell cultures without  its preliminary adaptation.  Primary porcine and lamb testicle cell cultures grown in minimal essential medium supplemented  with 10% normal CSFV-negative porcine serum instead  of fetal bovine serum were shown to be useful for the virus accumulation, both for vaccine strains and field isolates. Cultivation parameters and optimal minimal essential medium composition contributing to the 4–10-fold  increase in the virus accumulation  both in primary and continuous  cell cultures were determined

    African swine fever in the Primorsky Krai: disease situation and molecular and biological properties of the isolate recovered from a wild boar long bone

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    It is necessary to continue the analysis of the situation and molecular and biological properties of the current African swine fever virus isolates, recovered in the Russian border territories to cover the following tasks: eradication of African swine fever; development of effective disease surveillance and control programs; search for promising genome markers for the vaccine development; implementation of the differentiation strategy between vaccinated and non-vaccinated animals; and clustering of the isolates. The post-hoc analysis of some ASF epidemiological data and comparative genetic analysis of isolates circulating in the Far East Federal District suggested the agent introduction and spread routes, as well as the seasonality of the infection occurrence in the Primorsky Krai. It was established, that two ASFV subgenotypes (IGR-I и IGR-II), differentiated by intergenic region I73R/I329L, circulated in the region under study during the first months post infection. Analysis of biological properties of ASFV/Primorsky 19/WB-6723 isolate recovered from the long bone of a dead wild boar in the Primorsky Krai suggested that the isolate is highly virulent, able to cause peracute to subacute disease and up to 100% mortality among infected animals. The incubation period and duration of the disease course in experimentally infected pigs were 4–6 and 3–5 days post infection, respectively. The ASFV genome was detected in blood samples collected from infected pigs on 5–8 days post infection by real-time polymerase chain reaction. Specific antibodies in blood samples were not detected. The need in further research of molecular and biological properties of current ASFV isolates was reaffirmed. To prevent the continuation of the epizooty and deterioration of the current situation the approaches to the disease surveillance and control need to be modified

    Flow cytometry sorting of cells infected with African swine fever virus

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    The African swine fever panzootic  is continuing  to spread,  and the number  of affected countries and material losses are increasing. In particular, India, Papua New Guinea, Malaysia, Greece and Bhutan joined the list of ASF infected countries in 2020–2021. The disease control is hindered  by the lack of commercially available and effective vaccines, which, in its turn, is attributable  to the insufficient knowledge of ASF pathogenesis  and immune defense against the disease. The use of attenuated virus variants enables a thorough  investigation of the factors influencing the virulence of African swine fever virus and the immune  response  to it. This involves the use of naturally attenuated virus variants, as well as of the variants attenuated by a long-term passaging of the virus in cell cultures. However, virulence heterogeneity characteristic of the ASF virus population, necessitates  the additional selection of infected cells for the virus cloning. Conventional culture-based techniques for virus particle cloning are rather time- and labour-consuming;  it is therefore appropriate  to use flow cytometry cell sorting for the selection and cloning of virus infected cells with a view of selecting  homologous  virus lineages.  The paper  presents  the results of sorting  of African green  monkey kidney cells (CV-1) and porcine bone marrow cells infected with African swine fever virus; the cells were sorted into the 96-well culture plates using a MoFlo  Astrios   EQ cell sorter in order to isolate a population of the virus originating from one infected cell. After the single cell sorting of the infected cell cultures into the 96-well plates, ASF positive cell detection  rates in the plate wells were 30% for porcine bone marrow cells and 20% for CV-1

    Techniques of blood sampling for detection of African swine fever virus in wild boar and domestic pigs in the field conditions

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    It is thought that due to the high virulence of the African swine fever virus its circulation in the Russian Federation is accompanied by a low seroprevalence. However taking into account a long-term ASF unfavourable situation, the introduction of the virus into the wild boar population, and the occurrence of attenuated viral variants, the significance of serological testing aimed at the detection of viral antibodies is increasing. To collect field samples of biological material from animals for molecular genetic, virological, and serological tests, filter paper, as well as swabs, can be used. The specificity and sensitivity of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay when testing blood absorbed by filter paper are worse than those shown when testing sera, but they allow effective detection of African swine fever virus antibodies. It was demonstrated that blood absorbed on filter paper can be used for the immunoblot analysis, but the optimum performance could be achieved when the immunoperoxidase technique in combination with samples, taken by swabs was used. When comparing results of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay performed on sera collected from domestic pigs (infected with ASFV isolates Antonovo 07/14 and Sobinka 07/15), and blood from ear veins absorbed on filter paper the sensitivity was 88.9%, specificity – 90.6%. However, the use of the immunoperoxidase technique for testing blood from swabs showed 100% coincidence with ELISA, while testing of sera with immunoperoxidase technique was superior to ELISA in sensitivity. This means blood sampling using swabs may be recommended for tests after proper validation. This technique can be especially useful for collecting data about infected wild boars because effective eradication strategies are impossible without such data

    Analytical hierarchy process as a tool supporting a decision-making for assessment of the risk of transboundary infectious animal disease introduction to the Russian Federation and previously disease-free territories

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    The livestock industry is increasingly taking its place in the economy of the Russian Federation. Its export potential is actively growing. Already, up to 10% of agricultural products are exported to foreign markets. The demand for food steadily increases during crises, which in turn increases the role of the veterinary service, whose tasks include protecting the country’s territory from the introduction of infectious diseases of animals from foreign countries; implementation of measures to prevent and eliminate infectious and other diseases in agricultural, domestic, zoo and other animals, fur-bearing animals, birds, fish and bees, as well as the implementation of plans of the regional veterinary service in the field of animal husbandry. The article assesses the validity of the possibilities and use of modern methods of analyzing and predicting the spread of animal morbidity, identifying cause-and-effect relationships and the extent of the spread of particularly dangerous animal diseases. The authors propose to consider the possibility of using the mathematical method of hierarchy analysis as a scientifically sound decisionmaking support tool when assessing the risk of introducing trans-border infectious animal diseases into previously prosperous territories of the Russian Federation. This approach can be used in the process of choosing the most appropriate alternative from several risk assessment options. The Hierarchy Analysis Method (MAI) is a mathematical tool for a qualitative systematic approach to solving decision-making problems. This method was developed by the American scientist Thomas Lewis Saati in 1970, since then it has been actively developing and widely used in practice. The hierarchy analysis method can be used not only to compare objects, but also to solve more complex management and forecasting tasks