582 research outputs found

    Numerical Processing of The Two Dimensional Inverse Laplace Transform and Its Application to Equation of Heat Conduction

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    The numerical inversion of the Laplace transform is used effectively in many fields where analytical processing is difficult or impossible. The same situation occurs in the two dimensional inverse Laplace transform. To solve such a problem, a numerical processing of the two dimensional inverse Laplace transform is presented. The numerical inversion formulas and their computer algorithms are shown. As an example of the two dimensional inversion method, the equation of heat conduction is analysed for various conditions

    Applications of Fourier Series Technique to Inverse Laplace Transform : Part II

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    This paper describes some basic properties of the Fourier series, the finite Fourier approximation and the method of applying them to the numerical analysis of the Laplace transform. Some considerations of error analysis in numerical treaties and some numerical examples are given

    Steady State Analysis of Oscillator by Volterra Series

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    This paper describes the numerical method to obtain a steady state oscillation wave of oscillator by the Volterra series expansion method. An amplitude and a period of a fundamental component are determined by solving algebraic equations, after which the harmonic components can be calculated. The method is applied to the analysis of the van der Pole oscillator and phase shift oscillator

    Traveling Wave Characteristic of Induced Voltage on Buried Cable by Direct Lightning

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    This paper desbribes a numerical method to calculate the traveling wave characteristic of induced voltage on a buried cable generated by direct lightning. The propagation constant of the metallic sheath--earth circuit is calculated by considering the thickness of the protection jacket. The mutual impedance of every coupling circuit is calculated by using the electromagnetic theory. The numerical processing is carried out by the inverse Laplace transform. Finally, some numerical examples are presented

    Matric Operational Calculus and Its Applications

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    In analysing the linear physical systems with many variables, a good method is to use the matrix functions and the operational calculus. This paper describes the fundamental properties of the operational calculus for the matrix functions based on the Mikusinsky's method, and then, presents the method to analyse the periodically excited linear systems (periodically interrupted electric circuits of second genus)

    Matric Operational Calculus and Its Applications : Part II

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    This paper describes the fundamental properties of the operational calculus based on the Mikusinsky's method for the matrix functions (sequences and series of operators, operational functions and their derivatives), and then, presents the analysis of the multi-conductor transmission systems for its applications

    Automated classification of bees and hornet using acoustic analysis of their flight sounds

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    International audienceAbstractTo investigate how to accurately identify bee species using their sounds, we conducted acoustic analysis to identify three pollinating bee species (Apis mellifera, Bombus ardens, Tetralonia nipponensis) and a hornet (Vespa simillima xanthoptera) by their flight sounds. Sounds of the insects and their environment (background noises and birdsong) were recorded in the field. The use of fundamental frequency and mel-frequency cepstral coefficients to describe feature values of the sounds, and supported vector machines to classify the sounds, correctly distinguished sound samples from environmental sounds with high recalls and precision (0.96–1.00). At the species level, our approach could classify the insect species with relatively high recalls and precisions (0.7–1.0). The flight sounds of V.s. xanthoptera, in particular, were perfectly identified (precision and recall 1.0). Our results suggest that insect flight sounds are potentially useful for detecting bees and quantifying their activity

    Steady State Analysis of Underground Electromagnetic Field Generated by Dipole Located over Ground

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    This paper presents the steady state analysis of an underground electromagnetic field induced by a sinusoidally excited dipole located over the ground. Theoretical derivation of the electromagnetic field is carried out in the complex frequency domain. The numerical method to calculate the obtained equation which contains complicated infinite integrals is presented

    Applications of Fourier Series Technique to Inverse Laplace Transform

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    This paper describes a method of determining the inverse Laplace transform numerically by applying the Fourier series technique to the matric operational functions. The basis of the method is that by choosing the contour of integration, the inverse Laplace transform is converted into the Fourier transform and it is approximated by a certain Fourier series. In this way numerical Laplace inversion is given and the error introduced can be made as small as desired. Furthermore, Fast Fourier Transform method is applied to the method to reduce the computational time. The method has the advantage of needing little programming effort in digital computations and is useful in numerical analysis of systems. Computational algorithms and some numerical examples are given to show usefulness of the method

    Indirect Probe of Electroweak-Interacting Particles at Future Lepton Colliders

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    Various types of electroweak-interacting particles, which have non-trivial charges under the SU(2)L×U(1)Y\mathrm{SU}(2)_L \times \mathrm{U}(1)_Y gauge symmetry, appear in various extensions of the Standard Model. These particles are good targets of future lepton colliders, such as the International Linear Collider (ILC), the Compact LInear Collider (CLIC) and the Future Circular Collider of electrons and positrons (FCC-ee). An advantage of the experiments is that, even if their beam energies are below the threshold of the production of the new particles, quantum effects of the particles can be detected through high precision measurements. We estimate the capability of future lepton colliders to probe electroweak-interacting particles through the quantum effects, with particular focus on the wino, the Higgsino and the so-called minimal dark matters, and found that a particle whose mass is greater than the beam energy by 100-1000 GeV is detectable by measuring di-fermion production cross sections with O(0.1)O(0.1)\% accuracy. In addition, with the use of the same analysis, we also discuss the sensitivity of the future colliders to model independent higher dimensional operators, and found that the cutoff scales corresponding to the operators can be probed up to a few ten TeV