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    ABSTRAKMeloidogyne incognita, merupakan salah satu organisme peng-ganggu (OPT) penyebab penyakit kuning pada tanaman lada dan dapatmengakibatkan penurunan hasil sampai 32%. Beberapa teknik untukmengendalikan patogen ini telah dilakukan tetapi belum memberikan hasilyang memuaskan. Pengendalian biologi dengan menggunakan bakteriendofit merupakan salah satu alternatif pengendalian yang cukup men-janjikan untuk dapat mengatasi permasalahan nematoda penyakit tanaman.Penelitian ini telah dilakukan di Laboratorium Bakteriologi danNematologi Departemen Proteksi Tanaman Institut Pertanian Bogor, danRumah Kaca Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Aneka TanamanIndustri Pakuwon Sukabumi dari bulan Mei sampai November 2009.Kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah: 1) Seleksi beberapa isolat bakteri endofituntuk mengendalikan nematoda M. incognita pada tanaman lada dan 2)Potensi induced systemic resistance (ISR) dan analisis asam salisilat sertaperoksidase. Isolat bakteri endofit yang digunakan adalah isolat bakteriendofit potensial yang diisolasi dari akar nilam. Akar tanaman ladadirendam dalam suspensi bakteri endofit, selanjutnya diinokulasi dengan500 ekor larva 2 M. incognita. Sebulan setelah inokulasi tanamandibongkar diamati populasi nematoda dan pertumbuhan tanaman. AnalisisISR dilakukan dengan metode split root system dilanjutkan dengananalisis kadar asam salisilat dan peroksidase. Penelitian mengunakanRancangan Acak Lengkap. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bakteriendofit dapat menekan jumlah puru dan populasi nematoda di dalam akar.Penekanan tertinggi pada isolat MSK (97,93%) tidak berbeda nyatadengan isolat BAS, TT2, dan NJ46 yaitu 97,35; 95,22; dan 92,14%.Berdasarkan analisis split root system, ke 4 isolat tersebut dapat meng-induksi ketahanan tanaman lada secara sistemik dengan mekanismepeningkatan kandungan asam salisilat dan peroksidase di dalam akar.Kata kunci : Bakteri endofit, penyakit kuning, Piper nigrum L.,Meloidogyne incognita, induksi ketahananABSTRACTThe use of endophytic bacteria to induce plant resistanceagainst infection of root-knot nematode (Meloidogyneincognita) on black pepperRoot-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) is one of important patho-gens causing yellow disease on black pepper. As a result of this pathogenattack can lower the results up to 32%. Several control methods have beendone successful to control pathogen. Biological control using endophyticbacteria is one of prospective alternative control methods to overcomenematode problem. The research had been conducted in the Laboratory ofBacteriology and Nematology Department of Plant Protection, BogorAgricultural University (IPB) and in greenhouse of Indonesian Spices andIndustrial Crops Research Institute (ISICRI) Sukabumi. The objectives ofthis study were : 1) Selection of endophytic bacteria to control M.incognita nematodes on black pepper and 2) Potential of induced systemicresistance (ISR) and analysis of salicylic acid and peroxidase. Endophyticbacterial isolates used were endophytic potential bacterial isolates isolatedfrom the roots of patchouli. Pepper plant roots were soaked in anendophytic bacterial suspension, then inoculated with 500 larvae of 2 M.incognita. A month after inoculation, the plants were dismantled andobserved population of nematodes and plant growth. ISR analysis wasperformed by the method of split root system followed by analysis ofsalicylic acid and peroxidase contents. The research was arranged usingCompletely Randomized Design. The results showed that endophyticbacteria were able to suppress the amount of gall and nematode populationin roots. The highest suppression was on MSK isolate (97.93%) which wasnot significantly different from BAS, TT2, and NJ46 isolates, namely97.35, 95.22, and 92.14%, respectively. The analysis of split root systemshowed that the 4 isolates were able to induce systemic resistance of blackpepper with a mechanism of increase in salicylic acid and peroxidasecontents in roots.Key words : Endophytic bacteria, yellow disease, Piper nigrum L.,Meloidogyne incognita, induce systemic resistanc

    Dinamika Populasi Kutu Tempurung (Coccus Viridis) Dan Kutudaun (Aphis Gossypii) Pada Tiga Varietas Kopi Arabika (Coffea Arabica)

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    One of the main constraints on the growth of coffee seedlings in thegreenhouse is pests lice green scales (Coccus viridis) and Aphids (Aphidsgossypii) that can inhibit the growth of plants. Competition in utilizingnutrients can cause the attacked plants to become more severe, even someplants to be dead. This study aims to determine the population dynamics ofC. viridis and A. gossypii on arabica coffee seedlings of Sigarar Utang,Kartika, and S795 varieties. The study was conducted in the greenhouse ofIndonesian Center For Estate Crops Research and Development, fromAugust 2011 to January 2012. 200 seedlings of arabica coffee consisting ofS795, Sigarar Utang, and Kartika varieties were planted in polythene bagsin the greenhouse. Observations were made every two weeks for ten timesthe observations by calculating the pest populations and comparepopulation growth of C. viridis and A. gossypii by regression method and ttest. It was found that mite green scale (C. viridis) population were moredominant than the aphids (A. gossypii) population, with a total populationof green scales (C. viridis) as much as 81.23%. Green scales (C. viridis)and aphids (A. gossypii) were found more abundant in the Kartikaseedlings compared to Sigarar Utang and S795 varieties. It is easier for thepests to obtain their food by sucking the liquid inside in the branches. Thegrowth population of C. viridis forming a straight line for 5 months with rvalues respectively, Sigarar Utang is 0,98; Kartika is 0,98; and S795 is0,97. Growth population of A. gossypii forming straight lines with thevalue of r : Sigarar Utang is 0,99; Kartika is 0,98; and S795 is 0,99


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    ABSTRAKSalah satu kendala dalam pembibitan kopi arabika di rumah kaca adalahadanya serangan hama kutu tempurung (Coccus viridis) dan kutudaun(Aphis gossypii) yang dapat menghambat pertumbuhan dan perkembangantanaman. Persaingan dalam memanfaatkan unsur hara dan nutrisi yangberada pada jaringan tanaman kopi dapat menyebabkan tanaman yangterserang menjadi lebih parah bahkan tidak jarang menyebabkan kematiantanaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dinamika populasikutu tempurung dan kutudaun pada benih kopi arabika varietas SigararUtang, Kartika, dan S795. Penelitian dilakukan di rumah kaca PusatPenelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan (Puslitbangbun), sejak bulanAgustus 2011 sampai Januari 2012. Jumlah benih kopi arabika yangdiamati sebanyak 200 benih yang terdiri dari varietas S795, Sigarar utang,dan Kartika. Pengamatan dilakukan setiap dua minggu sekali sebanyaksepuluh kali pengamatan dengan menghitung populasi serangan hama danmembandingkan frekuensi populasi (perkembangan) kutu tempurung (C.viridis) dan kutudaun (A. gossypii) dengan metode regresi dan uji t. Darihasil pengamatan, ditemukan 2 jenis populasi hama yaitu populasi kututempurung (C. viridis) dan kutudaun (A. gossypii) yang menyerang benihkopi arabika di pembibitan dengan tingkat populasi kutu tempurung (C.viridis) lebih banyak dijumpai dibandingkan dengan populasi kutudaun (A.gossypii) yaitu sebanyak 81,23%. Pada kopi arabika varietas Kartikapaling banyak ditemukan populasi kutu tempurung (C. viridis) dan kutudaun (A. gossypii) dibandingkan dengan varietas Sigarar Utang dan S795.Kopi arabika varietas Kartika memiliki percabangan yang agak lentur danmemiliki ruas yang pendek sehingga kutu tempurung (C.viridis) dankutudaun (A. gossypii) lebih senang berinang pada varietas Kartikadibandingkan varietas Sigarar Utang dan S795, karena lebih mudah untukmemperoleh makanannya dengan mengisap cairan yang ada padapercabangannya. Perkembangan populasi C. viridis membentuk garis lurusselama 5 bulan dengan nilai r masing-masing 0,98 pada varietas SigararUtang; 0,98 pada varietas Kartika; dan 0,99 pada varietas S795.Perkembangan populasi A. gossypii membentuk dua buah garis yangbertemu di satu titik dan sebuah garis lurus dengan nilai r masing-masing0,99 pada Sigarar Utang; 0,98 pada varietas Kartika; dan 0,99 padavarietas S795.Kata kunci: Kopi arabika, dinamika populasi, Aphis gossypii, CoccusviridisABSTRACTOne of the main constraints on the growth of coffee seedlings in thegreenhouse is pests lice green scales (Coccus viridis) and Aphids (Aphidsgossypii) that can inhibit the growth of plants. Competition in utilizingnutrients can cause the attacked plants to become more severe, even someplants to be dead. This study aims to determine the population dynamics ofC. viridis and A. gossypii on arabica coffee seedlings of Sigarar Utang,Kartika, and S795 varieties. The study was conducted in the greenhouse ofIndonesian Center For Estate Crops Research and Development, fromAugust 2011 to January 2012. 200 seedlings of arabica coffee consisting ofS795, Sigarar Utang, and Kartika varieties were planted in polythene bagsin the greenhouse. Observations were made every two weeks for ten timesthe observations by calculating the pest populations and comparepopulation growth of C. viridis and A. gossypii by regression method and ttest. It was found that mite green scale (C. viridis) population were moredominant than the aphids (A. gossypii) population, with a total populationof green scales (C. viridis) as much as 81.23%. Green scales (C. viridis)and aphids (A. gossypii) were found more abundant in the Kartikaseedlings compared to Sigarar Utang and S795 varieties. It is easier for thepests to obtain their food by sucking the liquid inside in the branches. Thegrowth population of C. viridis forming a straight line for 5 months with rvalues respectively, Sigarar Utang is 0,98; Kartika is 0,98; and S795 is0,97. Growth population of A. gossypii forming straight lines with thevalue of r : Sigarar Utang is 0,99; Kartika is 0,98; and S795 is 0,99.Key words: Coffea arabica, population dynamics, Aphis gossypii, Coccusviridi

    INDUKSI EMBRIO SOMATIK SEKUNDER KOPI ARABIKA DAN DETEKSI KERAGAMAN SOMAKLONAL MENGGUNAKAN MARKA SSRs / Induction of Secondary Somatic Embryos of Arabica Coffee and Detection Somaclonal Variation Using SSRs Marker

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    The secondary somatic embryogenesis of coffee plant can be used to propagate superior varieties, plant resulted from genetic transformation and mutation. Present study aimed to obtain the best media composition for induction of secondary somatic embryos in solid or semi-solid media, and to evaluate the possibility of somaclonal variations occurrence in the resulting plantlets. Primary somatic embryos torpedo phase of the AS2K variety were used as explant sources. Types of cytokines i.e. 2-iP (4.54 and 9.08 μM), kinetin (9.30 μM) and BAP (BAP 17.76 and 1.33 μM) and medium density (solids and semi-solid) were used as treatments. A total of 20 SSRs marker were used in molecular analysis of plantlets with 10 replication per treatment. The results showed that the media with the addition of BAP 17.76 μM resulted in the highest percentage (75.50%), the highest number of secondary somatic embryos (10.63), the tertiary, quarter and quiner somatic embryos. Number of secondary somatic embryos produced in a dense media was higher than those in the semi-solid media.. Based on molecular analysis, planlets on all treatment were relatively homogenous except on medium with 17.76 μM BAP which indicated by one allelle changing at ssrR209 locus. These findings indicated that the use of culture medium with supplemented with 9.08 μM 2-iP is advisable to induce the secondary somatic embryos due to its capacity to produce high number of somatic embryos and exhibited no somaclonal variations occurred among the plantlets.Keywords: Coffea arabica, tertiary somatic embryos, quarter somatic embryos, quiner somatic embryos, semi solid media AbstrakEmbriogenesis somatik sekunder pada tanaman kopi dapat digunakan untuk memperbanyak varietas unggul, hasil transformasi dan mutasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan komposisi media terbaik dalam menginduksi embrio somatik sekunder dalam media padat maupun semi padat, dan mengevaluasi kemungkinan terjadinya variasi somaklonal pada planlet yang dihasilkan. Eksplan yang digunakan adalah embrio somatik primer fase torpedo dari varietas AS2K. Perlakuan yang diuji adalah jenis sitokinin yaitu: 2-iP (4,54 dan 9,08 μM), kinetin (9,30 μM) dan BAP (BAP 17,76 μM dan 1,33 μM) dan kepadatan media (padat dan semi padat). Analisis molekuler menggunakan 20 primer marka SSRs dengan jumlah ulangan 10 planlet per perlakuan. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan media dengan penambahan BAP 17,76 μM menghasilkan persentase embrio somatik sekunder tertinggi (75,50%), embrio somatik sekunder terbanyak (10,63), embrio somatik tersier, kuarter dan kuiner. Jumlah embrio somatik sekunder yang dihasilkan pada media padat lebih banyak dibandingkan semi padat. Berdasarkan analisis molekuler, planlet yang dikulturkan pada semua perlakuan relatif seragam, kecuali pada perlakuan BAP 17,76 μM yang menunjukkan telah terjadi perubahan satu alel pada lokus ssrR209. Temuan ini memperlihatkan bahwa penggunaan media kultur dengan 2-iP 9,08 μM lebih dianjurkan untuk menginduksi embrio somatik sekunder karena dapat menghasilkan jumlah embrio somatik cukup banyak dan tidak memperlihatkan adanya variasi somaklonal pada planlet yang dihasilkan.Kata kunci: Coffea arabica, embrio somatik tersier, embrio somatik kuarter, embrio somatik kuiner, media semi-pada


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    ABSTRAKKendala dalam pengembangan jahe di Indonesia adalah terbatasnyabenih bermutu. Secara konvensional, budidaya jahe dilakukan denganmenggunakan bibit dari potongan rimpang. Dengan cara ini diperlukanbibit dalam jumlah yang banyak, antara 2-3 t/ha untuk jahe yang dipanentua dan 5-6 t/ha untuk yang dipanen muda. Kendala lain adalah penyakittular benih layu bakteri yang disebabkan oleh Ralstonia solanacearum.Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk mendapatkan benih jahebebas penyakit adalah perbanyakan melalui kultur jaringan. Penelitianbertujuan untuk mengkaji sumber eksplan dari tingkat umur panenrimpang yang berbeda terhadap kapasitas pembentukan kalus embriogenikpada kultur meristem jahe putih besar. Penelitian dilakukan di BalaiPenelitian Tanaman Obat dan Aromatik dari September 2007 sampaiMaret 2008, menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 20 kaliulangan. Bahan tanaman yang digunakan adalah meristem jahe putih besaryang diambil dari rimpang panen muda dan tua. Peubah yang diamatimeliputi: histologi jaringan, persentase kalus embriogenik yang terbentuk,bobot segar kalus, diameter kalus, dan morfologi kalus. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan adanya daerah meristematik pada sayatan eksplan meristemjahe putih besar ukuran ± 0,25 cm. Persentase kalus embriogenik (92,1%)dan diameter kalus (0,59 mm) dari rimpang yang dipanen tua lebih tinggidari yang dipanen muda. Berat kalus (1,18 g) dan jumlah embrio somatikglobular (29,34) asal eksplan panen tua nyata lebih tinggi dari yangdipanen muda. Kalus embriogenik yang berasal dari eksplan rimpang yangdipanen tua mampu berkembang membentuk embrio somatik danberkecambah menghasilkan planlet normal.Kata kunci : Zingiber officinale Rosc., umur rimpang, kalus embriogenik,embriogenesis somatikABSTRACTEffect of explants age on the success of embryogenic calliformation in meristem culture of ginger (Zingiberofficinale Rosc.)Constraint in ginger cultivation in Indonesia is the limited qualityof planting materials. In conventional cultivation, planting materials weretaken from a piece of rhizomes. By this technique, significant amount ofplanting materials is required, between 2-3 tons/ha for fully harvested and5-6 tons/ha for young harvested rhizomes. Another serious constraint isbacterial wilt disease infection caused by Ralstonia solanacearum. Effortfor obtaining free disease planting materials could be performed throughtissue culture mass propagation. In this study, different ages of rhizome asexplants sources was evaluated for their capacity in embryogenic calliformation on the meristem culture of ginger. The experiment wasconducted in Indonesian Medicinal and Aromatic Crops Research Institutefrom September 2007 to March 2008, using a completely random designwith 20 replicates. Plant material used was white ginger meristem takenfrom the fully and young harvested rhizomes. The observed variables wereexplant histology, percentage embryogenic calli formation (%), freshweight of calli, calli diameter, number of globular embryo, and callimorphology. The results showed a meristematic region at the incisionexplant big-white ginger meristem ± 0.25 cm in size. Percentage ofembryogenic calli formation from the fully harvested rhizome-explant(92.1%) and calli diameter (0.59 mm) were higher than that of the youngerone. Calli weight (1.18 g) and number of globular somatic embryos(29.34) from fully harvested rhizome-explants were significantly higherthan that of the younger one. Embriogenic calli derived from the oldharvested rhizome explants was able to grow well to form somaticembryos and then germinate to produce normal plantlet.Key words : Zingiber officinale Rosc, age of rhizome, embriogeniccalli, somatic embryogenesi


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    Echinaceae is an introduced medicinal plant used to improve immune system of the body. Lately, interest on Echinaceae increased, however, good plant material for development is limited. One method to multiply plant material is the in vitro culture, so that research and development especially in vitro multiplication is required. The aim of the experiment is to procure a medium for the induction of embryonic callus and the technique of regeneration. The experiment is conducted at the Laboratory of Breeding and Genetic Resources, ISMECRI from January to December 2002, consisted of 2 steps, namely(1). Embryonic callus induction, (2). Callus regeneration. In the first step, explants were transferred into MS medium enrich with BA 0,1 mg/l + 2,4 D 0,5 mg/l and a combination medium of MS and LS medium supplemented with glutamine + BA (0,1 mg/l; 0,2 mg/l) + 2,4 D (0,5mg/l ; 1 mg/l). In the second step, regeneration was conducted on medium MS combined with LS + BA (0 mg/l + 0,2 mg/l + 0,4 mg/l), MS combined with LS + Kinetine (0,2 mg/l; 0,4 mg/l). The results showed that embryonic callus was obtained from culture of leaf explants on MS medium combined with LS. The best treatment for step regeneration was MS combined LS + BA 0,4 mg/l for shoot formation while MS combined LS + kinetine 0,4 mg/l induced root formation.

    The Induction of Primary and Secondary Somatic Embryo to Support Arabica Coffee Propagation

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    The primary and secondary somatic embryogenesis can be used to propagate Coffea arabica L clonally.  However, the success of this propagation was depended on plant growth regulator and varieties. This study aimed to examine the possibility of 2,4-D and thidiazuron application to form primary and secondary somatic embryo to support Arabica coffee clonal propagation. The study consisted of two activities (1) 2,4-D and thidiazuron Application to Induce Primary Somatic Embryogenesis of Arabica Coffee and (2) The Application of thidiazuron in Solid and Semi-Solid Media to Induce Secondary Somatic Embryos.  The results indicated significant effect of varieties and plant growth regulator on fresh weight, number of torpedo and germinated embryo.  However, it showed no significant effect on callus formation percentage. The best medium to induce primary somatic embryogenesis depending on variety, on the treatment of 4.52 μM 2,4 -D +18.16 μM thidiazuron was the best for AS2K and Sigarar Utang varieties, S 795 at 4.52 μM 2,4-D + 9.08 μM thidiazuron, whereas Kartika at 4.52 μM 2.4-D + 13.62 μM thidiazuron.  The morphology of coffee somatic embryo was normal.  Primary somatic embryo was developed indirectly, whereas the secondary somatic embryo was directly.  The application of 9.08 μM thidiazuron  increased the percentage and number of secondary somatic embryos, hence enhancing number of Arabica coffee planlet. Keywords : Coffea arabica L, 2,4-D, thidiazuron, semi-solid media, Indirect somatic embryogenesi

    Yield performance and stability analysis of three cultivars of Gayo Arabica coffee across six different environments

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    The three cultivars of Gayo Arabica coffee (GAC) are distributed widely in the Gayo Highlands, Aceh Province, Indonesia, between 900 and 1,700 m above sea level (masl). The difference in altitude affects the yield and quality of coffee, and Arabica coffee has biennial bearing characteristics, so there are always annual yield fluctuations. This study aimed to determine the yield performance and stability level of the three GAC cultivars, Gayo 1, Gayo 2, and Gayo 3 (G3), across six different environments. The study used a randomized complete block design with three replications. The six environmental conditions are the combinations of two altitudes (900 and 1,500 masl) and 3 years of production (2019, 2020, and 2021). The estimation of coffee yields is based on the fruit value, which is calculated by the number of productive branches per tree, nodes per branch, berries per node, and the weight of a single cherry. An investigation of the genotype-by-environmental interaction using a combined analysis of variance and the yield performance and stability analysis performed using the Eberhart and Russell method, AMMI (additive main effects and multiplicative interaction) and GGE (genotype + genotype × environment) biplot analysis. Results showed that the yield performance of GAC was significantly affected by the interaction between genotype and environment. G3 was an ideal cultivar because it had high yield performance, was stable, and could adapt to broader environments in Gayo Highland. Therefore, G3 deserves high priority for Arabica coffee development in that region