25 research outputs found

    Electric techniques for the assessment of quality parameters of foodstuffs

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    In food industry, quality assurance requires low cost methods for the rapid assessment of the parameters that affect product stability. Foodstuffs are complex in their structure, mainly composed by gaseous, liquid and solid phases which often coexist in the same product. Special attention is given to water, concerned as natural component of the major food product or as added ingredient of a production process. Particularly water is structurally present in the matrix and not completely available. In this way, water can be present in foodstuff in many different states: as water of crystallization, bound to protein or starch molecules, entrapped in biopolymer networks or adsorbed on solid surfaces of porous food particles. The traditional technique for the assessment of food quality give reliable information but are destructive, time consuming and unsuitable for on line application. The techniques proposed answer to the limited disposition of time and could be able to characterize the main compositional parameters. Dielectric interaction response is mainly related to water and could be useful not only to provide information on the total content but also on the degree of mobility of this ubiquitous molecule in different complex food matrix. In this way the proposal of this thesis is to answer at this need. Dielectric and electric tool can be used for the scope and led us to describe the complex food matrix and predict food characteristic. The thesis is structured in three main part, in the first one some theoretical tools are recalled to well assess the food parameter involved in the quality definition and the techniques able to reply at the problem emerged. The second part explains the research conducted and the experimental plans are illustrated in detail. Finally the last section is left for rapid method easily implementable in an industrial process

    Rapid assessment of fertilizers manufacturing methods by means of a novel waveguide vector spectrometer

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    This study aims to test the suitability of a waveguide spectrometer, as a rapid and cheap tool to discriminate between different fertilizers according to two different manufacturing methods, such as granulation and blending. The tested instrument is a waveguide vector spectrometer, patented in 2016, that operates in the range 1.6-2.7 GHz, giving both spectral phase and gain measurements. Granulated and blended fertilizers were dehydrated and pulverized to avoid possible interferences due to the water content and the geometry of the sample. The spectral data were analysed by multivariate statistical analysis [principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least squares-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA)] in order to obtain a discrimination tool considering the whole hidden spectral information. PC1 (95% of the explained variance) and PC2 (4% of the explained variance) are shown to explain most of the spectral variability. A tendency to group samples according to the different production methods can be seen, even if the discrimination is influenced by the different chemical compositions of fertilizers. However, PLS-DA models correctly classified 100% of the samples into granulated and blended classes using spectra obtained by waveguide spectroscopy. Despite being preliminary, the tests carried out on a small number of samples show how the technique coupled with PLS-DA models could be able to discriminate between the analysed fertilizers by means of their spectral signature and according to the manufacturing method, if the chemical composition is kept constant. Further tests are necessary to validate the model, also considering the possibility of grouping fertilizers on the basis of their similar composition

    Radio-frequency and optical techniques for evaluating anchovy freshness

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    The freshness of anchovies (Engraulis Encrasicolus) was estimated by radio-frequency and optical techniques in order to propose non-destructive and objective methods for rapid screening. Measurements were conducted until 7 days at 0 °C, storing the fish under ice. Image analysis, dielectric spectroscopy and hyperspectral images were conducted on fish eyes whilst mechanical properties were measured on the fish body. Evaluation of images by RGB scale highlighted differences due to ageing. Maximum force decreased as a function of degradation process time. Cluster analysis on dielectric spectra and 3D-principal component analysis on hyperspectral images of fish eyes revealed a good ability to characterise ageing modification demonstrating suitable methods for the development of a non-destructive, and rapid system for evaluation of fish freshness

    Simple and efficient approach for shelf-life test on frozen spinach and parsley

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    open6noA simple test for shelf-life assessment of frozen spinach and parsley is presented. A specific shelf-life test that considers three storage temperatures is proposed to accelerate the rate of quality decay in frozen spinach and parsley. The scope was to provide a reliable and rapid way (one month vs years) to predict shelf-life by using a simple experimental approach and mathematical models based on some physical quality product attributes. Physical properties were evaluated at three storage temperatures: -5 degrees C, -10 degrees C and -26 degrees C, to simulate a possible thermal abuse. Mechanical and thermal indexes were defined measuring maximum compression force (N) and latent heat involved in ice melting (J/g). A zeroorder kinetic model was used to properly fit experimental data and thus to obtain related reaction rates. The determination coefficient indicates that there is a strong linear relation between kinetic parameters at -10 degrees C or -5 degrees C and -26 degrees C. This suggests a reliable procedure for shelf-life estimation, carrying out a test at -10 degrees C or -5 degrees C for one month and extending values to data acquired at 26 degrees C for the same period of time. The relations obtained from this research have led to a simple practical approach: one day at -10 degrees C could be considered roughly equivalent to 30 days at -26 degrees C. Accordingly, it could be possible to obtain a shelf-life estimation in short time, also considering other similar products.openIaccheri, Eleonora; Cevoli, Chiara; Romani, Santina; Dalla Rosa, Marco; Molari, Giovanni; Fabbri, AngeloIaccheri, Eleonora; Cevoli, Chiara; Romani, Santina; Dalla Rosa, Marco; Molari, Giovanni; Fabbri, Angel

    Effectiveness of the mechanical excitation applied to the olive paste: possible improving of the oil yield, in malaxation phase, by vibration systems

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    The mechanical vibrations characterized by a frequency lower than 200 Hz could promote the cells breakage and improve the oil extraction process by avoiding, at the same time, the negative effects on the commercial qualitative parameters due to the use of the heating during malaxation. Vibration tests were conducted by means of an electrodynamic shaker in order to find the optimal frequency levels of excitation, able to put in a resonant condition the olive paste. Sinusoidal accelerations at constant acceleration (120 m/s2), in a range between 5 and 200 Hz were explored. The 50 Hz and 80 Hz frequencies were able to put in resonant condition the olive paste. In the vibrated samples at 50 Hz (15 min of treatment), the maximum increment of the extraction efficiency (about 53% in comparison with the control), was observed. Further studies could be conducted in order to assess the synergic effect of the mechanical vibrations and the malaxation on the oil extraction efficiency, with the aim of reducing the time of the whole phase and avoiding changes in the oil quality traits

    Cost-Effective Open-Ended Coaxial Technique for Liquid Food Characterization by Using the Reflection Method for Industrial Applications

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    A cheap technique based on an open-ended coaxial probe together with a vector network analyzer was set up. The vector network analyzer NanoVNA, a very tiny handheld device, is the affordable component that gives the instrumental chain a cost-effective perspective. The open-ended coaxial probe is a cable with an SMA gold-plated termination. User-friendly programs can be used to calibrate the instrument, carry out the measurements, and save data on PC. Simple liquid solutions (sodium chloride, citric acids, and saccharose) and more complex liquid food (milk, egg products, and fruit juice) were investigated. In addition, the temperature on the electric measurement of milk was measured to evaluate a possible influence for refrigerated storage products. The reflection parameters, such as the real and imaginary parts of S11, were used to build univariate and multivariate models. The best results in terms of coefficient of determination and related error were 0.997 (RMSE 0.05%) for sodium chloride and 0.965 (RMSE 0.71 °Brix) for fruit juice considering the univariate model, and 0.997 (RMSE 0.04%) for sodium chloride and 0.981 (RMSE 4.44%) for yolk using multivariate analysis. The proposed solution is non-destructive, cheap, rapid, and very attractive for potential lab and industrial applications

    Spectral-sensitive Pulsed Photometry to predict the fat content of commercialized milk

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    Dairy industry has a strong interest in quick and inexpensive techniques able to estimate milk fat content both in off and on-line processes. In the present study, a simple and inexpensive optical technique is preliminary described, discussed, and then tested for the prediction of this parameter. It's essentially based on the different intensity and spectral emission of a tungsten lamp during its progressive lighting combined with the photodiode wavelength sensitivity. Measurements were carried out at 22 \ub0C on thirteen samples of commercialized milk (and mixture of them) (fat content ranging from 0.05% to 3.8%). The influence of the milk temperature on the optical behaviour was also investigated. The detected voltage waveform was strictly and not-linearly correlated with the fat content (R^2 up to 0.985) and predictions with R2 up to 0.997 were obtained by using artificial neural networks (ANN). Milk temperature differently influenced the measurements for milks with various fat content

    Pallets and bags

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    Packaging can be an important resource for improving efficiency in the supply chain and advertising products and companies. The main processes of the supply chain, such as storage and transportation, are usually facilitated by reusable transport items (RTIs) (Zhou et al., 2018). A unit load is an assemblage into which a number of individual items are combined, typically on a pallet, to facil itate material handling and storage operations. With logistic and technology development demanding express transportation service and commerce on a global scale, the unit mode is widely implemented in logistics. Integrated pack aging, such as pallets, container cages, and bags, is employed for a cheap, effi cient, and convenient unitized logistics mode (Zhou et al., 2018). Packaging can be thought of as composed of three parts: the primary pack age, in contact with the product; the secondary package, usually a shipping con tainer, case or bags to group packages; and the tertiary package, such as a pallet, which has the function of a load unifier for transportation, storage, and distri bution (Twede et al., 2007). Considering handling and transport, the pallet is the most used type of packaging worldwide. Rarely, it could be found that a logistic service is provided by the company without considering pallets. Despite the fundamental role of pallets, they are one of the most neglected constituents within handling transactions (Clarke, 2004). Generally, packaging is widely studied and designed, but only a brief description of pallets is given, although they can be considered the joint component between packed goods and transport in order to be efficient for handling management and cost reduction (Clarke, 2004). A suitable definition of a pallet is: “Pallet is a portable, rigid platform used as a base for assembling, storing, stacking, handling, and transporting goods” (Bouffier et al., 1996). As a standardized platform for unit loads, pallets are widely utilized in manufacturing facilities, warehouses and distribution centers, and stores. Many pallets are designed to be repairable and reusable, so they can be reused for several shipping cycles. Pallets in circulation can be considered as trade indicators of global eco nomic trends. If the economy is strong, the demand for goods increases, which translates to a larger demand for pallets (Accorsi et al., 2019). There are roughly 5 billion pallets in use worldwide, and this value is anticipated to increase over the next 5 years (Murray, 2021). Although 95% of the produced pallets are made of wood, the use of nonwooden pallets, such as metal and plastic pallets, is increasing. For the food industry, nonwooden pallets are often used in applica tions where hygiene is a concern (Ibrahim, 2019). Several associations, such as the US Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA), the Canadian Pallet Council (CPC), and the European Pallet Associa tion (EPAL), provide directives and good practices to use, collect, repair, and return pallets. This chapter summarizes the use of pallets and bags for unit load operations and provides a detailed description of the manufacturing methods, materials, tests, cleaning operations, requirements, and supply chain management considerations for pallets

    Pallet standards in agri-food sector: a brief survey

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    In food industry wooden pallet and fruit and vegetables crates are the most used for handling and delivering. Regulatory aspects and test procedure are relatively young as regards to the packaging sector of wooden. Currently many standards are in development or implementation. In this context the objective of the following paper is a brief overview on technical standards governing the use of wooden packaging, with particular reference to the agricultural-food sector. In this review, as wooden packaging, are taken into account, wood or its derivatives used to support, packaging and transport goods, such as cages, wooden pallets, wooden frame, wooden kegs, rods or timber. Particularly European standards are briefly described in their technical content and historic development. Market data, emerging technology and environmental problems are even recalled

    Rapid Assessment of Wine Vinegar Qualitative Parameters by Means of a Waveguide Vector Spectrometer. Rapid device for vinegar quality assessment

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    The potentiality of a Waveguide Vector Spectrometer combined with multivariate data analysis was explored in order to set up predictive models of the main quality parameters of vinegar samples. Gain and phase spectra were acquired from 1.6 to 2.7 GHz and were used to build Partial Least Squares regression models. Segmented cross validations evidenced good accuracies for all the explored qualitative parameters with coefficient of determination values up to 0.997 (dry matter content)