605 research outputs found

    „Arbeitsplatzausstattung“ und „Arbeitsplatzlücke“ nach Geschlechtern in Ost- und Westdeutschland

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    The paper investigates (a) the number and structure of available jobs by gender in East and West Germany, (b) the gap between the supply and demand of jobs by gender in both regions and (c) the reasons for the wider “job gap” in East Germany compared with West Germany. The paper uses data from the Regional National Accounts and the Federal Labor Office. The analysis shows no significant difference in the number of jobs per 1000 persons in working age between East and West Germany. For women, the East German economy offers more jobs. Nevertheless, the gap between labour demand and the supply of jobs is wider in East Germany. This is caused not only by problems concerning the production structure, but also by the significantly higher partizipation rate of women in the labor market. Reasons are the traditional behaviour of East German woman and – compared with West Germany – the considerably lower household income.employment, underemployment, labor demand, labor supply, East Germany, West Germany

    Moderate Malnutrition Decrease Malaria-Specific Effector CD4+ T Cells

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    Malnutrition is known to predispose people to infections by affecting immune cell populations, but it is not known how moderate malnutrition affects the survival of effector CD4+ T cells that could be protective against chronic infections such as malaria. In our current study, we hypothesized that moderate malnutrition leads to a reduction of malaria-specific CD4+ T cells resulting in lower numbers of activated effector CD4+ T cells that have poor survival potential due to decreased Bcl-2/Bcl-xL expression. Using flow cytometry, we observed that moderate malnutrition does not decrease the total number of lymphocytes and polyclonal CD4+ T cells, but the moderate malnourished mice had lower spleen weights compared to well-nourished mice. Using adoptive transfer technique, we found that moderate malnutrition decreases malaria-specific CD4+ T cells that express Thy1.2 molecule, along with reduced numbers of activated malaria-specific effector CD4+ T cells. The decrease in activated malaria-specific effector cells was accompanied by reduced cytokine production. We also found that Bcl-2 expression is downregulated, but Bcl-xL may play a compensatory role in the infected malnourished group. These findings suggest that moderate malnutrition does impair pathogen specific CD4+ T cell populations during chronic infection, which may have a significant effect on other immune cells

    Determinants of eWOM on hospitality CSR issues. In Facebook we trust?

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    Social media has emerged asa powerfuland successfultooltodisseminate information relating to corporate social responsibility (CSR) in different industries, including the hospitality context. Similarly, the media plays a major role in the domain of CSR since news media materializes corporate goals regarding CSR issues. However, no prior studies have explored the main factors that influence electronic word of mouth (eWOM) on CSR issues covered by the media through social media. This research incorporates the characteristics of information (specific) and individuals? informational predisposition (general) into an integrative model to examine the key predictors of intention to share and comment on negative CSR news covered by a specific media outlet on a particular social networking site (SNS): Facebook. To empirically test the proposed model, 208 Facebook users were surveyed in Spain. The results show that information value, Facebook trust and self-disclosure have a positive impact on eWOM intentions. It also confirmed that source credibility has a positive impact on information value. However, neither significant relationship was found between Facebook trust and privacy concerns, nor between this variable and intentions to share and comment. Finally, theoretical conclusions, managerial implications, and limitations are discussed

    Visualización de las instituciones cubanas de educación superior desde la gestión y desarrollo de eventos científicos (Revisión)

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    To open up to the needs of the contemporary world, higher education institutions must strengthen the exchange of information and scientific initiatives, which has to become a habitual way of acting, towards the achievement of continuous progress in knowledge that facilitates cultural development, scientific and technical. One of the ways to enhance this exchange is through the development of scientific events. In the present work, a strategy is proposed to improve the scientific event management process in Cuban higher education institutions. It was structured in three phases: preparatory, executive and evaluative. The management strategy that was provided is in a position to be applied to improve the management of scientific events, by conceiving an appropriate improvement of directors and managers, thereby contributing to perfecting the socialization of science results, raising the visibility of Cuban universities and increase scientific collaboratio

    ¿Cómo estructurar y desarrollar una clase metodológica instructiva?

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    The objective of the article is to propose a way to structure and develop an instructional methodological class, to serve as a guide for teachers with less experience in their development process as university teachers. Through it, the aspects to be taken into account when preparing and executing this class are explained and exemplified. To carry out the aforementioned exemplification, a problem was chosen regarding the interdisciplinary work that must be carried out from the Mathematics subjects, to make its content more understandable and interesting to study. The aforementioned interdisciplinary work focused on the articulation of contents of functions of a real variable (linear, quadratic and modular) with contents of the civil engineer's profession, related to the types of bridges that can be designed and constructed. It is very important to attend each of the components of an instructional methodological class, to efficiently achieve its teaching objectives

    Systematization of experiences on research in didactics for solving mathematical problems

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    Mathematics problem solvingis difficult for most students, for this reason theinvestigators inDidactics of Mathematics constantly works on the construction of theories that help to understand their complex nature, with the purpose of facilitating theirteaching learning.Consequently, the objective of thisstudywas toexposethe most relevant aspects of research in didactics of solving mathematical problems, obtained in the last twenty years by the Didactic Research Group of Mathematics and Computing, of theUniversity of Oriente, Cuba.The method of systematizing experienceswas used, supported by content analysis, interviews and participant observation.The main result was an increase in the knowledge of the theoretical approaches, diagnostic and corroborative means, analytical categories,theoretic-methodological constructsand communication channels, which have shown greater consistency in the investigation of the aforementioned didactics.The above provides research groups with a suitable framework for the study, application and socialization of results,aimed at improving the didactics of solving mathematical problems

    Estudio exploratorio sobre la formación investigativa de los estudiantes de Licenciatura en Ciencia de la Computación

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    The article analyzes the results obtained in a diagnosis study on the investigative formation of the students of the career of Licentiate in Computation Science, in Oriente University. The investigation, of exploratory character,combines quantitative and qualitative methods, to determine the main difficulties related withthe behaviorof this formation.The obtained results indicate that there are inadequacies based in the faulty form in that thedynamics of the formative process is developed insubjects of the career, that facilitate opportunities for apedagogic intervention in this dynamics

    Sistematización de experiencias sobre la investigación en didáctica de la resolución de problemas matemáticos

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    Mathematics problem solving is difficult for most students, for this reason the investigators in Didactics of Mathematics constantly works on the construction of theories that help to understand their complex nature, with the purpose of facilitating their teaching learning. Consequently, the objective of this study was to expose the most relevant aspects of research in didactics of solving mathematical problems, obtained in the last twenty years by the Didactic Research Group of Mathematics and Computing, of the Universidad de Oriente, Cuba. The method of systematizing experiences was used, supported by content analysis, interviews and participant observation. The main result was an increase in the knowledge of the theoretical approaches, diagnostic and corroborative means, analytical categories, theoretic-methodological constructs and communication channels, which have shown greater consistency in the investigation of the aforementioned didactics. The above provides research groups with a suitable framework for the study, application and socialization of results, aimed at improving the didactics of solving mathematical problems

    Gestión de la Formación Permanente del Profesor Universitario en Comunicación de la Ciencia Abierta Orientada al Desarrollo Sostenible / Management of the Permanent Training of the University Professor in Communication of Open Science Oriented to Sustainable Development

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    The doctoral research diagnosed insufficient scientific training of university professors in relation to the communication of research results, which limits their professional performance; situation revealed as a scientific problem. The object of research was the permanent training process of the university professor in science communication and, the field of action, the management of this process from the communication of open science (COS) oriented to sustainable development (SD). The objective was the development of a strategy, based on a model of this management, to enhance their professional performance. The main contributions are the proposed model and strategy, which were successfully applied at the Universidad de Oriente, Cuba. The scientific novelty consists in having revealed the integrative logic of the management of the permanent training of the university professor in COS, based on the assessment of the needs for improvement and its planning, in relation to the systematization and professionalization in management of the dissemination and dissemination of investigative results oriented to SD. The social impact lies in having favored the achievement of superior results in the permanent training of the university professor in COS oriented to SD, from the application of the strategy provided, increasing their professional performance