46 research outputs found

    Examining the Supply Chain Integration Impact on Economy by Regression Model

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    Abstract— In this study, we examine the current state of supply chain integration, estimate the economic impact of inadequate integration, and identify opportunities for governmental organizations to provide critical standards infrastructures that will improve the efficiency of supply chain communications. The development of methods to reduce the impact of multicollinearity in the construction of a linear regression model is an urgent task of applied econometrics. The article proposes a method for reducing multicollinearity in the construction of a linear regression model for evaluating the supply chain impact on economy. In the case of non-stationary multidimensional time series, it is assumed that all variables have a polynomial trend. Each predictor xj(t) is decomposed into a trend and a remainder uj(t), and then a regression y(t) is constructed for time t and the remainder uj(t). In this case, the regression coefficients for uj(t) are equal to the regression coefficients for xj(t), but they are estimated using less correlated regressors SCM. The article gives a quantitative assessment of the increase in the accuracy of the forecast of the considered model in comparison with other models. In the case of spatial variables, the proposed approach is that some Xj regressors SCM correlated with others are replaced by the sum of two summands. One of them is the predicted value of Xj obtained from the regression equation Xj on the predictor correlated with it; the other is the remainder of this regression Uj. As a result, we get a new set of regressors SCM that are much less correlated with each other. The new regressors - the remnants of Uj - are susceptible to meaningful interpretation. However, the new regression equation changes the regression coefficients only for variables that act as dependent variables in auxiliary regressions. The application of the proposed method is illustrated by examples through the supply chain process. Calculations are performed in the R software environment

    Formation of Polymer Films in Organic Photovoltaic Systems

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    The influence of elementary processes on the effectiveness of an organic semiconductor based photovol-taic cell designed for energy conversion is highly dependent on the active polymer layer structure. The most urgent task is, therefore, to develop experimental methods for forming films of organic semiconduct-ing polymers with various structures from thin (monolayer films) a few nanometers thick to multilayer ones up to a few micrometers thick. Research has indicated that the layer morphology of the films obtained (up to 350 nm thick) gives rea-son to postulate film structure and composition being dependent on the value of relative fluorescence vari-ation under the influence of a superimposed magnetic field. Moreover, the transmittance and absorption spectra of polymer films which in many ways define the architecture of a photovoltaic cell are highly de-pendent on the concentration of solutions in the 300-325 nm wavelength range. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3611

    On the Applicability of HF and μ-PCD Methods for Determination of Carrier Recombination Lifetime in the Non-passivated Single-crystal Silicon Samples

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    Comparison of the results of measuring the carrier recombination lifetime in silicon single crystals by contactless HF and microwave μ-PCD methods was carried out. It has been shown that HF method gives a large error compared with a μ-PCD method. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3613

    Directions of Digital Technologies Development in the Supply Chain Management of the Russian Economy

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    Abstract— The main objective of this paper is to investigate the digitalization and technologies impact on supply chain management of agricultural industry.  This paper provides practical examples of supply chain digitalization, as well as its socio-economic and environmental effects. The absence of processes that are compatible with the high production requirements adopted in foreign markets can lead to crisis phenomena in domestic industries with high potential and rapid growth dynamics in agriculture industry. Agriculture in Russia is an integral part of the agro-industrial complex, and the program “Digitalization of its supply chain” should provide participants with the opportunity to use broadband, mobile, LPWAN communications, information technologies (small and big data, management platforms, etc.) of the domestic instrument industry (tags, controllers, sensors, control units) to improve significantly the efficiency of agriculture. The opportunities for modernizing the industry are huge. Food security of the country and the development of export potential, turn agriculture into a high-tech industry that can not only provide food for itself, but also many countries of the world through the global supply chain system, as well as create opportunities for the introduction of new innovative developments that have not exist before, stimulate management decisions that can provide the population with high-quality and safe products. According to expert estimates, during the season, the farmer has to make more than 40 different decisions in limited time intervals. Many of these solutions, which affect directly the production economy, are objects of digitalization in supply chain

    EH-undulative system for “effective cooling” of electron beams

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    The system for forming charged particles beams with small energy spread is proposed and studied. It is constructed on the basis of the Undulative Induction Accelerator (EH-accelerator). The obtained results of numerical modeling show that the proposed system allows to reduce the beam energy spread more than ~40 times. The mechanism of energy “equalization” of electrons during the accelerating beam is investigated. This mechanism is called the "effective cooling"

    Undulative induction formers of picosecond electron bunches

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    The basic physical mechanism and the design idea of a new type of Undulative Induction Formers (UNIFs or EH-formers) of especially short intensive electron bunches are proposed and studied. The characteristic feature of the proposed EH-former is the employing of nonstationary crossed linearly polarized electrical and magnetic undulative fields (EH-fields). Namely, the EH-former turns out to be "opened" for an electron beam only during a very short (picosecond) time interval. A possibility to form rather intensive picosecond electron bunches is shown. Including, the picosecond bunches with a number of electrons in each bunch ~ 10⁸÷10¹⁰

    Modeling of grain subdivision during severe plastic deformation by VPSC method combined with disclination analysis

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    Microstructure development during severe plastic deformation by simple shear is modeled using a combination of the visco-plastic self-consistent (VPSC) method and a disclination model. Strain incompatibilities between a homogeneous effective medium and a grain are calculated by VPSC. These are assumed to result in an accumulation of disclinations in the junctions of a grain that are relaxed by a growth of low-angle dislocation boundaries from the junctions. Predicted misorientation distributions between subgrains and their parent grains agree semi-quantitatively with experimental misorientation distributions for geometrically necessary boundaries. The texture after 100% simple shear was found to be insensitive to the presence of subgrains with misorientations less than 15º

    Исследование сывороточной микроРНК-122 при гепатите С и ассоциированной с ним гепатоцеллюлярной карциноме

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    BACKGROUND: The discovery of a cluster of short non-coding RNAs called microRNAs (miRNAs) has become an important event in molecular biology. One of its representatives, miR-122 plays a large role in regulating the expression of genes involved in carbohydrate, lipid metabolism, and iron metabolism in the body. In experimental studies it was shown that in addition to regulatory functions, miR-122 is involved in the pathogenesis of hepatitis C, providing the life cycle of the virus in the cell. The shift of emphasis in the study of miR-122 from basic research into clinical medicine seems to be a promising area of personalized medicine. AIMS: to determine the clinical significance of miR-122 in acute and chronic hepatitis C and associated hepatocellular carcinoma. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 407 people were examined, including 17 patients with acute hepatitis C (AHC), 158 patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC) and 62 patients with HCC associated with hepatitis C. Comparison groups consisted of 84 healthy individuals and 62 patients with clinically pronounced cirrhosis of a non-infectious etiology. In each cohort, the relative miR-122 level was determined in the blood of patients. The analysis was performed in PCR using the Qubit microRNA Assay Kit -100 for the quantitative determination of microRNAs (Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA). Relative miR-122 expression values were calculated by the formula 2 -CT using U6 snRNA as a reference RNA. RESULTS: The highest miR-122 level in serum was found in patients with AHC at the height of the icteric period. The level of miR-122 showed a direct correlation with the activity of hepatic transaminases in patients with AHC (r = 0.72) and CHC (r = 0.44). An analysis of miR-122 level relative to the degree of liver fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis C showed that, as liver fibrosis progresses, the level of miR-122 expression decreases. The decrease in miR-122 expression in patients with severe fibrosis was universal and did not depend on the etiology of the disease. The development of HCC in the presence of chronic hepatitis C was accompanied by a decrease in the level of miR-122 by 10 times on average compared to patients with chronic hepatitis C. CONCLUSIONS: The determination of the expression level of miR-122 in serum can be used in laboratory monitoring of the management of patients with HC as an indicator of the severity of liver damage in AHC and the rate of formation of liver fibrosis in CHC. Evaluation of possibility of using miR-122 as a predictor of the development of HCC in the outcome of HC requires additional studies of the specificity and sensitivity of the test and comparison of the obtained data with the results of using generally accepted protein tumor markers.Обоснование. Открытие кластера коротких некодирующих РНК, получивших название микроРНК (miRNAs), стало важным событием в молекулярной биологии. Один из его представителей ― miR-122 ― играет большую роль в регуляции экспрессии генов, задействованных в углеводном, липидном обмене и метаболизме железа в организме. В экспериментальных исследованиях показано, что помимо регуляторных функций miR-122 участвует в патогенезе гепатита С, обеспечивая жизненный цикл вируса в клетке. Смещение акцентов в изучении miR-122 с фундаментальных исследований в русло клинической медицины представляется перспективным направлением персонализированной медицины. Цель исследования ― определить клиническое значение miR-122 при остром и хроническом течении гепатита С и ассоциированной с ним гепатоцеллюлярной карциноме. Методы. Всего было обследовано 407 человек, в том числе 17 больных острым гепатитом С, 158 ― хроническим гепатитом С и 62 ― гепатоцеллюлярной карциномой, ассоциированной с гепатитом С. Группы сравнения составили 84 практически здоровых человека и 62 больных с клинически выраженным циррозом печени неинфекционной этиологии. В каждой когорте в крови больных было проведено определение относительного уровня miR-122. Анализ осуществляли методом полимеразной цепной реакции с использованием набора реактивов Qubit microRNA Assay Kit-100 для количественного определения микроРНК (Thermo Fisher Scientific, США). Относительные значения экспрессии miR-122 были рассчитаны по формуле 2 -CT с использованием U6 snRNA в качестве референсной РНК. Результаты. Наиболее высокий уровень miR-122 в плазме крови был обнаружен у больных острым гепатитом С в разгар желтушного периода. Уровень miR-122 в крови коррелировал с активностью печеночных трансаминаз у больных острым (r = 0,72) и хроническим (r = 0,44) гепатитом С. Анализ уровня miR-122 относительно степени фиброза печени у больных хроническим гепатитом С показал, что по мере прогрессирования фиброза печени снижается уровень экспрессии miR-122. Снижение экспрессии miR-122 у больных с выраженным фиброзом ― циррозом печени ― носило универсальный характер и не зависело от этиологии заболевания. Развитие гепатоцеллюлярной карциномы сопровождалось падением уровня miR-122 в среднем в 10 раз по сравнению с группой больных хроническим гепатитом С. Заключение. Определение уровня экспрессии miR-122 в крови может использоваться в лабораторном мониторинге ведения больных гепатитом С как показатель тяжести поражения печени при остром течении и скорости прогрессирования фиброза печени при хронических формах. Оценка возможности использования miR-122 в качестве предиктора развития гепатоцеллюлярной карциномы в исходе гепатита С требует проведения дополнительных исследований специфичности и чувствительности теста и сопоставления полученных данных с известными онкомаркерами протеиновой природы

    Формирование просодических навыков у студентов-нелингвистов: методические рекомендации

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    Statement of the problem. Prosody, being universal, is an integral component of communication. Business communication in English is also organized on the principle of exchange of so-called musical signals - first of all, it is rhythm and melody. In modern linguistics the issues of studying the functional properties of prosody and the content side of prosodic units are probably the most debatable ones. Despite the importance of prosodic characteristics for successful communication, prosody seems to be a certain stumbling block from a pedagogical point of view and is considered obviously difficult to teach and learn. Prosodic models, especially those with different tonal patterns, are considered difficult to perceive and produce. An effective approach to teaching prosody of foreign language speech involves the maximum use of the basic potential for teaching methods, which will make it possible to develop effective teaching methods that are adequate to the purpose of training and minimize the time and students' and teachers' intellectual efforts. Results. The methods considered in the study make the main contribution to the promotion of learning prosody of a foreign language and relate primarily to the affective area, the role of which in the case of pronunciation is of paramount importance. These methods are an integrated approach that combines cognitive, emotional, and physical aspects of pronunciation learning. They, in particular, are aimed at creating a positive atmosphere in the process of learning a foreign language, contribute to increasing students' confidence in the foreign speech production and the inclusion of extralinguistic and paralinguistic elements in speech. Conclusion. The research allowed to demonstrate traditional and new trends in teaching prosody of a foreign language, to illustrate various methods, the developed model of the stages of prosody skills in students formation is a reflection of a conscious approach to the mastery of pronunciation of a foreign language and is also aimed at improving the efficiency of teaching prosody of a foreign language for students of non-linguistic universities.Проблематика исследования. Просодия, будучи языковой универсалией, является неотъемлемым компонентом коммуникации. Деловое общение на английском языке также организовано по принципу обмена музыкальными сигналами, в котором особенно значимой является ритмическая и мелодическая организация речи. В современной лингвистике вопросы исследования функциональных свойств просодии и содержательной стороны просодических единиц относятся к числу наиболее дискуссионных. Несмотря на значимость просодических характеристик для успешного общения, просодия часто является предметом научных обсуждений с педагогической точки зрения и считается заведомо трудным в обучении. Просодические модели, особенно имеющие разный тональный рисунок, считаются трудными для восприятия и производства. Эффективный подход к обучению просодии иноязычной речи предполагает максимальное использование потенциала базовых методик обучения и других наук, что сделает возможной дальнейшую разработку эффективных методик обучения, адекватных цели обучения и минимизирующих временные затраты и интеллектуальные усилия обучаемых и преподавателей. Результаты. Рассмотренные в исследовании методы вносят основной вклад в содействие обучению просодии иностранного языка и касаются в первую очередь аффективной области, роль которой в случае произношения имеет первостепенное значение. Эти методы представляют собой комплексный подход, объединяющий когнитивные, эмоциональные и физические аспекты обучения произношению. Они, в частности, направлены на создание позитивной атмосферы в процессе изучения иностранного языка, способствуют повышению уверенности учащихся в производстве иностранной речи и включению в речь экстралингвистических и паралингвистических элементов. Выводы. Исследование позволило продемонстрировать традиционные и новые тенденции в обучении просодии иностранного языка, проиллюстрировать различные лингводидактические методы формирования просодических навыков у студентов, разработанная модель этапности является отражением сознательного подхода к качественному овладению произношением иностранного языка и также направлена на повышение эффективности преподавания просодии иностранного языка для студентов нелингвистических вузов


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    The present review addresses a pressing orthopaedic issue of surgical treatment for patients with severe foot deformities occurring as consequence to Charcot neuroarthropathy. Described pathology is a severe threatening condition causing high risk of infections and potential limb loss. The paper describes main foot reconstructive procedures employed depending on pathology stage and localization as well as identifies ways to improve surgical treatment of affected patients.Обзор литературы посвящен актуальной проблеме ортопедии – хирургическому лечению больных с деформациями и дефектами стопы, возникшими на фоне нейроостеоартропатии Шарко. Тяжесть данного заболевания обусловлена высоким риском гнойных осложнений и потери конечности. В обзоре представлены основные методы реконструктивных вмешательств на стопе при различных стадиях и локализации остеоартропатического процесса и определены направления для совершенствования хирургического лечения данной категории больных