79 research outputs found

    A focusing system control upgrade of MMF linac

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    Formation of the Electric Field Distribution in Thin Electro-Optic Layers for Precision Correction their Optical Characteristics

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    A method of making given field distribution within thin electro-optical layers by using narrow band electrodes placed at the same electric potential. A formula for electric field intensity produced by a single band electrode is obtained. Electric field modeling for different band electrode configurations is undertaken. It was shown, by applying piezoresponse force microscopy, that in case of highly inhomogeneous field the polarization of lithium niobate electro-optical film persisted only in the area above the band electrode. Lithium niobate, electro-optical structures, piezoresponse force microscopy, Computer simulation

    Synthesis and Nanoscale Characterization of LiNbO3 Thin Films Deposited on Al2O3 Substrate by RF Magnetron Sputtering under Electric Field

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    LiNbO3 thin films were deposited on Al2O3 substrates by RF-magnetron sputtering with in-situ electric field to study the self-polarization effect. The films have been characterized crystallographically by x-ray diffraction, and morphologically by atomic force microscopy. The films contain crystallites of LiNbO3 with preferable orientation [012] along the normal to the Al2O3 substrate surface (012). Piezoresponse force microscopy was used to study vertical and lateral polarization direction in LiNbO3 thin films. The analysis of the histograms of vertical piezoresponse images allowed to reveal self-polarization effect in films. The local piezoelectric hysteresis performed on the nanometer scale indicates switching behavior of polarization for LiNbO3 thin film

    Carbon-carbon windows, intended for extraction of electron-and proton beams from accelerators into atmosphere

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    On the basis of a carbon-carbon composite, coated with an anticorrosive coating, the authors have developed vacuum-tight windows, made of a material, resistant to the irradiation. These windows are intended for the extraction of high-power electron- and proton beams into the atmosphere. One uses them for disinfection of large volumes of the drinking water and its purification from toxic chemical compounds. The windows are also applied in the branch of the electron-nuclear power engineering, where the proton beam have an energy of 1 GeV and an average power of 30 MW must be injected into the reactor.Створені вакуумщільні вікна виводу із радіаціно-стійкого конструкційного матеріалу на основі вуглець- вуглецевого композиту з антикорозійним покриттям для виводу в атмосферу потужних електронних і протонних пучків. Такі вікна потрібні для прискорювача електронних пучків, при вирішенні проблеми обеззараження і очистки води в великих об’ємах. Ці вікна можуть бути використані для елктроядерної енергетики, вводу протонного пучка в реактор. потужністю 30 MВт. Міцністні характеристики полусферичного вікна із вуглецевого матеріалу відповідають потребам, що пред’являються до вікна реактора.Разработаны вакуумплотные окна вывода из радиационно-стойкого конструкционного материала на основе углерод-углеродного композита с антикоррозийным покрытием для вывода в атмосферу мощных электронных и протонных пучков. Такие окна необходимы для вывода из ускорителя электронных пучков, при решении задачи обеззараживания и очистки воды в больших объемах. Эти же окна могут быть использованы для электроядерной энергетики, ввода протонного пучка в реактор мощностью 30 MВт. Прочностные характеристики полусферического окна из углеродного материала отвечают предъявляемым требованиям к окну реактора

    Electronic spin working mechanically (Review Article)

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    A single-electron tunneling (SET) device with a nanoscale central island that can move with respect to the bulk source- and drain electrodes allows for a nanoelectromechanical (NEM) coupling between the electrical current through the device and mechanical vibrations of the island. Although an electromechanical “shuttle” instability and the associated phenomenon of single-electron shuttling were predicted more than 15 years ago, both theoretical and experimental studies of NEM-SET structures are still carried out. New functionalities based on quantum coherence, Coulomb correlations and coherent electron-spin dynamics are of particular current interest. In this article we present a short review of recent activities in this area

    Formation of the Electric Field Distribution in Thin Electro-Optic Layers for Precision Correction their Optical Characteristics

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    A method of making given field distribution within thin electro-optical layers by using narrow band electrodes placed at the same electric potential. A formula for electric field intensity produced by a single band electrode is obtained. Electric field modeling for different band electrode configurations is undertaken. It was shown, by applying piezoresponse force microscopy, that in case of highly inhomogeneous field the polarization of lithium niobate electro-optical film persisted only in the area above the band electrode. Lithium niobate, electro-optical structures, piezoresponse force microscopy, Computer simulation

    The influence of an electron beam on the frequency of appearance of modifications and mutagens in the residual florula

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    We have carried out a series of tests for studying an electron beam (Е=4 МеV) influence on adaptive mutability test cultures of the sanitary-model microflora in various regimes (0.4…3.2 kGy) of processing samples of natural water and sewages. Mutafacient properties and modifications of the residual microflora stimulated by the electron beam effect are scarcely pronounced. They do not indicate themselves in the regimes that guarantee the water purification up to the indices stipulated by the corresponding standards.Проведен цикл экспериментов по влиянию электронного пучка (Е=4 МеV) на адаптивную изменчивость тест-культур санитарно-показательной микрофлоры в условиях разных режимов (0,4…3,2 кГр) обработки проб природных и сточных вод. Установлено, что мутагенные свойства и модификация остаточной микрофлоры после воздействия электронного пучка имеют слабо выраженный характер и не проявляются в режимах, которые обеспечивают очистку воды до санитарных норм.Проведено цикл експериментів по впливу електронного пучка (Е=4 МеВ) на адаптивну мінливість тест- культур санітарно-показової мікрофлори в умовах різних режимів (0,4…3,2 кГр) обробки проб природних та стічних вод. Встановлено, що мутагенні властивості та модифікація залишкової мікрофлори після впливу електронного пучка мають слабко виражений характер і не проявляються в режимах, що забезпечують очистку води до санітарних норм

    Formation of the Microcrystalline Structure in LiNbO3 Thin Films by Pulsed Light Annealing

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    LiNbO3 thin films with a thickness of 200 nm were deposited onto Al2O3 substrate by RF-magnetron sputtering technique without intentional substrate heating. The results demonstrate that post-growth infrared pulsed light annealing of the amorphous LiNbO3 films leads to the formation of two phases, LiNbO3 and LiNb3O8. After annealing at temperatures of 700 to 800 °C, the percentage of the nonferroelectric phase LiNb3O8 was minimal. The surface composition of the films annealed at different temperatures was examined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Piezoresponse force microscopy was used to study both the vertical and the lateral polarization and to visualize the piezoelectric inactivity of LiNb3O8 grains. A comparison of the results of PFM and XPS measurements revealed that there is a correlation between the fraction of the piezoelectric phase and the film composition: At an annealing temperature higher than 850 °C, the atomic ratio of lithium to niobium decreases compared to the initial value along with a decrease of the fraction of the piezoelectric phase

    Organic compounds destruction by a relativistic eleсtron beam in waste-waters

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    The electron beam influence on the decomposition of organic compounds in effluents has been investigated. In the tests, waste-water has been processed with a relativistic electron beam of the energy 3...4 MeV, formed with a linear resonance accelerator. The model samples of the following solutions have been put on trial: nitrite-, nitrate-, ammonium- and phosphate ions, glucose and purified kerosene. The results of the investigations have indicated that the application of relativistic electron beams is prospective for the water purification from these organic compounds.Виконано цикл досліджень по впливу релятивістського електронного пучка на руйнування модельних зразків розчинів нітрит-іонів, нітрат-іонів, амонійного іону, фосфат-іонів, глюкози, гасу. Показано, що використовування релятивістських електронних пучків є перспективним для очистки стічних вод від цих сполук.Выполнен цикл исследований по влиянию релятивистского электронного пучка на разрушение модельных образцов растворов нитрит-ионов, нитрат-ионов, амонийного иона, фосфат-ионов, глюкозы, керосина. Показано, что использование релятивистских электронных пучков является перспективным для очистки сточных вод от этих соединений

    Synthesis and Nanoscale Characterization of LiNbO3 Thin Films Deposited on Al2O3 Substrate by RF Magnetron Sputtering under Electric Field

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    LiNbO3 thin films were deposited on Al2O3 substrates by RF-magnetron sputtering with in-situ electric field to study the self-polarization effect. The films have been characterized crystallographically by x-ray diffraction, and morphologically by atomic force microscopy. The films contain crystallites of LiNbO3 with preferable orientation [012] along the normal to the Al2O3 substrate surface (012). Piezoresponse force microscopy was used to study vertical and lateral polarization direction in LiNbO3 thin films. The analysis of the histograms of vertical piezoresponse images allowed to reveal self-polarization effect in films. The local piezoelectric hysteresis performed on the nanometer scale indicates switching behavior of polarization for LiNbO3 thin film