25 research outputs found

    Использование ингибитора VEGF (афлиберцепт) при ретините Коатса у детей

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    The presented case report demonstrates a reduction of retinal edema and leveling of exudative component as a result of intravitreal injection of vascular endothelial growth factor inhibitor for a 11-year male patient with Coats retinitis.Представленный клинический случай демонстрирует уменьшение отека сетчатки и нивелирование экссудативного компонента в результате интравитреального введения ингибитора сосудистого эндотелиального фактора роста пациенту 11 лет с ретинитом Коатса

    Convenient modification of the Leimgruber-Batcho indole synthesis: Reduction of 2-nitro-p-pyrrolidinostyrenes by the FeCl3-activated carbon-N2H4H2O system

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    A new catalytic system containing ferric chloride, activated carbon, and hydrazine has been proposed for the reductive cyclization of β-dialkylamino-2-nitrostyrenes to give the corresponding indoles (Leimgruber-Batcho synthesis). Various substituted indoles may be obtained in high yield under these conditions. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc

    Convenient modification of the Leimgruber-Batcho indole synthesis: Reduction of 2-nitro-p-pyrrolidinostyrenes by the FeCl3-activated carbon-N2H4H2O system

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    A new catalytic system containing ferric chloride, activated carbon, and hydrazine has been proposed for the reductive cyclization of β-dialkylamino-2-nitrostyrenes to give the corresponding indoles (Leimgruber-Batcho synthesis). Various substituted indoles may be obtained in high yield under these conditions. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc

    Energy policy of the European Union: Challenges and possible development paths

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    Energy policy is an important part of economic, environmental, and overall public policy of each country. For a long time, energy policy is being one of the most significant issues of each state and depends on many factors, including the availability of fossil energy sources and the geographic location of the country, access to natural resources, as well as political relations between energy exporters and importers. The article aims at analyzing the views of foreign authors on the assessment of the energy policy in the European countries in the context of further diversification and security of fuel supply, energy market liberalization, and renewable energy development. The article discusses the current state of energy policy of the European Union (EU) member countries. The main tenet of this policy is the requirement to resolve the problems existing in the energy sector to ensure energy security. The EU countries import more than half of all energy consumed, and reducing this dependence provides for the completion of the gas market liberalization, the deployment of low-carbon technologies, renewable energy development, as well as enhancement of energy efficiency and energy saving. The authors analyze the energy policies of France and Germany, which are leaders in European energy policy. Besides, the article presents historical analysis of changes in the EU energy policy vector, as well as the main provisions of the new energy strategy to resolve European energy security problem. The article is prepared based on the analysis of works of foreign and Russian authors including politicians, officials, and researchers, as well as analysts and experts in the energy industry. © 2017, Econjournals. All rights reserved

    Phase formation, structure and preferred orientations in films of the Nb-N system produced by reactive ion sputtering

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    14.00; Translated from Russian (Fiz. Khim. Obrab. Mater. 1984 v. 18(5) p. 76-81)SIGLEAvailable from British Library Lending Division - LD:9023.19(VR--2960)T / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    Energy policy of the European Union: Challenges and possible development paths

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    Energy policy is an important part of economic, environmental, and overall public policy of each country. For a long time, energy policy is being one of the most significant issues of each state and depends on many factors, including the availability of fossil energy sources and the geographic location of the country, access to natural resources, as well as political relations between energy exporters and importers. The article aims at analyzing the views of foreign authors on the assessment of the energy policy in the European countries in the context of further diversification and security of fuel supply, energy market liberalization, and renewable energy development. The article discusses the current state of energy policy of the European Union (EU) member countries. The main tenet of this policy is the requirement to resolve the problems existing in the energy sector to ensure energy security. The EU countries import more than half of all energy consumed, and reducing this dependence provides for the completion of the gas market liberalization, the deployment of low-carbon technologies, renewable energy development, as well as enhancement of energy efficiency and energy saving. The authors analyze the energy policies of France and Germany, which are leaders in European energy policy. Besides, the article presents historical analysis of changes in the EU energy policy vector, as well as the main provisions of the new energy strategy to resolve European energy security problem. The article is prepared based on the analysis of works of foreign and Russian authors including politicians, officials, and researchers, as well as analysts and experts in the energy industry. © 2017, Econjournals. All rights reserved

    Вакцинопрофилактика пневмококковых инфекций у взрослых. Резолюция совета экспертов (Москва, 16 декабря 2017 г.)

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    The following key issues of pneumococcal infection prophylaxis were discussed during the expert council: incidence rates of community-acquired pneumococcal pneumonia and other pneumococcal infections, local epidemiological data, increases in antimicrobial resistance and pneumococcal serotypes substitution, current international and Russian clinical guidelines, practical approaches, and pneumococcal vaccination coverage of adult population in the Russian Federation. The agreement between the experts about a need to distinguish the use of conjugate vaccines and polysaccharide vaccines in different subpopulations has been achieved.В ходе совета экспертов обсуждены ключевые вопросы профилактики пневмококковой инфекции (ПИ): ситуация с заболеваемостью внебольничной пневмококковой пневмонией (ВП) и другими ПИ, особенности локальной эпидемиологии, роста резистентности и замещения штаммов пневмококка, существующие международные и российские клинические рекомендации, текущие практические подходы, охват вакцинацией взрослого населения РФ. Сформулировано консолидированное мнение о необходимости разграничения использования конъюгированных и полисахаридных вакцин в разных группах населения

    Luminescent properties of Ce³⁺ ions in alkaline earth borophosphates

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    The luminescence properties of Се³⁺ ions in alkaline earth borophosphates МВРО₅ (М - Sr, Ва) have been studied upon excitation in the 3.5-15 eV region. It has been shown that the splitting of the Се³⁺ 5d configuration due to crystal field in МВРО₅ (М - Sr, Ва) is relatively large, nevertheless, the lowest 5d state of Се³⁺ is at a relatively high energy due to the high degree of ionicity of the М-О bond. Comparison of the luminescence excitation spectra for МВРО₅:Се³⁺ (М - Са, Sr, Ва) indicates that the fundamental absorption band of these host lattices is due to transitions within anionic groups.Изучены люминесцентные свойства ионов Се³⁺ в борофосфатах МВРО₅ (М - Sr, Ва) при возбуждении в области 3.5-15 эВ. Показано, что расщепление кристаллическим полем 5d-конфигурации ионов Се³⁺ в МВРО₅ (М - Sr, Ва) относительно велико, тем не менее, нижнее 5d состояние ионов Се³⁺ характеризуется достаточно большой энергией, что обусловлено высокой степенью ионности связи М-О. Сопоставление спектров возбуждения люминесценции показывает, что полоса фундаментального поглощения МВРО₅ обусловлена переходами внутри анионных групп.Дослiджено люмiнесцентнi властивостi iонiв Се³⁺ у лужноземельних борофосфатах МВРО₅ (М - Sr, Ва) в областi 3.5-15 еВ. Показано, що розщеплення 5d-конфiгурацiї іона Се³⁺ в МВРО₅ (М - Sr, Ва) кристалiчним полем вiдносно велике, проте, нижчий 5d-стан iонiв Се³⁺ характеризується досить великою енергiєю, що обумовлено високим ступенем iонностi зв'язку М-О. 3iставлення спектрiв збудження люмiнесценцiї показує, що смуга фундаментального поглинання МВРО₅ обумовлена переходами в анiонних групах