19 research outputs found

    Deformation-induced effects in indium antimonide microstructures at cryogenic temperatures for sensor applications

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    The authors investigate deformation-induced changes in the electrophysical parameters of the indium antimonide microcrystals at cryogenic temperatures in strong magnetic fields up to 10 T.Исследованы деформационно-стимулированные изменения электрофизических параметров микрокристаллов антимонида индия при криогенных температурах в сильных магнитных полях (до 10 Тл).У роботі досліджено деформаційно-стимульоване змінення електрофізичних параметрів ниткоподібних кристалів антимоніду індію за кріогенних температур у сильних магнітних полях (до 10 Тл)

    Transport Phenomena for Development Inductive Elements Based on Silicon Wires

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    Conductance and magnetoresistance of Si whiskers with diameters 5-40 µm doped with boron impurity were investigated in temperature range 4.2 ÷ 300 К, frequency range 1÷ 10 Hz and magnetic fields with intensity up to 14 Т by method of impedance spectroscopy. Hopping conductance on impurity states was shown to be realized in the crystals in low temperature region. The studies allow us to obtain parameters of hopping conduction. On the basis of experimental results a miniature inductive element was created using silicon wire

    Superconductivity and Kondo Effect of PdxBi2Se3 Whiskers at Low Temperatures

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    Temperature dependencies of Bi2Se3 whiskers’ resistance with Pd doping concentration of (1-2) × 1019 cm − 3 where measured in temperature range 1.5-77 K. At temperature 5.3 K a sharp drop in the whisker resistance was found. The effect observed is likely resulted from the whiskers partial transition in superconducting state at temperature 5.3 K, which is likely connected with β-PdBi2 inclusions in the whiskers. Transverse magnetoresistance in n-type Bi2Se3 whiskers with different doping concentration in the vicinity to the metal-insulator transition from metal side of the transition was studied in magnetic field 0-10 T. The magnetic field suppression of superconductivity allows to determine the main parameters: upper critical magnetic field Bc2 = 1.5 T, superconductor coherence length ξ(0) = 15 nm, superconductive gap ∆~ 0.8 meV. Besides on the temperature dependence of the whisker resistance and magnetoresistance a minimum was observed in the temperature range 20-25 K that is connected with appearance of Kondo effect

    Photovoltaic Cells based on Textured Silicon

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    The paper describes a chemical etching technique as one of the promising methods to create Si nanostructures. The aim of this work is the development of Si photovoltaic converters using modern resourse-saving manufacturing methods for silicon micro- and nanostructures based on isotropic and anisotropic chemical etching techniques. It is shown that proposed surface texturing technique gives 23.15% increase in conversion efficiency of the solar cells

    Seebeck’s effect in p-SiGe whisker samples

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    p-SiGe whisker samples with a diameter of ~40 μm, grown by chemical precipitation from the vapor phase, have been investigated. Temperature dependences of the thermal e.m.f. and conductivity within the temperature interval 20…400 K have been measured. It has been shown that the mobility of holes in p - SiGe whiskers upon the average is 1.5 times higher than that in bulk p - Si samples. p - SiGe whiskers possess smaller phonon scattering and larger phonon dragging in comparison with the bulk p - Si samples

    The Electron Scattering on Local Potential of Crystal Defects in GaSb Whiskers

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    The concentration and mobility of electrons were examined by Hall measurements in n-GaSb whiskers with defect concentration of about 5 1017 cm – 3. The dependences of electron mobility and Hall factor on temperature were calculated using the short-range scattering models in the temperature interval 4.2- 500 К. The electron interaction with different types of lattice defects was considered

    Diapirs and their Role in the Localization of Mineralization

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    In the local and foreign literature on the structures of ore fields and deposits, there are very rarely examples of localization, of endogenic ores in diapiric structures. However, the role of the latter as ore-enclosing structures is, in our opinion, more significant than has been accepted at the present time. We are convinced of this from appropriate observations and an analysis of the literature data on the geology of ore fields and deposits.© 1976 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

    Diapirs and their Role in the Localization of Mineralization

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    In the local and foreign literature on the structures of ore fields and deposits, there are very rarely examples of localization, of endogenic ores in diapiric structures. However, the role of the latter as ore-enclosing structures is, in our opinion, more significant than has been accepted at the present time. We are convinced of this from appropriate observations and an analysis of the literature data on the geology of ore fields and deposits.© 1976 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

    Photovoltaic Cells based on Textured Silicon

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    The paper describes a chemical etching technique as one of the promising methods to create Si nanostructures. The aim of this work is the development of Si photovoltaic converters using modern resourse-saving manufacturing methods for silicon micro- and nanostructures based on isotropic and anisotropic chemical etching techniques. It is shown that proposed surface texturing technique gives 23.15% increase in conversion efficiency of the solar cells

    Peculiarities of Si-Ge whisker growing by CTR method

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    Growth peculiarities of doped Si₁₋ₓGeₓ (х = 0.01-0.05) solid solution whiskers of 1 to 100 µm in diameter in closed bromide system by chemical transport reactions method have been investigated. А dimensional dependence of specific resistance at 300 К has been revealed. The Si₁₋ₓGeₓ (х = 0.05) whiskers of 30 to 70 µm in diameter with dopant concentration in the vicinity of metal-insulator transition were obtained. Substantial changes of the specific resistance and gauge factor of the crystals depending on their diameters has been observed in temperature range 4.2-50 К.Методом хiмiчних транспортних реакцiй у закритiй бромiднiй системi дослiджено особливостi вирощування легованих ниткоподiбних кристалiв твердого розчину Si₁₋ₓGeₓ (х = 0,01-0,05) рiзного дiаметра (0,1-100 мкм). Встановлено розмiрну залежнiсть питомого опору кристалiв при Т = 300 К. Одержано легованi зразки Si₁₋ₓGeₓ (х = 0,05) рiзного дiаметра (30-70 мкм) з концентрацiєю легуючих домiшок поблизу переходу метал-дiелектрик. Виявлено iстотну змiну їх питомого опору та коефiцiєнта тензочутливостi у температурнiй областi 4,2-50 К в залежностi вiд дiаметра кристалiв.Методом химических транспортных реакций в закрытой бромидной системе исследованы особенности выращивания легированных нитевидных кристаллов твердого раствора Si₁₋ₓGeₓ (х = 0,01-0,05) разного диаметра (0,1-100 мкм). Установлена размерная зависимость удельного сопротивления кристаллов при Т = 300 К. Получены легированные образцы Si₁₋ₓGeₓ (х = 0,05) разного диаметра (30-70 мкм) с концентрацией легирующих примесей вблизи перехода металл-диэлектрик. Обнаружены существенные изменения их удельного сопротивления и коэффициента тензочувствительности в температурной области 4,2-50 К в зависимости от диаметра кристаллов