18 research outputs found

    New genera and species of leaf beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) from China and South Korea

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    Two new genera from China (Taumaceroides Lopatin and Yunnaniata Lopatin) and 11 new species (Smaragdina quadrimaculata Lopatin, S. oblongum Lopatin, Hyphaenia volkovitshi Lopatin, Arthrotus daliensis Lopatin, Taumaceroides sinicus Lopatin, Yunnaniata konstantinovi Lopatin, Calomicrus yunnanus Lopatin, C. minutissimus Lopatin, Hermaeophaga belkadavi Konstantinov, H. dali Konstantinov from China, and H. korotyaevi Konstantinov from South Korea) are described and illustrated. A key to Hermaeophaga species of Eurasia is presented. Since Hermaeophaga dali was collected feeding on Paederia foetida L. (Rubiaceae), which is an invasive noxious weed in the United States, this species has potential as a biological control agent of this weed

    Einige neue und wenig bekannte Cryptocephalinen-arten (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae)

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    Описаны новые виды жуков-листоедов из рода Cryptocephaius Jeoffroy. Cryptocephaius potanini sp. n. благодаря строению переднегруди наиболее близок к C. saliceti Zebe, отличаясь окраской верха. Cryptocephaius macilentus sр. n. — один из самых мелких видов рода. Наиболее близок к С. dilutellus Jacobson, но хорошо отличается строением эдеагуса. На основании изучения типовых материалов предложены новые синонимы и замещающие названия для омонимов.Two new species of the genus Cryptocephalus Jeoffroy are described. Cryptocephaius potanini, sp. n. fits near C. saliceti Zebe differing by the top coloration. Cryptocephalus macilentua, s?. n. is one of the smallest species of the genus; it fits near N. dilutellus Jacobson, differing by the aedeagus structure. Based upon study of type material, some new synonyms and new replacement names for homonyms are proposed

    Two new species of the genus Calomicrus Dillwyn, 1829 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae) from Turkey

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    Two new yellow species of Calomicrus Dillwyn, 1829 (C. volkovitshi sp. n. and C. trabzonus sp. n.) (Crysomelidae: Galerucinae) from Turkey (Erzurum, Gumushane) are described. C. volkovitshi sp. n. is related to C. kaszabi Lopatin, 1963 but has different shape of body, antennae, pronotum and aedeagus. C. trabzonus sp. n. is similar to C. lividus (Joannis, 1866) but differs in the shape of aedeagus

    On the northernmost distribution of leaf beetles of the genus Oreomela (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae): New species from mountains of southern Siberia

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    Three new species of leaf beetles are described: Oreomela dudkorum sp. n. (Terektinskii Ridge, Central Altai Mountains), O. tuvensis sp. n. (mountains of southeastern Republic of Tuva), and O. romantsovi sp. n. (Western Sayan Mountains). The representatives of this genus, and especially of the nominotypical subgenus, were found in Russia and in the territories mentioned for the first time. Thus, the distribution boundary of this genus is shifted 3-4° northwards. The representatives of Oreomela have most probably migrated from Tien Shan to the mountains of southern Siberia via the Mongolian Altai Mountains. © 2007 Pleiades Publishing, Inc