1,080 research outputs found

    Electric Charge in Interaction with Magnetically Charged Black Holes

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    We examine the angular momentum of an electric charge e placed at rest outside a dilaton black hole with magnetic charge Q. The electromagnetic angular momentum which is stored in the electromagnetic field outside the black hole shows several common features regardless of the dilaton coupling strength, though the dilaton black holes are drastically different in their spacetime structure depending on it. First, the electromagnetic angular momentum depends on the separation distance between the two objects and changes monotonically from eQ to 0 as the charge goes down from infinity to the horizon, if rotational effects of the black hole are discarded. Next, as the black hole approaches extremality, however, the electromagnetic angular momentum tends to be independent of the distance between the two objects. It is then precisely eQeQ as in the electric charge and monopole system in flat spacetime. We discuss why these effects are exhibited and argue that the above features are to hold in widely generic settings including black hole solutions in theories with more complicated field contents, by addressing the no hair theorem for black holes and the phenomenon of field expulsion exhibited by extremal black holes.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figures ; Typos are corrected and a reference is adde

    Nucleus-mediated spin-flip transitions in GaAs quantum dots

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    Spin-flip rates in GaAs quantum dots can be quite slow, thus opening up the possibilities to manipulate spin states in the dots. We present here estimations of inelastic spin-flip rates mediated by hyperfine interaction with nuclei. Under general assumptions the nucleus mediated rate is proportional to the phonon relaxation rate for the corresponding non-spin-flip transitions. The rate can be accelerated in the vicinity of a singlet-triplet excited states crossing. The small proportionality coefficient depends inversely on the number of nuclei in the quantum dot. We compare our results with known mechanisms of spin-flip in GaAsGaAs quantum dot.Comment: RevTex 4 pages, 1 figure, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Critical behavior of Ginzburg-Landau model coupled to massless Dirac fermions

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    We point out interesting effects of additional massless Dirac fermions with N_F colors upon the critical behavior of the Ginzburg-Landau model. For increasing N_F, the model is driven into the type II regime of superconductivity. The critical exponents are given as a function of N_F.Comment: RevTex4, 4 pages, 1 figure; author information and latest update to this paper at http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/institution.html; version 2: new references and comments on chiral symmetry breaking adde

    Evolving Lorentzian Wormholes

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    Evolving Lorentzian wormholes with the required matter satisfying the Energy conditions are discussed. Several different scale factors are used and the corresponding consequences derived. The effect of extra, decaying (in time) compact dimensions present in the wormhole metric is also explored and certain interesting conclusions are derived for the cases of exponential and Kaluza--Klein inflation.Comment: 10 pages( RevTex, Twocolumn format), Two figures available on request from the first author. transmission errors corrected

    Optically induced coherent intra-band dynamics in disordered semiconductors

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    On the basis of a tight-binding model for a strongly disordered semiconductor with correlated conduction- and valence band disorder a new coherent dynamical intra-band effect is analyzed. For systems that are excited by two, specially designed ultrashort light-pulse sequences delayed by tau relatively to each other echo-like phenomena are predicted to occur. In addition to the inter-band photon echo which shows up at exactly t=2*tau relative to the first pulse, the system responds with two spontaneous intra-band current pulses preceding and following the appearance of the photon echo. The temporal splitting depends on the electron-hole mass ratio. Calculating the population relaxation rate due to Coulomb scattering, it is concluded that the predicted new dynamical effect should be experimentally observable in an interacting and strongly disordered system, such as the Quantum-Coulomb-Glass.Comment: to be published in Physical Review B15 February 200

    Modification of the ground state in Sm-Sr manganites by oxygen isotope substitution

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    The effect of 16^{16}O \to 18^{18}O isotope substitution on electrical resistivity and magnetic susceptibility of Sm1x_{1-x}Srx_xMnO3_3 manganites is analyzed. It is shown that the oxygen isotope substitution drastically affects the phase diagram at the crossover region between the ferromagnetic metal state and that of antiferromagnetic insulator (0.4 <x<< x < 0.6), and induces the metal-insulator transition at for xx = 0.475 and 0.5. The nature of antiferromagnetic insulator phase is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps figures, RevTeX, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Critical scaling of the a.c. conductivity for a superconductor above Tc

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    We consider the effects of critical superconducting fluctuations on the scaling of the linear a.c. conductivity, \sigma(\omega), of a bulk superconductor slightly above Tc in zero applied magnetic field. The dynamic renormalization- group method is applied to the relaxational time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau model of superconductivity, with \sigma(\omega) calculated via the Kubo formula to O(\epsilon^{2}) in the \epsilon = 4 - d expansion. The critical dynamics are governed by the relaxational XY-model renormalization-group fixed point. The scaling hypothesis \sigma(\omega) \sim \xi^{2-d+z} S(\omega \xi^{z}) proposed by Fisher, Fisher and Huse is explicitly verified, with the dynamic exponent z \approx 2.015, the value expected for the d=3 relaxational XY-model. The universal scaling function S(y) is computed and shown to deviate only slightly from its Gaussian form, calculated earlier. The present theory is compared with experimental measurements of the a.c. conductivity of YBCO near Tc, and the implications of this theory for such experiments is discussed.Comment: 16 pages, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Analysis and prevention of dent defects formed during strip casting of twin-induced plasticity steels

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    Rapid-solidification experiments were conducted for understanding dent defects formed during strip casting of twin-induced plasticity (TWIP) steels. The rapid-solidification experiments reproduced the dent defects formed on these steels, which were generally located at valleys of the shot-blasted roughness on the substrate. The rapid-solidification experiment results reveal that the number of dips, the Mn content of the steel, and the surface roughness of the substrate affect the depth and size of dents formed on the solidified-shell surfaces, while the composition of the atmosphere gases and the carbon content of the steel are not factors. The formation of dents was attributed to the entrapment of gases inside the roughness valleys of the substrate surface and their volume expansion due to the temperature of the steel melt and the latent heat. The dents could be prevented when the thermal expansion of gases was suppressed by making longitudinal grooves on the substrate surface, which allowed the entrapped gases to escape. Sound solidified shells were obtained by optimizing the width and depth of the longitudinal grooves and by controlling the shot-blasting conditions.ope

    Baryon Tri-local Interpolating Fields

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    We systematically investigate tri-local (non-local) three-quark baryon fields with U_L(2)*U_R(2) chiral symmetry, according to their Lorentz and isospin (flavor) group representations. We note that they can also be called as "nucleon wave functions" due to this full non-locality. We study their chiral transformation properties and find all the possible chiral multiplets consisting J=1/2 and J=3/2 baryon fields. We find that the axial coupling constant |g_A| = 5/3 is only for nucleon fields belonging to the chiral representation (1/2,1)+(1,1/2) which contains both nucleon fields and Delta fields. Moreover, all the nucleon fields belonging to this representation have |g_A| = 5/3.Comment: 8 pages, 3 tables, accepted by EPJ