707 research outputs found

    Worldsheet Realization of the Refined Topological String

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    A worldsheet realization of the refined topological string is proposed in terms of physical string amplitudes that compute generalized N=2 F-terms of the form F_{g,n} W^{2g}Y^{2n} in the effective supergravity action. These terms involve the chiral Weyl superfield W and a superfield Y defined as an N=2 chiral projection of a particular anti-chiral T-bar vector multiplet. In Heterotic and Type I theories, obtained upon compactification on the six-dimensional manifold K3xT2, T is the usual K\"ahler modulus of the T2 torus. These amplitudes are computed exactly at the one-loop level in string theory. They are shown to reproduce the correct perturbative part of the Nekrasov partition function in the field theory limit when expanded around an SU(2) enhancement point of the string moduli space. The two deformation parameters epsilon_- and epsilon_+ of the Omega-supergravity background are then identified with the constant field-strength backgrounds for the anti-self-dual graviphoton and self-dual gauge field of the T-bar vector multiplet, respectively.Comment: 35 pages, typos corrected, published in NP

    Pengaruh Pupuk Organik Cair Terhadap Pertumbuhan Kedelai (Glycine Max (L.) Merr) Pada Tanah Podzolik Merah Kuning

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    The research of the effect of liquid organic fertilizer to the soybean growth on podzolik merah kuning soil has been held. The aim of the research is to know the effect of fluid organic fertilizer to he growth of soybean on podzolik merah kuning soil. This research is complete randomized design (RAL) about this research in 6 treatment and 4 repetation. Those are A = 0 ml/polibag, B = 60 ml/polibag, C = 120 ml/polibag, D = 180 ml/polibag, E = 260 ml/polibag, F = 300 ml/polibag. The data is analyzed by various investigation and continued test with DMRT. The result of research shows that it's giving the positive effect of soil's pH, the plant's heigh, plants aged 7, 14, 21, 28, nd 35 days number of leaves, total wet weight's plant, dried weight's plant and number of nodule of these plants shows positive effect of the soybean's growth

    Spectrally Efficient FDM System with Probabilistic Shaping

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    This work proposes and explores the use of probabilistic shaping for the non-orthogonal multicarrier spectrally efficient frequency division multiplexing (SEFDM) system. The system design considers the reverse concatenation architecture which cascades the constant composition distribution matching (CCDM) algorithm together with soft-decision forward error correction (SD-FEC)-LDPC code for the probabilistic shaping scheme. The non-orthogonal signalling is implemented by discrete Fourier transform (DFT)-based SEFDM modulation with matched filtering demodulation and advanced interference cancellation detection. The high achievable spectral efficiency, low computation complexity and reliability make SEFDM a good candidate for multicarrier signalling for beyond 5G communications. By adding extra shaping gain and flexibility of rate adaptation, the combination of two capacity-achieving techniques provides significant insight of further performance improvement. In this paper, we investigate the performance of the proposed probabilistically shaped-SEFDM (PS-SEFDM) system with regular QAM constellations. The presented results of the proposed system show less required power and bandwidth saving compared to OFDM when achieving the same error performance and same spectral efficiency

    Probabilistic Shaping for Multidimensional Signals with Autoencoder-based End-to-end Learning

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    This work proposes a system that optimises multidimensional signal transmission, utilising signals with probabilistic shaping designed with the aid of end-to-end learning of an autoencoder-based architecture. For the first time, this work reports bit mapping optimisation for multidimensional signals and applied the newly derived optimised signals to the probabilistic shaping system. The autoencoder employs two neural networks for the transceiver, separated by the embedded channel. The optimisation of the autoencoder configuration is implemented for probabilistic shaping for n-dimensional signals. Specifically, We investigate a 4-dimensional (4D) signal employing 2 successive time slots that has better noise immunity relative to regular 2-dimensional quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) signals. We propose a new application of autoencoders in communication systems based on 4D signals and apply machine learning to optimise the 4D probabilistic shaping on the basis of receiver signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR). The performance of the optimised probabilistically shaped 4D signals is evaluated in terms of the bit error rate (BER) and mutual information. Simulation results show that the proposed probabilistically shaped 4D signal achieves better BER performance relative to the unshaped 4D and regular 2D QAM. We demonstrate the mutual information of the proposed signal with varying SNR, showing its improved capacity in comparison with other constellations

    Efektivitas Model Belajar “Demonstrasi Interaktif Berbasis Inkuiri” Dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Analitik Dan Kreatif Mahasiswa Teknik Konversi Energi Politeknik

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    : Research aims to determine the effectiveness of the model DIBI (InquiryBased Interactive Demonstration) in improving the analytic and creative abilities of students. Test the effectiveness of the quasi - experimental methods. The results of the study are: Characteristics DIBI models strongly support the effectiveness of implementation in the field ; Improved thinking skills class and a class experiment 35% control 15% ; Model DIBI improve organizing, attributing, defferentiating, generating, planning, and constructing a row: 37 % , 31 % , 27 % , 52 % , 23 % and 18 % ; Improved analytical capabilities (creative) as a model in the group ‘s ability DIBI low, medium and high respectively : 39 % (32%), 31% (48%) ; and 28% (37%) , and correlation coefficient (determination) between the increased ability to think with a score of UTS low ability groups, medium, and high, respectively : 0.419 (17.5%) ,0,105(1 .1%) and 0,580 (33.7%)

    In-vitro anticancer activity against Caco-2 cell line of colloidal nano silver synthesized using aqueous extract of Eucalyptus Camaldulensis leaves

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    In the current study, we investigated the anticancer potential against human colon cells (Caco-2) of colloidal nanosilver (CN–Ag) produced in Syria using bioactive compounds in the aqueous extract of Eucalyptus camaldulensis leaves (AEECL). The formation of AgNPs was confirmed by UV-visible spectroscopy analysis with surface plasmon peak at 449 nm and their average size was found to be 12, 10, 23 nm by SEM, DLS and NTA respectively. This small size has confirmed the effective role of AEECL as capping agent. Further morphological characterization was done by EDS showed the presence of metallic silver. Zeta potential value (-23 mV) indicated the repulsion among the particles and stability of the formulation nanosilver. The anticancer effect of synthesized CN–Ag against Caco-2 has been tested. The cytotoxicity assay showed a dose-dependent and a time-dependent effect of CN–Ag. The high cytotoxicity of CN–Ag at low concentration (5ÎŒ/mL) open new prospects for the development of novel therapeutic approaches against human colon cancer Caco-2

    The effect of the Apos Therapy system on knee biomechanics in recreational athletes at risk of a non-contact anterior cruciate ligament injury

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    An anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury is a catastrophicincident in sports, resulting in an extended period away from athletic participation and even potentially ending a playing career. The disparity between positive laboratory results of neuromuscular training programs and the actual effects on injury outcomes among high-risk populations suggests a missing link in current intervention programs. One proposed explanation for such a gap betweenlaboratory results and incidence outcomes may be related to the time-consuming, complex and difficult implementation of the techniques found to be successful in reducinglower limb movement mechanics and neuromuscularrisk factors. A novel option is to explore whether different unstable devices and unstable footwear designs may induce positive biomechanical and neuromusculareffects. The overall aim of this thesis was to determine the effect of an unstable device (AposTherapy system) on knee biomechanics and muscular recruitment patterns while performing functional tasks. To accomplish the research, four separate trials were conductedseparatly.Firstly, a repeatability trial with 11 healthy physically active (male and female)participants was conducted todetermine the reliability of the outcome measures for future studies. Secondly, as theAposTherapy system has not previously been trialled within the ‘at-risk’ female population, a feasibility study investigating whether using theAposTherapy interventionduring a six-week period was feasible was conducted. This was followed by a randomised clinical trial amongst 32 female recreational athletes who were indicated to have a high-risk(2D FPPA > 8.4Âș)indication for sustaining a non-contact ACL injury. Threegroups (control and two active intervention groups) were assessed at a six-week outcome point to determine changes in biomechanical outcomes. The results demonstrated positive biomechanical and clinical outcomes specifically in reducing the maximum knee valgus angle during a singleleg landing task while only using the AposTherapy system for walking. Furthermore, a significant reduction in maximum hip adduction momentsduring study tasks was observed when theAposTherapy system use was coupled with additional exercise. The thesis concluded with preliminary study investigating five individuals who were deemed at risk of a second non-contact ACL on their contralateral limb following primary ACL reconstruction(ACLR)surgery.There was a significant reduction in knee valgus angle during the single leg landingand single leg squat taskswhile only using theAposTherapy system for walking in the study with individuals who have had ACLR surgery.In summary, the results of this thesis showed that theAposTherapy system gave significant improvements in overall stability, with future studies needed to examine a larger-scale application especially in post-ACL reconstruction rehabilitation programs to mitigate the risk of a second ACL injury when athletesreturn to sport activities. However, more research should also focus on developing more affordable unstable footwear devices which could be incorporated in larger-scale prevention programs in the future
