33 research outputs found

    Bile Acids and Their Value for Central Nervous System

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    Aim. A review to highlight the bile acids importance as steroid mediators of nervous system activity and show the nervous system involvement in cholesterol metabolism and bile acids production.Key points. Presence of bile acid membrane and nuclear receptors and their activation role in mediating manifold metabolic processes have been established in various organs and tissues. Bile acid transporters are discovered in CNS. The animal brain under physiological conditions was found to contain about 20 bile acid types of likely innate origin suggested by their high contents; the bile acids spectrum in CNS differs significantly from blood plasma. Clinical and experimental works are conclusive about the CNS bile acids influence on mitochondrial membrane, their antioxidative role and, probably, steroid-mediator involvement in indirect regulation of memory, attention, motor functions and appetite.Conclusion. Bile acids act as pleiotropic signalling molecules affecting various tissues. The presence in CNS of various bile acid synthesis-related receptors and enzymes indicates their value in brain functioning and warrants research into their metabolism

    Three-loop verification of a new algorithm for the calculation of a β\beta-function in supersymmetric theories regularized by higher derivatives for the case of N=1{\cal N}=1 SQED

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    We verify a recently proposed method for obtaining a β\beta-function of N=1{\cal N}=1 supersymmetric gauge theories regularized by higher derivatives by an explicit calculation. According to this method, a β\beta-function can be found by calculating specially modified vacuum supergraphs instead of a much larger number of the two-point superdiagrams. The result is produced in the form of a certain integral of double total derivatives with respect to the loop momenta. Here we compare the results obtained for the three-loop β\beta-function of N=1{\cal N}=1 SQED in the general ξ\xi-gauge with the help of this method and with the help of the standard calculation. Their coincidence confirms the correctness of the new method and the general argumentation used for its derivation. Also we verify that in the considered approximation the NSVZ relation is valid for the renormalization group functions defined in terms of the bare coupling constant and for the ones defined in terms of the renormalized coupling constant in the HD+MSL scheme, both its sides being gauge-independent.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures; title changed, minor corrections; the final version to appear in Nuclear Physics

    The model and the planning method of volume and variety assessment of innovative products in an industrial enterprise

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    In the long term, the innovative development strategy efficiency is considered as the most crucial condition for assurance of economic system competitiveness in market conditions. It determines the problem relevance of such justification strategies with regard to specific systems features and conditions of their operation. The problem solution for industrial enterprises can be based on mathematical models of supporting the decision-making on the elements of the innovative manufacturing program. An optimization model and the planning method of innovative products volume and variety are suggested. The feature of the suggested model lies in the nonlinear nature of the objective function. It allows taking into consideration the law of diminishing marginal utility. The suggested method of optimization takes into account the system features and enables the effective implementation of manufacturing capabilities in modern conditions of production organization and sales in terms of market saturation

    New Coronavirus Infection (COVID-19) and Digestive System

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    Aim. The study reviews current evidence on digestive system lesions provoked by the new COVID-19 coronavirus infection.Key points. Alongside the destructive impact on respiratory system, COVID-19 manifests itself in gastrointestinal symptoms (nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea) that may precede respiratory signs and prevail in the clinical picture of infection. Patients with chronic inflammatory bowel diseases receiving immunosuppressive therapy are at elevated risk of severe COVID-19 progression. The new coronavirus infection may induce liver damage with increased transaminase activity.Conclusion. Association of digestive system lesions with COVID-19 remains understudied and requires further research

    Резолюция Совета экспертов «Итоги многоцентрового рандомизированного двойного слепого плацебо-контролируемого исследования Артнео у пациентов с первичным остеоартритом коленного сустава II–III стадии

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    On August 31,2023 in V.A. Nasonova Research Institute of Rheumatology a meeting of the Expert Council was held at which the principal investigators and co-investigators of the ARTNEO-2021 protocol "Multicenter randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled study of ARTNEO in patients with stage II-III primary knee osteoarthritis" was held. A consensus position was developed on the possibility and feasibility of using a combination of undenatured (native) type II collagen, methylsulfonylmethane, boswellic acids, vitamins C and D (ARTNEO complex) in clinical practice. Based on the results of the study, the use of the ARTNEO complex can be recommended as part of a complex therapy for patients with osteoarthritis as a course treatment with total duration up to 6 months. The results of the study can only be interpreted in relation to ARTNEO and cannot be transferred to preparations with a different composition.31 августа 2023 г. в ФГБНУ «Научно-исследовательский институт ревматологии им. В.А. Насоновой» состоялось заседание Совета экспертов с участием главных исследователей и соисследователей по протоколу Artneo-2021 «Многоцентровое рандомизированное двойное слепое плацебо-контролируемое исследование Артнео у пациентов с первичным остеоартритом коленного сустава II–III стадии». Разработана согласованная позиция в отношении возможности и целесообразности использования комбинации неденатурированного (нативного) коллагена II типа, метилсульфонилметана, босвеллиевых кислот, витаминов С и D (комплекс Артнео) в клинической практике. Основываясь на результатах исследования, в составе комплексной терапии пациентов с остеоартритом может быть рекомендовано применение комплекса Артнео общим курсом до 6 мес. Результаты исследования могут быть интерпретированы только по отношению к Артнео и не могут распространяться на композиции с иным составом

    To the question of improving the outcomes of surgical treatment of genital prolapse in postmenopausal women

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    Currently, the frequency of genital prolapse in the structure of common gynecological diseases has no tendency to decrease and may take up to 15% of large gynecological operations. With the aim of improving outcomes of surgical treatment of this category of patients, at the stage of preoperative preparation and the postoperative period used vaginal capsules containing Lactobacillus + progesterone 2 mg + estriol 0.2 mg (Triozhinal). The study included 239 patients in postmenopausal women with genital prolapse and phenomena cystourethroscopy and vaginal atrophy. Of these, the main group consisted of 122 women who underwent the proposed scheme of preoperative preparation and postoperative period. Group comparisons were presented 117 patients admitted to the gynecological Department for surgical treatment of prolapse with traditional preoperative and postoperative management. The results of the study showed that in the group of patients receiving local therapy estriola in combination with progesterone and lactobacilli, was observed a significant improvement of the clinical picture of urinary disorders, quality of life, symptoms of urogenital atrophy during surgical correction of urinary incontinence or genital prolapse, and this tactic can be recommended as in the pre-and postoperative periods.В настоящее время частота пролапса гениталий в структуре гинекологических заболеваний не имеет тенденции к снижению и занимает до 15% гинекологических операций. С целью улучшения исходов хирургического лечения данной категории пациенток, на этапе предоперационной подготовки и в период послеоперационной реабилитации использованы вагинальные капсулы, содержащие лактобактерии + прогестерон 2мг + эстриол 0,2 мг (триожиналь). Под наблюдением находились 239 пациенток в постменопаузе с пролапсом гениталий и явлениями вагинальной и цистоуретральной атрофии. Из них основную группу составили 122 женщины, которым проводилась предложенная нами схема ведения предоперационной подготовки и послеоперационного периода. Группа сравнения была представлена 117 пациентками, поступившим в гинекологическое отделение с традиционной предоперационной подготовкой и послеоперационным ведением. Результаты исследования показали, что в группе пациенток, получающей локальную терапию эстриолом в сочетании с прогестероном и лактобактериями, наблюдалось значимое улучшение клинической картины расстройств мочеиспускания, показателей качества жизни, симптомов урогенитальной атрофии при хирургической коррекции недержания мочи или пролапса гениталий, и такая тактика может быть рекомендована как в пред-, так и в послеоперационном периодах

    Clinical Practice Guidelines of the Russian Society for the Study of the Liver, the Russian Gastroenterological Association, the National Scientific Society of Infectious Disease Specialists for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis C

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    Аim: diagnosis and treatment algorithms in the clinical recommendations intended for general practitioners, gastroenterologists, infectious disease specialists, hepatologists on the of chronic hepatitis C are presented.Summary. Chronic viral hepatitis C is a socially significant infection, the incidence of which in the Russian Federation remains significantly high. Over the past 10 years, great progress has been made in the treatment of hepatitis C — direct acting antiviral drugs have appeared. The spectrum of their effectiveness allows to achieve a sustained virological response in more than 90 % of cases, even in groups that were not previously considered even as candidates for therapy or were difficult to treat — patients receiving renal replacement therapy, after liver transplantation (or other organs), at the stage of decompensated liver cirrhosis, HIV co-infected, etc. Interferons are excluded from the recommendations due to their low effectiveness and a wide range of adverse events. The indications for the treatment have been expanded, namely, the fact of confirmation of viral replication. The terms of dispensary observation of patients without cirrhosis of the liver have been reduced (up to 12 weeks after the end of therapy). Also, these recommendations present approaches to active screening of hepatitis in risk groups, preventive and rehabilitation measures after the end of treatment.Conclusion. Great success has been achieved in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C. In most cases, eradication of viral HCV infection is a real task even in patients at the stage of cirrhosis of the liver, with impaired renal function, HIV co-infection, after solid organs transplantation

    Significance of inflammation in the development of vascular wall stiffness

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    This review deals with arterial wall stiffness in rheumatic diseases. It shows a role of inflammation in the pathogenesis of increased vascular stiffness, considers its mechanisms at the level of altered cell components, the clinical signs of an inflammation-arterial stiffness association and the possibilities of its reduction, and a search for novel therapeutic strategies to diminish the stiffness of arterial vessels with antirheumatic drugs