31 research outputs found


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    The activities of public patient organizations are multifaceted: providing legal support to patients in order to protect their legal rights; information and educational work, conducting “schools”, providing specific types of assistance that can provide those involved in the problem. Public patient organizations are the “voice” of all patients with orphan diseases in solving their problems at the level of the highest echelons of power. From 2016-2017 years in the Reference center of congenital hereditary diseases, genetic disorders, orphan and other rare diseases of GBUZ “Morozovskaya DGKB DZM” on a specially designed questionnaire conducted a sociological study on awareness of parents of children suffering ABOUT the public patient organizations. Public organizations provide information and legal support, contact with pharmaceutical companies, participate in solving the problems of patients at the state level. Taking into account the rights and opportunities of public associations, it is necessary for doctors to inform parents about the existence of charitable organizations and their involvement in public patient organizations, as well as to participate in the work of health schools for parents


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    Formulations of new alkyd resins using tall oil fatty acids have been developed, as well as a technology for their production under laboratory conditions. Alkyd film formers modified with fatty acids of tall oil were synthesized

    Детская инфекционная заболеваемость в Москве: проблемы и их решение

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    Based on statistical data, a comparative analysis of infectious morbidity and mortality in Moscow in 2015 and 2014 revealed a whole, the decline in these indicators. Made significant progress in reducing infectious morbidity in Moscow due to the vaccination of children, including — increased regional calendar of preventive vaccinations. However, analysis of the work of medical institutions indicates the feasibility of the development and introduction of technologies of management of patients with post-infectious syndromes, as well as improving the health care system for children with infectious diseases based on a multidisciplinary approach in close cooperation infectious disease and pediatricians of different specialties. To solve these problems is proposed a plan to improve the effectiveness of children's infectious diseases services relating to the reorganization of hospital beds and outpatient care, ensure the continuity of the different health facilities, implementation of modern methods of etiological diagnosis of infections, the organization of continuous vocational training of paediatricians in Moscow on a specialty «Infectious diseases».На основе статистических данных проведен сравнительный анализ инфекционной заболеваемости и летальности в Москве за 2015 и 2014 гг., выявивший, в целом, тенденцию к сокращению этих показателей. Достигнуты существенные успехи в снижении инфекционной заболеваемости у детей Москвы за счет вакцинопрофилактики, в том числе — расширения регионального календаря профилактических прививок. Вместе с тем, анализ работы медицинских учреждений указывает на целесообразность разработки и внедрения технологий ведения больных с постинфекционными синдромами, а также совершенствования системы оказания медицинской помощи детям с инфекционными заболеваниями на основе междисциплинарного подхода при тесном взаимодействии инфекционистов и педиатров различных специальностей. Для решения этих задач предложен план повышения эффективности детской инфекционной службы, касающийся реорганизации коечного фонда и амбулаторной помощи, обеспечения преемственности разных ЛПУ, внедрения современных методов этиологической диагностики инфекций, организации непрерывного профессионального образования врачей-педиатров Москвы по специальности «Инфекционные болезни»

    Основополагающее значение понятий «амбулаторность» и «неамбулаторность» в комплексной оценке состояния пациентов с мышечной дистрофией Дюшенна

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    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a fatal neuromuscular disease due to a mutation in the gene encoding dystrophin synthesis. In patients, muscle damage and atrophy progresses, the ability to move independently decreases as well as respiratory and cardiac functions. At various stages of the disease, different methods of care and treatment of patients with DMD are used. The clinical effect of new methods of DMD target therapy may depend on the stage of development of the disease (ambulatory or non‑ambulatory). To date, there are no unified criteria for assessing the status of a patient in terms ambulatory. In clinical trials and real clinical practice, different approaches are used to assess the patient’s status. However, the conclusion about the functional capabilities is critical for patients with DMD as approaches in management of patients in ambulatory and non‑ambulatory stages differ significantly. This necessitates expert consensus to achieve consistency and avoid any of discrepancies on that issue.The paper reviews the available published data on the concepts of “ambulatory” and “non‑ambulatory” used in clinical trials, real clinical practice, international standards and recommendations. As a conclusion of this analysis, it is proposed in real clinical practice to interpret “ambulation” in DMD patients as ability to walk without the use of assistive devices and without specifying the distance and time, and “non‑ambulation” as condition in which the patient is forced to constantly use a wheelchair both indoors and outdoors.Мышечная дистрофия Дюшенна (МДД) – фатальное нервно‑мышечное заболевание, обусловленное мутацией гена, кодирующего белок дистрофин. В результате развивающегося и прогрессирующего повреждения и атрофии мышц пациенты теряют способность к самостоятельному передвижению, у них развиваются респираторные и кардиологические нарушения. На разных стадиях МДД используются разные методы ведения. Клинический эффект новых методов таргетной терапии МДД может зависеть от стадии болезни на момент назначения лечения: амбулаторной, когда пациент ходит самостоятельно, или неамбулаторной, когда способность к самостоятельной ходьбе утрачена. Сегодня нет единых критериев статуса пациента с точки зрения амбулаторности, а в клинических исследованиях и реальной практике используются разные подходы к ее оценке. Тем не менее определение понятий «амбулаторность» и «неамбулаторность» критично для пациентов с МДД, так как подходы к ведению пациентов в амбулаторной и неамбулаторной стадии болезни различны. В статье представлены обзор, сравнение и анализ определений «амбулаторность» и «неамбулаторность», использованных в клинических исследованиях, реальной медицинской практике, международных стандартах и рекомендациях.По итогам анализа предлагается в реальной клинической практике трактовать амбулаторность больных МДД как способность ходить без использования вспомогательных средств и без указания дистанции и времени, а потерей амбулаторности считать состояние, при котором пациент вынужден постоянно использовать инвалидное кресло для передвижения как вне дома, так и в домашних условиях

    Methodological principles of the study of social tension (the basis for the choice of techniques)

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    The methodological foundation of the empirical sociological research of social tension implies the comprehensive systemwide analysis of the subject, the appropriate interpretation and operationalization of the concept of social tension, which offers an opportunity to define the system of its determinants as well as their empirical indicators. The universal integral determinants - indicators of social tension - have not been elaborated by the contemporary sociological thought. The axis of the publication is an endeavour to work out the indicators involved

    Transitional Processes in Russia in Late XX - Early XXI Century through Public Fears

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    The sense of instability, which has become one of the basic characteristics of public mind in the modern society, manifests itself most obviously in transitional periods, that is why the analysis of public fears is of vital importance in Russia today. The article describes the factors behind social fears in modern Russia and their peculiarities

    Подготовка менеджеров: образовательные тренды и вызовы

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    Managers’ training, which is dynamically developing, is a highly competitive field as those who educate constantly need to improve their activity, complying with the changes of external environment and the needs of customers, represented by government, business organizations and managers themselves. Management training development directions at universities are discussed in the article, the main and additional educational programmes being their supporting evidence. Opportunities of e-learning in the process of managers’ training are also studied in the articleДинамично развивающееся управленческое образование является высококонкурентной сферой, где тем, кто оказывает образовательные услуги, необходимо постоянно совершенствовать свою деятельность, соответствуя изменениям внешней среды и потребностям заказчиков в лице государства, деловых организаций, самих менеджеров. В статье обсуждаются направления развития управленческой подготовки в университетах на примере основных и дополнительных образовательных программ, а также возможности использования электронного обучения при подготовке менеджеро


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    The article presents the evaluation of spatial-temporal characteristics of Kazakhstan arid and semi-arid areas' vegetation on the basis of time series of differential and integral vegetation indices. It is observed the negative trend of integral indices for the period of 2000-2015. This fact characterizes the increase of stress influence of weather conditions on vegetation in Kazakhstan territory during last decade. Simultaneously there is a positive trend of areas of zones with low values of IVCI index. Zoning of the territory of Kazakhstan was carried out according to the long-term values of the normalized integral vegetation index, which is characteristic of the accumulated amount of green season biomass. Negative trend is marked for areas of high productivity zones, long-term changes in the areas of low productivity zones have tend to increase. However long-term values of the area of the middle zone are insignificantly changed. Location boundaries of this zone in the latitudinal direction connects with a weather conditions of the year: all wet years, the average area is located between 46°- 49°N, and the all dry years - between 47°30'- 54°N. The map of frequency of droughts was formed by low values of the integral vegetation condition index which calculated from satellite data


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    The paper deals with the problem of characteristics evaluation for enterprise information systems at the design stage. In the design of ERP-systems the most interest characteristic is not the average time, but the probability of timely delivery of different type messages (for example, command, service, multimedia, files, etc.) from the sender to the recipient. In addition,the possibility of using the priority information management built on the basis of service disciplines of general form with mixed priorities needs to be considered. An open queuing network with non-uniform data flow is used for solution of this problem. The method for calculation of information systems characteristics is proposed based on the decomposition of the network model. The end results obtained with this approach and by means of priority management are approximate because different classes of message streams at the output and input nodes of the computer system differ from the simple ones. However, result errors of the proposed analytical method are in acceptable limits for engineering calculations as it was shown by simulation in a wide range of parameters corresponding to real systems. Obtained results are usable for optimization problem solution of data transmission networks in modern information systems, involving routing algorithm definition and priorities specification for different classes of messages to provide given delivery time

    Подготовка менеджеров: образовательные тренды и вызовы

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    Managers’ training, which is dynamically developing, is a highly competitive field as those who educate constantly need to improve their activity, complying with the changes of external environment and the needs of customers, represented by government, business organizations and managers themselves. Management training development directions at universities are discussed in the article, the main and additional educational programmes being their supporting evidence. Opportunities of e-learning in the process of managers’ training are also studied in the articleДинамично развивающееся управленческое образование является высококонкурентной сферой, где тем, кто оказывает образовательные услуги, необходимо постоянно совершенствовать свою деятельность, соответствуя изменениям внешней среды и потребностям заказчиков в лице государства, деловых организаций, самих менеджеров. В статье обсуждаются направления развития управленческой подготовки в университетах на примере основных и дополнительных образовательных программ, а также возможности использования электронного обучения при подготовке менеджеро