764 research outputs found

    Impact of Social Spending and Inter-Regional Migration on Employment Rates in Russian Regions

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    Relevance. The employment level in Russia plays a crucial role in the social and economic development of regions. The federal policy of Russia is geared towards bolstering regional employment through targeted social spending and fostering balanced inter-regional migration. Analyzing the contribution of these policies to employment outcomes offers insights for shaping effective regional strategies across the Russian Federation's entities.Research Objective. This study aims to uncover the key relationships and assess the impact of inter-regional migration and social policy spending on employment dynamics in Russian regions.Methods and Data. Our research is based on a dataset encompassing 83 Russian regions spanning from 2000 to 2021. The study relies on the data sourced from the Treasury of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Finance, and the Federal State Statistics Service. To model these dynamics, we employ simultaneous quantile regression with bootstrapped standard error.Results. Inter-regional migration tends to exert a negative influence on regional employment rates in most cases. Public spending on social policy, on the other hand, contributes to employment gains in regions with relatively healthier employment rates, while exhibiting less efficacy in regions dealing with more significant employment challenges. Western regions, characterized by more favorable employment situations and higher economic development, tend to be more attractive to migrants.Conclusion. Current trends in inter-regional migration demonstrate diminished effectiveness in stimulating regional employment. Social policies generally boost employment in most regions, although there's still potential for improvement in areas with job disparities. Based on our findings, we propose several policy implications for both federal and regional governments to enhance employment policies in Russia

    Розробка підходу до створення нових форм дитячого зимового одягу методами дизайн-проектування

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    The article deals with methods of design engineering, the use of which allows the development of new forms of harmonic composition of winter clothing for children. Using the principles of obtaining new forms that underlie the proposed concept, you get a lot of new forms of children's winter clothing. Modify clothes in the operation of for different purposes, extend the duration of their use in the system "suit-man-environment". Ways of improving the design process.В статье рассмотрены методы дизайн-проектирования, использование которых позволяет разрабатывать новые композиционно гармоничные формы детской зимней одежды. Использование принципов получения новых форм, которые лежат в основе предложенной творческой концепции, позволяют получать большое количество новых форм детского зимней одежды, менять их в процессе эксплуатации в различных целях, продлевать срок их использования в системах «костюм-человек-среда».У статті розглянуто методи дизайн-проектування, використання яких дозволяє розробляти нові композиційно-гармонічні форми дитячого зимового одягу. Визначено шляхи удосконалення процесу проектування через використання принципів отримання нових форм, які лежать в основі запропонованої творчої концепції. Запропоновані підходи дозволяють отримувати велику кількість нових форм дитячого зимового одягу, змінювати їх в процесі експлуатації з різною метою, подовжувати термін їх використання в системах «одяг-дитина-середовище»

    The impact of fiscal decentralization on economic growth of regions of the Russian Federation

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    One of the priority goals for the state policy is ensuring sustainable economic growth. The theory of fiscal federalism argues that fiscal decentralization fosters both regional and national economic development by providing the opportunity to coordinate regional needs and national policy goals. The purpose of the study is to assess the impact of fiscal decentralization on the economic development of Russian regions. The analysis was conducted with panel data for 83 regions for the period 1996–2019. The simultaneous quantile regression approach with bootstrapping standard error was used for econometric modelling. The results of the study show that fiscal decentralization does not contribute to the economic development of more prosperous regions of the Russian Federation, whereas in less developed regions, fiscal decentralization indicators have a significant negative effect on the gross regional product per capita. Based on the results obtained, proposals aimed at improving state policies were made

    The intellectual information system for management of geological and technical arrangements during oil field exploitation

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    The intellectual information system for management of geological and technical arrangements during oil fields exploitation is developed. Service-oriented architecture of its software is a distinctive feature of the system. The results of the cluster analysis of real field data received by means of this system are shown

    The subject of criminal liability in the Republic of Belarus

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    The subject (perpetrator) is one of the obligatory elements of a crime. Actually, without his participation, a forbidden act cannot be committed. Criminal law defines the subject of a crime as the person who is able to bear criminal responsibility for the commission of forbidden acts stipulated by the penal code. Nevertheless, as the practice demonstrates, not every perpetrator bears criminal responsibility, because not everyone can do this. It is, therefore, necessary to consider what characteristics determine the ability of the perpetrator to bear criminal responsibility, who stipulates these characteristics, and what is their scope

    Heart failure hospitalization prediction in remote patient management systems

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    Healthcare systems are shifting from patient care in hospitals to monitored care at home. It is expected to improve the quality of care without exploding the costs. Remote patient management (RPM) systems offer a great potential in monitoring patients with chronic diseases, like heart failure or diabetes. Patient modeling in RPM systems opens opportunities in two broad directions: personalizing information services, and alerting medical personnel about the changing conditions of a patient. In this study we focus on heart failure hospitalization (HFH) prediction, which is a particular problem of patient modeling for alerting. We formulate a short term HFH prediction problem and show how to address it with a data mining approach. We emphasize challenges related to the heterogeneity, different types and periodicity of the data available in RPM systems. We present an experimental study on HFH prediction using, which results lay a foundation for further studies and implementation of alerting and personalization services in RPM systems

    The subject of criminal liability in the Republic of Belarus

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    The subject (perpetrator) is one of the obligatory elements of a crime. Actually, without his participation, a forbidden act cannot be committed. Criminal law defines the subject of a crime as the person who is able to bear criminal responsibility for the commission of forbidden acts stipulated by the penal code. Nevertheless, as the practice demonstrates, not every perpetrator bears criminal responsibility, because not everyone can do this. It is, therefore, necessary to consider what characteristics determine the ability of the perpetrator to bear criminal responsibility, who stipulates these characteristics, and what is their scope

    Влияние взаимодействия в системе «Врач – Пациент» на состояние больных

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    The study focuses on the search for ways to solve the problem of improving the quality of medical care for heart disease patients; the effectiveness of patients’ treatment is determined by the science-oriented medicine achievements and the general psycho-emotional states arising in various situations of doctor-patient interaction. The aim of the study is to identify the types of doctors and their impacts on patients’ psycho-emotional states and attitudes toward the disease. The study was conducted in a number of clinical hospitals in Moscow (Russia). It involved 167 doctors and 1,248 patients with arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease, and arrhythmias, aged 43 to 82 years. The study was carried out using valid psychodiagnostic techniques. There were statistically significant differences in the characteristics of the response to the disease in heart disease patients, whose physicians established with them collaborative, caring, directive, authoritarian and alienated relationships.El estudio se centra en la búsqueda de formas de resolución el problema de mejorar la calidad de la asistencia médica a los pacientes con enfermedades cardiovasculares, cuya eficacia del tratamiento se determina por los logros de la medicina naturalmente orientada a la ciencia y la condición psique-emocional general que se produce en situaciones diversas de su interacción con el médico tratante. El observatorio del estudio es identificación de los tipos de médicos tratantes y sus efectos sobre la condición psique-emocional y la actitud hacia la enfermedad de los pacientes.  El estudio se llevó a cabo sobre la base de la serie de hospitales clínicos en Moscú (Rusia). En el estudio participaron 167 médicos y 1248 pacientes con hipertensión arterial, enfermedad isquémica coronaria y arritmias, de 43 a 82 años. El estudio se realizó con la ayuda de técnicas psiquediagnósticas validas. Se han obtenido las diferencias estadísticamente fidedignas en los indicadores de la respuesta a la enfermedad en pacientes con enfermedades cardiovasculares, cuyos médicos tratantes establecen relaciones cooperativas, de tutela, directivas, autoritarias y suspendidas con ellos.Исследование ориентировано на поиск способов решения проблемы повышения качества оказания медицинской помощи пациентам с сердечно-сосудистыми заболеваниями, эффективность лечения которых определяется как достижениями естественно-научно ориентированной медицины, так и общим психоэмоциональным состоянием, возникающим в различных ситуациях его взаимодействия с лечащим врачом. Цель исследования – выявление типов лечащих врачей и их влияния на психоэмоциональное состояние и отношение к болезни пациентов.  Исследование проводилось на базе ряда клинических больниц г. Москвы (Россия). В исследовании приняли участие 167 врачей и 1248 пациентов с артериальной гипертонией, ишемической болезнью сердца и аритмиями, в возрасте от 43 до 82 лет. Исследование осуществлялось с помощью валидных психодиагностических методик. Были получены статистически достоверны различия в показателях особенностей реагирования на болезнь у пациентов с сердечно-сосудистыми заболеваниями, лечащие врачи которых устанавливают с ними сотруднические, опекающие, директивные, авторитарные и отстраненные отношения

    Healthy life students and its reflection in professional activity

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    This article discusses the role of the university in the importance of physical education as part of the general culture of the individual and society, the formation by means of physical culture and sports the necessary competenciesВ статье рассматривается значимость физической культуры как части общей культуры личности и общества, формирование средствами физической культуры и спорта необходимых компетенци