359 research outputs found

    Justice as a Principle of Criminal Law

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    The article examines the essence of the principle of justice in Russian criminal law, its reflection in the norms of the criminal legislation of Russia, as well as the influence of this principle in sentencing

    Relevance of application of irradiated starter cultures to production of fermented milk products

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    Nowadays yogurt, fermented milk products, enriched with biologically active substances, acquire increasingly important significance in people's diets. The traditional method for producing fermented milk products and yogurt is to ferment the milk using starter cultures. The purpose of this research was to figure out if it is possible to use suspensions of probiotic microbial cultures irradiated with ionizing radiation to produce yoghurt products. Liquid live suspensions of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, as well as a mixture of bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, propionibacteria and lactic acid streptococci were taken as a research model. The goal was achieved by receiving the yoghurt products enriched with active secondary metabolites due to using the suspensions of lysed cells of different microorganisms. We studied physico-chemical and organoleptic properties of the received products after 1, 7 and 14 days of storage

    Electronic structure and magnetic properties of RT4Al8 (R = Sc, Y, La, Lu; T = Fe, Mn, Cr) compounds. Hydrostatic pressure effects

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    We present results of theoretical and experimental studies of the electronic structure and magnetic properties of RFe4Al8, RMn4Al8, and RCr4Al8 compounds with nonmagnetic elements R = Sc, Y, La, and Lu. The electron spectrum and field induced magnetic moment, as well as their dependences on the unit cell volume, are calculated for the paramagnetic phase of the RT4Al8 systems. The calculations are supplemented by measurements of the magnetic susceptibility of representative RT4Al8 compounds as a function of temperature and hydrostatic pressure

    Association of decreased glomerular filtration rate with renal hemodynamic disorders and inflammatory biomarkers in patients with medically-controlled hypertension of high cardiovascular risk

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    Aim. To assess markers of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in patients with medically-controlled hypertension (HTN) (<140/90 mm Hg), as well as to analyze potential association of decreased glomerular filtration rate (GFR) <60 ml/min/1,73 m2 with clinical data and therapy; to establish significant determinants of GFR decrease in this category of patients.Material and methods. The study included 70 patients with HTN and office blood pressure (BP) <140/90 mm Hg aged 64 (57; 68) years (men, 48,6%), of whom 40 patients were examined within the Russian multicenter CHRONOGRAPH program. Office BP was 130 (120; 140)/80 (72; 82) mm Hg. GFR and albuminuria were assessed. Twenty-four-hour BP monitoring and Doppler ultrasound of renal blood flow with estimation of resistance indices (RI) were performed. The content of highsensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP), interleukins (IL) 1β, 6, 10 and lipid transport function parameters was determined.Results. CKD markers were detected in 31,4% of patients (in 27,1% — a decrease in GFR <60 ml/min/1,73 m2; in 12,9% — pathological albuminuria). Patients with CKD markers were older, had higher office systolic BP and nocturnal pulse pressure, higher blood hsCRP and RI levels throughout the renal flow, and lower high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels. In the presence of CKD markers, calcium channel blockers, aldosterone receptor antagonists and statins were used more often. The results of correlation analysis were used to determine the determinants of GFR decline. In the general group, GFR values had inverse correlations with age (Rs=-0,58, p<0,0001), segmental intrarenal artery RI (Rs= -0,4232, p=0,0005), blood hsCRP (Rs=-0,3998, p=0,0007), IL-1β (Rs=-0,3139, p=0,0086), office BP and some 24-hour BP parameters. In the presence of CKD markers, a direct association of GFR and IL-10 was determined (Rs=0,4293, p=0,046). In the absence of such markers, GFR had an inverse correlation with IL-1β content (Rs=-0,3110, p=0,0333). A multiple linear regression model included following independent determinants of GFR: age, blood hsCRP and RI in the segmental intrarenal arteries.Conclusion. Among patients with medically-controlled HTN of high cardiovascular risk, a high prevalence of CKD markers was revealed (31,4%). Compared with patients with preserved renal function, in the presence of CKD markers, there were higher levels of office systolic BP, nocturnal pulse pressure, blood hsCRP, and intrarenal artery RI. Associations were established between GFR and the levels of hsCRP, IL-1β and IL-10, which confirms the pathological role of inflammatory biomarkers in developing renal dysfunction in high-risk HTN. Age, elevated blood hsCRP levels, and intrarenal artery RI are independent determinants of decreased GFR in patients with medically-controlled HTN of high and very high cardiovascular risk. The data obtained shows the need for early prescription of combination antihypertensive therapy with nephro- and vasoprotective effects in this category of patients, as well as with an ability to depress the chronic subclinical inflammation

    Microbial landscape in hospital patients with new coronavirus disease (COVID-19), antibiotic resistance comparison vs. Pre-covid stage: a prospective study

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    Background. The new coronavirus infection has manifested untypically compared to other acute respiratory agents, posing a major challenge to researchers worldwide. Despite low incidence of bacterial complications, microbial coinfection plays an important role in the onset and development of severe COVID-19 to hamper diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.Objectives. A study of microbial landscape in secondary complications of COVID-19 and prevailing microbial-agent antibiotic resistance dynamics in COVID-19 vs. patients with pre-COVID community-acquired pneumonia.Methods. We analysed 1,113 bacterial sputum cultures in COVID-19 patients from 21 hospital of Krasnodar Krai. The study sample comprised 524 strains isolated from COVID-19 patients in bacteriological assays. The comparison sample included 643 positive sputum strains isolated from community-acquired pneumonia patients developing disease in outcome of acute respiratory infection in 2015–2018. The microbial aetiology landscape and strain antibiotic resistance have been compared in COVID-19 vs. patients with community-acquired pneumonia.Results. Gram-negative bacteria predominated in COVID-19 cultures (58%), followed by Gram-positive bacteria (15%) and fungi (27%). Acinetobacter baumannii (35%) and Klebsiella pneumoniae (33%) were about equally represented in Gram-negative flora, Pseudomonas aeruginosa (19%) and other microorganisms were half as common. Streptococcus pneumonia and Staphylococcus aureus accounted for 48 and 15% Gram-positive strains, respectively. Sputum-isolated fungi were mainly identifi ed as Candida albicans (89%). The Streptoccocus pneumoniae detection rate dropped to 7% in 2020 relative of other flora, which is 10 times less vs. pre-COVID rates, whilst the fungal rate increased dramatically. Antibiotic resistance increased in most isolated microbial strains.Conclusion. A Gram-negative-dominated aetiology of lower respiratory tract lesions, as well as higher risk of fungal and other opportunistic coinfections should be taken into account in patient treatment for a complicated coronavirus infection. A higher antibiotic resistance is induced by active indication-ignorant use of antibiotics, including pre-hospital treatment. A suitable treatment regimen in COVID-19 should avoid undue antibiotic prescriptions in every patient

    Neural Networks and Participative Museum Practices: Points of Interaction in the Modern Education

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    В статье анализируются изменения, происходящие в образовательном процессе в связи с появлением нейронных сетей. Предлагается использовать музейные партиципаторные практики в качестве метода формирования компетенций студентов творческих специальностей, необходимых в работе с нейросетями.The article analyzes the changes taking place in the educational process in connection with the advent of neural networks. It is proposed to use museum participatory practices as a method of developing the competencies of students of creative specialties, which are necessary in working with neural networks

    Social Structure and Employment of the Population of Zlatoust in the Conditions of Industrial Reconstruction of the City (According to the 1939 Census)

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    Based on the 1939 census, the article analyzes changes in the social structure and employment of the population of Zlatoust under the influence of industrial reconstruction. The census revealed an increase in the share of people having classes among citizens. The proportion of women among population having classes has increased. The main categories of economically active residents remained workers and employees. The specificity of Zlatoust was that the bulk of the townspeople worked in industry. The crowding out of private capital led to a reduction in the number of small traders and artisans; large private capital was completely liquidated. The social composition of the city has lost its diversity and become more homogeneous.В статье на основе материалов переписи 1939 г. анализируются изменения в социальной структуре и занятости населения Златоуста под воздействием промышленной реконструкции. Перепись выявила рост доли лиц, имеющих занятие, среди горожан. Выросла доля женщин среди самодеятельного населения. Основными категориями экономически активных жителей оставались рабочие и служащие. Специфика Златоуста заключалась в том, что основная часть горожан работала в промышленности. Вытеснение частного капитала привело к сокращению численности мелких торговцев и кустарей-ремесленников, крупный частный капитал был ликвидирован вообще. Социальный состав города потерял свое многообразие и стал более однородным

    Impact of the Industrial Modernisation of the Urals on Urban Family (Based on the Materials of the All-Union Censuses of 1926 and 1939): a Historical and Demographic Study

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    Данная статья посвящена изучению изменений, которые произошли в семейном составе городского населения Урала под воздействием промышленной модернизации края. Исследование проводилось в рамках Уральской области, после ее ликвидации — в границах Свердловской и Челябинской областей, а с октября 1938 г. — и Пермской области, на основе данных Всесоюзных переписей населения 1926 и 1939 гг. Авторы пришли к выводу, что в конце 1930-х гг. большинство горожан Урала состояло в браке и жило вместе со своими семьями, однако проявилась тенденция к уменьшению размеров семьи. В городах региона утвердилась простая (нуклеарная) семья. Уральская городская семья находилась на стадии демографического перехода.Данная статья посвящена изучению изменений, которые произошли в семейном составе городского населения Урала под воздействием промышленной модернизации края. Исследование проводилось в рамках Уральской области, после ее ликвидации — в границах Свердловской и Челябинской областей, а с октября 1938 г. — и Пермской области, на основе данных Всесоюзных переписей населения 1926 и 1939 гг. Авторы пришли к выводу, что в конце 1930-х гг. большинство горожан Урала состояло в браке и жило вместе со своими семьями, однако проявилась тенденция к уменьшению размеров семьи. В городах региона утвердилась простая (нуклеарная) семья. Уральская городская семья находилась на стадии демографического перехода


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    ABSTRAKBerkembangnya pariwisata di tengah masyarakat membawa pengaruh terhadap kehidupan sosial budaya. Pariwisata selalu mempertemukan dua atau lebih kebudayaan yang akan menghasilkan berbagai proses perubahan seperti akulturasi, dominasi, asimilasi, adopsi, adaptasi dan sebagainya. Wisatawan mancanegara yang berkunjung ke Lhoknga telah membawa pengaruh terhadap masyarakat lokal di daerah sekitar objek wisata. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak pariwisata terhadap perubahan sosial budaya masyarakat dan mengetahui bentuk perubahan sosial budaya yang terjadi pada masyarakat Lhoknga akibat perkembangan pariwisata di Mukim Lhoknga. Metodologi penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan model studi deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam dan observasi. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadinya perubahan sosial budaya pada masyarakat lokal di Mukim Lhoknga, Kecamatan Lhoknga Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Namun perubahan yang dimaksud masih dikategorikan perubahan secara mikro, karena tidak membawa pengaruh yang mendalam pada kehidupan masyarakat lokal. Dampak pariwisata terhadap perubahan sosial budaya masyarakat dapat dipilah menjadi dua yaitu dampak positif dan dampak negatif. Dampak positifnya yaitu dengan adanya pariwisata telah membuka lapangan kerja baru bagi masyarakat lokal yang dapat meningkatkan pendapatan ekonomi, mampu menguasai bahasa asing, seperti bahasa Inggris, Jepang. Terbukanya akses bagi masyarakat lokal ke jaringan yang lebih luas, memperlihatkan keindahan alam dan budaya yang tak lepas dari rasa untuk meningkatkan persaudaraan dalam lingkungan nasional dan internasional Sedangkan dampak negatif yaitu, lunturnya budaya lokal (tradisional) akibat masuknya budaya luar (modern). Adapun bentuk-bentuk perubahan dapat dilihat dari dua segi yaitu perubahan segi sosial dan perubahan dari segi budaya. Bentuk perubahan dari segi sosial yaitu terjadinya perubahan struktur sosial masyarakat lokal dengan beralihnya sektor pekerjaan dari petani atau nelayan ke sektor industri, Meningkatnya keinginan untuk berpendidikan tinggi, sedangkan perubahan dari segi budaya yaitu terjadinya perkawinan dari dua unsur budaya yang berbeda, perubahan pada penggunaan bahasa, perubahan cara berpakaian dan perubahan perilaku dalam keluarga.Kata Kunci : Pariwisata, Wisatawan Asing, Perubahan Sosial, Perubahan Budaya.Banda Ace