11 research outputs found


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    Aim. To determine the characteristics of quality of life in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD ) II–Vst. Methods. 171 patients with CKD II–IVst, except for routine clinical and laboratory examinations, have been studied the quality of life (QOL) using a questionnaire assessing quality of life SF– 36. Results. It was found most of the QOL was significantly worse with the progression of CKD. Total QOL indicators and indicator “effect of kidney disease”. most significantly reduced. Correlation most QOL with age, hemoglobin, blood pressure levels was revealed. Conclusions. QOL decrease with the progression of CKD. Age, hemoglobin level, blood pressure affect QOL

    Legal protection of inventions within medical practice in Ukraine

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    Legal protection of inventions within medical practice in Ukraine / Bezpalova О.I., Yusupov V.A., Avramova O.Ye., Krasiuk T.V., Larina N.B. // Wiadomości Lekarskie. 2019. Tom LXXII. № 3. p. 484-488. http://wl.medlist.org/2019_03_30/The aim of this article is theoretical and practical study of the legal protection of medical inventions in Ukraine based on the analysis of Ukrainian patent law, issued patents for inventions applied within medical practice, as well as data from the State Expert Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukrain

    ICRF Plasma Production with the W7-X Like Antenna in the Uragan-2M Stellarator

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    The results of the plasma start-up with ICRH of U-2M RF discharges in H2+He mixture with newly implemented controlled gas H2 concentration are presented. The W7-X like ICRH antenna operated in monopole phasing with applied RF power of ∼ 100 kW. We investigated plasma start-up in the pressure range p = 6×10−4 - 9×10−2 Pa. Plasma production with an average density of up to Ne ∼ 1013 cm−3 was observed at frequencies the fundamental harmonic of the hydrogen cyclotron frequency