296 research outputs found

    Optimization of methods of quality control drug steroid structure for example glucocorticosteroid

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    This paper presents an original method for the analysis of corticosteroids with the use of reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography. A mixture of 1% aqueous formic acid and ethyl alcohol at a ratio of 10 to 90 was taken as an eluting system for corticosteroids. This ratio of solvents in the mobile phase ensures control of the rate of movement of corticosteroids in the column. Since corticosteroids are freely soluble in alcohol, using 90% of this solvent in the mobile phase ensured optimum retention time of these compound

    The role and the place of the Institute of Culture within a classical university structure

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    The modern culture, having refused the generality of culture norms and ideals and offering plurality of their samples, confronts social institutes with a problem of choosing the ones, which they are intended to serve. Uppermost, this concerns such a social and educational institute as a university. Where, to what norms and ideals does the modern university lead the student if by opening the world in front of them, it offers a reality of cultural pluralism? How to show the truth if it is seen in its heterogeneous state? What culture and truth does the professor choose to orientate himself/herself in his/her teaching path? May the Institute/ Department of Culture help answer all these questions as being the one that started the history of university? To answer these questions the comparative-historical method of research has been used: the contradiction has been displayed against the background of culture problem solving in the history of the university. The article justifies the need for the development of the philosophical-culturological concept of forming and keeping culture values performed by the institutionalized organizations of the university. The problem of replacing the concept of ‘the graduate model’ with that of ‘the profession model’ as a goal of innovative university education has been justified

    A сomparative analysis of classical and postmodern views on the idea of a university

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    Background: The crisis that the modern university is experiencing today, is conditioned by the crisis of its idea as of a classical essence. The idea of university was formulated by W. von Humboldt, however, its history starts with the Greek-Roman era when the ancient philosophy in its cognitive attitude to the world saw its truth, leaning on intelligence that brought it to the harmony of beauty and good. In this quality, the idea of university was changing the university history. However, today, by rejecting any natural unity and integrity and also reconsidering classics, the postmodern views diversify the classical university and eliminate the possibility of its common form. Questions arise: can the common idea for the university be preserved in these conditions? Will it be preserved (and should it be preserved) by the postmodern culture? Is it possible today to have the unity of the university as a classical social and educational institution? Do modern university models (entrepreneurial, corporate, research, etc.) have their own idea

    The dependence of antihypoxic activity on the chemical structure in a series of N-(3-methyl-7-acetylmethylxanthinyl)-8-piperazine ammonium salts

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    The comparative investigation of the dependence of antihypoxic activity on chemical structure in a series of N-(3-methyl-7-acetylmethylxanthinyl)- 8-piperazine ammonium salts has been conducted on the model of acute atmospheric hypoxia with hypercapnia in tests on white Wistar line rats. It has been found that among the tested compounds aminoacetic ammonium salt showed the lowest antihypoxic activity, and the highest one was shown by N-(3-methyl-7-acetylmethylxanthinyl)-8-piperazine succinate that increased the life time of rats by 79,9% in the conditions of acute atmospheric hypoxia and exceeded by 9,2% the activity of the reference drug of mexidol. The series of N-(3-methyl-7-acetylmethylxanthinyl)-8-piperazine ammonium salts are the promising group of organic compounds for the further synthesis and pharmacological screening for the purpose of using them as effective antihypoxic drugs.Сравнительное исследование зависимости антигипоксической активности от химической структуры в ряду аммониевых солей N-(3-метил-7-ацетилметилксантинил)-8-пиперазиния проведено на модели острой нормобарической гипоксии с гиперкапнией в опытах на белых крысах линии Вистар. Обнаружено, что среди исследованных соединений наименьшую антигипоксическую активность проявила аминоацетатная аммониевая соль, а наибольшую – сукцинат N-(3-метил-7-ацетилметилксантинил)-8-пиперазиния, который увеличивал продолжительность жизни крыс на 79,9% в условиях острой нормобарической гипоксии и превышал активность препарата сравнения мексидола на 9,2%. Аммониевые соли, в ряду производных N-(3-метил-7-ацетилметилксантинил)-8-пиперазиния, являются перспективной группой органических соединений для последующего синтеза и фармакологического скрининга с целью создания на их основе эффективных антигипоксических препаратов

    Humanitarian meaning of university professional education

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    In the 20th century, the university faced a principally new type of cultural development and there was a necessity of transformation to get adapted to new conditions. Change of cultural epochs lead to a change in criteria and principles conditioning the university education system. Largely it affected “externally invisible and inaudible” factor, “the fluid of spiritual life” of the university, “human immaterial sub-basis” of its existence (Jaspers, 2006) - its humanitarian meaning. This can nowadays indicate that existence of the university is challenged

    Structural features of Ni-Cr-Si-B materials obtained by different technologies

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    This study considers the structural features of Ni-Cr-Si-B (Ni - base; 15.1 % Cr; 2 % Si; 2 % B; 0.4 % C) materials obtained by different methods. The self-fluxing coatings were deposited by plasma spraying on the tubes from low carbon steel. Bulk cylinder specimens of 20 mm diameter and 15 mm height were obtained by spark plasma sintering (SPS). The structure and phase composition of these materials were investigated by optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray diffractometry (XRD). The major phases of coatings and sintered materials are [gamma]-Ni, Ni[3]B, CrB and Cr[7]C[3]. We demonstrate that the particle unmelted in the process of plasma spraying or SPS consist of [gamma]-Ni-NEB eutectic and also CrB and Cr[7]C[3] inclusions. The prolonged exposure of powder to high temperatures as well as slow cooling rates by SPS provide for the growth of the structural components as compared to those of plasma coatings materials. High cooling rates at the plasma spraying by melted particles contribute to the formation of supersaturated solid solution of Cr, Si and Fe in [gamma]-Ni. The structure of the melted particles in sintering material has gradient composition: the core constituted of Ni grains of 10 μm with [gamma]-Ni-Ni[3]B eutectic on the edges. The results of the experiment demonstrate that the sintering material has a smaller microhardness in comparison with plasma coatings (650 and 850 MPa, respectively), but at the same time the material has higher density (porosity less than 1 %) than plasma coatings (porosity about 2.. .3 %)

    Knowledge Management as a Strategy for the Administration of Education in the Research University

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    The article studies the substantiation of the changes in the Classical University when its liberal model is transforming into the pragmatic model in modern knowledge society. The content of pragmatic model (commercialization of knowledge, education market, competitions) is against its classical model. Therefore, there is a need to clarify the criteria of the Classical University. The corporate culture is considered as its new criterion. The corporate culture aimed towards shaping of the professional and the person who is relevant to the modern knowledge society. Therefore, the modern Research University continues the traditional Idea of the Classical University in conditions of information (knowledge) society. Secondly, new strategy for the management of education in the Research University is the knowledge management. Thirdly, the corporate culture of the Research University can join complementarily the classical criteria of University and modern orientation to the market and commercialization of education. The specific content of the corporate culture as a new criterion of the University is relevant to the conditions of information or knowledge society. The corporate culture of the Research University provides not only competitiveness of professional, but also in its spiritual and moral characteristics

    Є. В. Васьковський про організацію адвокатури в Росії

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    Корнієнко І. В. Є. В. Васьковський про організацію адвокатури в Росії / І. В. Корнієнко // Правове життя сучасної України : матеріали Міжнар. наук. конф. проф.-викл. та аспірант. складу (м. Одеса, 16-17 травня 2013 р.) / відп. за вип. В. М. Дрьомін ; НУ "ОЮА". Півд. регіон. центр НАПрН України. - Одеса : Фенікс, 2013. - Т. 1. - С. 157-159


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    Goal of the study: to justify the need for annual fluorography screening of the population.Materials and methods. Nosologic structure of chest pathologies detected by fluorography screening in 2007-2015 has been studied. The changes in the estimated number of undetected active tuberculosis cases have been calculated, provided that there was no 100% coverage by preventive fluorography screening. The obtained data were compared with the rates in the Russian Federation.Results. Nosologic structure of chest pathologies has been analyzed. It has been found out that respiratory tuberculosis patients made 4.8-10.8% out of those screened in 2007-2015, non-specific pulmonary diseases made – 16.6-36.2%, cancer cases made – 4.9-7.0% and other disorders made – 49.3-72.0%. Due to annual fluorography screening conducted in Voronezh Region from 2007 to 2015 the hidden reservoir of tuberculous infection significantly reduced and thus the number of detected patients decreased every year. In 2007-2015 the number of detected tuberculosis cases decreased by 2.2 fold in Voronezh Region, and by 1.4 fold in the Russian Federation. Tuberculosis incidence in Voronezh Region decreased from 69.3 (2007) down to 31.4 (2015) per 100,000 population (reduction by 54.69%), in the Russian Federation from 83.3 down to 57.7 (by 30.73%) respectively

    Effect of Thermal Deformation Regimes on the Austenite Growth Kinetics and Recrystallization of Medium Carbon Low-Alloyed Steel for Large-Sized Steam Turbine Rotors

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    Effect of thermal deformation regimes on the austenite grain growth is studied in the article. The austenite grain growth curve based on the experimental data is constructed. Conclusion about temperature, deformation degree and rate effect is made.The work was carried out using the laboratory equipment ”Structural methods of analysis and properties of materials and nanomaterials” of the Center of Ural Federal University