83 research outputs found

    The role of podocytes dysfunction in chronic glomerulonephritis progression

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    In the review, the mechanisms of podocytes damage underlying the development of proteinuria and progression of glomerulosclerosis in chronic glomerulonephritis are discussed in detail. The results of experimental and clinical studies are presented. Under the different immune and non-immune factors the podocytes form a stereotyped response to damage consisting in the reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton, foot process effacement, the detachment of podocytes from the glomerular basement membrane, and the appearance of specific podocyte proteins and whole cells (podocyturia) in the urine. Massive podocyturia in a limited proliferative capacity of podocytes leads to reduce their total count in the glomerulus (podocytopenia) and the development of glomerulosclerosis. The authors describe the line of markers of the podocyte injury and invasive and non-invasive methods of their assessment. In addition, the relationship of podocyturia level with proteinuria and renal dysfunction are discussed, the prospects of assessment the podocyte proteins in urine for assessing of glomerular damage severity and glomerulosclerosis risk are examined

    Frame "Social activities to achieve the goal": formation and specifics of its representation at language level

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    The proposed article is devoted to describing the specifics of the frame formation "social activity to achieve the goal" represented by the verbal tokens (achieve, accomplish, attain, gain, succeed in, obtain, manage, strive, etc.) with the corresponding meaning and revealing the dependence of the modification of their meaning on the intrasystem and extra system restructuring of the proper fram

    Снижение дефицита пропускных способностей железнодорожных направлений за счёт внедрения интервального регулирования движения поездов

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    The article presents various options for technical and technological provisions to develop the capacity of railway lines, where there is a need to master the increasing volumes of traffic caused by various factors, for example, changes in national and world cargo flows, passenger flows.The paper considers provisions undertaken to adopt and effectively implement a new technology of virtual coupling in the interval regulation of train traffic in the conditions of limited railway capacity which makes it possible to reduce inter-train intervals, electricity costs of traction as well as of infrastructure maintenance. This type of interval control allows controlling the following locomotive considering the information that is transmitted over the radio from the locomotive of the pilot train in front. The problems that arise during the traffic process controlled through virtual coupling mode are also identified followed by the model calculations referring to a system being introduced of stimulation and bonuses awarding intended for assistant station masters and traffic dispatchers of traction divisions respective of the number of dispatched and transit trains controlled through virtual coupling mode.В статье приведены различные варианты технических и технологических мероприятий по развитию пропускных способностей железнодорожных направлений, где имеется потребность в освоении возрастающих объёмов перевозок, вызванных различными факторами, в том числе, изменением национальных и мировых грузо- и пассажиропотоков.В работе рассмотрены мероприятия, осуществляемые в целях внедрения и эффективного использования новой технологии «виртуальной сцепки» при интервальном регулировании движения поездов в условиях ограниченных пропускных способностей железнодорожных направлений, позволяющей сократить межпоездные интервалы, расходы электроэнергии на тягу, а также на содержание инфраструктуры. Такой вид интервального регулирования позволяет управлять ведомым локомотивом с учётом информации, которая передается по радиоканалу с локомотива ведущего поезда. Выявлены проблемы, которые возникают при пропуске поездов, следующих в режиме «виртуальная сцепка».Приведены примерные расчёты, связанные с внедряемой системой мотивации дежурно-диспетчерского персонала дирекций управления движением и премированием работников дирекций тяги за каждый отправленный и проследовавший по участку поезд в режиме интервального регулирования

    Psychological and pedagogical evaliation of dentistry students by questionnaire

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    The quality of physiological education was evaluated by 73 dentistry students using special questionnaire. The majority of the students (70%) are positively assessing the educational process, which is not easy for 72% of them. The good contact between teachers and students was reported in 99%. Also the department of physiology is well methodologically equipped. The recommendation of the shift the beginning of physiology course for dentistry students from second to third semester is based on the study resultsВ статье рассмотрена проблема оценки студентами стоматологического факультета качества образовательного процесса на кафедре нормальной физиологии методом анкетирования. Большинство респондентов это хорошо успевающие студенты, в 70% случаев дающие положительную оценку образовательному процессу. Анализ анкет показал, что в силу сокращения времени освоения предмета нормальная физиология, физиология челюстно-лицевой области (один семестр), у 72% студентов обучение вызывает значительное напряжение. Однако отмечается хороший контакт (99%) обучающихся студентов с преподавателями и достаточное методическое оснащение кафедры. По результатам исследования сформулированы рекомендации по сдвигу начала изучения студентами стоматологического факультета дисциплины нормальная физиология, физиология челюстно-лицевой области со второго на третий семестр

    Influenza vaccination for immunocompromised patients: systematic review and meta-analysis from a public health policy perspective.

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    Immunocompromised patients are vulnerable to severe or complicated influenza infection. Vaccination is widely recommended for this group. This systematic review and meta-analysis assesses influenza vaccination for immunocompromised patients in terms of preventing influenza-like illness and laboratory confirmed influenza, serological response and adverse events


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    Clinical, X-ray, and bacteriological analyses versus a morphological examination of the following organs: meninges, lung, liver, spleen, adrenal glands, pancreas, heart, and mesenteric lymph nodes in 29 deceased patients with respiratory tuberculosis concurrent with HIV infection of mainly stages 4C and 5 show the particular severity of tuberculosis, a tendency towards a generalized process involving the majority of vital organs, morphologically characterized principally by an exudative and necrotic process with a preponderance of leukocyte infiltration without a tendency towards productive inflammation.This all causes death in patients. To improve the prognosis of tuberculosis in HIV-infected people, there is a need for the timely diagnosis of tuberculosis at HIV centers, antituberculosis therapy, and, if indicated, chemoprophylaxis


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    The results of clinical, radiological, and laboratory examinations were analyzed in 126 patients with new-onset pulmonary tuberculosis of small extent were analyzed. The comparative efficiency of treatment in out- and inpatient settings was investigated. Indications for outpatient treatment in a low-incidence region and for in-home treatment were defined