219 research outputs found

    Valuable and professional orientations as a social and psychological resource of development of a modern worker

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    The relevance of the researched problem is caused by the fact that at present there is the sharpest shortage of highly skilled personnel at the Russian enterprises and, therefore, studying of features of valuable and professional orientations of representatives of working professions is of special interest. The purpose of the article consists in the reasons for valuable and professional orientations as predictors of psychological recourses development of social professional qualification, and also development of effective means of its forming among modern workers. The leading method of the research of this problem is the testing method that makes possible to reveal psychological features of valuable and professional orientations of workers of iron and steel enterprises. The resource model of self-control of activities of the worker is provided in the article; and also it is proved that there is the need for development of the program of forming and development of valuable and professional orientations of workers as highly skilled personnel. Materials of the article can be useful to psychological practice in case of professional consultation, individual consultation, and also during the work on forming of metaprofessional qualities of specialists of working professions. © 2016 Zeer and Bragina

    Laser-induced generation of singlet oxygen and its role in the cerebrovascular physiology

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    For over 55 years, laser technology has expanded from laboratory research to widespread fields, for example telecommunication and data storage amongst others. Recently application of lasers in biology and medicine presents itself as one of the emerging areas. In this review, we will outline the recent advances in using lasers for the generation of singlet oxygen, traditionally used to kill tumour cells or induce thrombotic stroke model due to damage vascular effects. Over the last two decade, completely new results on cerebrovascular effects of singlet oxygen generated during photodynamic therapy (PDT) have been shown alongside promising applications for delivery of drugs and nanoparticles into the brain for therapy of brain cancer. Furthermore, a "gold key” has been found to overcome the limitations of PDT, such as low light penetration and high toxicity of photosensitizers, by direct generation of singlet oxygen using quantum-dot laser diodes emitting in the near infrared (NIR) spectral range. It is our motivation to highlight these pioneering results in this review, to improve understanding of the biological role of singlet oxygen and to provide new perspectives for improving clinical application of laser based therapy in further research

    Chronic kidney disease as a multidisciplinary problem of contemporary medicine

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    A review deals with the problem of chronic kidney disease (CKD) from the position of a physician and cardiologist. The epidemiology of the disease was discussed both abroad and in Russia, including the most up-to-date data. In Russia CKD markers were detected in 49.4% of hypertensives. Authors describe risk factors and mechanisms of CKD at the most important pathogenetic conditions: hypertension, diabetes and obesity. The current classification and methods for calculating the glomerular filtration rate are given. The review disclose a paradigm of the renal continuum and its relation to cardiovascular diseases. It is well known fact that the final causes of the death of patients with CKD, as a rule, are cardiovascular complications. Based on the literature data, the necessity and expediency of screening for renal dysfunction is justified. In the example of use of an angiotensin receptor blocker II - irbesartan nephroprotective demonstrated possibilities of intervention in patients with renal dysfunction of varying severity

    Working Out of Resource-Saving Technology of Enrichment of Phosphate-Raremetall Ores

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    Possibility of complex use of phosphate-raremetall ores of the Tatar deposit is proved. Results of researches of crystal-chemical features of the minerals which are a part of rejects of electric separation of ore-dressing plant of the Tatar deposit ores on which basis perspective reagents are chosen are stated. Law of action of the chosen reagents on minerals of electric separation rejects is established. On the reagents which have given the best indicators of flotation on monofractions, researches on rejects of factory with use of the multilevel factorial plan 33⁄9 are conducted. It is received an apatite concentrate with the maintenance of Р2О5 39,9 % at extraction of 98,5 %.Доказывается возможность комплексного использования фосфатно-редкометалльных руд Татарского месторождения. Изложены результаты исследований кристаллохимических особенностей минералов, входящих в состав хвостов электрической сепарации обогатительной фабрики руд Татарского месторождения, на основе которых выбраны перспективные реагенты. Установлена закономерность действия выбранных реагентов на минералы хвостов электрической сепарации. На реагентах, давших лучшие показатели флотации на монофракциях, проведены исследования на хвостах фабрики с использованием многоуровневого факторного плана 33/9. Получен апатитовый концентрат с содержанием 39,9% Р2О5 при извлечении 98,5%

    The Role of Stomatopharynx Dysbiosis in Formation of Susceptibility to Frequent Respiratory Diseases in Early Age Children

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    Purpose: To study stomatopharynx dysbiosis role in formation of susceptibility to frequent and durable respiratory diseases in early age children.Materials and Methods: Stomatopharynx microflora has been investigated in 76 children (aged 1-3 years) susceptible to frequent and durable respiratory diseases.Results: All the patients are stated to have dysbiotic changes in stomatopharynx microflora. It is shown that the character of disturbances in microflora composition of children’s biotope differs depending on the clinical course peculiarities of the recurrent respiratory diseases.Summary: We recommended an individual correction of stomatopharynx dysbiosis in early age children susceptible to frequent and durable respiratory diseases aimed at formation of optimal conditions for children’s immune system development, recovery of biotope colonizational resistence and reduction of the frequency and duration of acute respiratory diseases

    Использование физического ограничения у взрослых пациентов отделений интенсивной терапии: обзор литературы

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    ЦЕЛЬ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ: Описать имеющиеся данные о показаниях, осложнениях, реализации и альтернативных стратегиях использования физического сдерживания у взрослых пациентов в отделениях реанимации и интенсивной терапии. МАТЕРИАЛЫ И МЕТОДЫ: Комплексный обзор, проведенный в базе данных Cochrane, PubMed, Scopus, LILACS, Nursing Database, научной электронной библиотеки eLibrary. Поиск производился по запросам: «физическое ограничение», «фиксирующие устройства в реанимации», «безопасность пациента», «фиксация пациента». РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ: Окончательный выбор состоял из 93 статей, из которых были извлечены показания, осложнения, алгоритмы и альтернативные стратегии. ВЫВОДЫ: Описаны наиболее распространенные практики в отношении физических ограничений в России и за рубежом, отмечена необходимость разработки и внедрения протоколов использования физических ограничений в отделениях интенсивной терапии


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    Purpose: To research of spectrum of agents and their biological characteristics in chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM).Materials and Methods: Вacterial and fungous flora in the middle ear of 102 patients aged from 20 to 70 years with CSOM were studied by microbiological and genetic (PCR) methods. To determine adhesive activity of agents was used rapid method Brilis V.М. and antilysozyme activity – method Bukharin O.V.Results: The majority of cases of CSOM were caused by different species of staphylococci with prevalence S.aureus, S.epidermidis. Mycoplasms, mould and yeast-like fungi took up the second position among the pathogens. Non-clostridial anaerobes and chlamidiae were occurred less frequently. In most cases (>90%) agents of CSOM were possessed of adhesive and antilysozyme activities. Among them more 70% strains had the high and middle level of expression of these signs.Summary: Traditional microbiological method of diagnostics is not an informative, because it leave out of account the role mycoplasms, chlamidiae and non-clostridial anaerobes in forming of disease. Main strains of agents of CSOM are possessed of significant adhesive and antilysozyme activities. These signs influence on gravity and duration of course of disease


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    Purpose: To research of certain peculiarities of the virus-microbial assotiations of middle ear in chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM).Materials and Methods: Microflora in the middle ear of 102 patients aged from 20 to 70 years with chronic suppurative otitis media were studied by microbiological and genetic (PCR) methods.Results: Microbiotic mixed infection was detected in 62,5% patients and microbiotic monoinfection–in 37,5% patients. In microbiotic monoinfection the frequency of occurance of herpes and papilloma viruses was 19,4% and in microbiotic mixed infection - 32,2%.Chlamydiae were detected only in mixed infection (16,7%). Presence of mycoplasms in middle ear in microbiotic monoinfection was 13,7 times less (p<0,01) than in mixed infection.Summary: The obtained results are allowed to recommend broadened microbiological analysis with application PCR to put into practice to increase the level of diagnostics and to make choice of an adequate treatment of CSOM