78 research outputs found

    The limits of the rotating wave approximation in the electromagnetic field propagation in a cavity

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    We consider three two-level atoms inside a one-dimensional cavity, interacting with the electromagnetic field in the rotating wave approximation (RWA), commonly used in the atom-radiation interaction. One of the three atoms is initially excited, and the other two are in their ground state. We numerically calculate the propagation of the field spontaneously emitted by the excited atom and scattered by the second atom, as well as the excitation probability of the second and third atom. The results obtained are analyzed from the point of view of relativistic causality in the atom-field interaction. We show that, when the RWA is used, relativistic causality is obtained only if the integrations over the field frequencies are extended to −∞-\infty; on the contrary, noncausal tails remain even if the number of field modes is increased. This clearly shows the limit of the RWA in dealing with subtle problems such as relativistic causality in the atom-field interaction.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Growth of a smooth CaF 2 layer on NdFeAsO thin film

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    We studied the method to grow a smooth and flat CaF 2 layer on NdFeAsO thin films since CaF 2 is a promising candidate material for the barrier layer of a superconducting junction. When the CaF 2 layer was grown at 800°C, the surface was very rough because {111} facets had grown preferentially. However, when CaF 2 was grown at lower temperatures and post-annealed in situ at 800°C for 30 min the facets were eliminated and a CaF 2 layer with a smooth surface was obtained. Fluorine diffusing from CaF 2 into NdFeAsO was observed when CaF 2 was grown at high temperatures, but the diffusion was suppressed by lowering the growth temperature to 400°C

    Nonlinear eigenvalue problem for optimal resonances in optical cavities

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    The paper is devoted to optimization of resonances in a 1-D open optical cavity. The cavity's structure is represented by its dielectric permittivity function e(s). It is assumed that e(s) takes values in the range 1 <= e_1 <= e(s) <= e_2. The problem is to design, for a given (real) frequency, a cavity having a resonance with the minimal possible decay rate. Restricting ourselves to resonances of a given frequency, we define cavities and resonant modes with locally extremal decay rate, and then study their properties. We show that such locally extremal cavities are 1-D photonic crystals consisting of alternating layers of two materials with extreme allowed dielectric permittivities e_1 and e_2. To find thicknesses of these layers, a nonlinear eigenvalue problem for locally extremal resonant modes is derived. It occurs that coordinates of interface planes between the layers can be expressed via arg-function of corresponding modes. As a result, the question of minimization of the decay rate is reduced to a four-dimensional problem of finding the zeroes of a function of two variables.Comment: 16 page

    Theory of Pseudomodes in Quantum Optical Processes

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    This paper deals with non-Markovian behaviour in atomic systems coupled to a structured reservoir of quantum EM field modes, with particular relevance to atoms interacting with the field in high Q cavities or photonic band gap materials. In cases such as the former, we show that the pseudo mode theory for single quantum reservoir excitations can be obtained by applying the Fano diagonalisation method to a system in which the atomic transitions are coupled to a discrete set of (cavity) quasimodes, which in turn are coupled to a continuum set of (external) quasimodes with slowly varying coupling constants and continuum mode density. Each pseudomode can be identified with a discrete quasimode, which gives structure to the actual reservoir of true modes via the expressions for the equivalent atom-true mode coupling constants. The quasimode theory enables cases of multiple excitation of the reservoir to now be treated via Markovian master equations for the atom-discrete quasimode system. Applications of the theory to one, two and many discrete quasimodes are made. For a simple photonic band gap model, where the reservoir structure is associated with the true mode density rather than the coupling constants, the single quantum excitation case appears to be equivalent to a case with two discrete quasimodes

    Early onset of Chanarin-Dorfman syndrome with severe liver involvement in a patient with a complex rearrangement of ABHD5 promoter

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    BACKGROUND: \u3b1/\u3b2-hydrolase domain-containing protein 5 (ABHD5) plays an important role in the triacylglycerols (TAG) hydrolysis. Indeed, ABHD5 is the co-activator of adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL), that catalyses the initial step of TAG hydrolysis. Mutations in ABHD5 gene are associated with the onset of Chanarin-Dorfman syndrome (CDS), a rare autosomal recessive lipid storage disorder, characterized by non-bullous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma (NCIE), hepatomegaly and liver steatosis. CASE PRESENTATION: We describe here a 5-years-old Brazilian child who presented with NCIE at birth and diffuse micro and macro-vesicular steatosis on liver biopsy since she was 2 years old. Molecular analysis of coding sequence and putative 5' regulatory region of ABHD5 gene was performed. A homozygous novel deletion, affecting the promoter region and the exon 1, was identified, confirming the suspected diagnosis of CDS for this patient. RT-PCR analysis showed that the genomic rearrangement completely abolished the ABHD5 gene expression in the patient, while only a partial loss of expression was detected in her parents. This is the first report describing the identification of a large deletion encompassing the promoter region of ABHD5 gene. The total loss of ABHD5 expression may explain the early onset of CDS and the severe liver involvement. After molecular diagnosis, the patient started a special diet, poor in fatty acids with medium chain triglycerides (MCT), and showed hepatic and dermatologic improvement in spite of severe molecular defect. CONCLUSIONS: This case report extends the spectrum of disease-causing ABHD5 mutations in CDS providing evidence for a novel pathogenic mechanism for this rare disorder. Moreover, our preliminary data show that early diagnosis and prompt treatment of neutral lipid accumulation might be useful for CD patients
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