1,984 research outputs found

    Pathologies of Quenched Lattice QCD at non--zero Density and its Effective Potential

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    We simulate lattice QCD at non--zero baryon density and zero temperature in the quenched approximation, both in the scaling region and in the infinite coupling limit. We investigate the nature of the forbidden region -- the range of chemical potential where the simulations grow prohibitively expensive, and the results, when available, are puzzling if not unphysical. At weak coupling we have explored the sensitivity of these pathologies to the lattice size, and found that using a large lattice (64×16364 \times 16^3) does not remove them. The effective potential sheds considerable light on the problems in the simulations, and gives a clear interpretation of the forbidden region. The strong coupling simulations were particularly illuminating on this point.Comment: 49 pages, uu-encoded expanding to postscript;also available at ftp://hlrz36.hlrz.kfa-juelich.de/pub/mpl/hlrz72_95.p

    Phase structure of lattice QCD at finite temperature for 2+1 flavors of Kogut-Susskind quarks

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    We report on a study of the finite-temperature chiral transition on an Nt=4N_t=4 lattice for 2+1 flavors of Kogut-Susskind quarks. We find the point of physical quark masses to lie in the region of crossover, in agreement with results of previous studies. Results of a detailed examination of the mu,d=msm_{u,d}=m_s case indicate vanishing of the screening mass of σ\sigma meson at the end point of the first-order transition.Comment: LATTICE98(hightemp), 3 pages, 4 figure

    High density QCD with static quarks

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    We study lattice QCD in the limit that the quark mass and chemical potential are simultaneously made large, resulting in a controllable density of quarks which do not move. This is similar in spirit to the quenched approximation for zero density QCD. In this approximation we find that the deconfinement transition seen at zero density becomes a smooth crossover at any nonzero density, and that at low enough temperature chiral symmetry remains broken at all densities.Comment: LaTeX, 18 pages, uses epsf.sty, postscript figures include

    QCD at finite isospin density

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    QCD at finite isospin chemical potential mu_I has no fermion sign problem and can be studied on the lattice. We solve this theory analytically in two limits: at low mu_I where chiral perturbation theory is applicable, and at asymptotically high mu_I where perturbative QCD works. At low isospin density the ground state is a pion condensate, whereas at high density it is a Fermi liquid with Cooper pairing. The pairs carry the same quantum numbers as the pion. This leads us to a conjecture that the transition from hadron to quark matter is smooth, which passes several tests. Our results imply a nontrivial phase diagram in the space of temperature and chemical potentials of isospin and baryon number.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, version to appear in PR

    Topological Charge Correlators, Spectral Bounds, and Contact Terms

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    The structure of topological charge fluctuations in the QCD vacuum is strongly restricted by the spectral negativity of the Euclidean 2-point correlator for x0x\neq 0 and the presence of a positive contact term. Some examples are considered which illustrate the physical origin of these properties.Comment: Lattice 2002 Conference Proceeding

    Thermodynamics of Lattice QCD with Chiral 4-Fermion Interactions

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    We have studied lattice QCD with an additional, irrelevant 4-fermion interaction having a U(1)xU(1) chiral symmetry, at finite temperatures. Adding this 4-fermion term allowed us to work at zero quark mass, which would have otherwise been impossible. The theory with 2 massless staggered quark flavours appears to have a first order finite temperature phase transition at N_t=4 for the value of 4-fermion coupling we have chosen, in contrast to what is expected for 2-flavour QCD. The pion screening mass is seen to vanish below this transition, only to become massive and degenerate with the sigma (f_0) above this transition where the chiral symmetry is restored, as is seen by the vanishing of the chiral condensate.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figure

    Quenched QCD at finite density

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    Simulations of quenched QCDQCD at relatively small but {\it nonzero} chemical potential μ\mu on 32×16332 \times 16^3 lattices indicate that the nucleon screening mass decreases linearly as μ\mu increases predicting a critical chemical potential of one third the nucleon mass, mN/3m_N/3, by extrapolation. The meson spectrum does not change as μ\mu increases over the same range, from zero to mπ/2m_\pi/2. Past studies of quenched lattice QCD have suggested that there is phase transition at μ=mπ/2\mu = m_\pi/2. We provide alternative explanations for these results, and find a number of technical reasons why standard lattice simulation techniques suffer from greatly enhanced fluctuations and finite size effects for μ\mu ranging from mπ/2m_\pi/2 to mN/3m_N/3. We find evidence for such problems in our simulations, and suggest that they can be surmounted by improved measurement techniques.Comment: 23 pages, Revte

    Random matrix model for chiral symmetry breaking and color superconductivity in QCD at finite density

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    We consider a random matrix model which describes the competition between chiral symmetry breaking and the formation of quark Cooper pairs in QCD at finite density. We study the evolution of the phase structure in temperature and chemical potential with variations of the strength of the interaction in the quark-quark channel and demonstrate that the phase diagram can realize a total of six different topologies. A vector interaction representing single-gluon exchange reproduces a topology commonly encountered in previous QCD models, in which a low-density chiral broken phase is separated from a high-density diquark phase by a first-order line. The other five topologies either do not possess a diquark phase or display a new phase and new critical points. Since these five cases require large variations of the coupling constants away from the values expected for a vector interaction, we conclude that the phase diagram of finite density QCD has the topology suggested by single-gluon exchange and that this topology is robust.Comment: ReVTeX, 22 pages, 14 figures. An animated gif movie showing the evolution of the phase diagram with the coupling constants can be viewed at http://www.nbi.dk/~vdheyden/QCDpd.htm

    Simplicial Chiral Models

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    Principal chiral models on a d-1 dimensional simplex are introduced and studied analytically in the large NN limit. The d=0,2,4d = 0, 2, 4 and \infty models are explicitly solved. Relationship with standard lattice models and with few-matrix systems in the double scaling limit are discussed.Comment: 6 pages, PHYZZ

    Pion Propagation near the QCD Chiral Phase Transition

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    We point out that, in analogy with spin waves in antiferromagnets, all parameters describing the real-time propagation of soft pions at temperatures below the QCD chiral phase transition can be expressed in terms of static correlators. This allows, in principle, the determination of the soft pion dispersion relation on the lattice. Using scaling and universality arguments, we determine the critical behavior of the parameters of pion propagation. We predict that when the critical temperature is approached from below, the pole mass of the pion drops despite the growth of the pion screening mass. This fact is attributed to the decrease of the pion velocity near the phase transition.Comment: 8 pages (single column), RevTeX; added references, version to be published in PR