4,570 research outputs found

    Effects of forest fragmentation on the vertical stratification of neotropical bats

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    Vertical stratification is a key component of the biological complexity of rainforests. Understanding community- and species-level responses to disturbance across forest strata is paramount for evidence-based conservation and management. However, even for bats, known to extensively explore multiple layers of the complex three-dimensional forest space, studies are biased towards understory-based surveys and only few assessments of vertical stratification were done in fragmented landscapes. Using both ground and canopy mist-nets, we investigated how the vertical structure of bat assemblages is influenced by forest fragmentation in the experimentally fragmented landscape of the Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project, Central Amazon, Brazil. Over a three year-period, we captured 3077 individuals of 46 species in continuous forest (CF) and in 1, 10 and 100 ha forest fragments. In both CF and forest fragments, the upper forest strata sustained more diverse bat assemblages than the equivalent understory layer, and the midstory layers had significantly higher bat abundance in fragments than in CF. Artibeus lituratus and Rhinophylla pumilio exhibited significant shifts in their vertical stratification patterns between CF and fragments (e.g. R. pumilio was more associated with the upper strata in fragments than in CF). Altogether, our study suggests that fragmentation modulates the vertical stratification of bat assemblages

    Black string corrections in variable tension braneworld scenarios

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    Braneworld models with variable tension are investigated, and the corrections on the black string horizon along the extra dimension are provided. Such corrections are encrypted in additional terms involving the covariant derivatives of the variable tension on the brane, providing profound consequences concerning the black string horizon variation along the extra dimension, near the brane. The black string horizon behavior is shown to be drastically modified by the terms corrected by the brane variable tension. In particular, a model motivated by the phenomenological interesting case regarding Eotvos branes is investigated. It forthwith provides further physical features regarding variable tension braneworld scenarios, heretofore concealed in all previous analysis in the literature. All precedent analysis considered uniquely the expansion of the metric up to the second order along the extra dimension, what is able to evince solely the brane variable tension absolute value. Notwithstanding, the expansion terms aftermath, further accomplished in this paper from the third order on, elicits the successive covariant derivatives of the brane variable tension, and their respective coupling with the extrinsic curvature, the Weyl tensor, and the Riemann and Ricci tensors, as well as the scalar curvature. Such additional terms are shown to provide sudden modifications in the black string horizon in a variable tension braneworld scenarioComment: 12 pages, 5 figures, accepted in PR

    Visualization plugin for Optflux: tools for the creation of metabolic layouts and analysis of flux distributions

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    The reconstruction of genome scale metabolic models is one of the major challenges of Systems Biology. These models are used to better understand the organisms’ metabolic functions and predict their behavior in the form of flux distributions. Their increasing availability and use for the integrated analysis with high-throughput data has exacerbated the need for tools to visualize large scale models/networks. This problem was addressed with graph-drawing software such as Cytoscape, which allows the visualization of arbitrary graphs. However, the output from these platforms is visually distinct from the more traditional and empirically based metabolic layouts. In this work, we present a new plugin for the OptFlux[1] framework, an open-source and modular software to support in silico Metabolic Engineering. The main goals of this novel plugin are to allow the creation, edition and visualization of metabolic layouts and to provide a user-friendly way to analyze results generated by other tools in OptFlux, such as phenotype simulation and strain optimization results. To represent metabolic layouts, the software uses a directed bipartite graph, where nodes are reactions and metabolites. Metabolites can be marked as a currency metabolite, a feature used to represent cofactors or other secondary metabolites. Reactions represent interactions between two sets of metabolites (products and reactants). The plugin is able to read metabolic layouts from several file formats, including specialized formats, such as CellDesigner SBML variant, KEGG -ML or BIGG maps, and generic representations, such as SBGN-ML or XGMML (a format that is supported, for instance, by Cytoscape). Users can also create their own layouts using a set of reactions from a pre-loaded model. The framework uses a force directed layout[2] strategy to calculate the best position of each node and allows the user to fix, replicate or merge nodes to simplify the visualization. An important feature is the ability to overlap results from other OptFlux plug-ins over the metabolic layout. An example is the overlap of flux distributions, where the thickness of the reaction edges are changed according to the flux values, while the genetic transformations (e.g. deletions, over/under expression) are also highlighted, with the relevant nodes changed in color and shape. Users are also able to compare flux distributions

    Notes on the Two-brane Model with Variable Tension

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    Motivated by possible extensions of the braneworld models with two branes, we investigate some consequences of a variable brane tension using the well established results on consistency conditions. By a slight modification of the usual stress-tensor used in order to derive the braneworld sum rules, we find out some important constraints obeyed by time dependent brane tensions. In particular it is shown that the tensions of two Randall-Sundrum like branes obeying, at the same time, an Eotvos law, aggravate the fine tuning problem. Also, it is shown that if the hidden brane tension obeys an Eotvos law, then the visible brane has a mixed behavior allowing a bouncing-like period at early times while it is dominated by an Eotvos law nowadays. To finalize, we discuss some qualitative characteristics which may arise in the scope of dynamical brane tensions, as anisotropic background and branons production.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in Physical Review


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    CONTROLE DA PRESSÃO INTRCUFF EM DOENTES TRAQUEOSTOMIZADOS Álvara Silva1, Ana Taborda1, Hélder Vilarinho1, Inês Rocha1, Olinda Vieira1, Rosa Silva1. 1Serviço de de Traumatologia Craneo Encefálica (TCE), HSA/CHP. Hospital de Santo António, Centro Hospitalar do Porto (HSA/CHP), Porto. Introdução A pressão de perfusão sanguínea da mucosa traqueal situa-se entre os 25-35mmHg/20-30cmH2O. Pressões superiores a 30 cmH2O podem gerar lesões na parede da traquéia como: estenose traqueal, perda do epitélio ciliado, hemorragia, ulceração e necrose. Por outro lado, pressões inferiores a 20 cmH2O, podem levar a broncoaspiração, tornando o doente susceptível a infecções respiratórias, um cuff pouco insuflado pode também provocar a fuga de ar em doentes ventilados artificialmente. Objectivos Identificar e analisar estudos empíricos que versem a temática da gestão da pressão intracuff em doentes traqueostomizados. Material e Métodos Revisão de literatura nas bases de dados: EBSCO, PUBMED, MEDSCAPE e Google Académico. As palavras-chave utilizadas foram: tracheostomy and cuff; tracheostomy tube cuff. Os critérios de inclusão foram: publicações em português e inglês, acesso livre, texto completo, no período de 2005-2011, num total de 71 artigos, foram incluídos apenas 14. Resultado A desinsuflação do cuff não é bem tolerada por muitos doentes, podendo resultar em aspiração. Quando insuflado protege a via aérea prevenindo a perda de ar, em doentes ventilados mecanicamente, e a broncoaspiração. No entanto, uma desinsuflação precoce do cuff na presença da peça em T reduz o esforço respiratório, é preferido em pacientes conscientes, beneficia a capacidade para falar e deglutir, acautelando-se que a capacidade para deglutir é cuidadosamente monitorizada e a acumulação de secreções supracuff é limitada para prevenir a aspiração. Quando a pressão do cuff é superior induz a isquemia/necrose. A lesão isquémica da traqueia depende da relação entre a pressão de perfusão da mucosa e a perfusão exercida pelo cuff. Relativamente aos estudos dos valores de monitorização da pressão intracuff verificam-se medidas irregulares, tanto acima quanto abaixo dos valores de segurança. Na rotina hospitalar, muitas vezes não há mensuração da pressão intracuff, ou esta é realizada de forma indirecta, através da palpação do balão externo, técnica extremamente inadequada. A utilização do cufómetro é a técnica recomendada pela literatura. Do mesmo modo, é aconselhada a sua verificação pelo menos uma vez por turno. Na maioria dos casos os procedimentos de manutenção do cuff são da exclusiva responsabilidade dos enfermeiros. Conclusões Valores de pressão abaixo ou acima dos recomendados são responsáveis por diversas complicações que convêm acautelar. A monitorização da pressão intracuff não é uma actividade de rotina e a sua gestão è realizada de forma variável, sendo o método mais utilizado o cufómetro. Apresentador: Álvara Silva, Enfermeira, Serviço de Traumatologia Craneo Encefálica (TCE), HSA/CHP

    Modified poly(heptazine imides) : minimizing H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> decomposition to maximize oxygen reduction

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    Photocatalysis provides a sustainable pathway to produce the consumer chemical H2O2 from atmospheric O2 via an oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). Such an alternative is attractive to replace the cumbersome traditional anthraquinone method for H2O2 synthesis on a large scale. Carbon nitrides have shown very interesting results as heterogeneous photocatalysts in ORR because their covalent two-dimensional (2D) structure is believed to increase selectivity toward the two-electron process. However, an efficient and scalable application of carbon nitrides for this reaction is far from being achieved. Poly(heptazine imides) (PHIs) are a more powerful subgroup of carbon nitrides whose structure provides high crystallinity and a scaffold to host transition-metal single atoms. Herein, we show that PHIs functionalized with sodium and the recently reported fully protonated PHI exhibit high activity in two-electron ORR under visible light. The latter converted O2 to up to 1556 mmol L–1 h–1 g–1 H2O2 under 410 nm irradiation using inexpensive but otherwise chemically demanding glycerin as a sacrificial electron donor. We also prove that functionalization with transition metals is not beneficial for H2O2 synthesis, as the metal also catalyzes its decomposition. Transient photoluminescence spectroscopy suggests that H-PHIs exhibit higher activity due to their longer excited-state lifetime. Overall, this work highlights the high photocatalytic activity of the rarely examined fully protonated PHI and represents a step forward in the application of inexpensive covalent materials for photocatalytic H2O2 synthesis

    As brandas de gado das Serras da Peneda e do Soajo (NW de Portugal)

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    Neste estudo são analisadas as brandas de gado do complexo montanhoso das Serras da Peneda e Soajo, situadas acima de 900 metros de altitude e com bom acesso, circunscritas ao Parque Nacional da Peneda-Gerês. Os resultados obtidos por análise geomorfológica e espacial, indicam que o local de edificação das brandas seguiu critérios comuns: todas têm disponibilidade de água, de pastagem espontânea, de proteção e boa exposição solar. Os cortelhos e bezerreiras enquadram-se no substrato granítico e utilizam os recursos locais sem afeiçoamento, designadamente lajes e blocos tabulares. Este é um património essencialmente cultural mas com ligações evidentes ao contexto geomorfológico, apresentando grande potencialidade no desenvolvimento territorial associado a atividades turísticas.The purpose of the study is the analys of shepherd’s shelters of the Peneda and Soajo Mountains, in the Peneda-Gerês National Park. Were selected those located above 900 meters and with good access. The results obtained from spatial and geomorphic analysis indicate that the criteria of choice for the edification of the shelters were similar. All of them have water availability, pasture spontaneous, protection, and good sun exposure. The shelters are built on the granite bedrock, mainly with slabs and blocks. They are a cultural heritage, close related with the geomorphological and geological characteristics of the area. These types of cultural and geomorphological heritage have great potential to implement tourism, having an important role to the sustainable rural development of the mountain region

    A reconciled version of the cork oak tree genome-scale metabolic model

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    Quercus suber, commonly known as cork oak tree, is an evergreen tree which produces a thick bark (also known as cork) with multiple (a)biotic stress resistance properties (1). Due to corks natural characteristics, such as the low weight, excellent insulation and low permeability, the cellular structure has a significant economic value as it has multiple applications. For instance, it can be used as a wine bottle sealant and insulation boards (2,3). Additionally, cork is harvested periodically throughout the trees lifetime (4). Nevertheless, the corks quality can only be properly assessed after 40 years of tree growth, which makes the identification of metabolic traits, associated to high-quality cork, of the utmost importance (5). Genome-Scale Metabolic (GSM) models comprise both genomic and metabolic information and can predict the phenotypic behavior of an organism when subjected to distinct environmental conditions (6). Therefore, a reconstructed GSM model of the cork oak tree can point to metabolic properties related to cork quality. Additionally, in silico metabolic engineering strategies could lead to the development of metabolically enhanced trees. The current Quercus suber leaf model, reconstructed within merlin (7), contains 3126 reactions, 2648 metabolites, 7258 genes and was subjected to extensive manual curation, while the biomass and energy requirements were revamped. In silico simulations, using Flux Balance Analysis (8), accurately predict the phenotypic behavior of the leaf cell when exposed to phototrophic and heterotrophic conditions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    INTERVENÇÕES EM DOENTES COM DEGLUTIÇÃO COMPROMETIDA Álvara Silva 1, Ana Taborda1, Hélder Vilarinho1, Inês Rocha1, Olinda Vieira1 1Serviço de Traumatologia Craneo Encefálica (TCE), HSA/CHP. Hospital de Santo António, Centro Hospitalar do Porto (HSA/CHP), Porto. Introdução Deglutição compreende uma actividade neuromuscular complexa, que se inicia de forma consciente e envolve quatro fases: antecipatória, oral, faríngea e esofágica. A disfagia apresenta-se como um sintoma de uma doença, relacionada com alguma parte do tracto digestivo da boca até o estômago podendo originar complicações como a desnutrição, desidratação e respiratórias. Objectivos Identificar e analisar as intervenções mais adequadas às características individuais do doente com deglutição comprometida. Material e Métodos Revisão de literatura através de bases de dados: ISI Knowledge, EBSCO, Oaister, Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde. As palavras-chave utilizadas foram: Intervenções, Disfagia, Reabilitação; Técnicas de Deglutição. Os critérios de inclusão foram: artigos publicados em português e inglês, com acesso livre, texto completo, desde 2005, num total de 208 artigos, tendo sido apenas sido incluídos 8 artigos. Resultados A introdução de alimentos de forma fraccionada, tal como a sua viscosidade (pastosos) são técnicas eficazes para evitar complicações como a desnutrição, desidratação e infecções respiratórias. Efectuando a protusão da língua e abertura da mandíbula, ocorre uma estimulação dos músculos genioglosso e supra hióideos. Em presença de um bolo com consistência mais sólida estes músculos podem tornar-se mais fortes e longos. A deglutição supraglótica, fortalece os músculos do osso hióide, expande a amplitude de movimento do mesmo e aumenta o efeito de protecção da via aérea. A estimulação eléctrica produz efeitos favoráveis na recuperação da disfagia nos doentes após tratamento de cancro de pescoço e da cabeça. Um programa precoce de deglutição de alta intensidade promove a recuperação da função normal da deglutição em doentes com AVC. A administração de líquidos constitui um alto risco para pacientes com a deglutição comprometida. Estímulos mecânico e térmico sobre os pilares do palato e gloso não produzem resposta motora na fase faríngea. Conclusões Nesta revisão da literatura foram analisados vários estudos científicos de diferentes autores, com o objectivo identificar a evidência que forneça um conjunto de intervenções que visem a recuperação de doentes com comprometimento da deglutição. Os trabalhos científicos aqui revistos apontam para necessidade de maior investimento neste âmbito, visto os trabalhos utilizarem amostras heterogéneas, ausência de descrição detalhada das intervenções implementadas, não utilização de critério final a deglutição funcional. Apresentador: Olinda Vieira, Enfermeira, Serviço de Traumatologia Crâneo Encefálica (TCE), HSA/CHP