68 research outputs found

    Chronic Viral Hepatitis: Etiology, Pathogenesis of Liver Damage and Mechanisms of Persistence

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    Chronic hepatotropic viruses commonly evade the antiviral defence systems of the body and cause a long - lasting persistent infection. The prolonged nature of the infection ensures that every infected person has ample opportunity to transmit the virus to others, allowing many millions of people world- wide to become infected. Three viruses commonly cause chronic hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus and hepatitis Delta virus. Virus specific CD8 T cells of the host, represent the main effector cells against viral infection. Where as the antiviral cytokines have a major role in the control of viral replication (non-cytolytic inhibition). To cause persistent infection, a virus must avoid the host defences and that hepatotropic viruses have developed elaborate strategies to achieve this. In the case of hepatitis B virus, two proteins are involved in the inhibition of the host defences; those are the core protein that has been shown to inhibit the production of interferon and the polymerase protein has been shown to inhibit its effect. Where as in the case of hepatitis C virus, the NS5A and E2 protein reduce the effect of interferon by inhibiting the antiviral kinase. In order to survive and persistent in the liver, the hepatotropic viruses must be able to avoid both arms of the immune system, either by mutation of viral proteins or by preventing activation of the immune system


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    Pelaksanaan eksekusi obyek jaminan fidusia, ternyata sering menimbulkan masalah. Masalah dapat datang dari pihak kreditur, atau dari debitur berupa upaya menghalang-halangi pelaksanaan eksekusi. Penelitian ini meneliti pelaksanaan eksekusi terhadap objek  jaminan fidusia untuk pemenuhan kewajiban debitur dalam  perjanjian kredit pada PT. BPR. Kanaya dan kendala-kendala yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaan eksekusi tersebut. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum empiris, bersifat deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan studi dokumen dan wawancara. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis secara kualitatif. Eksekusi terhadap objek  jaminan fidusia pada PT. BPR. Kanaya dilaksanakan jika wanprestasi disepakati oleh debitur. Jika debitur menyepakati wanprestasi yang terjadi dan menyerahkan objek fidusia secara suka rela maka dapat dijual melalui pelelangan umum atau di bawah tangan. Jika tidak harus diajukan permohonan kepada pengadilan. Kendala-kendala yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaan eksekusi terhadap objek jaminan fidusia pada PT. BPR. Kanaya, antara lain adanya keharusan untuk mengajukan kepada Pengadilan Negeri apabila debitur tidak sepakat mengenai adanya wanprestasi dan tidak bersedia menyerahkan barang yang dibebani fidusia secara sukarela, ada kecenderungan debitur tidak bersedia membuat kesepakatan penjualan barang secara langsung, adanya potensi gangguan keamanan dalam eksekusi terhadap barang tersebut, dan adanya gangguan dalam pendaftaran fidusia secara elektronik

    Prototipe Pemesanan Bahan Pustaka Melalui Web Menggunakan Active Server Page (Asp)

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    Electronic commerce is one of the components in the internet that growing fast in the world. In this research, it is developed the prototype for library service that offers library collection ordering especially books and articles through World Wide Web. In order to get an interaction between seller and buyer, there is an urgency to develop a dynamic web, which needs the technology and software. One of the programming languages is called Active Server Pages (ASP) and it is combining with database system to store data. The other component as an interface between application and database is ActiveX Data Objects (ADO). ASP has an advantage in the scripting method and it is easy to make the configuration with database. This application consists of two major parts those are administrator and user. This prototype has the facilities for editing, searching and looking through ordering information online. Users can also do downloading process for searching and ordering articles. Paying method in this e-commerce system is quite essential because in Indonesia not everybody has a credit card. As a solution to this situation, this prototype has a form for user who does not have credit card. If the bill has been paid, he can do the transaction online. In this case, one of the ASP advantages will be used. This is called "session" when data in process would not be lost as long as the user still in that "session". This will be used in user area and admin area where the users and the admin can do various processes

    Analisis CFD Hambatan Kapal Katamaran dengan Stepped Hull Melintang

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    Perkembangan dalam ilmu dan teknologi telah memajukan metode dan pengetahuan dari desain lambung kapal. Kapal cepat memerlukan bentuk lambung yang baik untuk beroperasi secara efisien dan salah satu cara untuk mencapai efisiensi yang baik adalah dengan menggunakan step pada lambung kapal. Step pada lambung adalah diskontinuitas tajam yang berlokasi pada permukaan alas dari lambung. Pada kondisi sekarang, desain dari kapal dengan stepped hull hanya dilakukan pada kapal planing monohull, namun pengembangan desain untuk kapal katamaran dengan stepped hull sudah mulai dilakukan oleh para desainer kapal. Diketahui bahwa analisa hambatan pada lambung katamaran dengan transverse stepped hull masih sangat terbatas di dalam literatur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami efek penggunaan step pada lambung katamaran terhadap hambatan kapal. Analisis hambatan pada penelitian ini menggunakan simulasi dengan Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Dalam simulasi tersebut, dianalisa pengaruh step pada hambatan kapal pada konfigurasi monohull dan katamaran menggunakan lambung tipe round bilge. Model katamaran diuji dengan separation ratio (S/L) 0,3. Variasi kecepatan pada setiap model dilakukan pada Froude Number 0,2, 0,3, 0,4, 0,5, 0,6, dan 0,7. Validasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan hasil uji tarik yang telah dilakukan untuk model tanpa stepped hull. Dari hasil simulasi diperoleh nilai hambatan, permukaan basah, tekanan pada model, dan wave pattern yang dihasilkan. Dari hasil simulasi didapatkan bahwa hasil simulasi CFD mendapatkan hasil dengan keselarasan yang baik dengan hasil eksperimen dengan margin perbedaan sesuai dengan kriteria yaitu di bawah 5%. Hasil perbandingan antara model dengan dan tanpa stepped hull mendapatkan hasil pada model monohull dengan stepped hull terjadi pengurangan nilai CT dan RT/Δ pada Fr 0,2 – 0,3 dan penambahan nilai tersebut pada Fr 0,4 – 0,7. Pada model katamaran dengan stepped hull terjadi pengurangan nilai CT pada Fr 0,2, dan penambahan nilai CT pada Fr 0,3 – 0,7 dan RT/Δ pada Fr 0,2 – 0,7

    Penentuan Persentase Uptake Radiofarmaka Tc99m Sulfur Colloid pada Sidik Hati (Liver Scan)

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    Based on data from the World Health Organization, showed that liver disease in Indonesia is in endemic high ranks. Early diagnosis of liver disease is very necessary for prevention and minimize the risk of liver disease. Research has been conducted on 28 patients on the biodistribution test of the liver scan using in vivo nuclear medicine technique that aims to determine the accumulation of counts Tc99m Sulfur Colloid in the body's metabolism, the percentage uptake activity in the heart, spleen, kidney, bladder, and liver as the target organ. The study was conducted using Tc99m obtained from elution of Mo99 generator and mixed with sulfur colloid. Tc99m allows a radiopharmaceutical can be detected and known location and sulfur colloid to determine where the target of radiopharmaceutical is accumulated. Liver scan is performed by injecting Tc99m Sulfur Colloid intravenously into the patient's arm as much as 2- 6mCi. Furthermore, the anterior posterior planar imaging in abdominal cavity at 5 minutes and 1 hour after injection of the patient by using a gamma camera. Determining the state of liver function can be seen from the percentage uptake activity at 5 minutes and 1 hour, the shape and size of the heart which can be evaluated from the image obtained. Biodistribution of Tc99m Sulfur Colloid showed a high percentage of the liver after 5 minutes and 1 hour. Based on the value percentage uptake activity obtained, there were 18 patients with a normal liver and 10 patients with abnormal liver

    Pembuatan E-Commerce Untuk “Lugz Shoes Collezione”

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    LUGZ Shoes Collezione is a store that sells products such as shoes as the main product and stand in Malang since July 23, 2005. To resolve an issue which a customer is not able to use some of the functions on the website, then in this thesis an user-friendly E-Commerce website for LUGZ Shoes Collezione is made.This website is made by using HTML and PHP programming language for the pages, AJAX and Javascript for the functions, and MySQL for the database. The features which are developed in this website include: a login system for the access rights, the tracking system to track the status of the purchased goods and payment systems to conduct online transactions.The result of making this website is customers can easily see the products sold and make purchases of products on the website at the same time then make the payment confirmation online. Administrators can also perform Tracking order, so there is interaction between the store and online shoppers
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